Disboutiquers Part 13 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

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These are AWESOME!!! Do you mind if we case for the kids we sew for (not selling on ebay or anything?)

No I don't mind. It was just taking some Simplicity patterns and modifying/merging them. That's all. Oh, and I'd get about half way through and think of something else to add to it.


Hey everyone! Haven't been on in awhile, I have been super busy. I decided that I would actually sew this evening and try out the embroidery part of my machine. I can't figure out how to attach the emboidery foot!!! UGH! My directions are clear as mud. I am missing something and it isn't attached properly.

Can anyone offer some help for an innovis 900d ???
So I don't end up telling you something that you already know. What step is giving you issues? If it is on there, but then coming off when you start embroidering, it probably isn't screwed all the way on. You have to play with it and kind of bump it around until it sits flat against the thing that the foot goes on. Then you have to tighten the screw all the way with the screwdriver thing.
So I don't end up telling you something that you already know. What step is giving you issues? If it is on there, but then coming off when you start embroidering, it probably isn't screwed all the way on. You have to play with it and kind of bump it around until it sits flat against the thing that the foot goes on. Then you have to tighten the screw all the way with the screwdriver thing.

Thanks!! That worked. It was doing exactly that. I just hadn't screwed it on enough. :) Whew!
Thanks!! That worked. It was doing exactly that. I just hadn't screwed it on enough. :) Whew!
I got so frustrated the first time that I tried to embroider, because the foot kept falling off. I was about to give up and then I realized that it wasn't on there all the way. I had to play with it to get it to stay on there. It doesn't go on as easy as you would think that it would.
Has anyone sewn a Feliz dress????? Could you understand the directions?:confused3

I bought the pattern and the directions that came with it might as well be in German...they make absolutely no sense...thank goodness that Studio Tantrum has a short tutorial with pics on their site...I hope I can follow it !!! Does anyone have better directions???

I didnt even find the studio tantrum tutorial all that great. i didnt use the printed instructions at all. Try this.....
I didnt even find the studio tantrum tutorial all that great. i didnt use the printed instructions at all. Try this.....

Nicole you are the best!!! Thanks so much for that link...it's exactly what I needed! I see that it is sort of easy but labor intensive with all of the ruffles etc....but you would think for $14 they would include directions. Obviously Studio Tantrum got some complaints cause they did include a short tutorial on their website..but nothing as nice as what Trillium Design came up with. Thanks again Nicole!!! I am making a princess dress!
Thanks everyone for the kind comments about my Phineas and Isabella dress. Things have been busy around here. I'm trying to finish up some orders before starting the next group. We are finishing up our homeschool curriculum with our oldest, and doing all the busy end of the school year stuff with our youngest at her school, and getting ready for our VBS which is the first week of June (1st - 5th), so it is just a busy, busy time around here, but a fun time, too, so no complaints.

How do I do this? for the ribbon I know I can just sew down the middle but if I go with sequins how do they get sewn on? I have to make the leash for the poodle on Joci's Fancy Nancy dress.

Personally, I would use glue. Something like E6000 (I think that is the name of it.) is washable and perfect for this sort of thing.

You need to cut out 4 of the strips.

Read throught the whole thing first then Just go one step at a time.

I always read the entire pattern instructions before starting as well. I think it actually saves time in the long run.

Hey everyone! I have not been on the boards in six weeks. We had a great trip back in March and I am looking forward to the next one! Today my DD got a package in the mail from the super talented Jessica. If you do not know already I am huge fan of her designs. Look how cute this one turned out.


Nice job, Jessica. You have been making some fab girl clothes lately. I love this.

Aimee, Hannah looks so pretty and so grown up with her hair down. I had no idea it was that long.

So, how is the fabric fast going? How much longer or has your deadline already passed? Yeah, I never mentioned you were doing this to the dh because I'm sure he would LOVE the idea and suggest it I try it myself. Ack!!! What would I do?!?!

