Torchwood Series 1 Discussion Thread

Nice to have you back Leela. :)

I agree with you Leela; it should be Christmas already.. Can't wait till DW christmas episode. Perhaps Catherine Tate can act like she's funny with the lines beeing fed into her.. :thumbsup2 Although, I am slightly miffed about the bringing back of santas. It's more like a weird feeling that they'd bring them back every year.. I hear there are Spiders involved in this one; perhaps Emporer Dalek will get his wish and get to see the hyperintelligent spiders again?

I also agree with Rich. A lot of people watched the first 2 episodes and then shut it out. Even Emporer Dalek doesn't come on here that often anymore.. :sad2: All I can really say is that I can't wait to DW series 3 so we can get back to discussions again.. :sad:
I have to say, although I havent seen last weeks as yet, I have really enjoyed most of the episodes, however I am easily pleased ;)
pokemon_master said:
Nice to have you back Leela. :)

Even Emporer Dalek doesn't come on here that often anymore.. :sad2: :

Dont read too much into that, the problem is ''TIME'' itself, stuck in a timespace votex means sometimes you have other priorities, like families!

Merry Christmas to all.

PS do not mention The Rani, or USA Daleks in New York, or Cybers, just pre order for Christmas 2007 now!
Andrew DEREK UK said:
Dont read too much into that, the problem is ''TIME'' itself, stuck in a timespace votex means sometimes you have other priorities, like families!

Merry Christmas to all.

PS do not mention The Rani, or USA Daleks in New York, or Cybers, just pre order for Christmas 2007 now!

Hi Emporer Dalek again. :wave2:

Are you trying to tell us something about the next series?? :scratchin
Well lets just say I took Micheal Grade from 1986 to next Christmas and showed him all of the Doctor Who toys and money spinners and reminded him that he was one of the few people around to get the better of the old doc and bannish him from BBC1 for such a long time.

But yes the Rani is back but not Kate O'Mara, and the Daleks I understand make their third agreed appearance, in New York, Judoon (vertical standing Rhinos, Plasmavores, ( I think they eat TV's -joke) Shakespeare, new assistant is a doctor, -well if she passes her exams! so lots of ''I am the Doctor, jokes!''

Last years Christmas special is on this afternoon at 4.25pm!
Watch it on BBC2 as there isnt anything else on Wednesday nights so cannot commment, liked all the episodes so far bar the canibal one with the all that killing on the farm and eating people. No plot on that one!
They seem to have quite a few sad episodes but it is good adult entertainment (with the exception of the one Andrew mentioned!)
I watched last Sunday's episode yesterday. I liked it. :)

Kinda rude in places and there were bits I didn't like (e.g. the son with Alzhimer's ~ I didn't know about it until that episode. Oh... :( , and the assisted suicide). Overall, I liked it. Would've like to have known if that women made it though..

Just like DW, they have a couple of bad episodes in the middle of the series and make the rest good. Well, that's hoping they make the rest good... :goodvibes Oh, and 5 days till the special!! :teeth:
The latest episode (plane from the past)

It was watchable and entertaining. However the overall series seems a bit lacking the the alien department.

Perhaps the special FX cost too much and its much cheaper to make episodes like this one as fillers.
Andrew DEREK UK said:
Dont read too much into that, the problem is ''TIME'' itself, stuck in a timespace votex means sometimes you have other priorities, like families!

Merry Christmas to all.

PS do not mention The Rani, or USA Daleks in New York, or Cybers, just pre order for Christmas 2007 now!

Nice to see you back, Emperor Dalek :wave: Hope you have a Merry Christmas too.

Haven't watched this week's episode yet, so will be back when I have.

Hey Guys, quick bump since I may get to watch this weeks ep tonight.

(It's also on the telly too.)
I watched it yesterday. I liked it though I hated what they did to the weevils. If I were one of them I'd rip everyone to shreds..

Finale next week. 2 in one go. I think with what the dude said in the last one is probably correct and next week we may get to see a big weevil that Jack had met??
Nice to see you back, Emperor Dalek :wave: Hope you have a Merry Christmas too.


That is a great picture of you with pooh at MK. I think he would have enjoyed it more than you!


Doctor Who Episodes 2007

Looks like we have to wait to Saturday 31st Marchfor the new series. and ITV will show Harry Potter.
Seen a lot of comment on, The Rani Zoe Lucker guest stars as the Time Lords's arch-enemy Judoon (vertical standing Rhinos). Rumours of The Master return,Davros too... Sontarans, Zygons, and Ice Warriors.

