Team 'Ohana 2009: No One Left Behind

Jen's baby was born 4:30 pm CST weighing 8lbs 4 oz.
Just in time for a full year of training for next year's Disney marathon!

Congrats Jen!!!

I love the idea of a floating Ohana race. It would be tough to make it work, butit would be worth getting together without the Disney distractions, or maybe there is a central point that we could all reach easily.

Re: Half Marathon Maniacs, looks intriguing, try as I might I just miss the Saturn level, so you know what that means.(or at least Mel and Corinna do....)

I'm going to work on that "balance thing" , as you called it Mel. I think part of it is that I suddenly feel that I have lost my motivation. That may be at least partly due to not having a race on the schedule, or because this weekend wiped me out, or even another reason. Maybe spectating at the Houston Marathon this weekend will help some (I was offered an unused bib earlier today, and thought about it just for a moment....).

A little bit of good news here, my Wii Fit says I lost 1.8 lbs over the period I was gone to WDW, and I have also resurrected a belt out of the closet's "I hope to wear that again one day" selection, not to mention a few of the long-sleeved items I wore to Disney last week. Those are happy signs of progress. :)

On the subject of the DL half, I haven't been there as an adult (or since I was 1 year old, maybe I should scan an old photo....). I do know the hotel situation is completely different than at WDW. Where have some of you stayed and would recommend to stay/not stay.?Also, what are your plans for this year?

Hope baby and momma are doing well.

Corinna: those photos are amazing! I knew you had lost weight, but didn't realize how dramatically different you look. Way to go, girl! You are now my latest inspiration. Every time I go to stick something in my mouth, I think of how great you look, and decide I'm not really hungry. I hope maybe I can do it too.

Love the idea about the floating Ohana race. I'm on the fence about doing the American Tobacco Trail....only because I have so much other stuff going on this year, but If my Ohana cousins came, I'm sure I would quickly change my mind. I know Lily and a few others have signed up for that one. And although, she's not part of Ohana, our dear Wendy lives in this area and is doing that event also.
Jen: Congratulations to you and your family. And welcome to the world, baby girl!

Okay, we're back home and trying to get things into order. How is it possible that a 7-day trip seemed so...short? :confused3 I guess I just can't squeeze in the Goofy, WISH meets large and small, and touring. :rotfl2: Seriously, WISH is so big and overwhelming that I was glad for the opportunity to meet with many of you at Beaches & Cream or the expo or on the course for a little smaller groups.

Corinna: Great race, again! You're fabulous, a racing woman to follow. I'm proud to move in your footsteps. You have so earned very second off your time (and every pound off your frame). Those pictures are very revealing (although not as revealing as leopard shorts). So...that speedwork really works, huh? I might need to be consistent with mine next time. :lmao:

And you are too hardcore enough for the half fanatics, I'm positive about that. Just need a little nudging to sign up. So, about this Frozen Half Marathon. Nudge, nudge.

I didn't think the cold was awful, per se, although I could have done with slightly warmer conditions and less wind. It was thew wet shoes that really did me in. Still, I had so much sympathy for the participants who don't train a cooler climate.

And most of my concern was for the volunteers and spectators. That had to be hard. Thanks to you, Mel, Jeanne, and all the WISHers who got out there. :worship: Brought tears to my eyes, it did. Or maybe that was the wind. :rotfl:

Richard: Thanks for posting the expo picture! That's when I was still looking happy. :lmao: Speaking of happy, I'm very happy you did your EE ride, and know you'll get your churro next time. Ditto to what Corinna said--you're the poster-child for the Goofy. I'm so glad your family came along with you, and wished I'd gotten to meet them and hang out with you some more. Not enough time, I've afraid.

