Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes Part 2

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Here are a few I had taken to send to someone. They aren't great up close shots, but they might give you a better idea on the construction of the corset. Let me know if you want me to take better pictures of anything specific.




I think the coins are cute. I saw packages of them at Walmart near the ribbon section. pirate: HTH!

This is fabulous! The coins make it really special!
Thanks for your help -- I think I know what you mean. In other words, the three skirt layers are individually sewn on a straight piece that you cannot see. I just love the "flair" of the ruffles -- they don't look gathered but almost circular.

That's exactly right. I don't think that I could have figured out how to cut the ruffles without the pattern. Each one has three pieces and comes out as a circle with an open center when the three pieces are sewn together. There is no gathering involved. A more experienced seamstress could probably do it, but I needed a pattern. They were a pitb to hem and attach to the skirt, but I like the result.

My "subject" is asleep so I can't try this princess skirt on her. I DID measure the elastic around her waist WHILE she slept :rolleyes1

I'm doing the "Sewing for Dummies" pattern (Simplicity #4206). I have to say, I love all the extra tutorials included in the pattern instructions. It has extra tips and doesn't assume you know ANYthing...perfect!

I know this is off topic, but my dd is sick! She's not yet 3 and she was throwing up a couple days ago and has been having fevers off and on. Now she has a measles looking rash alllllll over her body. I don't think it's heat rash. Great! I'm taking her to the kid's Insta Care a little later. I just get so worried when my kids are sick. Goodness only knows what the sam-hill this is. Send a little pixie dust and especially prayers if you want. :sick:
Here are a few I had taken to send to someone. They aren't great up close shots, but they might give you a better idea on the construction of the corset. Let me know if you want me to take better pictures of anything specific.


I think the coins are cute. I saw packages of them at Walmart near the ribbon section. pirate: HTH!

This is sooo cute! Thank you for showing close ups on it. Just remember that our copying your work is the highest form of flattery. :rotfl: (If it turns out cute that is!)

I LOVE IT! ... I Love the JANOME, too! Very Nice!

I use them so much, I wear regular machines out in 1-2 mos :sad2: ...
I switched to using all-metal machines (mostly MORSE & INDUSTRIAL + a TOYOTA & a Bernina 350) ... but I had a VIKING for 7-8 years (almost daily use) = I miss "him" sooo much! :guilty:

I agree with you = you can get alot of help&info from your local sewing centers (my viking came from one) ... Most have GREAT SERVICE PLANS if you buy your machine there ~AND~ Many often do trade-ins & sell refurbished (in-house) ... + Most offer classes, too!

I bought my last two all-metal machines on e b @ y. I lucked out & found a reeeally great guy in Canada. ... He's awesome! & his machines are even better! :love: ... + He knows how to fix-up/restore just about any machine, to specs! + he packs his shipments really well & keeps the shipping very reasonable. :)

GREAT JOB on Your Sewing Room! :flower3:

MYTWOTINKS I was trying to quote your sewing room, but got a quote in a guote...:rotfl2: Hey, I'm electronically challenged at the moment. I had to get my daughter to get the memory card out of the camera.:sad2:

Very cute. I love that Mickey Gingham it's so cute I had to buy some. I don't know what I am going to make with it yet!

Can't wait to see what you can do with the Disney Machine.

Alright y’all. Go easy on me! Remember, I’ve never sewn an outfit before and I just started these on Saturday.
The first two are for a little girl we’re taking to Disney World with us.



I love this one. The colors are very pretty on you. You did a great job!:thumbsup2 I havent even attempted one for myself yet.

I LOVE my new Mickey purse:love: . I cannot wait to use it tomorrow. I made the pink one for my mom--it matches her scrubs. I also made the halloween one for her-- she loves candy corn. I love making these. It is alot of fun!!! ---- Mindy

I love your purses. :love: Did I hear you mention something about diaper bags? I have been thinking about doing some for baby showers at our church.

I did a few more quotes, but I am obviously challenged today..:rotfl2:

STEPHRES I love the animal print outfit a few pages back. Too cute!

