MM Warriors Part Deux (As of October 27)

Do you get to visit with these people? I know that the elderly clients I have had really just wanted people to come and see them. Could you give your "Angel" a lunch or dinner date? Or a shopping trip?


Feast upon the Words of Christ
Hey Barb,
Is it cloudy with a chance of showers, overcast with precipitation predicted, storm showers approaching, etc,etc,? Hope you have a great, RAINY day!LOL


Feast upon the Words of Christ
Robin: Really nice creams/lotions are good gifts for the elderly. My MIL loves one that smells like chocolate and it gives her a kick that she gets lots of compliments when she wears it. I got her some boiled wool slippers that she also really likes. A gift card would also be nice.

Kate: It has to be good news that your niece had some small improvements, I hope! I can’t imagine how stressed you all must be over her condition. I am thinking of her constantly and praying for a full recovery soon, as well as comfort for all of you. :littleangel:

Nell: I hope you feel rested today!

We had a blast last night at the show! It went much longer than I thought it would. They did all the most popular dances from Season 5 and each one did a solo as well. The arena was packed. My parents are really cute and healthy, but they don’t like crowds so they don’t go out much. Dad fishes ALL THE TIME and Mom cleans non-stop. This was the highlight of their year. We got home late for a work night – about 11:30 and Tom gets up at about 3:30 – poor guy. I am heading to Macy’s for the early bird special on leather coats to see if I can get one for my son for Christmas - to wear when it's not pouring rain up there!
Hi Kate - well even minor improvements are a GOOD thing and will hopefully lead to bigger ones today. Hope they dont find that it is an alcohol problem, but if so, something like this should help to shock her into the realization that she cant abuse herself that way...that show jumping circuit is very tough business and I can see where the pressure and stress might drive her to try to ease the stress through drinking...its certainly not uncommon in that realm. Im toasting my Shakeology to continued improvements and a complete recovery for her.

Obviously sleeping in didnt happen! Dog bounded up at 7:30, so here I am with Shakeology, Marlboro light, and vitamins in hand! :surfweb:

Have to shop today for Christmas gifts for an elderly woman I dont know...Nationwide supports the "Elderly Angel" program...these are folks who are recipients of the Meals on Wheels, so they get out only occasionally when a shuttle van takes them to Dr appts, the store, etc. We are given the choice of adopting an "Angel" as a team, (14 of us) or individually, so this year I decided to do one individually, then of course my team voted to adopt one as a Team TOO, so off I go in search of appropriate "Angel" requested slippers, so that should be easy enough, and the Team "Angel" requested a scarf and we just need to fill in with some other smaller things. What in the world do I get for an elderly homebound woman that I have never met? Im thinking maybe some small things like teas, candies, lotions? Of course so many older folks are diabetic so maybe thats not a good idea after all....dont want to do candles, no lighting the house on fire if they fall asleep with the darn thing going...was thinking gift cards for the grocery store or Walmart, but that doesnt seem very exciting to open on Christmas morning! Any Ideas Folks? I have a few hours before I need to go, so help me out here!!:idea::idea::idea:

After my Mom was widowed, she would spend hours doing puzzles. Usually the cute ones, with kittens or puppies :idea:
It's good to hear that your niece had some small improvement yesterday. If you want to give me her full name, I can add her onto the prayer roll at one of my churches' temples. She would receive thousands of peoples prayers there.
If you want.


Feast upon the Words of Christ
They are not sure what caused it although they suspect that it is the kind of pancreatitis that is brought on by alcohol abuse. This kid is an overachiever. She does really well in school. She shows/jumps horses. I don't know if it is just "college" drinking or if she has a problem. From what I have read on-line, pancreatitis doesn't usually happen with just a binge of drinking. My family is strong and she is surrounded by lots of love and getting lots of prayers. I talked to my mom last night and she said that there were enough minor improvements yesterday that decided not to transfer her to Stanford Hospital.

