Kids first flight - Benadryl or Dramamine?

We have also heard horror stories of kids having adverse reactions to Benadryl and their kids end up being super hyper on the plane running around out of control....

As far as Dramamine - My husband and I once took that on a flight back from Mexico and we both nearly fell face first into our was a horrible experience. We were so sick! Therefore I will never give that to my kids....Try the "Sea Bands" for kids - they sell them at most drug stores and work pretty good!

I must say though - we have used Motrin in the past and it really helped - not too sure why - but our sons ears didn't seem to bother him as much! :confused3

I would just load up on TONS of stuff to do too! Coloring, Stickers books, and lot's of sugarfree gum! Maybe even think about buying a portable DVD player - They sell them for under $99 at Best Buy!

Good luck and have a great trip!

HeatherAnne :) :) :)
whatever you do try it out before you fly. Also Motion sickness is an inherited trait. Just and FYI.

motion sickness is'nt nescessarily inheritited unless you've inherited a trait wherin one of the symptoms is a tendancy to experience motion sickness.

i had horrendous motion sickness as a kid (not as severe when i hit adulthood because i learned coping mechanisms) noone else in my family had any issues with it. as an adult i had occasion to go to an ear, nose and throat specialist who in the course of examining my ears remarked that he 'bet' i had awful motion sickness as long as i could remember. i asked how in the world he could know that (i'de never seen a doctor for it so it was'nt in my medical records). the doctor said that he could see from examining my inner ears that i had had an extensive history of ear infections (i did-dating back to before i could remember), and that the scaring inside my ear would point to problems chronic sufferers of childhood ear infections had-chiefly motion sickness. he went on to say that one of the primary comonalities among people who have motion sickness is old scaring inside the inner ear that works against the body's natural balance regulating mechanisms. he said it could be from repeated infections or one or more severe infections.

after reading up on independent studies i found that his statements were very soundly based.

op, if your child has'nt already had issues with motion sickness an airline flight won't necessarily cause them. if the child has ask your pediatrician what they suggest you use (benadryl and the like only address issues with the ears, so if the issue is because of a weak stomach adding something more to her stomach can just compound the nauseau).
If you dont know how your kids react to those meds, I wouldnt try it on a plane for the 1st time! Both of my kids get hyper on benedryl typically (not sleepy!). I always carry benedryl on me though, as both of my DDs have allergies which they develop hives quickly and often all over their body.

That being said, I dont think its a good idea to medicate if you dont need to. I typically never medicate my kids before flying (unless they have been have any type of cold symptoms- for the ears). DD #1 gets car sick sometimes, but has never gotten sick on a plane. Both DH and I have varying degrees of motion sickness (DH being much worse) and he typically has never had any issues on a plane.
Thanks! I guess the concensus is not to use anything. I wasn't looking to medicate them for no reason - I just wanted to be prepared in case any of them did get motion sick since I know what an awful feeling it is. I think I am as prepared as can be for the ears with sippy cups and lollipops (and I might try earplanes). I have seen suggestions for eating gingersnaps before boarding to "settle" the stomach and I also bought some crystalized ginger so maybe we will bring that as well in case there is any nausa.

As far as the portable DVD players - do they need to be strapped down in someway - what if there is turbulence? Can they just be held in a lap?
I agree with most others. I would never give my DS medication if he didn't need it. I also would never medicate him for my convience (ie long flight, go to sleep).
as everyone else has said, unless they have a problem with motion sickness i would not worry about the meds. i did always worry about their ears hurting, so i would breastfeed when they were young and give them something to drink in a sippy cup or gum when they were older.

in case you find that they do have motion sickness issues... my two younger ones have had extreme motion sickness since they were infants. i hardly leave the house and when we do they're usually vomiting within 5 miles. (we have multiple "puke buckets", trash bags, and paper towels in all our vehicles. :sad2: ) i will only give them dramamine when we are going on a long car ride. they need to have it almost 1/2 an hour before you leave (otherwise mine with throw it up if we leave too soon or if i try to give it to them after we're in the car). once we are in the car-- they PASS OUT. slumped over and drooling all over themselves for several hours. just be forewarned in case they do get sick and you try to give them the meds.
my dd6s sometimes get motion sick, and like to take a little nap on the ride over, but can't really with the turbulence otherwise, so they take Dramamine. It seems to help with any colds they have been having too, so that's good.
The best advice our pediatrician ever gave me: "They're not sick when they're asleep." :thumbsup2

Is this only true for motion sickness? Because my son absolutely has puked in his sleep. I heard him choking and ran him to the bathroom and he was puking before he woke up.