ESAB :eek: Hey, if there had been crocs when those fairy tales were written, I bet they all would have worn crocs. We cant live without them...;)

UTAHMAMA Well, if you want a piratey outfit, get crackin woman. There's time a wastin. And you have to make one for Spongemama too! And Norah, and if you have anytime left, one for me, pretty pretty please????:laughing:
I know this is off topic, but my dd is sick! She's not yet 3 and she was throwing up a couple days ago and has been having fevers off and on. Now she has a measles looking rash alllllll over her body. I don't think it's heat rash. Great! I'm taking her to the kid's Insta Care a little later. I just get so worried when my kids are sick. Goodness only knows what the sam-hill this is. Send a little pixie dust and especially prayers if you want. :sick:

Aw, I'm sorry Nora's sick. It's scary when you don't know what's wrong with your kids. I'll say a prayer for her.
So you guys have seen pieces but I am finally done with the Epcot outfits for the kids. The pants for dd were so hard. I never realized how hard it is to applique on jeans:eek: . You guys make it look so easy. I also made a matching shirt ds1 but he is sick with the flu and taking a nap.



Now on to the next project :rotfl2:

I am so far behind and reading backwards! But I wanted to say what an awesome job you did, especially knowing you just started sewing more or less. I love the look of the shirt for your son and might have to do that for Dallas.
Can you tell me more about how you did Belle?

That is one of the dresses on our list for WDW!!

You don't need a pattern for the apron, IMO. The apron you can figure out how to make by looking at it. It's simply one long strip (for the tie/sash) folded in half with a rectangle attached. The rectangle is hemmed on three sides and then gathered at the top. You sew the rectangle into the seam of the folded long strip. I'm sorry that I'm not very good at explaining these things, LOL.

I'm sorry that I can't recommend a pattern number for the dress, but I think it should be easy to find one that will work. It doesn't have a zipper or buttons, it slides right over the child's head. The skirt needs to hit near the child's waist and not be an empire style so that it will look right with the apron.
You don't need a pattern for the apron, IMO. The apron you can figure out how to make by looking at it. It's simply one long strip (for the tie/sash) folded in half with a rectangle attached. The rectangle is hemmed on three sides and then gathered at the top. You sew the rectangle into the seam of the folded long strip. I'm sorry that I'm not very good at explaining these things, LOL.

I'm sorry that I can't recommend a pattern number for the dress, but I think it should be easy to find one that will work. It doesn't have a zipper or buttons, it slides right over the child's head. The skirt needs to hit near the child's waist and not be an empire style so that it will look right with the apron.

Thanks, I have the apron from her Alice costume I made her. I just have not found the perfect Jumper pattern. I am also on the look out for a store bought 3/4 sleeve peter pan collar shirt. I am hoping with school uniforms coming up I can find one at like Target.

My DD really wants Belle's blue dress. I also want to surprise her with Megra's dress from Hercules but I am really having a tough time finding a goddess 4T pattern.
I am so far behind and reading backwards! But I wanted to say what an awesome job you did, especially knowing you just started sewing more or less. I love the look of the shirt for your son and might have to do that for Dallas.

Thank you Jess! I learned why you open the seams on the jeans!:rotfl2: I think I'm done trying jeans for a while. Pregnancy hormones and trying to manipulate jeans in a tight space is not pretty!:eek: I almost threw everything out the window when I stictched the jeans shut for the fourth time! My seam ripper has never seen so much activity :rotfl2: . Now ds's shirt was simple. You could do that in your sleep. I think I'll be making lots of this style! Applique mickey onto a square of fabric, then applique the square to the shirt. Definitely much more my skill and patience level :cool1:
I love all the Mickey's with the pirate scarfs! Does anyone have a drawing/template they can post? I am not skilled enuf to draw my own! LOL
Somebody posted this *darling* Jojo halter & twirl outfit a day or two ago. It's to die for! I'm not making a Jojo set, but I'd like to use a similar color scheme for something else. I was wondering if anybody knew where I could find the blue with lime dot fabric used in this skirt. Thanks so much!
Okay, now I know I'm out of it.

UTAHMAMA I missed the part where Norah is really sick.:sick: I'm so sorry, I hope your're getting enough rest. :hug: Is Norah feelling any better? I'll say a prayer for ya'll.

For those wondering about the disney machine, here are a few that we did. Be careful with the type of stabilizer you use, it can gum up the needle and break the thread. :headache: I'm still learning how to get the right placement for the pictures. :rolleyes: So here they are.