I'm thinking of you and your family. Hopefully those minor improvements will soon turn to big ones :hug:
Hey Barb,
Is it cloudy with a chance of showers, overcast with precipitation predicted, storm showers approaching, etc,etc,? Hope you have a great, RAINY day!LOL


Feast upon the Words of Christ

:laughing: The storm showers got here and stayed. Now we're expecting new storm clouds to follow. You have to remember, most of us that are born here and still live here are used to it. We appreciate the many variations of grey ;) In the summer, we have a very narrow margin of comfort. If it get much over 75 we start complaining :sad: (That's rain coming out of my eyes)
I would love those forecasts. I'm weird. I love cloudy, rainy and windy weather. I actually get depressed in the summer. Which is actually a rare type of SAD. Leave it to me to get the bizarre one!:lmao:

OMG, sounds like Florida is not the best place for you :eek: I hope you can get back to your happy place soon :hug:
Good Morning All,

Still on step1 re-do until next Monday. Eventhough I plan on a very controlled Thanksgiving I still want to be in step2 a few days before I have anything beyond step1. My work is in chaos for awhile. They are trying to standardize all the software at all the branches and at the same time are changing the database :eek: That means my poor old brain is having to learn lots of new things at once :confused: I'm a hands on kinda learner so I'll get it eventually.

Lisa - I'm so glad your parents enjoyed the show. Isn't it wonderful to be able to give them something like that instead of material things.

Robin - You are starting to worry me at little. Too many tweaks too fast. Please don't let it become too much work. Baby steps. Eat your yogurt if you want, not because you feel you have to and don't stress on the carb count beyond what the label says. Go gluten free for awhile but don't feel you have to add every food, supplement and tweak that is recommended by someone. Remember KISS? :hug:
Barb - THANKS, you are SO right! I just feel like I want to do everything I can to make this thing work...and that Type A personality just keeps on jumping into every possibility! I am going to try the gluten free for just one week, as Diane recommended...I had thought she said 2, but no, only one...and Im going to finish up the yogurt I have and then forget about it, since I really dont like it and wouldnt want to make it a part of my way of eating for life. I do feel really great, with the gym and the exercise helping so much, and the shakeology does help get the veggies in, and works well for me with my on-the-go I think that will be a keeper for awhile. I guess the basic, simple eating I was doing on step 1 is probably the long term answer...just wish I was seeing that waistline decrease...thats what has been driving me to look for other answers...even Diane says that with the weight loss I have had I should be down more sizes...and Im just NOT...

Thanks for the puzzle idea...thats a good one, as my mom does enjoy doing them, and they are not too expensive either.

Carol - for some reason, this thing is kept anonymous...not sure why? It seems like it would be fun to get to know these people and the lunch idea is a good one...will have to inquire as to why this policy?

Lisa - glad you had so much fun and your parents enjoyed their night out on the town! I didnt know there was such a thing as chocolate lotion? I was trying to think what scents would be good for someone older...
Robin: I used to get the chocolate scented loction in a jar at Bath & Body Works but they didn't have it last time. I found one at Ulta that was good.

Bath & Body Works has one in a pump this year. I looked on their website.
Thanks Lisa, I think that might be a fun gift to include in their packages! We do have 13 other team members I think I will go with the slippers, lotion, comfy socks, and puzzles....the rest of them can come up with the other stuff!! they decided since I had already signed up for an individual "Angel", that the whole team would just take on for me!

Of course if I never get off my computer and get going, nobody is going to get ANYTHING!! LOL OK, so Im going now! After my feeding of course! The co-workers laugh when I call it a Im a Pony or something!:lmao:
Tom, O Holy Night is my absolute all time favorite Christmas song. I'm so glad you've come to share with us again. How is married life so far? I hope your both thrilled and loving every day together! :hug:

Hi Nell! So far, so good for the married life. We don't have internet yet so my replies may be kinda slow.
Good morning/afternoon! I feel rested! Yay! :banana: Now I will be less whiney.

Kate, please keep us updated. What a horrible thing to happen. When she comes to the doctors need to be really firm that alcohol is the main cause of what happened to her. If they give her any reason and she has a problem, she'll latch onto the other reason so that she doesn't have to give up what she thinks is the only thing keeping her going. I will keep praying. How are you doing with other things? Is your eating better and are you getting any time with your husband?

Pony, I think a throw is a great idea. Or one of those snuggle things that they show on TV? I know that CVS carries them. Your probably gone already though, but all the idea here are wonderful. Also, it's a wonderful life on DVD, but it's hard to know whether she already has it or a DVD.

