Ok you guys...its on, the LIVE Nicki and Todd..Summer edition!


glad all is well -

I suspect pictures any moment now - but you just take your time - YOU are on VACATION!! :banana:
Hi all! So sorry for not checking in and making you worry all day but we are alive and well and we did eat again today :lmao:

Last night was a bad night...DH was really ill, I was not feeling 100% but he was bad...I did get him Sprite and saltines and Pepto and that helped but the best thing for us was sleep and lots of it...we woke up around 10 am (I had a feeling this was gonna happen so I cancelled TH, which we were both bummed about) and the first thing out of Todd's mouth is "I'm hungry". I needed real coffee..I had not had a decent cup in 4 days so I said lets get showered and try to get into Kona, get a late check out and go to the Swan.

We walked into Kona, no reservations either, around 10:45 and were seated immediately to a pretty full restaurant. I was hoping we would get in but if worse came to worse we could at least get coffee at the Kona bar and eat at Capt Cooks cuz one more day at POFQ would make me nuts! Ohana was packed to the gills too! We have been to Kona before but not since April 08 so I was thrilled to get in and chow down!

Here are some menu pics.





The thing with DH is he has a bottomless pit as a stomach and can bounce back from a tummy ache fast...he ordered grapefruit juice...I said are you insane? But he drank it all and was fine all day so I guess he knows his body better than me ha ha


We shared a pressed pot of coffee too, we got 3 cups out of it but for once I got more than DH did, I had 2 cups and he had just 1...about time! The coffee is strong and wonderful and I love it and wish I could get it at any restaurant in WDW!


We shared a small fruit cup...where does WDW get their fruit cuz it rocks! Hmmm do they get it from the Land in Epcot??


DH had tonga toast and bacon....why I thought he would eat light is beyond me. He said the bacon was crispy and not greasy, the tonga toast was great but a bite or 2 is enough for me..too sweet.


I wanted eggs benedict but that is no longer available so I had the Kahuna Platter but today was a "I am going to be difficult day" and I asked for sausage and ham, they gave me an extra link instead of bacon, and I asked for an extra pancake instead of french toast and in the manner of Sally from When Harry Met Sally, I asked for the butter and pineapple sauce on the side. FINALLY! I scored nice soft fluffy, buttery wet scrambled eggs, and DOUBLE SCORE I had nice potatoes that were not burnt and the pancakes were amazing and I DETEST PANCAKES...Kona is the only place I will eat them. DH had the huge piece of ham and he said it was great, not salty at all. The sausages were good but too huge, I like the thin little ones from the food courts better.


We had a great breakfast, we were both feeling fine and we were going back to check out of POFQ...we loved our stay there and cannot wait to go back. Then we went to to a test run to the meeting place that Todd has to attend on Tues...and then to the Swan!
Yum....that food at Kona looks good (and I liked the look of the other items on the menu too). :)

And DON'T YOU EVER SCARE US that way again or I won't meet you in Marco Island! :rotfl2:
After we located DH's meeting place we went to check into the Swan...it was a busy check in are and the lobby STINKS of nasty heavy cologne or some sort but the front desk clerk said it is something the resort pumps in...WHY? It is pretty bad but the smell is only in the lobby, not the floor our room is on.

We had booked the $119 a night deal but the CM and I really hit it off so she upgraded up to room with a view...this room is incredible. I can see Everest from here and it is amazingly clean and the beds..OH THE BEDS! We have 2 queens and I can kick DH out of one anytime I want :rotfl:








Isnt it a wonderful place? They internet is free, there is Starbucks coffee too but I miss the room charge ability that we had at WDW resorts....I hate to carry cash with me, love just the room key for everything.

After we checked in, I had to unpack, I cannot just leave it for later, guess who said "So whats for lunch?"

And I looked at him like :scared1::eek::sick:

He said "What? I feel better. So where can we eat?"

For the love of Pete......

Oh Kona breakfast looks yummy. I have that one booked for dinner and breakfast in August. DS loves to share with me so we can try more things, so I will talk him into something sweet (Tonga Toast)and I will get something with eggs and then we will share.