Hey ya'll....this is my first time posting to this thread. I'm so excited to share so tell me what you think!! Oh, just a disclaimer: I didn't "create" these. I modified and merged some Simplicity patterns.




Also, this is my first time posting pictures. So, I apologize if they don't show up.

You can view them on my blog maybe??? The addy is http://www.theoxbowgang.blogspot.com (I hope that's allowed).

Thanks for looking!


I think they are adorable and perfect for the warm weather down here.

Nicole you are the best!!! Thanks so much for that link...it's exactly what I needed! I see that it is sort of easy but labor intensive with all of the ruffles etc....but you would think for $14 they would include directions. Obviously Studio Tantrum got some complaints cause they did include a short tutorial on their website..but nothing as nice as what Trillium Design came up with. Thanks again Nicole!!! I am making a princess dress!

European patterns are very scarce on directions. I remember the first time I tried to make one. It was an easy pattern (Anna), and I knew what needed to be done, but I was trying to follow the directions. Ack!!! Too confusing. I love the patterns though. Between those and the YCMT patterns, I almost never use pattern from the big commercial pattern makers anymore.
Hey everyone! I have not been on the boards in six weeks. We had a great trip back in March and I am looking forward to the next one! Today my DD got a package in the mail from the super talented Jessica. If you do not know already I am huge fan of her designs. Look how cute this one turned out.



[/QUOTE]Great job Jessica!

Can I whine a little?

Our front window is leaking like CRAZY. Actually, the ceiling where it meets the wall is leaking, the window is leaking in 2 places, and it's leaking under the adjoining window.

We've had a ton of rain, with more in the forecast tonight.f

I'm so frustrated. We had a window that leaked that we had to have replaced in our old house, and we've only been here 1 1/2 years. This house is only about 6 years old.

I'm extremely allergic to mold, so it really makes me nervous having this water in the walls. I can already see damage on the window and part of the wall, and I'm also worried about the carpet. I have towel wadded up on every part I can, and keep changing them, but there's really nothing else I can do.

I'll try to hunt down those communion photos. They were pre-digital camera days.
Oh NO! I really hope you can get it fixed ASAP!
I have lived in a 100 + yr old house and a brand new house and frankly it really doesn't matter how old the house is there is ALWAYS problems with it!
The day we moved into our house in GA which was built for us we had a HUGE leak and had to replace all the carpet and padding in the hallway. Not pretty!

Thank you for the prayers and good wishes. I am hoping for a quiet night tonight. I jump every time I hear a noise outside. I have seem more police officers hanging around in the last hour than I have in all the time I have lived here. I plan to go look at some houses Monday. (Fingers crossed I will be able to find a safe place, that we can afford, that I can live in with my allergies. And it MUST have a big backyard per Morgan LOL).

On the bright side, our very own Teresajoy helped to "get my mind off" last night and invited us to meet her at the park this afternoon.(Thank you!!!!) Morgan and Arminda had such fun together. Lydia was a little shy at first, but even I got a hug eventually!. Cory was very sweet and posed with Samantha (Jord had a previous engagement and was not able to go LOL).

Ms. HeatherSue, your sweet neice Arminda has a message for you regarding Samantha and AG dolls LOL.:cutie:

Please pray that Morgan will be able to accept moving. This is the only home in the US she has ever known. This is her security. She doesn't understand why the police can't just take the "bad" people away. (Wendy, if you have any tips?)

How fun you got to go hang out with friends at the World!!!!
Good luck finding the perfect house! Morgan will be fine. I moved a ton as a kid and after awhile it became no big deal. My mom always made it an adventure. What she did do for me and for my kids when we moved here was she used to always give me friends for the new house. I remember once she knitted me these great dolls. Which I wish we new where they where! When we moved her Nikki got Samantha. Mine where always left in my room so I had friends in the new house. Since Morgan LOVES her dolls maybe that would help her through the transition?