Barb, I would love the gray weather! I'm glad that it doesn't bother you either. Florida isn't as bad now that it's cooled a bit, but your right, it is not ideal for me. I do like pools though so it's a possibility. There are some really inexpensive ones made for kids that are big enough for adults. I need to be considerate of the rest of my family, so I just can't move us all to Alaska, lol. I think when I retire I'll probably go North instead of South!

Lisa, I'm looking forward to hearing about the show!

Tom, that is awesome! Don't feel like you have to answer quickly. I find when I don't have internet it's nice because I get to spend more time with loved ones. :)

Ok, I'm ready for the weighing zap. I have a good excuse though. I am hovering at 300. Then of course, 306, 302, 300, 305, 302.... and so on! :rotfl: The thing is, getting under 300 (and staying there for a solid week of course) will be a really big deal to me. I am not stressing over it, I'm excited. The weird thing is that I have discovered from weighing, if I have a couple of days of eating less, I seem to gain, and I eat more and lose. I think Met B makes you kind of backwards. :rotfl: Ok, got to get to work.
Hey, where is Cindy, and Beverly? And everyone else missing I can't think of at the moment... I know where Laura is, she's stuck in facebook land! :lmao:
Robin: Really nice creams/lotions are good gifts for the elderly. My MIL loves one that smells like chocolate and it gives her a kick that she gets lots of compliments when she wears it. I got her some boiled wool slippers that she also really likes. A gift card would also be nice.

Kate: It has to be good news that your niece had some small improvements, I hope! I can’t imagine how stressed you all must be over her condition. I am thinking of her constantly and praying for a full recovery soon, as well as comfort for all of you. :littleangel:

Nell: I hope you feel rested today!

We had a blast last night at the show! It went much longer than I thought it would. They did all the most popular dances from Season 5 and each one did a solo as well. The arena was packed. My parents are really cute and healthy, but they don’t like crowds so they don’t go out much. Dad fishes ALL THE TIME and Mom cleans non-stop. This was the highlight of their year. We got home late for a work night – about 11:30 and Tom gets up at about 3:30 – poor guy. I am heading to Macy’s for the early bird special on leather coats to see if I can get one for my son for Christmas - to wear when it's not pouring rain up there!

(((Lisa))) I just went back and saw your response to Pony. I must have missed it the first time. :) That is very cool! I'm glad you had a great time! I don't know if leather is good in the rain though. :confused: I think it gets water stained and can crack. I'm sure he'd still appreciate the coat though. Not every day is rainy there! And I know they have cold.
Nell: Yeah, he can wear the leather when it's not rainy to a business meeting or A DATE!!!! He also has over shells he could wear to dash from the car. I've had mine get damp before. One thing we have done is stock him up on stuff to stay warm! He still gets sick much more often than when he was home. Combination of late work hours, roommates and the climate, I think. He's taking oregano oil and echinacea to get over the sickness. He's no worse, so it's not swine flu, I hope.

You'll never believe what I am doing this afternoon. A neighbor and I that are in charge of the Neighborhood Watch have organized a cookie exchange for early December the last couple of years. I invited her over today to go through my new Martha Stewart Cookie cookbook and she's bringing some of her own. Hope I don't launch into cravings, but so far, so good. I bought stocking stuffers at Cost Plus yesterday and didn't feel the urge to sneak into the bags. I found I could walk around the store looking at all the treats in a very detached mode. Amazing!
Ok, I'm ready for the weighing zap. I have a good excuse though. I am hovering at 300. Then of course, 306, 302, 300, 305, 302.... and so on! :rotfl: The thing is, getting under 300 (and staying there for a solid week of course) will be a really big deal to me. I am not stressing over it, I'm excited. The weird thing is that I have discovered from weighing, if I have a couple of days of eating less, I seem to gain, and I eat more and lose. I think Met B makes you kind of backwards. :rotfl: Ok, got to get to work.

:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo: Nell, you are doing so great! You are almost at a wonderful milestone in your MM journey :hug:
Thank you Barb! I'm excited. :) I think your doing pretty awesome yourself! We all are. I'm grateful for this group all of the time.

Lisa, that is so cool! I'm experiencing the detached thing also when looking at sweet foods. Unless my stress level goes up really high. Now that I know it's a physical reaction and stress increases insulin, I'm a lot calmer about it. Big high five for your ability to jump into the exchange and have fun without being fearful! :cheer2:


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