8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 13

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OK, it's not a Pirate Joke. My mom sent it to me in an email. But it's a knee slapper. Consider it my apology for the last one. :rotfl:

pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate:
>An old Italian man lived alone in the country. He wanted to dig his
> tomato garden, but it was very hard work as the ground was hard. His
> only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man
> wrote a letter to him:
> Dear Vincent,
> I am feeling pretty badly because it looks like I won't
> be able to plant my tomato garden this year. I'm just getting too old
> to be digging up a garden plot. I know if you were here my troubles
> would be over. I know you would be happy to dig the plot for me. . .
> Love, Dad
> A few days later, he received a letter from his son
> Dear Dad,
> Don't dig up that garden. That's where I buried the bodies
> Love, Vinnie
> At 4 a.m. the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived at
> Vinny's Dad's house and dug up the entire area without finding any
> bodies. They apologized to the old man and left. That same day the old
> man
> received another letter from his son:
> Dear Dad,
> Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now. That's the best I could
> do under the circumstances
> I Love you, Vinnie

pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate:

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Boy do I have a lot of ketchup. But it will have to wait for another day. For those of you who missed chat this week - it was a wild time!
:angel: :flower3: ...hoping all is going well with our lil'miss~ allshookup.

* i was very moved by your heart-warming reflections, :sad1: ,
[ i couldn't think of any better proof, there's something special
for those giving us "tears of joy". ]

* i think God gave us a wide range of emotions...not only to discover
happiness throughout our lives, but to cope when negative outcomes
befalls us....pain can be a critical difference to save life~ while
emotional pain, has the motivation factors for redirecting, toward
recovery & better things to be. your :love: "felt" reflections made me
realized there are times feeling depress, is the way to be, in order
to cope with our losses. esp. those sharing and having influences in
our daily lives. i can't tell how much your :sad1: made me feel

good about my family & their well being. :grouphug: .

[ iam still missing my dear mother..though she had some hellcat ways
..redhead, you know?] :love:

LG I am doing good...thank you so much for caring! :hug: I was very busy this weekend & I spent a lot of time with family. It is good to have my family around for support. Thank you also for all your "eloquent" words.

I am sorry you still miss your DM. :hug: It never gets easy does it?



That villa looks beautiful! What a wonderful place to vacation!

JoJo turned 14 years old this past May. That's pretty old for a pure bred poodle. We've made sure that he was taken care of whenever he needed it.

He is my buddy! Right now he is snoozing next to me in my chair. :hug:

Thanks for the good wishes.

I'm glad JoJo is feeling better & resting! :hug:

Hi Everyone! I'm back from the fundraiser and a great time was had by all! It was a large turnout at our niece's house (about 100 I think). So, we didn't get to visit too much, but we did get to see our nephew (really our great nephew, but that makes me feel too old) and he is looking GOOD! He is thin, as one might imagine after the 10 months of chemo and hospital living he's been through, but all and all he looks really GOOD! It did our hearts good to see them, as a family, doing just the very ordinary, after the year they've just been through. Thanks for all your kind words too!

It's funny when you come from a large family. My DH John is the 9th of 10 children and he is the seventh (and baby) brother YIKES! Be afraid, be very, very afraid :scared1: Anyway, this our great nephew is John's Brother's Daughter's Son, and he is older than our own son! Like I said, hard to keep up in a large family too!

MR so sorry to hear that your DGN is so sick! Sending him, you & your whole family best wishes! :wizard: I'm glad the fundraiser went well! :hug:
Impromptu chat was fun last night pirates!
Does anyone else remember when sitting home on a Saturday night was a fate worse than death?


I assume you meant DH, not DS. Unless you have a 3rd child you've been keeping locked in a closet. You're great Crash, but I bet you are one heck of a back seat poster!


Ahhh.... I guess maybe I was wrong about that... was I? DS to me means Dear Spouse... and DH means Dear Honey. But I can see how DS could be Dear Son? AND... I imagine DS could also be Dear Swabbie and Dopy Sister or Dizzy Servant?! Now... as for DH.... ??? <chuckles> ... anyone wanna help me with THIS one?

