8/17/08 Captain Jack's Repossession Repo Cruise to PC thru TPC #10

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:welcome: to a fellow Denverite! I think someone else already posted, but I'd suggest going to the Piratezone website and downloading the graphic to make your own t-shirts. There's even a post with instructions on how to do the transfers!


Your description is the classic stereotype of what a lot of us in the center of the US think of the Eastcoast as a whole!:lmao:

I've enjoyed by brief visits to DC and Philadelphia, but they've always been for work so I look forward to visiting again with the family as tourists!

It can't be as bad as Beanie Babies! Exactly 10 years ago tonight (I only know because the local news mentioned it), my DW and I were at the All-Star game at Coors Field in Denver. We each received an All-Star Beanie Baby with a commemorative card and were immediately offered $100 for each of them. I held on to them and before the days of ebay, managed to sell them via a Beanie Babies website two days later to a broker (in crazy Philadelphia) for about $600! How bizarre was that?

My youngest DS has one Webkinz and doesn't really have any desire to collect them. It happens to be a miniature schnauzer just like our our family pet and he sleeps with it everynight!

I seem to remember shelling out $100 for a Purple Princess Beanie for my Godkids. Bought it a special,wicker,peacock chair and a glass case for it to sit in. :sad2:
Last I heard they were trying to decide whether to refurb and move it over a bit or scrap the ride all together. I haven't heard whether a decision had been made either way, but then again I haven't been paying too much attention to DL news lately.

I don't know about anyone else, but that ride (Orange Stinger and ones like it) scare the CARP out of me. I think I have a phobia of swings, and this one is the grandpappy of swings. I know I will not be sad if its refurbished whil I am there. :scared: :faint: :scared1:

My girls love webkinz and are on the site all the time (that and the Build a bear website). Desiree, I will make sure to pm Courtney's user name.
For those of you who have not gotten your DL tickets yet, I wanted to let you know about this deal. It's the $99 Summer Fun Pass. It's a 3 day ticket that can only be bought in Southern CA but a SoCal resident. However, the ticket can be used by anyone. All the reports I've seen on this was 1 person was denied use on one of the first days these tickets went into affect. Later reports, including a quote from DL Guest Services, states that no ID is required when using the tickets, only when purchasing. If anyone is asked for ID at the gates, they should ask for a supervisor.

Edited to add: I don't have a SoCal address, so unfortunately I can't help with buying tickets. Maybe some of other CA pirates can help.

Here's the info on Mousesavers

Just bumping this up. Any So. Californians what to help a fellow pirate: out?
That is too bad about Michael Harrison. I thought he was really funny too.

What a stitch!!!!:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I was thinking of you over the weekend. My DH had to go in for a first time MRI and cat scan due to chronic head pressure, and I remember what you said about when your DH had to get it done. I know that my DH was definitely NOT happy....said it freaked him out!
I don't know about anyone else, but that ride (Orange Stinger and ones like it) scare the CARP out of me. I think I have a phobia of swings, and this one is the grandpappy of swings. I know I will not be sad if its refurbished whil I am there. :scared: :faint: :scared1:

My girls love webkinz and are on the site all the time (that and the Build a bear website). Desiree, I will make sure to pm Courtney's user name.

I PM'd you with Tori's user ID for Courtney.
Since I found out last weekend that we're going on a cruise, he told me today exactly what cruise we're on! WOOO HOOOOO!!!

:yay: :banana: :yay: :banana: :yay: :banana: :yay: :banana: :yay: :banana:

Now I can "officially" find things out about the cruise and I can sign up on the Roll Call now! I'm headed off to the Pirate boards! YAY!!!!! :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:
That's great.
Coming onboard to the discussion group late and missed the orders for the T-*****s. Any chance there will be a second "late" order going in that I could get in on?

I'll ask the printer when I pick up the shirts tomorrow if he'd be willing to work with our late arriving crew mates directly. You may not get the same price break - since the large order has been done - but you might - and at least you'd have the shirts.

Will let you know tomorrow.

