Trouble in paradise Day 4 of 4


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Jan 31, 2007

Day 2

Day 3

Our last day, :( I was up alot earlier today I had that nervous traveling feeling again today, so I got up and checked what the weather was like today and it was wet out it must have rainned alot in the night. So I got washed and dressed and packed the rest of our stuff whilst dave was getting ready. We took our bags over to leave them with the hotel for the day as we had a late flight and wouldnt be getting the bus till 18.40 to get us to the airport. We took our time having breakfast as it was so wet out and we had all day. When we got to the Disney Park it was that really fine rain that you get soaked in so we decided to go on the Disney railway and have a trip around the park but it was sooo wet it was just blowing inside the cart. Also they were having trouble with the train as we pulled off from Fantasy land station all the carts moved but the train didnt and it bashed in to the back and made quiet a noise they drivers looked a little bit worried. We got off at discovery land and went on Star tours just to keep out of the rain I remember why i dont go on this normally now you get so thrown about. We literally ran from Star tours to Buzz there was no one around nothing had a que today if you dont mind being soaked you would of hada fabulous time in the park. After Buzz it was raining so much we had to sprint some where dry we went in cable car for a drink and to warm up a bit. As we came out the character express was going past but no one got off i dont even think it stopped as it went by again literally a minute later i guess it was just too wet. I didnt take many pictures today just becasue it was really that wet. Whilst it was still wet we went on Honey I shrunk the audience I used to love this when I first saw it but it doesnt do any thing for me now I guess just because I know it going to happen. It wasnt raining when we got off so we decided to go have alook round Alices Labrynth there was no one in there and we really enjoyed walking around taking our time having a look at every thing.

The queen wasnt working though she just stayed behind her fence


I wanted to go on Pirates for the last time so we walked over and walked straight on they were letting people have a boat to them selves If any one is going soon keep to the right on the ride ques no one else seems to and you to que alot less this ride for example

We had reservations for Walts at 4 so we could watch the parade as well but when we walked in and saw the menu we didnt stay long. It was just too wet to watch the parade outside so we went to Auberge to see their menu but I didnt fancy any of the main courses and wasnt really in the mood for a character meal


So off we went to the Blue Lagoon we ate her in August and really liked it and when we saw that Lobster was part of the half board we just had to eat here lol. The meal was so yummy we had a really good time in here and our server was amasing he really made us laugh. By the time we had finished our meal it was 5.30 so we decided to have a last look through the village and we had to change out of our clothes we were so wet.

Back at the hotel got our bags and had to change in the toilet we were ready to get the bus. I think service is quiet expensive for what it is the family sat to the side of us said it cost them 130E to just get to and from the airprot which is a big bit of cash.

So at the airport and a little relieved to becoming home as we have just been so wet today and had no where to escape it.

Queing to check in and we are called to gate number 5 he asks us where for our passports and where we are flying to. He says I am sorry I can not find you on the system I handed him ourbooking confirmation email and he replies your flight isnt till tomorrow


Our flight isnt until tomorrow at 22.05 and we have 15E I wanted to cry and scream and shout. I rang mum in complete panic she told me to go the ticket desk and ask if they will just change our flight they wouldnt but we could buy a ticket for £264 I didnt know what to do I rang mum again and said to her it will just be cheaper for us to stay (how wrong am I)! My mum is great she transfered some money over for us and we felt a little relieved.

We decided to go back to disney just because we dont speak much french and we feel safe there and that we know we have always recieved great service from them. So we went back to get the bus to go back we waited for over 2 hours for a bus but still no sign it was 10 0'clock now and we are both so tiered so we ask how much a taxi is about 70E we really didnt know what else to do so we got in. 77.60E it cost us to get home i was nearly crying. We only have 90E left so we go to Santa fe and explain to them she said ok a room will be about 120E i was shocked we had only paid £124 each for 4 days but we had no choice she askd would we like to purchase breakfast i was so shocked BREAKFAST? yes 6.40E each for breakfast for people that have stayed at Santa Fe and have seen there breakfast its not worth it to so no we didnt have it I asked i guess that doesnt included our disney tickets she laughed and said no that will be another 58E for them i couldnt believe it we travelled here because we trusted disney and it was costing nearly as much as our whole holiday so in the end the room came to 110.98E dave had to put the rest on his card she said she couldnt authorise the payment and had to get some one else to she accused Dave of it not being his card so we had to show his Id and when her collague came out to take our payment they laughed at us I was so angry now i could have screamed at her so she gave us our key and off we went.

