Disboutiquers Part 16 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew

I haven't caught up on all of the posts from the last few days. But, I had some pictures to share! Tessa has been begging me to teach her to sew. So, I let her make a portrait peasant dress for her doll. We modified it a little bit to make it easier (no gathering at the waist or elastic in the sleeves). Tessa pinned the pattern to the fabric, cut it out, and sewed it together- ALL BY HERSELF!! I just pushed the foot pedal while she steered! She even sewed a bunch of buttons to it for decoration- ALL BY HERSELF!!

I'm so proud!


Here is Jayda AKA: Sarah AKA: Alamander


Muu Muus are all the rage in the fake American Girl crowd, dontcha know!
I am charging the camera and then I can take some pics. :)

I haven't caught up on all of the posts from the last few days. But, I had some pictures to share! Tessa has been begging me to teach her to sew. So, I let her make a portrait peasant dress for her doll. We modified it a little bit to make it easier (no gathering at the waist or elastic in the sleeves). Tessa pinned the pattern to the fabric, cut it out, and sewed it together- ALL BY HERSELF!! I just pushed the foot pedal while she steered! She even sewed a bunch of buttons to it for decoration- ALL BY HERSELF!!

I'm so proud!


Here is Jayda AKA: Sarah AKA: Alamander


Muu Muus are all the rage in the fake American Girl crowd, dontcha know!

That is SO CUTE! Great job, Tessa!

And the muu muu comment just cracked me up!
I also got some pictures of Tessa in her Cinderella outfit. I used CarlaC's twirl scallopini pattern for the skirt and I used a pattern I made up a couple of years ago for the shirt. It's a little big on her, but it'll do! She's going to wear this to 1900 Park Fare in October.



Here's what I got when I tried to take a picture of the back:

She thought she was very funny!


Closeup of the applique:

Closeup of the trim:

Now I'm working on a Jasmine outfit for Tessa and an Aladdin appliqued t-shirt and little vest thing for Sawyer. They'll wear them to Akershush (hopefully Jasmine and Aladdin will be there).
Okay a WILD day!

Mom2 is right about things coming in 3's! When you said that I was like, "We only have two! (Draykey being picture of the day at a gaming site- it was FOREVER ago but I just found it today, and then an email from a CNN producer about maybe using an image I posted to an iReport)

Well, then, I have The Husband call out "CNN is on the phone for you!" It was about a VIDEO I sent in! She asked me a bunch of questions, and said someone else may be calling us with more, and then they'd let us know if they would use it.

Well I just went and checked the video and now it has an "on CNN" stamp on it!!!!

I can't see where they are using it other than there on the site, but wow, how fun!!


It seems like you were due for something really like this! :banana:
Hey Leslie........have you shared the math that you used to make the American Girl skirt? I was going to ask you what size you made your first tier? And the pink ribbon attached inbetween the tiers...did you just sew that over your gathers?

I really liked what you did with the skirt...I'm thinking about incorporating the same style into a dress for Chef Mickey's with the Minnie Dot and black ribbon.


No Fair...You stole the idea that I was stealing :rotfl2: I was thinking of Minnie dot with yellow ribbon...great minds think alike!!
Hey Leslie........have you shared the math that you used to make the American Girl skirt? I was going to ask you what size you made your first tier? And the pink ribbon attached inbetween the tiers...did you just sew that over your gathers?

I really liked what you did with the skirt...I'm thinking about incorporating the same style into a dress for Chef Mickey's with the Minnie Dot and black ribbon.


Thanks! I'm about to make the dolls skirt and I will take pictures and do a little tute on how I make the skirt - it's just math.

I added the tute with photos to my blog ;)

Just wanted to let you guys know that I finally got my de-stash going! WOO! That was a LOT of work! It ended up being over 100 pics of fabric 7 blanks that need to go! My facebook friends can appreciate just how much fabric that was!
This one?? It's one of my favorites!! It's the same concept for the tiered skirt as the AG Place skirt, very full and no petti under it!!

Did you applique the Mickey head or use an embroidery machine?
Soooo cute! I love this.

I also made this Ariel Vida recently.



I would not have the patience to applique all of that. Beautiful!
We just finished another birthday weekend, so that means I was all about exercising my craft skills. My daughter requested a Minnie cake, so here's what I came up with:


She loved it!