OK I think I figured out how to post pictures... So here is my attempt these are Carla C's Hemmed Peasant Dresses. I tried it in a clearance material first to see if I would really mess it up, but I was pleasantly surprised at how well they came out. I also ended up liking the material more than I thought. Heck two dresses for less than 4 bucks in material and elastic, I just can not complain.

OK I guess that it did not work. Let's try this..
Alright that did not work either.....

OK well I guess I did not figure this out so after 4 edits lets try a link and you can click it if you want.

Nevermind it is 5 times a charm not 4


This is my oldest daughter Arianna (Anna) excuse the Medusa hair she is naturally curly and took her pigtails out.

And this is my baby Kaylynn. I took hers out because my hubby was shirtless holding her, and I did not want to risk offending anyone :) I will try to get another picture of her next time she wears it. Just did not want to upset anyone. I was not sure if that would.
Very cute. I just love the peasant dress pattern!
I used pinking shears for a long time before I got a serger, but maybe try a zig zag overcast if it is really ravel-y? Loved your adoption story told from the other view.

I left mine loose but it did keep slipping around so I think I will tack it down by the side seams. I don't think it will be too difficult?

My mom made Megan's Easter dress last year like that. She gathered the tie and then sewed it onto the side seam. We can try it together!

Keep trying!

Hey Crystal, now I want to learn how to do French seams!
Ok Let's learn together:hippie: maybe just tacking at the side seams would work. How did it wash did the front of it get all twisted? Do you think maybe top stitching it i the front would work?

I would like to learn the french seams too!

OK ladies, a little help please. I am making a top for our upcoming trip. It has a row of gathers at the top and I know I am supposed to take the threads out right? At what point am I supposed to do that?

My practice attempt turned out ok, a few problems, but I never did get those threads out.

If they don't show I leave them...
Ok Let's learn together:hippie: maybe just tacking at the side seams would work. How did it wash did the front of it get all twisted? Do you think maybe top stitching it i the front would work?

I just checked, she handstitched on the bottom all around the front so it doesn't show (slip stitch?). Perfect little even stitches all the way from side seam to side seam. Let me tell you mine would not look that nice! The topstitching on the sash is optional so you could put it all together and then top stitch it to the dress I bet. I already topstitched mine though. :confused:
I just checked, she handstitched on the bottom all around the front so it doesn't show (slip stitch?). Perfect little even stitches all the way from side seam to side seam. Let me tell you mine would not look that nice! The topstitching on the sash is optional so you could put it all together and then top stitch it to the dress I bet. I already topstitched mine though. :confused:
Sounds like something my MIL would do! My MIL wanted to make my kids cute quick fleece blanket but couldn't get one of my old sewing machines to work( before I really started sewing) so she figured it was easier to HAND sew the entire blanket all PERFECT and even all around then embroidered their names on it. When it comes to sewing I have given up on comparing my stuff to my MIL's since her is PERFECT!

Since you already Top stitched then what about sewing just the side seams to this time and see if that works. You get to be the ginny pig!:rotfl2::rotfl2:
We're going from 6/14 to 6/21 for our FIRST EVER trip to the World!!!! I'm so very excited (can ya tell?) and even my hubby admitted to me last night that he's feeling a little excited also! When I first suggested Disney for our summer vacay this year, he rolled his eyes at me and gave me a Tim Allen grunt. :D

We'll be there the same time. I hope I can handle the heat. I will keep an eye out for your kids customs.

I think I am one of the odd people here. I do take out every last little thread. :rotfl2::rotfl2: So after I stitch the pieces together I double check to make sure everything is sewn correctly, then I take out the threads before I surge the seams! If you don't want to do all that work...:rotfl: check it from the front of the garment and make sure you don't see any threads.

I usually do to. Unless it happens to be a reall PITA! Then I just make sure I get what shows.

How do I do this? for the ribbon I know I can just sew down the middle but if I go with sequins how do they get sewn on? I have to make the leash for the poodle on Joci's Fancy Nancy dress.

