Laid off--Support thread

Why would an employer penalize someone for their credit score?
Is this becoming the norm?
If so then I hope none of my friends get lasid off bc their cr's are in the gutter.
That's what happened to me, once I lost my job, I couldn't keep up with the credit cards, lowering my credit score.
Congrats to those who found something. I'm still looking unfortunately,not many interviews, but hopefully something will turn around soon.
Hi, all! I haven't posted because I've been so scared I haven't wanted to put it on paper. My husband lost his job (reduction of force) in February and I was laid off in May. We made good money, so we have the new house, new car, credit card debt (but not too much to handle with two solid incomes coming in), savings, and 4 kids. So, we went from comfortable middle class to food stamps, food lines, medicaid, no savings in a matter of months. My husband found a job one month ago, but it is 60% less than he was making before. I still am not back to work. My youngest son has been in and out of the hospital, and is looking to have another surgery in the next couple of months. So, we are now behind on some bills because we had no income for 3 months, and have credit cards that are huge. We've been using them to live: gas, food (before the stamps), household items. We had stellar credit before all of this! This is so hard for me to write, we are considering bankruptcy because we have house, car, living expenses, and credit cards, something has to give. Can anyone tell me what to do? I will be going back to work in a week (I actually get a paycheck next month:banana:), but with the huge drop in husbands pay. . . . I've called the creditors and they will drop interest, but not payment amounts. I've sent in information for the workout package, but have not heard anything. I've called and gotten some charity payments for medical bills. Has anyone been through something like this, I feel like I should hang my head in shame.
You can add us to the list now. :sad2:

My husband got laid off yesterday and I have been a SAHM for 7 years. This came as a huge shock since just 4 weeks ago the company sent out a memo saying there would be no lay offs.

I am sick to my stomach and just can't stop crying. Unfortunately we don't have a big savings and the thought of the weeks ahead is just so scary. He has been applying for jobs, although there are very few. He made very good money and finding something comparable or even more than half is almost impossible.

I am trying to keep the faith, and would never wish this feeling or situation on anyone. hopefully everyone else is having luck and for those who are not, know you are not alone.
our company is hiring people to work from their home computers, contact me for information if you need a flexible job
WAHMTEXAS- I would love to hear about your company. I am currently looking for flexible home-based computer work. (Sorry I am a newbie and can't send pm's yet till I have 10 messages).

The company whom I am currently laid off from because my contract ended the end of June wants to hire me back effective September 8th for another contract until the end of June 2010. It is hourly with no benefits, but they are stipulating in the contract that although I would only be paid for 24 hours per week for 40 weeks, it is a 12 month contract.:confused3 I thought 40 weeks equals 10 months, not 12! Therefore, if I accept the job, I would be ineligible for unemployment when the job ends next June. Is this legal? I would not be an employee of a school district, which has unemploment rules different from the regular public. Should I contact the labor department before accepting this job? If I decline this job, I think I would be cut off unemployment, so I think I am in a catch-22. I have contacted the union, but they are of no help at all. Any advice would be appreciated! :cool2:
Hi, all! I haven't posted because I've been so scared I haven't wanted to put it on paper. My husband lost his job (reduction of force) in February and I was laid off in May. We made good money, so we have the new house, new car, credit card debt (but not too much to handle with two solid incomes coming in), savings, and 4 kids. So, we went from comfortable middle class to food stamps, food lines, medicaid, no savings in a matter of months. My husband found a job one month ago, but it is 60% less than he was making before. I still am not back to work. My youngest son has been in and out of the hospital, and is looking to have another surgery in the next couple of months. So, we are now behind on some bills because we had no income for 3 months, and have credit cards that are huge. We've been using them to live: gas, food (before the stamps), household items. We had stellar credit before all of this! This is so hard for me to write, we are considering bankruptcy because we have house, car, living expenses, and credit cards, something has to give. Can anyone tell me what to do? I will be going back to work in a week (I actually get a paycheck next month:banana:), but with the huge drop in husbands pay. . . . I've called the creditors and they will drop interest, but not payment amounts. I've sent in information for the workout package, but have not heard anything. I've called and gotten some charity payments for medical bills. Has anyone been through something like this, I feel like I should hang my head in shame.

You can add us to the list now. :sad2:

My husband got laid off yesterday and I have been a SAHM for 7 years. This came as a huge shock since just 4 weeks ago the company sent out a memo saying there would be no lay offs.

I am sick to my stomach and just can't stop crying. Unfortunately we don't have a big savings and the thought of the weeks ahead is just so scary. He has been applying for jobs, although there are very few. He made very good money and finding something comparable or even more than half is almost impossible.

I am trying to keep the faith, and would never wish this feeling or situation on anyone. hopefully everyone else is having luck and for those who are not, know you are not alone.

I have no words of advice, but wanted to offer a :hug:

I'm so sorry for what you are going through. I was unemployed last year for a brief period (I actually left my job due to some horrible working conditions) and I was terrified. But keep hope in your heart - you WILL be ok.