She also requested a "Nemo dress with no ruffles or frillies" for her birthday. I'm still not 100% sure what constitutes frillies, but she was happy with her simple Nemo dress.

What a great cake! I only did a little work with fondant once making a putting green on my ds's golf cake (he had a mini golf party). I think it would be hard to work with to do a cake like yours, but I saw you do a homemade version and I am going to experiment with that. I love how polished fondant looks on a cake. And cute nemo sans frillies as well.

I have some catching up to do but I had some things to share. Megans first day of third grade today. She has been waiting to wear this dress since she got it for her birthday this summer. I did not make it sadly. Her great grandma bought it. And I keep telling you all that I am working on aprons for my friend. Get ready for lost of Aprons. I made half aprons and full aprons.

For some reason when I see her dress I think of gumballs.








Such a cute pic of your third grader. And sadd you didn't make the dress b/c I wanted to know where you got the fabric from. I also love your fabric choices for the aprons -- excellent work.


what kind of glue do you guys use? I am so sick of getting glue all over my fingers so I was thinking maybe I was doing it wrong?....lol
I use hot glue, but I also actually hand sew a lot of the pieces. I highly dislike making hair bows, though love ones that coordinate with outfits.

Okay a WILD day!

Mom2 is right about things coming in 3's! When you said that I was like, "We only have two! (Draykey being picture of the day at a gaming site- it was FOREVER ago but I just found it today, and then an email from a CNN producer about maybe using an image I posted to an iReport)

Well, then, I have The Husband call out "CNN is on the phone for you!" It was about a VIDEO I sent in! She asked me a bunch of questions, and said someone else may be calling us with more, and then they'd let us know if they would use it.

Well I just went and checked the video and now it has an "on CNN" stamp on it!!!!

I can't see where they are using it other than there on the site, but wow, how fun!!
WooHoo! Congrats on the sudden recognition of your talent! How exciting for you. Do they all know you now sew as well?

I was on here a few days go asking for help about possibly appliquing on a princess pillowcase. I decided I needed more practice before tackling such a big applique. I finished the dress. I need a few more posts to be able to post the pictures. I was going to post my daughter in the outfits I've made, but after the previous posts, I guess now you will only get the outfits. I hope to one day be able to share pictures of my kiddos.
I am going back to page one to learn how to share pictures. My husband usually has to upload pictures for me.
Now for three more posts, and then I can share...
I can't wait to see the pics. All you have to do is a post telling us a little bit about yourself and then a second post about your upcoming trip -- what dates and where arre you staying (I think we may be going around the same time).

I thought I would share the worlds best sewing secret. :)

I am not sure what it is called but you find it in the upholstery cording section. There is a tape that is made to gather valances. It is fantastic for princess dresses. The "tape" has two channels with cording inside. You stitch the tape to your dress with a zipper or piping foot. After it is secure pull the cording and you have perfect gathers.


I left it BIG on purpose. I hope you can see.
I think I know what you are talking about -- and how incredibly smart of you to think of using those in dress making!

So Miss K's birthday was Sunday I made her this skirt to go with her new Punk look she is going for. She wore it to school today.

Sorry the pic was so blurry they were dancing.
She is so excited she is getting riding lessons this weekend. She had hopes to get a horse for her birthday but we decided to try lessons first the a horse when she understands the responsability.
Looks great! My dd and ds took riding lessons last year. Sadly we can't currently afford them, but both kids loved them. I am not the least bit interested in ever letting dd own a horse,but I would consider letting her lease one.

Okay, here are the dresses I have been working on... Nothing yet for Disney, but I will be starting that stuff soon.

Here is the twirl dresses I made for Cheeseburger in Caseville. Please excuse the bad hair, it was REALLY hot and they had been playing hard with their cousins! DD2's is a littl log on the straps, but it should be good for next year too

And finally, here is my first vida, the bottom ruffle is a pink and brown stripe, but the pink is not showing up well. Also, DD2 is wearing the Molly Peasant Dress that I made for both of them for Cheeseburger as well

I think I put the buttons a little too low, but I will be pairing this with a shirt for school. I tried tying a knot in it and that worked well too.