I definitely think you should do the princess. In the leopard print, topped with a Minnie skirt. Yep, I know you're up for it. And yes, "we want the leopard." :rolleyes1

I loved reading your--and Corinna's--posts about your progress and your training, btw. Very impressive! And if this is a transitional year, I can't wait to see what happens for you! I understand your concerns about balance--between training, races, a professional life, a personal life, and even (maybe) a social life. Balance is on my training wishlist this year (I'd take flexibility, too!) Congrats on the continued weight loss, btw!

Julie: Holy cow! What a great race for you! You did more than PR--you blew your race out the water! Woo hoo! We missed you at B&C, though, and I think you need to come up with an ice cream-and-bourbon social at our next event to make up for it. :rolleyes1

Mel: You definitely made the right decision about the Goofy. Not only for your foot, but because you were still out there on the course, supporting us all. Your smile is one of the best things about that whole stretch. :upsidedow Half marathon fanatics, huh? That sounds like a fun goal!

Jeanne: Ditto on Mel's questions. How are you doing? You looked great when I saw you, but how are you feeling? Did you overdo it this weekend? I hope not! What is this American Tobacco Trail of which you speak?

Jackie: Great races, both days. I think your times were excellent, and am impressed that you overcame those severe cramps. I'm sorry we missed you at B&C and the Boardwalk, but can understand Bill's p.o.v. DOOD had some similar reservations, but I told him to "man up." :rotfl2: Now if he'd just accept the fact I'll go without him and be as happy as a clam.... (Although DOOD did enjoy meeting everyone, really! Just having a hard time keeping all the names and faces straight.)

JenB: Speaking of supportive people who deserve every ounce of praise for their, that describes you, too! Great job following your plan for the half and full! You rocked the Goofy!

Maria: You were missed at the meets, but with me in spirit! :hug:

Kathy: Awesome, awesome race Kathy. You left me in the dust (er, ice). I can't believe how graceful you make smokin' hot walking look. So proud of you!

As for me: First, thanks to you all for your support, both on the course and off! I'm getting over the disappointment in my performance. Sulky, sulky, sulky. :laughing: After all, I had tons of fun with Richard (and then Jackie), who both got me through the half once things got touch. And DianeL, of course, who was with me for the full--joined by Richard for a brief while. And playing tag with John & seeing him conquer the Goofy was a delight.

I'm recovering now, and committing to a stronger, healthier 2010. I'd like to see my next half at least meet the pace of my long training runs for the Goofy, which were 1-2 minutes faster than what I actually did on race days. :sad2: Sans blisters, I think that's do-able.

So I'm trying to figure out my schedule, which is always a challenge given a sporadic work schedule. I know I'll be focusing on halfs instead of fulls. I'd really like to do the Princess, but I'm not sure the scheduling works out. I think it'll have to be the Princess or the DL half. And it might just be me. (But shhhh, don't tell DOOD. He'll get jealous.)

I like Mel's idea of a traveling race, and think that would be a good way to be social, bond with my family, and still challenge myself with races. The good news? I have airline vouchers from the canceled holiday flights, which means the financials aren't as hard to negotiate as the timing! So, I'm definitely one for choosing a future race to do together. :yay:

And we should probably talk about teams. I have not idea what's going to happen next year with the teams, and I don't think anyone does. I love my cousins, and want to hang out with you regardless. Me, though, I've lost a little love for the tracking/competition aspect, and could do without that. Also, I think we'll need a new captain--new blood, you know?! Mwa, ha, ha ha!
I was looking back over the beginning of the thread - fun to see people's goals and race plans for the previous year. And I came across this little gem:

Interesting fact or anecdote about yourself. Blackmail-able stories are welcomed!I've only seen snow twice in my life.

And Donald makes 3, right?

Jeanne - Thank you so much for that comment. Last year, I met Bryan from the DDD's and we were at Jellyrolls - he had lost a bunch of weight and refused any of the free popcorn because he didn't want to cheat on his diet. While he was at Disney! That one little thing really inspired me to skip the little snacks a lot through the first few months of the year, especially. Glad to be able to pass it on. :hug:

Debra - you are making me blush - cut it out! :laughing: I will do the Frozen Half if the weather looks non sub-zero and if I'm recovered enough next week. Looks good so far. My 3 miler today was LOADS easier than the 3 miles I did on Wednesday night.

