Torchwood Series 1 Discussion Thread

Watched the double bill on new years night, the first part I thought was very good indeed, with a lot of mystery, the series is Sci-fi and has had good moments and the odd bad one.

The sex bits at the start of the series connected and were fun, |I liked the Alien in the girl at the start who killed men through orgasm that was a good story, I felt the Kiss between the two Captains wasn't necessary in this double bill, it seemed to be added for no reason, just effect,the holding hands was understood.

Part two was interesting the monster a bit big, but it was lost on me when you could see normal motorway traffic in the background going both directions at normal speed, white vans clearly seen, we saw people panic in the streets, wouldn't everyone in the country be panicking, driving away.

Maybe I am looking at it too much, but our good old Doctor has a find track record, Torchwood seemed to have messed everything up, they have touched. if I was in government or in America I would have closed them down.

They cause the time rift, they cause murders a few weeks back, one of their team, they kept a Cyberwoman, they were told to look after people from 1959, one dead- killed himself, ( assisted by Jack) one of the team misused his position and had an affair with a lady in his care, and only one lady went on to have a job.

Lastly the ''Tardis sound'' was good at the end, all that was required, one, you know the noise you didn't need to see its the Doctor, Captain Jack will be in the later part of the next DW series and I read one episode will be all about him only, ( without the Doc) to explain everything about Jack, and then that's a good cross over from Torchwood, plus remember David Tennent is very busy and would also demand a fee for appearing for a short time,

Like the Doctors hand its all 'in references' for the long standing Doctor fans to spot and enjoy, you do not need it in your face, its enjoyable looking for them.

As the Prime minister has been on BBC News 24 at Christmas pleading for the Doctor, you would have thought clever Gwen would have guessed who Jack's Doctor was.
Like Matt, maybe I will not be watching the second series. A lot of suspense in the first part, and agreeing with Matt and Andrew, the kiss between the two Jacks (that sounds a bit risky) I find it hard to believe that would have happened in the open in 1941. I mean, there is enough bigotry these days; back in 1941 they probably would have been arrested!! (by the way Matt, Tosh wouldn't have been arrested; we didn't declare war on Japan until 8th December 1941).

Likewise, the second half seemed to drag a little, and Owen must be feeling a little left out; he didn't get a snog with Cap'n Jack. :lmao:

EDIT: Also, my first thought when Jack and Tosh were stuck in 1941, was to write a letter to the local papers giving clues to the equation so that Owen and co could pick them up from the archives (Oh! That was "The End of Eternity" by Isaac Asimov).
(by the way Matt, Tosh wouldn't have been arrested; we didn't declare war on Japan until 8th December 1941).

Cheers for that little bit of info, though that didn't stop the one women thinking tosh was a spy.. :thumbsup2

What was your Best episode guys? Mine was Cyberwoman, but that's mostly because it seemed more Dr. Who then Torchwood. It just then went downhill from there.. :confused3
Cheers for that little bit of info, though that didn't stop the one women thinking tosh was a spy.. :thumbsup2

What was your Best episode guys? Mine was Cyberwoman, but that's mostly because it seemed more Dr. Who then Torchwood. It just then went downhill from there.. :confused3

The girl who killed men by having sex, really great story well done, Torchwood has been promoted I is now a BBC 2 Programme it will premier htere first next season, interesting it beat Lost in the BBC3 Sunday slot each week. Now BBC3 has lost it to TWO.

It will be interesting to see how they crossove Jack back from Doctor Who at the end of the next DW series, or does he come back at all?
Torchwood: The search for Jack, (not Spock). Last seen entering a blue police box.
Hi Everyone! I'm new here and just wanted to say hello and add my thoughts to the Torchwood comments already posted! I'm in the US and have seen the series because I have a multi-region DVD player. I just couldn't wait 'til the program was shown here in the US, I just HAD to have it! I agree with a lot of the comments here. As much as I love the program, there were definite episodes that I was rather disappointed in, namely Combat and Random Shoes and Greeks. Otherwise, I liked all the rest, especially Day One (the sex monster), Ghost Machine, Countrycide, Small Worlds, Capt Jack Harkness/End of Days! I'm so impressed with all the cast! And, as with Doctor Who (for me), a good episode involves ALL the characters (hense my favorites episodes)! I enjoy seeing the dynamic between them, just as I always liked the Doctor/Companion relationship. I'm sure I'm not the first to see a lot of similarities in that respect between Doctor Who and Torchwood. Let's face it, basically Capt Jack is "The Doctor" and the rest of the cast are the "companions"! It's a formula that works!
Hi Everyone! I'm new here and just wanted to say hello and add my thoughts to the Torchwood comments already posted! I'm in the US and have seen the series because I have a multi-region DVD player. I just couldn't wait 'til the program was shown here in the US, I just HAD to have it! I agree with a lot of the comments here. As much as I love the program, there were definite episodes that I was rather disappointed in, namely Combat and Random Shoes and Greeks. Otherwise, I liked all the rest, especially Day One (the sex monster), Ghost Machine, Countrycide, Small Worlds, Capt Jack Harkness/End of Days! I'm so impressed with all the cast! And, as with Doctor Who (for me), a good episode involves ALL the characters (hense my favorites episodes)! I enjoy seeing the dynamic between them, just as I always liked the Doctor/Companion relationship. I'm sure I'm not the first to see a lot of similarities in that respect between Doctor Who and Torchwood. Let's face it, basically Capt Jack is "The Doctor" and the rest of the cast are the "companions"! It's a formula that works!