Thank you so much for all of your inspiration. Especially for the 2 Vida sew alongs, they were really helpful for strap placement, etc.

Next are 2 more Vida's with appliqued Spartan S's for States home openner! Hopefully my new machine gets here fast! At least I have time to cut the fabric!
I love that twirl dress pattern -- I thought it was pretty easy to make and turned out so cute and is so fun to twirl in. I think I made my straps a hair too long as well, and I was originally worried they'd be too short!

I also adore your Vida. I must get myself that pattern so I can start practicing!

While I am in my photobucket account, I thought I would show you some of my cakes...

Here is DD1's 4th birthday

And lastly, a Baby Einstein caterpillar for a first birthday for a friend at work

Thanks ever so much for posting the castle :rolleyes: My dd saw it and now wants me to make one for her tomorrow for her "fake birthday" -- her words, not mine. We also had to sing all the princesses names -- three times. And your caterpillar is really cute -- I never saw one trailing down a tiered cake -- it's adorable!

I haven't caught up on all of the posts from the last few days. But, I had some pictures to share! Tessa has been begging me to teach her to sew. So, I let her make a portrait peasant dress for her doll. We modified it a little bit to make it easier (no gathering at the waist or elastic in the sleeves). Tessa pinned the pattern to the fabric, cut it out, and sewed it together- ALL BY HERSELF!! I just pushed the foot pedal while she steered! She even sewed a bunch of buttons to it for decoration- ALL BY HERSELF!!

I'm so proud!


Here is Jayda AKA: Sarah AKA: Alamander


Muu Muus are all the rage in the fake American Girl crowd, dontcha know!

Tessa did a fabulous job! But more than I adore her creation I adore Tessa's eyes in that first photo -- stunning!
I also got some pictures of Tessa in her Cinderella outfit. I used CarlaC's twirl scallopini pattern for the skirt and I used a pattern I made up a couple of years ago for the shirt. It's a little big on her, but it'll do! She's going to wear this to 1900 Park Fare in October.



Here's what I got when I tried to take a picture of the back:

She thought she was very funny!

Closeup of the applique:

Now I'm working on a Jasmine outfit for Tessa and an Aladdin appliqued t-shirt and little vest thing for Sawyer. They'll wear them to Akershush (hopefully Jasmine and Aladdin will be there).
That is fabulous! I think those have to be some of the most amazing designs I've ever seen. She looks so pretty in the outfit too - she will be a hit at 1900PF!

what kind of glue do you guys use? I am so sick of getting glue all over my fingers so I was thinking maybe I was doing it wrong?....lol :lmao:

I use a glue gun and can not count the number of times I have burned the HECK out of my fingers! My DH laughs at me and says that it's not crafting unless someone burns something!:rotfl2:
I also got some pictures of Tessa in her Cinderella outfit. I used CarlaC's twirl scallopini pattern for the skirt and I used a pattern I made up a couple of years ago for the shirt. It's a little big on her, but it'll do! She's going to wear this to 1900 Park Fare in October.


Very Cute! The top is very interesting!
Just wanted to let you guys know that I finally got my de-stash going! WOO! That was a LOT of work! It ended up being over 100 pics of fabric 7 blanks that need to go! My facebook friends can appreciate just how much fabric that was!

AGH!!! :scared1::scared1: I was too late!!!:scared1::scared1:
We are now thinking of a take on the Incredibles. Just red t shirts with the iron on logo on black shorts. Ok, it is not spectacular but in Florida late Sept. it would be easy to wear.
I think those would be a great idea!
FYI to all who post pictures.

It has come to my attention that pictures posted here have been copied and posted on other sites. (Some of those pictures were used to make fun of my child). Also there is something called "boardtracker" that copies our pictures to another site as does google.

Needless to say I will not be posting pics of my child on here anymore.
I am sorry to hear about this. It is extremely inappropriate for anyone to post photos of a child without their parents permission/knowledge. Thank you for letting us know about this issue.
I understand what you mean.