The leash on my skirt was just a zig zag. But with sequin, I usually just whip stitch from the back with an occassional knot in case a part of it comes loose. I do think there is a foot you can use for sequin and pearls.
Eva- The fabric fast has gone fairly well. Hannah broke it twice. LOL Once on vacation and once for a dress for the zoo. I broke it three times so far. I bought fabric for Easter and was really bummed because I never got to the dresses. It was a crazy couple of weeks around Easter. The second time was at my favorite quilt shop. I bought two coordinating polka dots and some polka dot trim. Finally, I could not wait on Michael Miller's hula hut. I ordered that and a mermaid print online last week. I am really not upset with myself about the little slip ups.

I think my 100 day mark is around May 30th. There is a big quilt show in early June I am looking forward to going to. I think the fast has been great because I have had a lot of fun using what I have. Even after the fast is over I am going to be really selective with what I buy. I am also considering selling off a lot of my licensed fabric because I have learned I just don't use it. I think I bought a lot of it because I had the "once it gone- it's gone" mentality. There are a lot of prints I just will not use ever.
PrincessKell, I'm sorry. How did I read your post and miss that it's your birthday this weekend. :confused3
Happy Birthday!
PrincessKell, Happy birthday! I hope it is all you want it to be.
Can I whine a little?

Our front window is leaking like CRAZY. Actually, the ceiling where it meets the wall is leaking, the window is leaking in 2 places, and it's leaking under the adjoining window.

We've had a ton of rain, with more in the forecast tonight.f

I'm so frustrated. We had a window that leaked that we had to have replaced in our old house, and we've only been here 1 1/2 years. This house is only about 6 years old.

I'm extremely allergic to mold, so it really makes me nervous having this water in the walls. I can already see damage on the window and part of the wall, and I'm also worried about the carpet. I have towel wadded up on every part I can, and keep changing them, but there's really nothing else I can do.
I am so sorry about the water and the damage. Did you get someone out to look at it yet? Has the rain stopped? If you keep it as dry as you can and also use a vinegar rinse it will help keep the mold down. Sounds like the window may have to come out of is it damage in the roof above the window? I pray the rain lets up and you can have peace.

Thank you for the prayers and good wishes. I am hoping for a quiet night tonight. I jump every time I hear a noise outside. I have seem more police officers hanging around in the last hour than I have in all the time I have lived here. I plan to go look at some houses Monday. (Fingers crossed I will be able to find a safe place, that we can afford, that I can live in with my allergies. And it MUST have a big backyard per Morgan LOL).

Please pray that Morgan will be able to accept moving. This is the only home in the US she has ever known. This is her security. She doesn't understand why the police can't just take the "bad" people away. (Wendy, if you have any tips?)
Wow, I read what happen and you are a better person than I am. There would be bodies on the floor. I hope you stay safe and find a new house. Morgan will love her new home because you will love it. I wondered if having a dog is something you might consider? Bad guys don't like dogs because of the noise and the bitting. Just a thought.
OK I think I figured out how to post pictures... So here is my attempt these are Carla C's Hemmed Peasant Dresses. I tried it in a clearance material first to see if I would really mess it up, but I was pleasantly surprised at how well they came out. I also ended up liking the material more than I thought. Heck two dresses for less than 4 bucks in material and elastic, I just can not complain.

Very cute dress and did a good job.
Eva- The fabric fast has gone fairly well. Hannah broke it twice. LOL Once on vacation and once for a dress for the zoo. I broke it three times so far. I bought fabric for Easter and was really bummed because I never got to the dresses. It was a crazy couple of weeks around Easter. The second time was at my favorite quilt shop. I bought two coordinating polka dots and some polka dot trim. Finally, I could not wait on Michael Miller's hula hut. I ordered that and a mermaid print online last week. I am really not upset with myself about the little slip ups.