I'll ask the printer when I pick up the shirts tomorrow if he'd be willing to work with our late arriving crew mates directly. You may not get the same price break - since the large order has been done - but you might - and at least you'd have the shirts.

Will let you know tomorrow.


Sorry that I live to far away to help you pack everything up!
...oops, by the time..i read "tmi"..& figured out....it was too late...

now i know how myrtle..felt ...from the streaker~:laughing:

..then..there's the....258...pairs of hands = alot of fingers?..seem
like...something..leading..up to ....a tickliest..situation. need i say

..oh, so there's a muting..of wenches...from their husbands??...*

reminder: free back rubs...when the lantern...out, :rolleyes1 ..........

.........oh, speaking..of ...that lil' candle..she'll be burning bright~

& "real hot"...if she knew..of all.....the swabbies' ways..i've been picking

..up..from crash. psst, they call him mr. inno..spelled, `m-u-t-i-n-e-e-r.

..:thumbsup2 .

hey crash??? nobody..gave me any info..,on how to do disneyland the
first time....? what would you do? ..go with you~:yay:

..soooo the captain...his abandoning..his crew...& joining ours?, now that's

..a real....pirate: . way go mismce....you lil'vixen of a pirate: 's man!

now..who can we trade...? [ there's this lillycrafty..shake & bake..
....:maleficen . ] pay no atention ..to me, just figuring.:laughing:

..new raiders..of the purple saga....:dance3:

:wave: ..andrew!....have you decided..on your pc schedule?

* i wanted ..to wish..happy canada day..on the fourth..but
..was distracted..with redirecting & limit setting..with our new neighbor.

not to bragged.., :teeth: not only was it all-american final...for wimbledon...

....[ladies]...but also..sisters, :sunny: . wonder...when they're going to

..oh, no..not another beenies..out burst! :scared: ...i 'll tell..you one of the
neatest...toy..we got jordan..was a woody & bulleye's..bank. :cheer2:
( it's interactive....) does anyone else..own one?

:cool2: ..hawaiian shirt...my wife...gave to me...:hug: . it's the buckeyes...

...one of my favorite teams. * i .....:love: ..college football..almost as
much..as nakey "wenches" rugby!.... teams..{ i follow...more than other...
are ...the bobcats, :thumbsup2 , afa academy~ go falcons!!!, "we are
marshall!, the young..thundering herd!" , & the gators..[ i don't care..
what others..think...steve spurier...was excting to watch..esp. the faces
he made. ]. he,he he..back..in the 90's coming out the woods...i used
to listened to lsu [they always did their game..@ night..boy, thier
announcers..were always..expecting..the worst. & of course, who isn't
..a "buckeye fan"? ! dear, buckifan...., fyi..we met a young lsu family
over christmas ..@ universal. they're all decked..out especially their
young boys...they didn't expected to win. they remembered the last
time..lsu..played..@ ohio stadium..do you?} however, what struck me
as..funny...lsu fans..are very similar to THE die~hard buckeyes. oh,
i got to meet alot spartans'...families. wanta..kno something?...they
won't admitted..it..but they :love: ...the osu marching band..enterance.

ps, i read..where..you got ..ginn's shoe?..ha!..2002, i bumped into....
ted..& his buddy who was recuriting him....wonder who that was, :rolleyes1
...both signed..the program..i had...."2002"...it was their first ever autograph,
...ted..goes...i don't even have a number yet...but wrote..out his entired
name? funny, the things..that can happened when you..least expect it.

..oh, don't not..for my sakes..,:rolleyes2 ,,,,,bring..up..the time....i took
my lil'sweetie...to the ohio state/ lil'blue..game...nor was it true...i lost
her ticket....& try..to stick..her with my brother, :clown: ...as ou can see
...a family..controversy..for years...worst, than the "major award". jus $40
..for 2...on the 50 yard line...don't ask..how old!

My family will be heading down to South Carolina later this week.

Last month my cousin lost her husband. Last night she lost her dad. He had a heart attack while at a BBQ in SC. His wife (my mom’s sister) keeps saying she just buried her son-in-law, now she has to bury her husband.

Once again our whole family is in shock. No one expected this.