To make a long story short a friend of mine had her cc stolen at WDW. There was a thread about cc issues on another site. Being that I am staying at the resort I went over to check it out. There was another thread about a TR. They were mercilessly making fun of a boutique Mom and customs in general. I even got pulled into because I had posted on another thread about packing for WDW. I very whimsically said how many outfits and bows we were bringing for our 15 day trip- 2 outfits per day per girl= 60 outfits + 2 bows per outfit= 120 bows. I actually brought a suitcase just for bows and honestly they worse sets over again so it was not 120 bows. They had a field day with what a pushy pageant Mom I am. If you know me you know that is not me!

Now I could have gone over there and said hey listen the girls love dressing up, they love wearing bows and I love sewing for them. I do not make them wear anything they do not want to wear. My youngest asks for her bows first thing in the morning. The suitcase was actually a child's glitter suitcase from the Disney Store. Get a life etc . . .

Then I thought the whole purpose of this site is to make fun of others. How sad is that? At least I have a hobby. LOL It was not worth it to try and defend myself. I have a 1000 better things to do than make fun of strangers.
You are a very talented seamstress. I think some people need to find something better to do with themselves than to worry about what clothes a child is wearing. In other words they should "Mind your own business!"

This is the cake I made for my friend's daughter. Her birthday party was at the botanical gardens. I was pretty happy with how it turned out and tons of the staff at the gardens came by to see the cake, so it seemed to be a hit. Also, my friend was well enough yesterday that she made it to the party, so thanks for all the prayers for her and the well wishes. I can't say it was fun transporting the cake -- it weighed alot and I was so worried it would get ruined. I cut a box to fit it in and covered the box with saran wrap, and put my car a/c on as low as it would go (thankfully it was only in the upper 80's yesterday so it survived the heat).

Now once I get my house cleaned (which I anticipate will take all day) I can get back to sewing.
That cake turned out so cute!! So glad to hear she was able to make it to the party. I will keep her in my prayers.
livndisney - I'm so sorry to hear about what happened with your pictures. It really makes you wonder what's wrong with some people

Also sorry to hear about all the other picture troubles. I tend to be a little paranoid and only post my kids pictures on facebook. Even that makes me a little nervous, but it's a great way to keep all our relatives who live far away up to date on the kids.

We just finished another birthday weekend, so that means I was all about exercising my craft skills. My daughter requested a Minnie cake, so here's what I came up with:


She loved it!

She also requested a "Nemo dress with no ruffles or frillies" for her birthday. I'm still not 100% sure what constitutes frillies, but she was happy with her simple Nemo dress.

That cake is adorable!! I love the Nemo Dress, I also have a daughter who does not like frillies, I am very tempted to make her one Simply Sweet dress for our upcoming trip.:rolleyes1
I have some catching up to do but I had some things to share. Megans first day of third grade today. She has been waiting to wear this dress since she got it for her birthday this summer. I did not make it sadly. Her great grandma bought it. And I keep telling you all that I am working on aprons for my friend. Get ready for lost of Aprons. I made half aprons and full aprons.

For some reason when I see her dress I think of gumballs.







Very pretty dress and I love the aprons! My Daughter is in Third Grade too, she is loving it so far.
so since im now sewing some stuff for the trip i need to change my needle in the machine, its a singer i bought at joanns...last time i changed it, i had to have dh use the plyers to get the thing loosened...is this normal? i tried the other night on my own and couldnt get it bc it was soooooo tight...should we not tighten it as much when replacing?

i did manage to applique 2 ****s for the kids bday party, but i forgot to take pics lol i do have pics of our mickey cake, what fun that was to make lol
we told DD about the trip at her and her brothers bday party, i caught her playing with her dolls today telling them over and over again that shes going to disney world lol
I haven't ever needed to use plyers to change the needle. I don't think you should tighten it that much. I do use a tiny screwdriver to tighten it and loosen it. Pliers might be helpful to hold the needle in place while tightening it. (*I have a hard time holding the needle in place)
I make my own marshmallow fondant. It's A LOT cheaper to make, pretty much the cost of a bag of marshmallows and a bag of powdered sugar to make a large batch, and I find it easier to work with than the store bought. If you have a big mixer (I have a kitchen-aid) it's not hard to make, just a little messy.

Here's a link to the recipe I use: http://cakecentral.com/articles/105. I think it's a lot like working with play-doh. The cakecentral site has the answer to about any cake decorating question. That's where I've gained most of my knowledge.