I'm for dropping the mileage component if that's agreeable to everyone else. It's not much of a competition anyhow, so if it's a lot of hassle and not that fun, I'm not sure what the point is...

Richard - congratulations on your continued weight loss! Also, bummer on missing the Saturn level!

Regarding DL - I stayed at the Disneyland Hotel and thought it was a great option. I know a lot of folks stay at HoJo's - it's really close too, but on the other side of the parks, so farther to travel by foot on race morning. Paradise Pier is also in the running for me this year. Jeanne stayed there last year. They have a Lilo and Stitch breakfast that is quite good and I move that all available Ohana should gather for a team breakfast there in 2010.

Time to go and get the kids! Talk to you all soon!
Mel - Apparently I'm a fanatic. I don't think I'm going to officially join, but by March 21st I'll have done 3 half marathons in considerably less than 90 days. And I love the idea of a traveling Ohana race, but I may have to split that Powerball with you. We're still trying to figure out how to fund the Indy trip that we've already committed to this year, and now DD has alerted us that if she likes doing the half in Indy, she's going to want to do Disney next year. Yikes! :scared1:

Jen - Congratulations! (Have you registered for Goofy 2011 yet?)

Richard - I think most people lose their motivation immediately following a big race. It's not such a bad idea to take a little time off and regroup. I think I've been told that you don't start to lose your fitness level until about 3 weeks of no running... ;) We did DL a couple of years ago, but stayed in Huntington Beach since we were attending a wedding and drove over for the couple of days so I can't help except to say I really, really enjoyed the parks.

Jeanne - I was lurking on the BOT thread, and they're even discussing the Tobacco Trail. Looks like it could be a bigger WISH race than we originally thought! And we know you can't beat the course... Come on, you know you want to! :)

Debra - Sorry you had such a rough Goofy. We looked for you on Sunday, but apparently passed you early on without knowing it. Might have been because it was dark and we were all bundled up..:confused3 Bill really wanted to see you on the course, but that would have been during the time when I was saying "SLOW DOWN!" There is a marathon/half marathon in Cary (just a few miles from Raleigh) on March 21 - Tobacco Road - that will be run mainly on a converted rail bed. Lily is coming down, I'm signed up for the half, Bill's probably running it, and it looks like some of the BOT crowd are considering it. And as for teams, I say we just keep this thread, or a newly titled one for the new year, going just as a chat one, similar to what the BOTs do.

Corinna - I love your comment about doing the Frozen Half if the weather is non sub-zero. Bill told me after Sunday's race that if Myrtle Beach (our next half, 2/13) is cold and/or wet that he was NOT racing. So far he's done a half in Raleigh in the cold rain, a half in Randleman in the cold rain/sleet, and the Goofy since November 1st. He said that's enough. I didn't run the one in Raleigh, but I volunteered so I was actually on the course longer than he was.

So... I woke up Monday morning with a cough, and have gotten progressively worse since. I can't imagine how I could have gotten sick? :confused3 After discussions with one of our group leaders, I have decided to officially take this weekend off (and all this week) from running. I hope to be able to do 3 miles or so by Monday, but my body and I are enjoying the break. I'm going to sleep in tomorrow for the first time in many, many days, and I'm going to enjoy it immensely! :thumbsup2

Then I have 4 weeks until Myrtle Beach, where I'm going to make a very serious attempt at a 2:30. I need to shave an entire minute off of each mile from my time for the first half of the marathon, but considering how many times I told DH to slow down, I think I can do it if the conditions are right. If not, I get another chance on March 21.