Glad you guys feel better and Todd seems to have found his appetite!
I can recommend the lobster as well - AMAZING! The surf & turf, sea bass and the chilled seafood appetizers are all EXCELLENT!!!!!!! Like Brenda said, everything there is wonderful!

Ooh yum, I cannot wait to eat there!

Don't scare us like that woman!!!!!!:hug:

I promise never to do that again! :upsidedow


glad all is well -

I suspect pictures any moment now - but you just take your time - YOU are on VACATION!! :banana:

Oh yes you sure can!

Yum....that food at Kona looks good (and I liked the look of the other items on the menu too). :)

And DON'T YOU EVER SCARE US that way again or I won't meet you in Marco Island! :rotfl2:

I promise I will never scare you again, cuz you know I cannot wait until you get to Marco! :banana:
I was not that hungry but I named off Beaches and Cream, he said VETO, I named off Big River Brewery, he said VETO, I said CS in HS and he said VETO...are you seeing a pattern?

Ok how about ESPN for wings? He said "DING DING DING, we have a winner"

When we went downstairs and walked over to the BWI we saw this



There was no one on the Boardwalk, and no one at ESPN. We sat at a booth and we watched the Red Sox game (did they win?) and each ordered ice tea. ESPN while it is empty is a nice place to eat, very quiet and relaxing.

Here is a few pics of the menu




I told him I wasnt that hungry so I would share whatever he wanted.....he ordered hot wings and a reuben. The wings were killer, they were huge and meaty and had tons of flavor and heat, the blue cheese dressing was the best I have ever had...I wish I was hungry for a salad I would get it with that dressing.


The reuben was very good...awesome bread, the corn beef was not too salty and the fries, oh the fries..I ate almost all of them and if you dip it in the blue cheese dressing...I know, it aint healthy, put you into cardiac arrest blah blah blah but it was good and I am on vacation so I can eat stuff that is so bad for me and smile about it!


After lunch (they take the TIW card here by the way) we were waiting for the boat to go to HS, I popped into BW Bakery and took menu pics...I would have taken food pics but the cases were all fogged up and you couldnt see in them.



This is what it looked like waiting for the boat.


You will probably think I am fibbing but it never rained at HS...not even with the dark clouds. It got very windy and the temp dropped alot but no rain...YAY!

Here is a pic of all the ice cream carts in all the parks...


HS wasnt that busy, it was nice just taking in the shows, we finally saw the Beauty and the Beast show and we watched Indiana Jones again...but someone we all know needed a snack.



Now he knows Caramel Corn is my favorite so he ordered that, it was delish! Nice and sweet and wonderful and it is sold at carts all over HS...that is the only park we can find it in but they do sell it at the stand on the BWI that is open at night.


And he had a frozen lemonade, ick...too tart for me but he enjoys it.


Walking back from the B&B show to 50's PT we caught the little street show with the director and the vintage old movie actress...they are hysterical...she kept calling me Dah-ling and called Todd ...TOOTS! It was a trip!

This is the director, Mr. Von Bon Bon


And this is Dorma, she is always asking if her wig is on straight


The line for TSM was 90 minutes when we arrived and 60 minutes when we left at 8:30 so I think I will do that on Tues for my solo day...and the worst thing ever happened...the candy shop was sold out of gingerbread men, and I had brought my tupperware with me to pack them and take them home! Oh well, I will make it back there!
We sat at a booth and we watched the Red Sox game (did they win?) [/QUOTE said:
I was lucky enough to be at the game but sadly they did not win. Dice K gave up too many runs and the Sox players just weren't hitting well today. We gave the game to the Texans 6-3. :sad1:
Ahhhhh...ESPN Club, one of our faves. My DH has to have an order of those wings every trip.:rolleyes1
Glad you weren't rained on today. We've found that sometimes it's raining at the resort but not at the park we're going too so we never let dark clouds stop us.