I think my 100 day mark is around May 30th. There is a big quilt show in early June I am looking forward to going to. I think the fast has been great because I have had a lot of fun using what I have. Even after the fast is over I am going to be really selective with what I buy. I am also considering selling off a lot of my licensed fabric because I have learned I just don't use it. I think I bought a lot of it because I had the "once it gone- it's gone" mentality. There are a lot of prints I just will not use ever.

I hear this, and I should learn from your restraint. However, I will confess that I came home from the fabric store last night with the "rest of the bolt" of the Fancy Nancy fabric and about 2 yards of a Tink fabric I had never seen. On the way home, I'm thinking about what I could use the Tink fabric for. It has a white background with Tink in blue and some black and pink flowers (or something like that). I mean not traditional green Tink at all, and it is all in a horizontal pattern. I like it but do not know what I'm going to do with this "had to have" fabric.
And now back to shirring...:)
I am making my daughter a peasant top (Dainty Desings:eek:). It went together VERY easily. I decided to shirr the neck and arms to get it to gather and I thought all went well until I tried it on my little one. The neck is huge! I think one reason is I didn't shirr tight enough?? It was my first time and I thought it went really well but who knows - I was really just happy that I got it to do some kind of gather after all the problems I heard about on here.

Heather - I use the same brother machine you do. I set my tension to 9 and my length to 5. I used regular cotton thread on top and elastic pulled somewhat taut in the bobbin. I did backstitch at beginning and end (should I not?) It did gather, but it does not stretch:confused3. Any ideas??

Thanks so much!

I don't adjust the tension when I shirr. I don't know that that's your problem, but it could be.

Hey ya'll....this is my first time posting to this thread. I have been here looking quite often for ideas though. After spending this past week busily sewing some outfits for my girls to wear at the World this June, this is what I ended up with. I'm not done yet though! I'm on a roll and have some other outfits in my mind to make for our days at Animal Kingdom and Epcot. The ones I'm posting here are for our days in MK. My girls both wear the same size so they can swap outfits.

I'm so excited to share so tell me what you think!! Oh, just a disclaimer: I didn't "create" these. I modified and merged some Simplicity patterns.


Also, this is my first time posting pictures. So, I apologize if they don't show up.

You can view them on my blog maybe??? The addy is http://www.theoxbowgang.blogspot.com (I hope that's allowed).

Thanks for looking!


Those are sooo cute!

hi all
life is still a little hectic with dr's appts and all but i did get a chance to put together a dress for a fancy nancy party we are going to this weekend

sorry its so big

She is adorable! So is the dress.

I seem to have missed the other Fancy Nancy dress. Very cute. I'm currently hiding all Fancy Nancy pics from my girls. She's VERY popular in our house.

Cindee, I'll be praying that you find the perfect new home fast. *HUGS* to Morgan. I'm sure she'll be ok once she gets settled. She will still have her family & that's the important thing.

Linnette, I hope things work for you & your family. I'll be praying for you.
I can't find the cute pictures of Scrappy but that dog is so cute.
This is a dress for Nikki's BFF but she is modeling it for me it is big o her she has her pj's under it!
You are so nice to make clothes for the BFF
Abby received her First Communion.
Here is DD outside the church
The dress is beautiful and so are your children. Congratulations on such a wonderful time.
Cynthia, Disney is always a great excuse to sew. You did a super job on the clothes. Keep up the good work.

sorry its so big
I love that dress. Just something for the weekend. You kill me.:rotfl: It is lovely.
Someone's probably already commented, since I'm still so far behind, but that has to be the new one, the Quatro (or something like that.) I have the 4500D and didn't pay 1/2 that.

How do you like the 4500D? It looks like a really cool machine.

Those are really cute!

Oooh..how cute are those! I could never talk dh into cloth diapering.

Thank you all for your prayers! THEY WORKED!!!!!