This could possibly be happening to me. I will find out definately today. I think the anticipation of it is worse than anything. I will keep you posted.
I figured I might as well join in.

I was let go in December of 08 from my first full-time job. I had been there a little less than a year and was told I was being let go because of being sick and not providing proper documantaion. I had provided the documentation and was told everything was okay by the HR department. (I was out for 5 days with a massive respitory infection and had a doctor's note covering all the days). My boss informed me the day she fired me that I was not even to bother filing for unemployment benefits because I was not eligible. I later found out from a friend of mine who still works at the company that my boss let me go because of cutbacks within the company and if she went with the last hired first fired rule in our department she would have had to fire her best friends cousin that came to work with us 6 months after I had. I was furious but instead of dwelling on it I put all my efforts into looking for a new job.

I have yet to find anything. I have had one interview from dozens of applications and was offered the jobn only to be told when I went in to fill out final paperwork that I was not being hired for full-time like they had told me but instead part-time at 15 hours a week. I politely declined seeing as that was not even enough to cover my expenses of getting there each week.

I am still continuing my search and hope to find something soon. Thankfully I still live at home and my mom gets my dad's pension and social security payments since he passed away.

I send out all my prayers to those who are looking and in worse shape than I am.
My husband has been looking for six months, has had three interviews, one we thought was close, one he was offered but the pay was less than unemployment and no benefits and he's still looking and not really finding anything out there to apply for lately. It's just so depressing...... :sad2: Will it ever end. Luckily for us I was able to find a job with great benefits so we're holding our own currently, but that won't last forever.
I posted a while back. Dh was laid off the end of January. He ended up getting called back to the same company in April only as a contract employee. He was just informed that this is his last full week of work. He can work 1-2 days a week in September then he is completely done. In all this time he has received two phone calls both from contracting firms.

He was told to apply for a position opening up at the company he worked for since an employee is moving out of the country. However I don't know how many hundreds of people will be applying.
What types of fields or positions is everyone applying for?

My husband is in the IT field and we are not finding many job postings.
We just got back from a 2 week vacation--and DH boss came to pick him up---and instead laid him off:confused: DH asked how long they knew and the boss said they decided over a month ago but wanted DH to have a relaxing vacation...:scared1: HELLO?!?!?! :eek: The good news is we bought school supplies early on and put them away little by little so we should be good there... and we have money in savings--granted not a lot, but some. DH has been on the phone and internet busting his butt.... His boss says hopefully they'll sell another multi million dollar machine and then they'll need DH again.... but who knows when that will be or for how long that will last. :scared1: Makes me sick.
I figured I might as well join in.

My boss informed me the day she fired me that I was not even to bother filing for unemployment benefits because I was not eligible. I am still continuing my search and hope to find something soon.

Oh, you should make sure that's true; she has an interest in you NOT collecting benefits.

I was surprised to learn that here in Ohio, you can collect partial unemployment if your hours have been cut.
We just got back from a 2 week vacation--and DH boss came to pick him up---and instead laid him off:confused: DH asked how long they knew and the boss said they decided over a month ago but wanted DH to have a relaxing vacation...:scared1: HELLO?!?!?! :eek: The good news is we bought school supplies early on and put them away little by little so we should be good there... and we have money in savings--granted not a lot, but some. DH has been on the phone and internet busting his butt.... His boss says hopefully they'll sell another multi million dollar machine and then they'll need DH again.... but who knows when that will be or for how long that will last. :scared1: Makes me sick.

That is terrible. And I can totally relate to feeling sick. I haven't been able to eat or sleep in days...and I'm just terrified of what will happen next. I am really hoping things start turning around.
Hang in there guys! It took me a little over a year but I finally got an offer of employment and it turns out that it's better than my old gig. Less stress and same pay. Now if only the state would clear my fingerprints already!!
I figured I might as well join in.

I was let go in December of 08 from my first full-time job. I had been there a little less than a year and was told I was being let go because of being sick and not providing proper documantaion. I had provided the documentation and was told everything was okay by the HR department. (I was out for 5 days with a massive respitory infection and had a doctor's note covering all the days). My boss informed me the day she fired me that I was not even to bother filing for unemployment benefits because I was not eligible. I later found out from a friend of mine who still works at the company that my boss let me go because of cutbacks within the company and if she went with the last hired first fired rule in our department she would have had to fire her best friends cousin that came to work with us 6 months after I had. I was furious but instead of dwelling on it I put all my efforts into looking for a new job.

This brought up a HUGE red flag....If you were layed off, they have that documented somewhere and you ARE eligible. I think you still may be able to file...not sure how long you can wait, but I would look into it ASAP
This brought up a HUGE red flag....If you were layed off, they have that documented somewhere and you ARE eligible. I think you still may be able to file...not sure how long you can wait, but I would look into it ASAP

I'm not sure about Ohio, but even in NY, you have the right to file and if you are denied, a right to a hearing. I would apply and see what happens, a lot of employers are lazy and do not want to bother with the paperwork, which earns them a fine if not filed in time.


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