Welcome series two of Torchwood is in production here, currently Jack has been taken away from Torchwood by the Doctor and will joing him in the last three episodes of our current DW series.

The show here was so succesful its been promoted to BBC2 this time, maybe, just maybe with a repeat on 'one' later at night, but most likley repeated on three all over the place.
Hi Everyone! I'm new here and just wanted to say hello and add my thoughts to the Torchwood comments already posted! I'm in the US and have seen the series because I have a multi-region DVD player. I just couldn't wait 'til the program was shown here in the US, I just HAD to have it! I agree with a lot of the comments here. As much as I love the program, there were definite episodes that I was rather disappointed in, namely Combat and Random Shoes and Greeks. Otherwise, I liked all the rest, especially Day One (the sex monster), Ghost Machine, Countrycide, Small Worlds, Capt Jack Harkness/End of Days! I'm so impressed with all the cast! And, as with Doctor Who (for me), a good episode involves ALL the characters (hense my favorites episodes)! I enjoy seeing the dynamic between them, just as I always liked the Doctor/Companion relationship. I'm sure I'm not the first to see a lot of similarities in that respect between Doctor Who and Torchwood. Let's face it, basically Capt Jack is "The Doctor" and the rest of the cast are the "companions"! It's a formula that works!

Heya, glad you enjoyed it!!! :goodvibes

We are waiting for Jack to come back and be with the real 'Doctor' :teeth: :goodvibes
Welcome to the Disboards and our Torchwood discussion. Glad to hear you enjoyed it, it's a good alternative to Doctor Who.

Hi! Thanks to everyone for being so welcoming to me, the new kid on the block! I'm new to all this discussion board thing! My 20-year-old neice said I should get on boards/forums and talk to people, so here I am! And I couldn't think of a better topic than Capt Jack and Torchwood! I do have a question you all can probably help me with. I just bought the 3 Torchwood books that are out, Slow Decay, Border Princes, and Another Life. Can anyone tell me what order these go in? I want to make sure I read them in the proper order (if that matters). Thanks! :cutie:
Does anyone know if this is likely to be repeated at all? Missed the first few and so never really tried that hard to get into it - but it sounds great :)
Welcome series two of Torchwood is in production here, currently Jack has been taken away from Torchwood by the Doctor and will joing him in the last three episodes of our current DW series.

The show here was so succesful its been promoted to BBC2 this time, maybe, just maybe with a repeat on 'one' later at night, but most likley repeated on three all over the place.

Hi! I just read your other post where you mentioned something that I had not thought of before...Clever Gwen should have figured out who "the right kind of Doctor" is that Jack keeps referring to, since the PM made that appeal for help on TV. You're absolutely right! And speaking of Gwen, do you (or anyone) have ideas regarding why it is Gwen's kiss that brings Jack back at the end of the last episode? He even thanks her, as if he had been waiting for her to do that! I was thinking back to the episode "Day One" when Gwen kisses Jack after he saves her from the "sex monster". He looks quite perplexed. Could he have realized at that moment that she was "special" in some way? Or, does it go back to the resurrection glove and Suzy - the whole life force thing? Just curious! :cutie:
Oooooo.....very interesting:confused:

I think there may be something Special about Gwen.:wizard:
Just had to say hi. Huge D.Wh. and Torchwood Fan.
Also love the Sarah Jane eps, which I watch with my son (future DW fan!)

My comment: I loved the Face of Bo connection. Anyone else... thoughts?
Hi! I just read your other post where you mentioned something that I had not thought of before...Clever Gwen should have figured out who "the right kind of Doctor" is that Jack keeps referring to, since the PM made that appeal for help on TV. You're absolutely right! And speaking of Gwen, do you (or anyone) have ideas regarding why it is Gwen's kiss that brings Jack back at the end of the last episode? He even thanks her, as if he had been waiting for her to do that! I was thinking back to the episode "Day One" when Gwen kisses Jack after he saves her from the "sex monster". He looks quite perplexed. Could he have realized at that moment that she was "special" in some way? Or, does it go back to the resurrection glove and Suzy - the whole life force thing? Just curious! :cutie:
just thought i'd drop by and say i've met john barrowman and the black woman (sorry her name escapes me lol) in real life lol!



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