October 20th 2007 Western Magic Part 4

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Wolverine will be great (I hope it is origin-based) Ironman will be cool. I heard about that.

Kinda like guys day on the boards today.

Centers on the talon-clawed mutant superhero from the X-Men.
Genres: Action/Adventure and Science Fiction/Fantasy

Release Date: Summer, 2008 (estimated)

Distributors: 20th Century Fox Distribution
Starring: Hugh Jackman
Produced by: Lauren Shuler Donner, Avi Arad, Hugh Jackman
David Benioff Screenplay
David Ayer Screenplay

This is all I found out in Yahoo movies

Loaded with Good Looks...At least that's what Junction 21 Said....

Can't wait to swim with Dolphins...


robin doesnt want to just swim with the dolphins. i think she wants to kiss one too. she said it cant be any worse than kissing me. :sad2:
Lots of pics with me and ice cream, just that they are in the trip reports, scrapbooks, and videos. Cass has a ton of content on her site, one could spend a few days looking at everything.
robin doesnt want to just swim with the dolphins. i think she wants to kiss one too. she said it cant be any worse than kissing me. :sad2:

Kissing a dolphin is a wet and slightly rubbery experience, is that the same as kissing you?

Centers on the talon-clawed mutant superhero from the X-Men.
Genres: Action/Adventure and Science Fiction/Fantasy

Release Date: Summer, 2008 (estimated)

Distributors: 20th Century Fox Distribution
Starring: Hugh Jackman
Produced by: Lauren Shuler Donner, Avi Arad, Hugh Jackman
David Benioff Screenplay
David Ayer Screenplay

This is all I found out in Yahoo movies


Did you see Transformers yet? We're planning on going tomorrow night.
Harry Potter was awesome, but Cass didn't care for it much I think.
Did you see Transformers yet? We're planning on going tomorrow night.
Harry Potter was awesome, but Cass didn't care for it much I think.

I have upto 3 kids, work nights, and Carrie and I do not like the same movies. The last movie I saw was POTC 2. As for renting I do once in a while, but the video store I used to get them at closed, there is a Blockbuster close to home but they are too expensive. Heck I still have not seen the last Star Wars movie. Or X 3 or Spiderman 3 or POTC 3
Centers on the talon-clawed mutant superhero from the X-Men.
Genres: Action/Adventure and Science Fiction/Fantasy

Release Date: Summer, 2008 (estimated)

Distributors: 20th Century Fox Distribution
Starring: Hugh Jackman
Produced by: Lauren Shuler Donner, Avi Arad, Hugh Jackman
David Benioff Screenplay
David Ayer Screenplay

This is all I found out in Yahoo movies


They are pretty tight lipped on these things sometimes. Wolverine has a very mysterious origin that, while somewhat explained in the comics, has never to my knowledge been fully fleshed out. That would make a great movie. Although, I've pretty happy with Hugh Jackman's portrayal of him, so I would be happy about any movie focusing on the talon-clawed one.

BTW, It looks like The Star Trek film has moved a bit from limbo. It is now in pre-production, with Leonard Nimoy to re-prise his role as Spock and (This really shocked me) Zachary Quinto (Sylar from Heroes) as a young Mr. Spock. Release Dec 2008. Way Cool.

Can I get anymore off topic?
Is this your first time swimming with the dolphins?


yes its the first time we have ever spent $200 plus for robin to make out with the dolphins.(sarcasm) she has always wanted to do it. its the animal lover in her i guess.:hug:
its one of the things i tease her about but also one of the things i love about her.:cutie:
Don't even say that! :( That would absolutely crush FH he's looking SO forward to everything on the Western. We didn't take an Eastern because nothing there interested us at all.

Now I'm going to worry about that being a possibility lol!

relax fellow ohioan. what are the odds we get diverted again?
its not like some big black cloud follows me around wherever i go.:scared1:
oh wait, it does.
and this comes from someone that "just watched the planes"

yes its the first time we have ever spent $200 plus for robin to make out with the dolphins.(sarcasm) she has always wanted to do it. its the animal lover in her i guess.:hug:
its one of the things i tease her about but also one of the things i love about her.:cutie:

relax fellow ohioan. what are the odds we get diverted again?
its not like some big black cloud follows me around wherever i go.:scared1:
oh wait, it does.

