8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC Part 13

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May I submit this toaster for your consideration....

ANd on another note ... my spouse just called to say she heard that the unclaimed funds and property department in California is "OK" with the Federal oversite entity that was previously thought to be suspending thier operation. SO my earlier concerns about recovering some property they were holding is apparently not an issue any longer! Woo-Hooo!
My aunty had it on hers when she died at 91 but her mother (my granny) didn't at aged 87.

That reminds me of the old age story i have from my church secretary days...

We had a member who would send in a memorial gift for her husband every year. I think she lived in some kind of assisted living/skilled care home too.
Anyway she would always call and make sure we got her check for her "Harvey." She would also say you know i'm 93 years old. (and she was)
She was the most lucid and with-it 93 yo i'd ever talked to.

Well one time she also told me that she had been to the doctor and he had removed a small skin cancer from her face. She said that Dr told her she'd have a scar there for the "rest of her life". :rotfl: (Uh she's 93..how much longer could that be)
For all the people who are confused by math and statistics:

"I was reading an article today where it said 1 in 5 people in the world are Chinese.

There are five people in my family.

I wonder which one is Chinese?"

So 3 or more of my family are NOT Chinese? Hmmm....

.... should I be worried?

Maybe I can wrangle another result from the Windows calculator...

Well... maybe we are not counted that way since I was born in LA and my spouse in Buffalo NY?



...on another note here is a code for viewing some photos from our visit to Disneyland yesterday. Go to Disney Photo Pass .com and if you're registered enter DLR3-Y6T4-C3C7-H4R7. This is the 1st time I've treied this Disney site. Its' Interesting but the prints are little pricey!​

... that's wonderful! I suspected it had to be something like that. What a pleasant surprise! I don't suppose I could corner ya fer a vow renewal on our sailin' could I... <chuckles>


Tom, do you recall in the beginning of our thread how the wenches were talking about a vow renewal enmass? Brack is the one who I volunteered for the job. :)
You know, computer science stemmed from math, in fact, many schools still run their CS programs out of the Math Dept.

At a computer software training course, a group of computer programmers were asked "If you had just boarded an airliner and discovered that your company's software was responsible for the flight control software, how many of you would remain onboard?"

One man raised his hand. The instructor asked him why he would be willing to stay on board.

"Well, with my company's software, it's highly unlikely the plane would be able to taxi to the runway, let alone take off".
On Saturday, I worked backstage at the dance recital, so it's hard to get her flowers and give them to her. So a local florist had on their sign they now have Webkinz. She has been wanting one so we stopped on the way home and she got her monkey. :love: Funny thing is she wanted to call it Chellee and the site said she couldn't use that name because it has a word not allowed in it! :confused3 So now it's Chelee!

Does that mean we have to put "Chellee" on the list with "t-****'s" and "add"?

For all the people who are confused by math and statistics:

"I was reading an article today where it said 1 in 5 people in the world are Chinese.

There are five people in my family.

I wonder which one is Chinese?"

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I had to take a Biostats course last semester.
That about sums up what I learned from it! :thumbsup2

IIRC a couple of you here are daycare providers? I gotta know if I'm overreacting or what...

DW called and told me about the latest visit to the Y. Our Y offers 2 free hours of Child Watch which is nice because we don't have a babysitter as of yet. (One advertised on CraigsList and she's in our development but that's a story for later). Anyway, she went to sign DS in and the lady said he can go join the 2-year old group. :confused: Evidently he's not a baby anymore and can play with the big kids. The main difference is they have more structured activities but he could still hang out in the baby area.