I especially enjoyed your Kona review because we'll be having breakfast there in just 2 months....and we're staying at the Swan. :goodvibes Also, to answer your baseball question, the Sox did not win today. :sad1:
Dinner tonight was 50's PT..I cannot believe we got this ressie just yesterday...so things do open up all the time! Have not been here in 5 years, the last time our server wasnt into the schtick but this time ...oh boy! We arrived at 6:45 and went to the Tune In Lounge for a drink and to wait for our table. There I met David...the friend that Marsha is always talking about. He is a great guy and makes killer drinks.

DH had the Mowie Wowie and it was good but not as good as my Picnic Punch...holy booze Batman this drink is great! DH is green and I am sorta blue




While we were chatting with David I heard "NICKI LAST CALL FOR THE NICKI PARTY and I yell back, we are here dont give away my table! The hostess must be 90 years old and she said she was Nana and she gave me what for because we were late for dinner and the entire table was waiting and food was getting cold!

Our "Sister Sabrina" server was soo into character, she was awesome! We were introduced to our cousins from Missouri and Sweden and made fast friends with then both. When she saw us coming in with drinks she said we were the lushes of the family!





I have a weakness for onion rings and DH graciously agreed to share them with me. Huge serving, not greasy, tender thick onions, light batter, KILLER horseradish sauce that went great with the onion ring..we ate them all!


DH had a vanilla coke, I got another Picnic Punch and Sabrina told the entire dining room that I had to get my car keys taken away cuz I was on my way to tee-totalling!


I love the fried chicken here, I mean LOVE IT. I asked "SIS" if I could make a few changes, she rolled her eyes, let out a huge sigh and said "ok be a brat, waddaya want?" I asked for all white meat, green beans instead of greens and scalloped potatoes instead of mashed....I received 2 gynormous chicken breasts that had a nice light breading, super tender moist meat, tons of great beans and a so so scalloped potatoes.



DH had the pot roast, OMG it was to die for...tons of meat, super tender and flavorful, the best mashed potatoes with lots of gravy and some juillianned veggies that were good too.



There was alot of food but we shared and did a pretty good job of eating most of it....or so we thought. Sis kept the antics up and would not let me get away with leaving the green beans I had requested...she did the airplane with me and fed them to me in front of everyone...I thought I was gonna die...until I ratted out DH and told her that he didnt finish his carrots and she did the Choo Choo Train with him and fed him and had the entire room chanting "CHOO CHOO"! It was so much fun! She was just busting on us all night long, called me a tattle tale, kept bumping DH's elbows off the table, brought him out 3 vanilla cokes because he kept drinking them so fast! etc, we tipped her more than the TIW card because she was soooo good!

For dessert we shared the Smores..it was just eh ok...nothing like I remembered and I would have been happy with fruit instead.


We left full, happy and DH said "Lets eat here in Oct, we know we like this joint!

I've been lurking on your dining reports for quite some time now, but felt the need to come out of hiding on this one! I'm so glad to hear that you're both feeling better - being sick in WDW is the worst thing I can think of. Lunch at ESPN and a Red Sox game, however, is probably one of the best! :)

Also, you have no idea how relieved I am to know that I am not the only one who brings tupperware with me to take home some gingerbread men!!!! My DH thinks that I am totally cracked, but nothing beats those cookies! Hope you find some before you head home.

Enjoy the rest of your trip and I can't wait for more of your awesome reviews.
Hi all! So sorry for not checking in and making you worry all day but we are alive and well and we did eat again today :lmao:

Last night was a bad night...DH was really ill, I was not feeling 100% but he was bad...I did get him Sprite and saltines and Pepto and that helped but the best thing for us was sleep and lots of it...we woke up around 10 am (I had a feeling this was gonna happen so I cancelled TH, which we were both bummed about) and the first thing out of Todd's mouth is "I'm hungry". I needed real coffee..I had not had a decent cup in 4 days so I said lets get showered and try to get into Kona, get a late check out and go to the Swan.