3.1 Smith and Jones -Something is on its way from Mars - and it's heading straight for Earth. The Doctor battles the familiar race of Ice warriors, and makes a new friend. written by Russell T. Davies, directed by Charles Palmer
3.2 The Shakespeare Code The Doctor meets The Bard. written by Gareth Roberts, directed by Charles Palmer Executive Producer Julie Gardener gave the assembled delegates a few exciting hints about what's to come. "We're in pre-production on Doctor Who 3", she said. "We'll be filming for 34 weeks, beginning with a Christmas special. "Julie then went on to say that the TRADES will be travelling into the future during the third series: "...and into the past, where we will meet Shakespeare - and why wouldn't you

3.3 Flesh and Bone they go to new earth and meet the face of boe. travelling into the future year 5 billion and 43 written by Russell T. Davies, directed by Richard Clarke
3.4 (P1) Daleks in New York set in the 1930's. Doctor battles Daleks in New York
The two-parter will see the show's star David Tennant and assistant Martha Jones, face their famous foes in 1930s Manhattan. "This time, their plan is the most audacious Dalek scheme yet! Even the Doctor finds himself out of his depth," said lead writer Russell T Davies. They will be joined on the show by Spooks star Miranda Raison. Raison, who plays journalist-turned-spy Jo Portman in Spooks, will feature alongside Holby City's Hugh Quarshie and Ryan Carnes, of Desperate Housewives' fame. written by Helen Raynor, directed by James Strong
3.5(P2)written by Helen Raynor, directed by James Strong
3.6 The Lazarus Experiment Mark Gattis as scientists experiment ruined, (hypersonic sound wave manipulator) and a villain named Lady Thaw played by Thelma Barlow written by Stephen Greenhorn, directed by Richard Clarke
3.7 unknown
written by Chris Chibnall, directed by Graeme Harper

3.8 The Family of Blood
''Plasmavarovs'' Addapted from the novel "Human Nature", the doctor turns human. Possibly leaving Martha to face off an alien threat. written by Paul Cornell, directed by Charles Palmer

3.9 (P2) The Family of Blood written by Paul Cornell, directed by Charles Palmer

3.10 (unknown)
Jack might show at end written by Stephen Moffat, directed by Hettie MacDonald

3.11 Utopia with Captain Jack Harkness! And mainly Doctor less in this one,written by Russell T. Davies, directed by Graeme Harper

3.12/13 Doctor Freema and Jack written by Russell T. Davies, directed by Colin Teague
Torchwood Finale is tonight! :thumbsup2:

Also Sarah Jane Smith Adventures Premieres today.. :woohoo:
Hi let me firstly introduce myself Harry and a massive Dr Who fan. My thoughts on torchwood, has great potential some hit and miss story lines. Cant wait for the finale tonight, one of the better story-lines.

I've just been on sky text and they are saying that both Robert Caryle and Jason Statham and in the running for the next Dr. My Mrs says she will be an avid watcher if Jason Statham gets the part.

Cant wait for Sarah Jane Smith new series lets hope its good one.

Long live David Tennant
The BBC have been very active in saying The Sun paper report that David Tenant will depart in mid Series 4.

Through a universal translator that decodes as:-

He wants more money and agent is seeing how mch the BBC want him.


He is off in Series 4! and the toy shops need to sell their Doctors fast before another change:happytv:

Maybe the 11th Doctor is already aound, calling himself............
Captain Jack Harkness!
Great double episode tonight.

Only thing I thought was the demon looked borrowed straight from the Dr Who episode, and the game doom.
I loved the first episode - scary and thrilling although my brothers thought it weird how Jack and Jack could kiss/toshiko could be in the ball without being arrested. However, A) I didn't like the transistion into episodes. I mean, no cliffhanger? No sequencing? and b) the second episode was a lot worse than the first.

The second episode was bad because it dragged too much. The monster was there for what 5 minutes tops? And the sentimental parts just dragged and dragged and dragged. The major dissapointment was no Doctor at the end. They so could of done that; Why didn't they?!

Well, that's another BBC show which I will not be watching series 2 of (Well.. maybe.. ;) )

EDIT: Also would like to point out I haven't heard anything on the replacement, but I'd love it if Alan Davies was number 11. :goodvibes


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