12/09/06 Cruise Continued ~ Pirating Bananas DIS Geekorama Part 2 Part 14

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Ok, who ever thought that popcorn jelly beans were a good idea, YUCK! and why do they have to be the same colour as coconut?

elaineteresa said:
Luckily the lady who was at GS when I dropped off our items - wrote instructions that indicated the princesses should all sign in their own colors. some of them did and some didn't. But the other items, I had done in red, black and yellow and they came out really great.

Kim had the same purse done that I did - now I have to hunt up the handles cuz I noticed that Joanne's is not carrying them anymore.

Are you going to use some kind of fabric protector on your pillowcase - Dody?


I didn't think of putting a fabric protector on them... DH says I should go to Michael's and buy some poster frames and frame the pillowcases and put them on the kids walls. That way they can't get ruined.
Niagara is getting (maybe) a Wizard of OZ amusement park, woo hoo, (what?)

I am finally getting around to checking my e-mail. Marielle should enjoy this. :goodvibes

The Creation of the Jersey Shore:

Once upon a time in the Kingdom of Heaven, God was missing for six days.
Eventually, Michael, the Archangel, found Him resting on the seventh day.
He inquires of God, "Where have you been?"
God sighed a deep sigh of satisfaction and proudly pointed downward through the clouds."Look, Michael, look what I've made."
Archangel Michael looked puzzled and said, "What is it?"
"It's a planet," replied God, "I've put life on it. I'm going to call it earth and it's going to be a great place of balance."
"Balance?"inquired Michael, still confused.
God explained, pointing to different parts of the earth, "For example, Europe will be a place of great opportunity and wealth, while Africa is going to be poor. The Middle East over there will be a hot spot." God continued, pointing to different countries, "This one will be extremely hot and while this one will be very cold and covered with ice." The Archangel, impressed by God's work, then pointed to the edge of a large land mass with an ocean as it border and said, "What's that one?"
"Ah," said God, "that's the Jersey Shore, the most glorious place on earth.There are beautiful beaches, rivers, lakes, and climate. The people from the Jersey Shore are going to be modest, intelligent, and humorous, and they are going to be found traveling the world. They will be extremely sociable, hardworking, and high achieving people and they will be known throughout the world as diplomatsand carriers of peace."
Michael gasped in wonder and admiration, but then exclaimed, "What about balance, God? You said there would be balance! Everyone and everything seems so totally perfect in this place you call the Jersey Shore"
God replied wisely, "Wait until you see the a**holes I'm sending down from Philadelphia every summer."
:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
good one, Caroline!
(let the record show that we have lived here for 8.5 years and have not yet taken a trip "down the shore.")
But would we be able to visit Caroline and not be considered Philly people invading the shore?
Ok, I was looking at some snapfish pictures... and on this one--

from the Lyons' album - were these items left by the stateroom attendant? Like the Santa Clause 3 and Fox and the Hound ad, etc? Our room NEVER looked like this. Half the time our navigator wasn't even in our room when we got back from dinner at 9:30 every night (it was usually slipped under the door an hour or so later). Did I just have a cruddy attendant?

What was the "Magical Moments" thing? I feel like I was jilted. :sad2:
Dody, Tana's family was chosen as the kids club family for the week and this was the gift bag that was delivered towards the end of the cruise.

87Heel said:
:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
good one, Caroline!
(let the record show that we have lived here for 8.5 years and have not yet taken a trip "down the shore.")
But would we be able to visit Caroline and not be considered Philly people invading the shore?

Of course! :thumbsup2

My parents grew up in Philly. :rolleyes1
pjpoohbear said:
Dody, Tana's family was chosen as the kids club family for the week and this was the gift bag that was delivered towards the end of the cruise.


Ah, ok, this makes me feel better. ;)

Congrats on that Tana... how cool!!! :goodvibes
tynkerbell said:
Ok, I was looking at some snapfish pictures... and on this one--

from the Lyons' album - were these items left by the stateroom attendant? Like the Santa Clause 3 and Fox and the Hound ad, etc? Our room NEVER looked like this. Half the time our navigator wasn't even in our room when we got back from dinner at 9:30 every night (it was usually slipped under the door an hour or so later). Did I just have a cruddy attendant?

What was the "Magical Moments" thing? I feel like I was jilted. :sad2:

oh Dody, don't feel jilted sweetie! We did have a great stateroom attendant, each night he left us a towel animal, navigator and chocolates. Navigators sometimes arrived after we got in the room if we got done with dinner early. That stuff in the picture was in a bag in our room on the last night. There was also a card on the top of the dresser from the kids' club. At first we thought the two were unrelated and I was on my way to take it to guest services to put in the lost and found... we couldn't figure out how we had picked up someone else's bag!! Then Paul saw our stateroom host in the hallway and he said he had put them in the room together, the card and bag were left outside our door with the card from the kids' club folks, they each signed it and said where they were from. We were blown away trying to figure out how this happened but PJ told us the next day we must have been their magical family. This was the first I had heard of this phenomenon but it really was exciting! The stuff is just silly stuff, pillowcases, a book, Oceaneer's Club hats, etc. But it was such a nice gesture!