Can anyone spot the mistakes!:rotfl:
Thank you Jess! I learned why you open the seams on the jeans!:rotfl2: I think I'm done trying jeans for a while. Pregnancy hormones and trying to manipulate jeans in a tight space is not pretty!:eek: I almost threw everything out the window when I stictched the jeans shut for the fourth time! My seam ripper has never seen so much activity :rotfl2: . Now ds's shirt was simple. You could do that in your sleep. I think I'll be making lots of this style! Applique mickey onto a square of fabric, then applique the square to the shirt. Definitely much more my skill and patience level :cool1:

Hey I do that too and I'm not even pregnant.:rotfl: :eek: No, not a chance.;)
Okay, now I know I'm out of it.

UTAHMAMA I missed the part where Norah is really sick.:sick: I'm so sorry, I hope your're getting enough rest. :hug: Is Norah feelling any better? I'll say a prayer for ya'll.

For those wondering about the disney machine, here are a few that we did. Be careful with the type of stabilizer you use, it can gum up the needle and break the thread. :headache: I'm still learning how to get the right placement for the pictures. :rolleyes: So here they are.






Can anyone spot the mistakes!:rotfl:

I don't get why the outlines and the fill ins are just a tad "off"??? Like in the Donald face. Why oh why did that happen? :scared1: Even a little off would probably drive me to drink (not really).

It's a ROBOT! It should fill in the lines perfectly!


P.S. I think Minnie looks pretty with red-lipstick and a white tongue!
Cute! Is the top that 'minky' fabric? It looks really soft

Sorry it has taken me so long to answer but yes, the top is a light blue minky dot. My dd has a blanket made out of the cream minky so she calls the Pooh dress her blanket dress. Gotta love the ideas of 2 year olds! LOL
has anyone see a black tank top in toddler and 7/14 girls in their shopping travels lol
Old Navy has them online, anyway!

Here are just a few more of our outfits. The quality of these pictures is not good. I took them with a disposable camera after my digital camera's battery ran out. I forgot to pack the charger! I usually have good luck with those little disposable cameras, but not this time.

My seven year-old wanted a High School Musical outfit to wear to the pep rally. She picked these fabrics and we added appliques. There's a basketball and the words "Go Team" on the back.


An acquaintance who has the embroidery machine did the Ariel embroidery. She did a nice job.


I wish this picture had come out better! These rhinestone Minnie shirts go for around $50 on an auction site, but a very kind seller sold me the materials and pattern and I made them myself. They took forever! There are those pink Crocs again! The red/white polka dot sandals never left the suitcase once Grandma bought her the Crocs.


This Belle applique t-shirt was done by the same designer who did the JoJo applique. I can't say enough good things about her! You can't really see it in my horrible photo, but we cut the Belle sections out of the princess fabric and used them along with pink, purple and yellow polka dot fabric. My daughter didn't want the typical Belle yellow.


I love the rhinestone shirts, I must get one of those!
Not a Disney outfit, but I had a ton of this material so I gave it a go. I am having a heck of time attaching the skirt to the tshirt material. Even going very slowly - it still bunched up in places. I have gone back and fixed some of it. Any tips to make this easier and look better? BTW, in this picture, the dress is a little crooked, I didn't fix it before I took the picture.

And, I have to add -- you other newbies are doing way better than me. I'll keep trying though!

I'm doing the "Sewing for Dummies" pattern (Simplicity #4206). I have to say, I love all the extra tutorials included in the pattern instructions. It has extra tips and doesn't assume you know ANYthing...perfect!

This was the first pattern I tried and I also appreciated how everything was explained. I hope your peanut is feeling better soon!

I love all the Mickey's with the pirate scarfs! Does anyone have a drawing/template they can post? I am not skilled enuf to draw my own! LOL

I have one I just drew. If you can't find one, pm me and I'll scan it in and send it to you.

Okay, now I know I'm out of it.

UTAHMAMA I missed the part where Norah is really sick.:sick: I'm so sorry, I hope your're getting enough rest. :hug: Is Norah feelling any better? I'll say a prayer for ya'll.

For those wondering about the disney machine, here are a few that we did. Be careful with the type of stabilizer you use, it can gum up the needle and break the thread. :headache: I'm still learning how to get the right placement for the pictures. :rolleyes: So here they are.


Can anyone spot the mistakes!:rotfl:

They're not mistakes: they are bits of love sewed in! I think you did a great job!
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