I made my daughter a Cinderella cake using a Cinderella Barbie-type doll a couple years ago. I baked the cake (skirt) in a Pampered Chef glass mixing bowl (you could use any, just make sure its' oven safe). Then stuck the doll in and decorated it with fondant. This isn't the best picture of the cake, but you'll get the idea:


Hope that helps. Any other questions, feel free to ask.
I love the way the skirt looks made out of Fondant! Very pretty!
I thought I would share the worlds best sewing secret.

I am not sure what it is called but you find it in the upholstery cording section. There is a tape that is made to gather valances. It is fantastic for princess dresses. The "tape" has two channels with cording inside. You stitch the tape to your dress with a zipper or piping foot. After it is secure pull the cording and you have perfect gathers.

I left it BIG on purpose. I hope you can see.

Great Idea!!! Is that stuff sold "by the yard" Or on the notions wall?
While I am in my photobucket account, I thought I would show you some of my cakes...

Here is DD1's 4th birthday

And DD2's 1st birthday


DD1's 2nd birthday

Here is 'bad Stitch' for a friend at work

And lastly, a Baby Einstein caterpillar for a first birthday for a friend at work

I love all of these cakes too! You are all so talented at decorating cakes!
I made DS a pirate ship cake. . . thankfully there are very few pictures of it...
I haven't caught up on all of the posts from the last few days. But, I had some pictures to share! Tessa has been begging me to teach her to sew. So, I let her make a portrait peasant dress for her doll. We modified it a little bit to make it easier (no gathering at the waist or elastic in the sleeves). Tessa pinned the pattern to the fabric, cut it out, and sewed it together- ALL BY HERSELF!! I just pushed the foot pedal while she steered! She even sewed a bunch of buttons to it for decoration- ALL BY HERSELF!!

I'm so proud!

Here is Jayda AKA: Sarah AKA: Alamander


Muu Muus are all the rage in the fake American Girl crowd, dontcha know!
Great job on your first project Tessa!! Your Doll looks Adorable!
I also got some pictures of Tessa in her Cinderella outfit. I used CarlaC's twirl scallopini pattern for the skirt and I used a pattern I made up a couple of years ago for the shirt. It's a little big on her, but it'll do! She's going to wear this to 1900 Park Fare in October.


Here's what I got when I tried to take a picture of the back:

Closeup of the applique:

Closeup of the trim:

Now I'm working on a Jasmine outfit for Tessa and an Aladdin appliqued t-shirt and little vest thing for Sawyer. They'll wear them to Akershush (hopefully Jasmine and Aladdin will be there).

Very pretty! I love the trim you used. That outfit is beautiful.princess:
Well, just had to say I am so proud of myself, I appliqued !!!! I just did two practice Mickey heads on an old t-shirt, but I think they turned out ok and my DD likes them so, I think I will try one on a real project. I really just wanted to purchase some from fellow disboutiquers, but I have been off for two months(broken ankle), no paycheck and state disability has not even been approved yet:scared1: and I go back to work next week:sad1: So money is scarce and I need to save every penny for our trip. Anyway it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, thank you heathersue for the wonderful tutorial. Well we are getting close to our trip. And I have a few more projects to finish, AK dress, Crystal Palace pooh dress and denim skirt for Hoop Dee Doo. So please enjoy my latest creation a princess dress for Princess Breakfast at Epcot. It is a Simply Sweet with ruffled sleeves.


She wanted a picture next to spongebob on the tv.



This is a charmy euro skirt from youcanmakethis in Mary Engelbreit fabric. I love charm packs and these are so easy and my DD loves them. We took this pic this weekend at my mom's house in Ocean City, NJ, couldn't go in the water because of Hurricane Bill, so we went to a pottery painting place and shell museum.

So Miss K's birthday was Sunday I made her this skirt to go with her new Punk look she is going for. She wore it to school today.

She is so excited she is getting riding lessons this weekend. She had hopes to get a horse for her birthday but we decided to try lessons first the a horse when she understands the responsability.
That skirt is really cute! Good luck with the riding lessons.
Okay, here are the dresses I have been working on... Nothing yet for Disney, but I will be starting that stuff soon.