I have no idea how they selected us. Hmmm, maybe Jackson crying for 20 minutes in the club made an impression on them?? After that first time of absolute misery (I got paged in 15 minutes into Palo brunch, I called down and he was sobbing uncotrollably and refused to talk to me, but by the time I had walked down there he was recovered :sad2: ). After that he was just fine and went back twice happily, the little turkey.

Did I hear right that someone else from our group was the magical family for the food services and had goodies in their stateroom nightly? I am curious what they brought, not that I could have eaten another bite all week but still like to know what's happening!! :rotfl:
Anyone willing to share Pirate Night (stage show and fireworks, general merriment) and shuttle launch pictures? I didn't bring my camera to either one. How dumb was that? :confused3 I saved the ones that have been posted of the launch so far but I need more! I didn't see any on the snapfish site so far.

No pressure folks but could ya post em soon? :rolleyes1 I plan to finish my scrapbook by this weekend.... so I can show it to the in-laws on Christmas in hopes of convincing them to go on a Disney Cruise with us instead of dragging us to WDW... I love WDW but think DCL is much better for big family things, at least THIS family, lol.
TanaL said:
Anyone willing to share Pirate Night (stage show and fireworks, general merriment) and shuttle launch pictures? I didn't bring my camera to either one. How dumb was that? :confused3 I saved the ones that have been posted of the launch so far but I need more! I didn't see any on the snapfish site so far.

No pressure folks but could ya post em soon? :rolleyes1 I plan to finish my scrapbook by this weekend.... so I can show it to the in-laws on Christmas in hopes of convincing them to go on a Disney Cruise with us instead of dragging us to WDW... I love WDW but think DCL is much better for big family things, at least THIS family, lol.
My pirate party character ones are not any good (too far away, too dark, too much motion). I've posted Bobby Banana on the Pirate Party big screen, but I don't think your family wants to see that. I also don't think they want the shot of my sister, brother, niece, daughter dancing at the party....

Oh, and did I mention the woman who kept going on and off the "dance floor" and knocking me and my camera everytime she went past us? Sent the lens cap flying one time...
I just emailed you Tana and I will try to post some to the site soon... I took over 1100 pictures... you are amazing to finish a scrapbook in a week. I'm still working on mine from the 2004 cruise!

It's a good thing y'all have gotten less chatty since returning because I'd never be able to keep up otherwise - work has gotten so busy -- I haven't caught up yet and I'm already in the thick of it! I need another vacation already :)
Thank you for those pictures Joy, that gives me a good start. I just sent them off to be printed and will pick them up tomorrow. This is a simplified scrapbook with some 12x12 typical scrapbook pages and lots of pictures in photosleeve pages behind them. I know it sounds a little ambitious but it's actually the least of my projects this week.. already finished off a remembrance scrapbook for my grandma for Christmas (about my grandpa who passed in June, at age 100, I had a bunch of friends and family write notes and share pics), also painting and decorating the dining room/living room and hosting 4 holiday meals, one each day Friday through Christmas Day. I was going to make some cool altered Christmas projects (canvases and wooden blocks) but I don't think there will be time. Tonight I am purging/reorganizing my closet because it just got way out of hand. Fortunately my MIL is coming over tomorrow to do a dolphin study unit, art project and music practice with the kids while I run errands. She hasn't seen the kids in a whole 2 weeks so she was anxious to come over, thank goodness for family sometimes. OK that's probably more than you all wanted to know about my (not so) exciting life!!
TanaL said:
Thank you for those pictures Joy, that gives me a good start. I just sent them off to be printed and will pick them up tomorrow. This is a simplified scrapbook with some 12x12 typical scrapbook pages and lots of pictures in photosleeve pages behind them. I know it sounds a little ambitious but it's actually the least of my projects this week.. already finished off a remembrance scrapbook for my grandma for Christmas (about my grandpa who passed in June, at age 100, I had a bunch of friends and family write notes and share pics), also painting and decorating the dining room/living room and hosting 4 holiday meals, one each day Friday through Christmas Day. I was going to make some cool altered Christmas projects (canvases and wooden blocks) but I don't think there will be time. Tonight I am purging/reorganizing my closet because it just got way out of hand. Fortunately my MIL is coming over tomorrow to do a dolphin study unit, art project and music practice with the kids while I run errands. She hasn't seen the kids in a whole 2 weeks so she was anxious to come over, thank goodness for family sometimes. OK that's probably more than you all wanted to know about my (not so) exciting life!!
:faint: WOW!
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