We didnt get in the room till gone 11 so we paid 110.98E for 12 hours in a room well ill let the pictures explain the room

the heater swinging off the wall


no tv remote


and a huge crack in the sink


I know it isnt disney fault that we booked the wrong flight home but we have spent alot of money with disney and came here as a customer who felt loyal to them and we felt really let down. Its not like we just turnt up we had just spent three nights here.

we had planned to buy an annual pass in may after having such a lovely time here and been going nearly every year since it opened we bought half board premium on our trip i have recomended alot of people to go and they have gone and returned i am just really disapointed that we recieved no help WDW go out of their way to do any thing for you but i guess to this lady that served us in Santa fe its just a job.:sad:
What a horrible ending to your holiday! I'm so sorry it all went wrong for you.:sad2:
Aw, I'm so sorry it ended this way sweetie!!

I'd send those pictures to the customer service dept!!!
Aw, I'm so sorry it ended this way sweetie!!

I'd send those pictures to the customer service dept!!!

Yeah we are going to be sending them you think payin that much for a room in the santa fe we would have a decent one lol

i am all right now i have had a rant and a cry about it lol
What a awful time.

Did you not realised your flights were booked the next day?

LOL you would have thought wouldnt you we both looked at that piece of paper and email sooooooooooooooooooooooooo many times i looked at it 4 times just on the coach to he airport i dont know how i missed it

im just going to book as a package from now on so every thing is done together
What a nightmare ending. I'm so sorry that happened. I think I would have slept in the airport if I had no kids with me. I can't believe they charged you so much for that shabby room. You should definitely send those photos along with a letter of complaint.
LOL you would have thought wouldnt you we both looked at that piece of paper and email sooooooooooooooooooooooooo many times i looked at it 4 times just on the coach to he airport i dont know how i missed it

im just going to book as a package from now on so every thing is done together

That is why I am a package-junkie. It's the sort of thing I would quite easily do.
yeah we should of but i just couldnt imagine staying there so long with no money it would have been 26 hours and it was so expensive in there
There are many lessons to be learnt here:

1. Always be sure of dates for bookings.
2. Never stay on Disney property unless prebooked, it ALWAYS costs more.
3. If you have a situation when you go to the airport and have to travel the next day, stay at the airport (it is almost always cheaper).

I am sorry you went through this, but this is sadly how travel can often work. A valuable set of lessons, even though painful. and the state of your room is why I do not often stay at Disney hotels unless in California.
Noooooooo - I was just thinking, reading your other trippie days, what a lovely time you'd had, despite the weather and school trips :grouphug: .

That room at the Santa Fe looks like a pit - definitely complain about paying for that! Okay, it wasn't Disney's fault that you got your homeward flights mixed up, but theres no excuse for them putting you in a room thats in such a sorry state - and making you pay through the nose for it as well :sad2: :sad2: !
There are many lessons to be learnt here:

1. Always be sure of dates for bookings.
2. Never stay on Disney property unless prebooked, it ALWAYS costs more.
3. If you have a situation when you go to the airport and have to travel the next day, stay at the airport (it is almost always cheaper).

I am sorry you went through this, but this is sadly how travel can often work. A valuable set of lessons, even though painful. and the state of your room is why I do not often stay at Disney hotels unless in California.

we wont be staying here again and i think we will drive from now on
that is just absolutly awful. i have stayed at the santa fe and my room was perfect. i cant believe they could charge anyone anything to stay in a room like that. i would complain right away. im so sorry your trip had to end like that
I was just telling my husband about this and his theory is this:

That room was empty because it was deemed as unlettable. The CM on the desk saw the opportunity to make a quick buck (or Euro) and so decided to let it to you - and THAT is why they wanted the payment all in cash, not on card, as the money was going straight in their pocket and not the till.

Sounds horrid? :confused3 Yes, but it could be true.

Definitely make sure you send photos in with your complaint and times etc., so they can work out who was on duty.
I have just read all of your trip report & was enjoying reading about the great time you had and was so sorry to hear how it ended. I'm glad to hear that you will drive next time - so the experience hasn't put you off going back.
What an awful end to you trip :sad2: You really should complain and do it now while its all fresh in your mind! I can't believe Disney would let a room deteriorate that much.


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