I wouldn't give them anything unless they showed signs of motion sickness. And I would test anything you give them - my kid's another hyper-Benadryl boy. The youngest might be fine - I heard babies don't tend to get motion sickness because they're used to the rocking motion of being carried around.
I had never experienced motion sickness until we flew to the world when she was 14 months. Just after landing boom all over. As a matter of fact when we visit relatives 2 hrs away she always seems to get sickk at the same point of the trip....

So for her 2nd flights I did use Dramamine. I will say that it literally knocked her out- I got really nervous at first.

Last time I sat next to her with a bag at the ready for the whole flight!

THe other 3 of us do not suffer from motion sickness.

I would probably buy it and keep it on hand. Of course call your DR. for the dosage before you leave. I would have it just in case for the way home.
DVD players do not have to be strapped down. You can just set them on your tray table or lap. We have been using ours on plane rides for years. It really works out well and entertains his most of the ride. Right before the trip I go and get all the newest movie releases and surprise him with them on the plane.

He also LOVED those The "DK" Stickers books They have tons of Disney ones too. He also loved the Magic Wonder Crayola coloring books as well......

He is 7 now though and will probably just play his Nintendo DS and listen to his I-Pod this plane trip.....;)

Good Luck!

HeatherAnne :) :) :)
I think it is important to ask your child's doctor before you go on your flight. I have severe ear pain when I fly and have to take a decongestatant and tylenol. My doctor recommendeed the same for 5 year old too.
Benadryl makes my step son BEYOND hyper. It has that effect on some kids. I think it actually says that right on the box!

We just take a DVD player, sit the kids together and put the player on one of their fold out tables. It works wonders! They are entertained and nicely behaved for the trip. We've never had an issue with turbulence in regards to the dvd player...although my husband has a piece of stretchy rubber material that keeps the dvd player from sliding. It's pretty cool! You just put it on the flat surface the player will be on, the dvd player on top of it and it stays PUT!!

don't worry...your babies will do GREAT!! I also get motion sickness pretty badly and I know how WRETCHED it feels. Unless they have shown a tendency to get carsick and such, I'll bet they'll do great on the plane!

good luck!!!
I made a mistake in a earlier post I wrote about benadryl that my DD took one time, she took Children's sudafed for the decongestant, I took benadryl on the last flight I was on due to allergies, but slept really well.

Anyway, about motion sickness. I don't get sick unless I am on a cruise ship for some reason, so I wear the bands on the 1st night and fine for the rest of the trip after I get my sea legs. However,DD's first cruise was when she was 4, thank goodness she doesn't take after me, because she doesn't to this day feel the ship move. And when we fly, she likes the turbulence, me not so much but I don't let her see that i am not crazy about it as she is.
Try Starburst Fruit Chews for ear relief. Those things are so chewy that your kids are sure to get some relief by the constant motion it takes to chew and then swallow just one :)

I think there is a family link with motion sickness. That said, dramamine made my son feel woozy and sick when we gave him some. He hated that feeling more than being sick. And my kids always react opposite to Benadryl. With the allegies in the house, i am thankful beyond words for claritin! I wouldn't give a kid a med just to make them sleep while traveling. It seems a bit unethical to me.

We use starbursts, too!
I wouldn't give them anything. They should be fine! My 4 and 2 year old fly 3-4 times a year and have never experienced flying motion sickness.

This is true, but every child is different. While your children may not get sick, hers may. Now if the child would get sick, thats when you should help them. I would recommend childrens pepto. That seems to help. =)
I get motion sickness. My kids do not. Don't give your kids medication they may not need. Why not wait and see what happens. If they get sick then you will know for future flights. If they don't then your in the clear. How would you ever know if you medicate them the first flight. As a nurse I know that all medications have side effects. No medication should be taken without a good reason.
If your children haven't shown signs of motion sickness before, don't give it before a plane flight just because you have motion sickness. If they have trouble on the way there, then definitely give them something before the trip back, but there's no reason to suspect your children will react the same way you do.

I have given DD Benedryl before flights before, but it's been when she's had a cold. Her ears bother her on flights when she isn't sick, but we can generally manage it with sucking on candy and such. However, when she's sick, she'll have horrible ear pain. In those cases, I dose her with Benedryl and Motrin before the flight.
Have your children ever had tubes in their ears? Do they get a lot of ear aches?

If you answered yes, then I would be prepared to give them a decongestant. Gum, drinks, fruit snacks, lollipops,etc can help. I remember one flight (small plane) and it was so painful, I wouldn't want a child to feel that.

I take decongestant and an anti-nausia medicine each time I fly. I also get car sick if I sit in the back of a van.

Each person is different. I'd rather be prepared and have something if I needed it than suffer without for hours (my flight is over 5 hrs).


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