We walked into Kona, no reservations either, around 10:45 and were seated immediately to a pretty full restaurant. I was hoping we would get in but if worse came to worse we could at least get coffee at the Kona bar and eat at Capt Cooks cuz one more day at POFQ would make me nuts! Ohana was packed to the gills too! We have been to Kona before but not since April 08 so I was thrilled to get in and chow down!

Here are some menu pics.





The thing with DH is he has a bottomless pit as a stomach and can bounce back from a tummy ache fast...he ordered grapefruit juice...I said are you insane? But he drank it all and was fine all day so I guess he knows his body better than me ha ha


We shared a pressed pot of coffee too, we got 3 cups out of it but for once I got more than DH did, I had 2 cups and he had just 1...about time! The coffee is strong and wonderful and I love it and wish I could get it at any restaurant in WDW!


We shared a small fruit cup...where does WDW get their fruit cuz it rocks! Hmmm do they get it from the Land in Epcot??


DH had tonga toast and bacon....why I thought he would eat light is beyond me. He said the bacon was crispy and not greasy, the tonga toast was great but a bite or 2 is enough for me..too sweet.


I wanted eggs benedict but that is no longer available so I had the Kahuna Platter but today was a "I am going to be difficult day" and I asked for sausage and ham, they gave me an extra link instead of bacon, and I asked for an extra pancake instead of french toast and in the manner of Sally from When Harry Met Sally, I asked for the butter and pineapple sauce on the side. FINALLY! I scored nice soft fluffy, buttery wet scrambled eggs, and DOUBLE SCORE I had nice potatoes that were not burnt and the pancakes were amazing and I DETEST PANCAKES...Kona is the only place I will eat them. DH had the huge piece of ham and he said it was great, not salty at all. The sausages were good but too huge, I like the thin little ones from the food courts better.


We had a great breakfast, we were both feeling fine and we were going back to check out of POFQ...we loved our stay there and cannot wait to go back. Then we went to to a test run to the meeting place that Todd has to attend on Tues...and then to the Swan!

I'm glad your hubby is feeling better! I really want to try Kona when I go this fall with my niece and am torn between trying the tonga toast and the macadamia nut pancakes! I was thinking of her ordering the tonga toast and I would get the breakfast platter and we could share! This looks sooo good! Thanks again for the great pics!:)
Just caught up on your reviews! Like everyone else has said - so sorry you had such an AWFUL experience at Nine Dragon and that you both were feeling so yucky. Glad you both are better!!! After your RR review I am trying to find a replacement for it so I had actually thought about ND - thanks for being the guinea pig for us all - we will definetly stay clear of there!!! Still trying to figure out a new ADR... :confused3

Thanks for the Boardwalk Bakery menu pics - we are going to eat there one night. Glad you had a much better food day today! Enjoy your time at the Swan and the rest of your trip. :goodvibes I am looking forward to reading more food reviews!
Oh Kona breakfast looks yummy. I have that one booked for dinner and breakfast in August. DS loves to share with me so we can try more things, so I will talk him into something sweet (Tonga Toast)and I will get something with eggs and then we will share.

Glad you guys feel better and Todd seems to have found his appetite!

I think DH could be dying and his last words will be "whats for dinner?" :lmao: You will love Kona, it is great!

I was lucky enough to be at the game but sadly they did not win. Dice K gave up too many runs and the Sox players just weren't hitting well today. We gave the game to the Texans 6-3. :sad1:

Oh for crying out loud! It did look like gorgeous weather in Bos today!

Ahhhhh...ESPN Club, one of our faves. My DH has to have an order of those wings every trip.:rolleyes1

I think it is going to be one of our favorites too...love it!

Glad you weren't rained on today. We've found that sometimes it's raining at the resort but not at the park we're going too so we never let dark clouds stop us.

I especially enjoyed your Kona review because we'll be having breakfast there in just 2 months....and we're staying at the Swan. :goodvibes Also, to answer your baseball question, the Sox did not win today. :sad1:

Have a great breakfast at Kona! The Swan is fantastic too...hope you have a wonderful stay! I love the Sox but come on! WIN WIN WIN!