Of course the increase in the use of bovine growth homone has lead to a dramatic increase in the size of.... well, lets just say more voluptuous young wenches....

OK... some assume that .... but also it means EVERTHING ELSE advancing in what I consider a premature way. Then again, who's to say WHEN the right time is for anything anymore? ...eh?

What, you expected me to READ your entire post. It had a lot of big words in it and I am just a humble pirate.

Payment in mickey bars, right?

Bars PLUS sprinkles....

As long as the sushi wasn't swimming in the pool a few minutes earlier...

Ahhh.... but the BEST Sashimi (and sushi) is the sort that was swimmin' just a few moments prior to consumption. That is... with the possible exception of a fish that's NOT been shocked in a chlorinated pool prior to consumption! You should try some FRESH sashimi (or sushi) versus the usual variety found in markets or sushi bars.

As soon as I can find a tape measure big enough.

So..... you're a candidate for MALE BREAST REDUDCTION? I've heard of this before however I have yet to encounter someone in real life with this affliction... My regrets to your wardrobe... <chuckles>

Afternoon all - chat was so fun last night! LET YOUR FREAK FLAG FLY!

TOld DH & DS that we're going to the Aug 4 Yankee game with 20-25 of the peeps:thumbsup2!

Yup ... chat last nite felt like we were all gettin' away with somethin' ... like when I was in HS and we sort of all drove off campus for lunch when we were not supposed to. I'd say we all got away "Scott clean" the other evenin'. <steady grins>

OK, it's not a Pirate Joke. My mom sent it to me in an email. But it's a knee slapper. Consider it my apology for the last one. :rotfl:

pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate:
>An old Italian man lived alone in the country. He wanted to dig his
> tomato garden, but it was very hard work as the ground was hard. His
> only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man
> wrote a letter to him:
> Dear Vincent,
> I am feeling pretty badly because it looks like I won't
> be able to plant my tomato garden this year. I'm just getting too old
> to be digging up a garden plot. I know if you were here my troubles
> would be over. I know you would be happy to dig the plot for me. . .
> Love, Dad
> A few days later, he received a letter from his son
> Dear Dad,
> Don't dig up that garden. That's where I buried the bodies
> Love, Vinnie
> At 4 a.m. the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived at
> Vinny's Dad's house and dug up the entire area without finding any
> bodies. They apologized to the old man and left. That same day the old
> man
> received another letter from his son:
> Dear Dad,
> Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now. That's the best I could
> do under the circumstances
> I Love you, Vinnie

pirate: pirate: pirate: pirate:

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Boy do I have a lot of ketchup. But it will have to wait for another day. For those of you who missed chat this week - it was a wild time!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Good morning all.:)

I woke up and DS has not made it home yet. Boy is he in trouble.:headache:
Rainy and damp, that's why I woke up a little after 3am and now have my knee wrapped up in the heating pad. :sad2:

Hope it gets to feeling better today Andy.:)
My back is really aching this morning. I must have lifted something wrong in the cooler at work yesterday.
And on that note - I just had to post that within the last 10 minutes - I made my 1000th post on this board. It just so happen to be on my Med thread but since you all know me - I had to come here and say it!

:cheer2: :banana: 1000th posting! :banana: :cheer2:

Amazing - when I first started I thought I'd NEVER EVER hit 1000 post and gosh within the last 4 months - I've more than tripled my original starting post. Can't help but wonder what that says about me. :confused:

:banana: :banana:
Hi fellow shipmates. I spend most my time trying to keep up with all these posts, but am so excited I had to join in.....we're paid in full!:banana: :banana: :banana: Now just need a room number & a switch to early dining (fingers crossed)

:welcome: :welcome:
Afternoon all - chat was so fun last night! LET YOUR FREAK FLAG FLY!

TOld DH & DS that we're going to the Aug 4 Yankee game with 20-25 of the peeps:thumbsup2!

:woohoo: :woohoo: We are gonna have a lot of fun.
:angel: :flower3: ...hoping all is going well with our lil'miss~ allshookup.