Here is the twirl dresses I made for Cheeseburger in Caseville. Please excuse the bad hair, it was REALLY hot and they had been playing hard with their cousins! DD2's is a littl log on the straps, but it should be good for next year too:rolleyes1

Here is a twirl action shot that DD1 insisted I include!

And finally, here is my first vida, the bottom ruffle is a pink and brown stripe, but the pink is not showing up well. Also, DD2 is wearing the Molly Peasant Dress that I made for both of them for Cheeseburger as well

I think I put the buttons a little too low, but I will be pairing this with a shirt for school. I tried tying a knot in it and that worked well too.

Thank you so much for all of your inspiration. Especially for the 2 Vida sew alongs, they were really helpful for strap placement, etc.

Next are 2 more Vida's with appliqued Spartan S's for States home openner! Hopefully my new machine gets here fast! At least I have time to cut the fabric!
I love the dresses, your DD's are adorable
But what is Cheeseburger in Caseville?:confused3
We are now thinking of a take on the Incredibles. Just red t shirts with the iron on logo on black shorts. Ok, it is not spectacular but in Florida late Sept. it would be easy to wear.

April - you are so right! And dont worry, you will be recognized by cast members without a huge costume. Last year Bill and I went as Philadelphia Eagles fans - we had on green shirts with iron ons with mickey with an eagles jersey on - and the cast members really looked at them and called us sports fans - and people asked us where we bought them all night long - lol!!!

Well, just had to say I am so proud of myself, I appliqued !!!! I just did two practice Mickey heads on an old t-shirt, but I think they turned out ok and my DD likes them so, I think I will try one on a real project. I really just wanted to purchase some from fellow disboutiquers, but I have been off for two months(broken ankle), no paycheck and state disability has not even been approved yet:scared1: and I go back to work next week:sad1: So money is scarce and I need to save every penny for our trip. Anyway it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, thank you heathersue for the wonderful tutorial. Well we are getting close to our trip. And I have a few more projects to finish, AK dress, Crystal Palace pooh dress and denim skirt for Hoop Dee Doo. So please enjoy my latest creation a princess dress for Princess Breakfast at Epcot. It is a Simply Sweet with ruffled sleeves.


She wanted a picture next to spongebob on the tv.



This is a charmy euro skirt from youcanmakethis in Mary Engelbreit fabric. I love charm packs and these are so easy and my DD loves them. We took this pic this weekend at my mom's house in Ocean City, NJ, couldn't go in the water because of Hurricane Bill, so we went to a pottery painting place and shell museum.

You did GREAT!! I love your shirt and your outfits too!! Your daughter is adorable!!

We didnt go down to OC this weekend because of the storm - hope to be there this weekend though!!!! Wonder if the water is still warm or if the "Bill" sent the cold water in!!! or jellyfish :scared1:
The disboard in general.


I use a glue gun and can not count the number of times I have burned the HECK out of my fingers! My DH laughs at me and says that it's not crafting unless someone burns something!:rotfl2:

So I see you and another person on here use hot glue guns, is there any brand of them that work better than others? I will either have to order it online of drive 30 miles away just to get one :headache:

You guys have some amazing talent. I have been looking at all the fun customs admiring your work again for hours. I am even going to attempt to make a few before our trip in Sept. (with lots of help from my mom)

Can someone point me to the awesome bow making tutorial that I am almost positive I found a while back on one of the Disboutiquers threads. I have been searching for hours and can't find it and if I actually plan to make anything I need to get busy and stop surfing the net.

Thanks in advance!!
For those wondering what Cheeseburger in Caseville is...

Basically 10 days of Jimmy Buffet and all things Key West insanity!

Caseville is a VERY small town in the thumb of Michigan. It is a farming community. It also has a large weekend population because it is right on Lake Huron and has beautiful sandy beaches. I grew up going there when I was a kid, my parents had a place at Oak Beach, 9 miles north of Caseville.

Cheeseburger brings in thousands of people... for the parade (Parade of Fools) this year, they estimated about 70,000 people lined the 1 mile stretch of town. There is hat making and all kinds of activities throughout the week. Each night a couple of bands play and they get some really good people playing.

My DH's mom moved up when she remarried. It has been fun for me, since this is where I went EVERY.WEEKEND in the summer of my childhood.

If you get really curious, google Cheeseburger in Caseville to see some of the nuttiness.


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