So DW put him over there and asked the lady to please put his hat on him should he go outside. Yes, he'll probably take it off but he's pretty good about wearing it. She said no problem. Well she left and didn't pass the word to the next girl who came in. Yeah, you know where this is going...DW said a lady came up to her and asked if she is "Nathan's Mommy"--yes, that's her name now :teeth:--and that she should go check on him. Well he was outside and when the girl went to bring him in...he was red as a beet!!!!
:eek: Not only that but he was sopping wet from sweat and his diaper was about 5 pounds (not dirty, just wet)!!!! The girl sloughed it off saying he must have been playing hard...
Well the mommy behind DW demanded to see her tow headed child and she was just as bad or worse! Well she started to raise holy hell
and I guess there's going to be a big pow wow tomorrow. Turns out the lady who normally runs that side wasn't in that day so I don't know if this was lack of training or what.

DS if feeling fine now...he had sunscreen on, sucked down his entire sippy cup in about 2 seconds and DW says he only has a little sunburn on his cheeks. Not sure how that other little girl will fare because she didn't have sunscreen on...
At a computer software training course, a group of computer programmers were asked "If you had just boarded an airliner and discovered that your company's software was responsible for the flight control software, how many of you would remain onboard?"

One man raised his hand. The instructor asked him why he would be willing to stay on board.

"Well, with my company's software, it's highly unlikely the plane would be able to taxi to the runway, let alone take off".


Imagine if Microsoft made avionics software...

You are attempting to land. This is a potentially hazardous action. Do you wish to continue?

LOL! They take after their daddy! And I am glad y'all are letting me fit right in here! :goodvibes
Our oldest three have even perfected the art of taking their own photo! :rotfl: :rotfl: 16dd told me the trick is to lower your shoulder so that it doesn't look like you're taking your own photo! :rotfl2:

Poor kids need a camera that lets them take MAGIC PICTURES! Mine love to push the button & run to be in the picture. :)

What I want to know is why does a toaster go all the way up to 'burnt beyond recognition' setting? My toaster goes up to 7 and at 4, the toast is already very dark. Do people really eat charred beyond belief toast?

Well if you're detoxing from your Friday night DISchat and several Mike's Hard beverages whilst talking about flag poles....

Yeah, the carbon from the burnt toast would be the poor man's method of detox they use in the ER ;)

What I want to know is why does a toaster go all the way up to 'burnt beyond recognition' setting? My toaster goes up to 7 and at 4, the toast is already very dark. Do people really eat charred beyond belief toast?

My step-father did, I never had him make me toast.................:eek:
Hey everybody - somebody probably has posted but take at look at my siggie line?

I think I'm within guidelines - ok - don't laugh ok - but I calculated bytes and it looks like I'm in - but I'm a techno-phobic.

You all like? :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: :banana:
They had a bigger one but I was afraid to post that one considering I didn't know the size. Didn't want it to be too big.

BTW, I know where the TF has gone - she graced our thread with about 5 or 6 tags this morning. And CCrash? Your wind post made its debut over there so now your infamous! :lmao:
Kind of caught up and finished downloading pictures from yesterdays trip to Disneyland. Was walking by this and thought of Judy and chat and had to take a picture.

Does anyone here play VMK?
Good Evening Everyone!

Thanks for all your welcome homes for Taryn. We actually didn't get home from picking her up until 1:45 am! She hops in the car and announces "Tomorrow is an excused absence" Yeah, well, where is mine and your father's excused absence haaaa??? Got to bed at 2, fell asleep at 3 and the alarm went off at 5:30. Needless to say, it was a stellar Monday for DH and me. Taryn however, slept in til 11 and lunched with friends. STs YOU GOTTA LOVE EM!!! I am glad she's home safe and sound and very delighted that she had such an awesome time with her great buds. They are all going to different colleges and this was a last hurrah of sorts which is kind of sad..........

I had to have dinner now and still need to catch up some more, but I have decided that this Friday in chat I will definitely be the grand dame of manners and decorum. I swear you will not recognize me! Then the following week I'll go back to being my uncouth self :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :thumbsup2
First let me start with the new Finding Nemo Submarine ride. It offically opens next Monday, but they had the subs out running yesterday (no one on them) but it was exciting seeing them again. They even have a bouy seen here with seagulls and "Mine, Mine, Mine".
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