* i was very moved by your heart-warming reflections, :sad1: ,
[ i couldn't think of any better proof, there's something special
for those giving us "tears of joy". ]

* i think God gave us a wide range of emotions...not only to discover
happiness throughout our lives, but to cope when negative outcomes
befalls us....pain can be a critical difference to save life~ while
emotional pain, has the motivation factors for redirecting, toward
recovery & better things to be. your :love: "felt" reflections made me
realized there are times feeling depress, is the way to be, in order
to cope with our losses. esp. those sharing and having influences in
our daily lives. i can't tell how much your :sad1: made me feel

good about my family & their well being. :grouphug: .

i hope i can do a lil'justice for honoring the gifts & inspirations, you
generously offered us....by reflecting one of my values, :hug: ,...
once upon a time, i knew life meant, i would live forever....just like
the fairytales..over time, with family losses, the reality reflected a
different type of belief...[ to this day,i am not fond of mirrows,

esp. the talking ones-:rolleyes1 ]. thati was not as invincible as my
desires....& then came the day, finding my self @ the alter....with
my lil'miss pretty thing, :bride: /:smokin: , * i can still recall my exact

feeling = :eek: , "jitters & all-even though for my own good, :yay: .

then came the pitty-patty of lil'feet....all reminders~ life is precious,
and always on borrow :hourglass . and reading your wonderful coping,
took me back--to the reasons why---"we", [my lil'miss cutie pie] set
in place..the road we hope our children will follow IF we are not there
to guide them...our saferty deposit box, has 10 sets of 10 day tickets-
with our mesaage of hopes & recovery....to honor us by continuing to
seek their happiness.

why disney?..why not! i like the orginal concepts, walt intended. while
it may not be prefect in all aspects....in general, the whole are coming
to celebrate their :love: for family. when i see "maw's" families smiling
...by~golly....i feel renew & grateful.

that's why i think family news here is very disney-~like, and sharing
common interests..., yep mary rose's..new gadget, of blending all kinds
of concoctions..had me dreaming pixiedust: ..and this burning ? , did
it come with batteries...:rolleyes1

the here & now....i post my observations with some of my favorite
feelings...so others can "see" what iam about. i defintly may not
fit everyone's idea , but that's ok too. i like diversity..cultures & history
...while i am strong with opinions(effect of aging)~:teacher: , i respect
differences so i can spend my times- "seeking those sharing my preferences".

wow...i had very lil'expectations posting here, as those may recall, out
to have some fun...was primary motivation. then reading about families,
adventures and interests...is what think is so inviting. i feel privileged
of being in a position for my family "doing" disney cruises & realizing the
reasons why..are from meeting people like yourselves. there are indeeds,
some very special character going with us...causing me> :yay:

...that's micmse03, you add your special magic ":earsgirl: ", to every

important details, :thumbsup2

out of place...i got to admitt , on formal nights, i may be all dressed up,
but it seem so sureal with all those around, fancy & professional looking..
i am plain & simple..always will be. but my lil'princess: loves getting all
doll up, so i endure. [i rather be in pirate 's clothing].

i thought this had some true value in life: :hippie:

it was noted by a famous idealist....insanity is repeating the same
behaviors and expecting different results. true. in my world, i see the
primary problem of those living misery, by not chosing to
altered their previous choices. daily, my life are fill with those seeking
new results. i'm so sorry, but the best i can do , is to present alternatives .
after that..they must chose for themselves... if they are to find
their desired outcomes. * since i live more on impulse powers, i
often encorporated those demonstrating sucessful tatics.
i guess...making me a real pirate: ?

however, i often make this suggestion..do the things today, you like to
remember tomorrow. not only that explained my desire for participating,
but sorta have me wanting to do more...cruises...thru the good, bad,
and pretty~ugly too, we always seem "packed" with memories of a
lifetime. [ i have no regrets on any of our cruises...hurricanes & all]

in all my expressions, i hope maybe they might be a reminder of all
your good experiences from disney..and the comforts they may bring.

[ iam still missing my dear mother..though she had some hellcat ways
..redhead, you know?] :love:

Stepht let us know when you are available and I don't know how flexible Paula (PBader) but we homeschol so we are incredibly flexible and also our friends that we had chosen our date around just cancelled. Paula does another date work better for you too????

I would have to see. I know that week it gonna be slow at Adam's school.
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