You can see our Dolphin Discovery experience here: http://www.cassworld.ca/photosdc.htm
Photos of the kiss are #'s 60 & 61.
We're kissing Coral the dolphin :goodvibes
I highly recommend any dolphin experience, what wonderful creatures and I'm sure the both of you will enjoy kissing a dolphin too ;)
Have a good afternoon Scott, take care!

im off too. got to eat before my 12 hr. shift.
good talking to you guys.pirate:

You too Mike! Take care and have a good shift! Looking forward to seeing you again in October!
relax fellow ohioan. what are the odds we get diverted again?
its not like some big black cloud follows me around wherever i go.:scared1:
oh wait, it does.

LOL looks like we're going to have to carry hair dryers to blow away the clouds there Eeyore :P

I'm starting to think they follow us too though, with all the rain we got while camping this past weekend!! :scared1:
I have some medical questions I am hoping someone can answer please.

My mother has not been doing well since her illness in April. She has been lossing alot of weight. Since May she has lost about 20 pounds. She has shortness of breath, and is tired most of the time. And is waking up in the middle of the night soaked from hot flashes. She had blood work done in May and her thyroid level was at the low end of the high range. Which to me explains the weight loss and the being tired aspect. The primary did not want to deal with it. He told her to see her endo guy. So she saw him and he schedualed her for a thyroid test that she just had done last week. It was some test where you go in and have pictures taken, then later that morning you go back and take a radiation pill and have more pictures taken, then you go back that night for more pictures, and then in the morning of the next day you have more pictures. She also had more blood work done last week. She saw her endo guy today and said that the blood work is still in the low high range. But for some one with a high reading the radation should have gone right through her, and it didn't. It took forever to go through her. So now he is confussed. He does not claim the shortess of breath, the hot flashes, or the being tired. He says that should all be heart related. Even though the heart dr. says no. However the endo guy is going to do a procedure on my mother next week. All I know about it is he is going to give her an extermly high does of radiation. To try to knock the thryoid down and then it will be so far down that she will have to take meds to get it working again. With this radiation he has informed her that there is to be no children around her for 5 days, no small pets, no human contact of any kind, no sharing silverware, or cups / straws, flush all toilets 2 times everytime she uses them, no elderly around her, and anyone inbetween old and kids needs to stay across the room from her. So my father is thinking about going up to the cabin with the dog for the 5 days, to save the dogs life.

If you ask me this sounds way off base. Any input from anyone. The endo guy did say that 3 weeks after the radiation she needs to have more blood work, then 4 weeks after that more blood work. She informed him of the cruise and he was really up in the air about it. He said at this point he will not tell her no, but he has to see blood results before he can give her an answer.

Mom has no decided that if she can get on the ship she will just sit on the verhanda for the whole 7 days. She has finally admitted that she can not handle being around children because of all the talking, and activity that they do. She took Mackenzie with my father to get ice cream after her appointment today and they were home 30 minutes later. It takes 10 to get to the place and 10 to get home. She was crying when she just told me on the phone that she can not handle the constant talking from Mackenzie and she really does not know how she will do the cruise. :sad1:

Sorry this was so long.
So there is part of me that feels really quilty:guilty: for fighting for my moms life at this point. She has told me more then one time that I should have just let her go and no I am begining to think maybe I should have. She is not anywhere near what she was before ever getting sick. I can not help but think that I have caused her to live the rest of her life with a poor quality of life.

Don't mind me, maybe I should up my meds again tonight. No wonder I am a mental nut case lately.
Glad to see so many Wisconsinites out there...I'm in Janesville. I'll be the car going 80 down I39 on the 19th to get to the airport...I'm SO jazzed about this cruise.

Hmmm, What is the speed limit around there. You make it sound like 80 is speeding and we here in AZ are scratching our heads at this one.
we make tires for off road vehicles. suv, race tires wide whitewalls etc. it would be interesting if i hadnt spent the last 32 and 1/2 years of my life in there. i cant complain though. that place has been good to me.

Congrats on being there for that long. You really don't hear about people being with the same company for that many years. Job well done.
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