My aunt and uncle were married for 38 years. I can’t imagine her without him.

Prayers to you and your family.
Don't worry too much about the scrapbooking stuff, there is still lots of time.
Oh but the next 6 weeks are going to fly by as we all get ready for TOAL. I can't believe after so many months we're counting down days now.

She really won't starve herself - I know it is hard to imagine and very stressful when they won't eat but it does get better.


Hang in there
Thanks for the support. It's not so much that I'm worried about DD starving. More that I'm frustrated that she's not doing more to feed herself. It makes for some really stressful meals when I basically feed her and don't get to eat myself. I'm just ready for DD to start "entertaining" herself so I can enjoy a meal with the family for a change.

We are still trying to figure out who is bringing us to the airport. Our flight leaves at 6:00AM on the 17th!
DH and I just started discussing transportation the airport this evening. As much as I hate leaving my car in a parking lot near the airport for nearly 3 weeks, I think that's the way we'll have to go. DS still needs to be in a carseat here but we're not planning to take it with us. I suppose we could have someone pick up our car or follow us to the airport then bring it back when we return, but what a hassle.

Oh, and about the dreams/nightmares. I haven't had any myself, though I've had several restless nights just running through lists of things to do and/or get before we leave. My "nightmare" actually happened this morning when I was changing DD's diaper. We're fighting a bad case of diaper rash and the screams that came out of her could probably be heard down the street. My fear is dealing with something like this on the ship... someone passes by our cabin as DD is lets out some blood curdling screams, thinks I'm abusing our child, and call security.
That could be a reality on this cruise! :scared:

I just realized from your post that I always say reoccuring, which is wrong. You would think if something occurs...it would reoccur, but sadly no it is just one of those grammatical errors I tend to repeat over & over again. :laughing:

Well, it is true that the English language IS the hardest one to learn, because of all the words that seem like they make sense, when they really don't.
RCCL's Vision of the Seas will be docked at Cabo on Aug 19th too

We got there before they did, so we had a head start:thumbsup2

Actually, that article isn't completely true. They aren't inflatable tenders, for one thing. And I really don't think it's all that bad a port. Cleaner than a lot I've seen, easy to get around and I always felt safe. Except for the huge waves and nasty rocks and the ocean that ate my glasses.:rotfl: :rotfl:
OK, here is an updated list of Scouts that want to earn a badge on board! I'm not sure what day/s we want to work on it. Any ideas of days or badges will be happily accepted! If I knew where to post this in the Pirate Zone, I'd do that too!

This is the list I have of girls that want to participate in working on a badge. Let me know if I forgot anyone. Also, if anyone has seen any badges they be interested in working on, let me know.

DD14- Senior
DD9- Junior

DD9- Junior

DD8- Brownie

DD8- Brownie (Girl Guides)

DD7- Brownie
DD4- Daisy

DD10- Junior

A Little Pixie Dust
DD10- Junior

DD9- Junior

DD13- Cadette

DD6- Brownie

What does a gourmet pirate add to his dinner? ..........A gAARRRRGGHnish

where do pirates like to eat? ........... the HARRRRRRD rock cafe

what's a pirates favorite fast food restraunt? .........arrrrrr-by's

What does a vegan pirate do in jail? ...........Starrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrve

What's a pirate's favorite food? ...........Arrrrrtichokes.

What has 258 legs, 258 hands and 258 eyes? ......258 pirates.

Way too much time on your hands M :lmao:

Am trying to catch up on my Disney Podcasts... and one of them mentioned a refurb Orange Stinger is coming (this is a DCA attraction) but they made no mention of when the refurb will happen.

Disney.com does not show it as being closed when we will be there.

Any of our left coasters heard about this?

Have not heard anything here Sil.
I am so glad to hear this! My dad is signed up for the DCL excursion at Cabo Del Sol. I really wish I knew of someone else going to link him up with.

Doesn't take long for duffers to make friends. And like I'd said, (and glad others agree) it really isn't bad there!
Ever since the captives were rescued in Colombia, I've been waiting for more people to be worried about THAT port. Even that doesn't scare me...I'm REALLY looking forward to Cartegena.
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