I've been lurking on your dining reports for quite some time now, but felt the need to come out of hiding on this one! I'm so glad to hear that you're both feeling better - being sick in WDW is the worst thing I can think of. Lunch at ESPN and a Red Sox game, however, is probably one of the best! :)

Also, you have no idea how relieved I am to know that I am not the only one who brings tupperware with me to take home some gingerbread men!!!! My DH thinks that I am totally cracked, but nothing beats those cookies! Hope you find some before you head home.

Enjoy the rest of your trip and I can't wait for more of your awesome reviews.

Thanks for following along and coming out to "speak"! We had a nice time at ESPN, I would have been content sitting there all afternoon!

Nope you are not alone, I pack tupperware for our favorite snacks, and plenty of ziploc bags too! I will probably buy a dozen or so (I know! :eek:) but we just love em so much! Since I am solo on Tues I think I will get to HS early and get some and bring them back to the room and head to Epcot. THe CM at the candy store said they sold out around 3pm today.
I'm glad your hubby is feeling better! I really want to try Kona when I go this fall with my niece and am torn between trying the tonga toast and the macadamia nut pancakes! I was thinking of her ordering the tonga toast and I would get the breakfast platter and we could share! This looks sooo good! Thanks again for the great pics!:)

I first tried the macadamia nut pancakes in the Kahuna Platter and loved them so much the next time I ordered a regular order but they are not the same...in the regular order they put the nuts in the pancakes and it is just too rich..I prefer them the way they come on the Kahuna Platter instead...whatever you decide I hope you enjoy it!

Just caught up on your reviews! Like everyone else has said - so sorry you had such an AWFUL experience at Nine Dragon and that you both were feeling so yucky. Glad you both are better!!! After your RR review I am trying to find a replacement for it so I had actually thought about ND - thanks for being the guinea pig for us all - we will definetly stay clear of there!!! Still trying to figure out a new ADR... :confused3

Thanks for the Boardwalk Bakery menu pics - we are going to eat there one night. Glad you had a much better food day today! Enjoy your time at the Swan and the rest of your trip. :goodvibes I am looking forward to reading more food reviews!

Glad to help you out with RR and ND, sorry that the reviews are bad but I try to tell it like it is from our views...being a guinea pig is hard sometimes :laughing: but I am happy to take on the challenge!

Thanks for reading along!
I first tried the macadamia nut pancakes in the Kahuna Platter and loved them so much the next time I ordered a regular order but they are not the same...in the regular order they put the nuts in the pancakes and it is just too rich..I prefer them the way they come on the Kahuna Platter instead...whatever you decide I hope you enjoy it!
I love pancakes, but not in large quantities, I tend to get sick if I eat too many!:sick: So the Kahuna platter seems perfect for me, a little bit of everything to sample!:)
Here are a few weird things I have noticed...

The other night at MK, it was after 11pm and we were in a long line for a bus to POFQ...then one bus pulls up and a man with his wife (on a scooter) cut the three lines of people to get on the bus first...one guy started mouthing off and got alot of other people in line all riled up and it was a major crab fest for 15 minutes....OY!

The TIW we have is different than last year, it looks like a regular AP ticket but on the back it reads TABLES IN WONDERLAND and it is not in a TIW sleeve like last year that tells you where you can use it ... so everywhere we have used it the servers are totally confused because it looks like a park ticket!

While on the boat from BWI to HS we stopped at YC/BC. A family of 3 kids and 2 adults got on, they were soaked from the pool, had on bathing suits, and beach towels...they were telling someone on the boat that they pool hop all the time...they drive to a theme park, if they feel like swimming they go to the nearest resort and use the pool...they were telling these people "We can use the resort without paying the high room prices" I was in shock, DH says "Can you believe that people do that?" Uh yeah I can, happens all the time.

Bathrooms at the parks are not clean like they used to be...out of soap, TP, paper towels, floors are a mess etc....DH said the mens rooms are in the same condition.

Buses have been great! The boat service today was great too!

Tons of Star Wars stuff for sale at HS, Epcot and MK....

No sales in the stores like we saw in March...bummer.

Not too many Photopass people out either


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