Mom just called and Granny is doing better and we were able to get her back into the nursing home (the one near my mom) and Granny could not be happier about it! All the doctors agreed that she needed to be there and one DR even wrote a letter to Social Services on her behalf...without being asked or telling us....we found out from her social worker! We are so happy and now my mom can relax! THANKS again to all of you for you kind words and prayers!

That is great news! So glad that your granny is doing better.

Love the outfit, and the matching hair bows.

hi everyone! Life has been life here lately. We have been sick. I swear I posted this already, but I didn't see it anymore! I love everything that has been posted lately.

Georgia had open house tonight, and it was very cute. She made the sweetest penguin. I made her a pair of capris to wear. they are so simple to make I just love how they whip up so fast. I took pictures but I haven't loaded them to the computer yet.

Im going campin for my birthday this weekend with some of my girlfriends. Georgia is going to her dads. It should be fun. Beach camping is awesome!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY and have a great weekend. Have fun camping.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! I am very excited!!!

I must have missed your original post, but CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so happy for you!!

Love her First Communion dress..and what a beautiful family.

Please keep us in your thoughts. The "short" story is, we NEED to move. Today would be good. I have had about 3 hours of sleep as Shell and I spent most of last night filling out police reports and helping to arrest 5 bad guys. (2seperate events if you can believe it). Morgan woke up to find two undercover officers in her living room (which she thought was REALLLLLLLY cool). So I am now in panic mode searching for a new house.

TeresaJoy, I tried to send you and Pm but your mailbox is full. I called but not sure I got you:confused3.

How scary! You and your family are in my prayers. Hope you find a new house soon.


TIA, Carol

Love the Fancy Nancy outfit..too cute! My dd loves Fancy Nancy.

Oooh.>I really like them with the shorts...I love the Snow White especially!

I need to make a trip to Joann's to see if they have that fabric. Love it!

That turned out really well.

I didnt even find the studio tantrum tutorial all that great. i didnt use the printed instructions at all. Try this.....

That is the same tutorial that I used.
hi everyone! Life has been life here lately. We have been sick. I swear I posted this already, but I didn't see it anymore! I love everything that has been posted lately.

Georgia had open house tonight, and it was very cute. She made the sweetest penguin. I made her a pair of capris to wear. they are so simple to make I just love how they whip up so fast. I took pictures but I haven't loaded them to the computer yet.

Im going campin for my birthday this weekend with some of my girlfriends. Georgia is going to her dads. It should be fun. Beach camping is awesome!
It is your Birthday. Have fun camping.

Well, since I made the Cinderella dress with the pillowcase for a Birthday present last week I have had requests from others to purchase them. Here are 2 I did for ladies I work with. The jumper style one is for our receptionists 7 yr old daughter, and the halter style for the bookkeepers 3 yr old granddaughter.

I just think this is super. Do you mind if I case it to use if I do a big give this fall?
I hear this, and I should learn from your restraint. However, I will confess that I came home from the fabric store last night with the "rest of the bolt" of the Fancy Nancy fabric and about 2 yards of a Tink fabric I had never seen. On the way home, I'm thinking about what I could use the Tink fabric for. It has a white background with Tink in blue and some black and pink flowers (or something like that). I mean not traditional green Tink at all, and it is all in a horizontal pattern. I like it but do not know what I'm going to do with this "had to have" fabric.
Oh, you are so bad! But I want to see pictures of the fabric! I had a serious fall down and bought a very expensive piece of luggage. It is Burton and has a zebra graphic on the outside. Very kull.

I think I am caught up now. DH and DSS are gone for the weekend. Vegas Baby so DS and I are home alone. It is suppose to be nice outside this weekend. I will cut the 2 acres I call my yard and try the round up again. I do have to finish the Big Give skirt today!!!! I am playing with the ruffler now to see how it works. Thanks Bonita for the ruffler. I only broke 4 needles now. I also have the cost analysis for work to finish and clean the house. FUN. I hope everyone has a great weekend. I know we are getting close to moving and I am watching.
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