HI! Is this a private party, or can anybody join? I was in WDW for Marathon weekend and went Goofy for the first time. Not sure when I can go back for # 2, but definately want to do so. Not sure I met any of you at the Pop WISH meet, but I am in the photos. Was hoping to meet Debra, but the closest I came was a glimpse of DOOD's nametag! :laughing:
Jackie - Thanks for the input on motivation. It helps to know it's not just me that it might happen to, and I am sure I will regain some focus when the post-Goofy exhaustion fades. In the past few days a new opportunity has popped up in my schedule for a March half marathon which does fit neatly into my schedule if the travel and home life works out. That may be the key to getting going again in 2010.

Corinna - All is not lost of missing Saturn. It occurred to me that there is a local race that does its own version of Goofy, with a half on Saturday and bot a half and full on Sunday. 2 halfs in 2 days = Jupiter level! This might be a nice race to do as a group if Ohana ever came here.

Debra - Regardless of the rest of my life, it is certainly a transitional year for Darcy and I here. Our oldest os graduating from the University of Houston (with honors!!!!) in May, and our youngest is applying to nursing school. I'd have loved to introduced Darcy and/or the girls, but that's not how it worked out, besides Darcy does know that I don't mind going alone (can she talk to DOOD for you?), although that might change once she founds out just how lopsided the team's gender balance is (hey, no complaints from me ;) ). I went to the Houston Marathon Expo earlier (no I am not running) and saw a shirt I knew you'd smile at.

BTW, I do have more than that one photo where I think you looked happy, such as the starting line on Saturday.

Maybe next time I can loan you some of my special duct tape to cover your shoes to help keep your feet drier.

Jen - I already said it once, but it can't be said enough...Congratulations!! I hope to see you out there sometime soon.
Hey Christine...welcome to Team Ohana! Congrats on your first Goofy! What's up next for you?

So far local race nominations include
Tobacco Road Marathon Cary NC Mar 21
Minneapolis Marathon and Half Minneapolis, MN Jun 6

Anyone else have any nominees? Maybe something in the fall so there's more time for planning? I'm doing Country Music in Nashville in April, but don't think anyone is local for that.

New teen books for anyone interested: Hunger Games...kind of a dystopian, post-apocalypse thing...very compelling.

Corinna...on the snow thing, my dumb Floridian question re: Saturday...was that actually snow? It was rather stingy and painful...I've heard some people say it was snow and some sleet. Either way, we saw some snow over Xmas in NC, so I'm officially up to 3 times, four if the Donald counts as snow.
I think Richard's Double Half sounds like a great event opportunity - we could all be Saturn Half Fanatics!! What's the name of that race, Richard?

Holy MAN!!!! I could get a Saturn right here in my own backyard! Burnsville Heart of the City Half Marathon on June 5, Minneapolis Half Marathon with WISH friends on June 6! Ohhhh...ho! This sounds like an optimal sort of set up. Close to home. Wish friends to enjoy the second race with. I am grooving on this concept. :laughing: But how do I TRAIN for it???

The March NC race isn't going to work for me this year. Is anyone else thinking of the Flying Pig? My mom lives in Ohio, so I might have to do that one at some point.

I also have to say up front that I've heard that the group putting on the Mpls Half do you say to cut corners. A friend did their Mpls Marathon and the shirts were all women's cut because they got a deal on them and so the race shirt fit this 6'4" gentleman not at all.

Debbie Downer here....Wha, Wha, Whaaaaa.:sad2:

I would nominate the Twin Cities 10 Mile - it is a great race and well run, but it's the same weekend as the Wine and Dine and is a lottery system, though we could register as a team, so we'd all either be in or out. Wouldn't be any progress toward any level of Half Fanaticism, either, though.

Mel - I would have called that violent precipitation "sleet" for sure. Snow is generally quiet and does not ping off your face, in my opinion. But I have seen news reports of it being snow, and I'm not one to argue with meteorologists. Well, I am, but I wouldn't dispute it in this case.

I read something about Hunger Games - I'll have to look for that one.
Corinna - It's the Seabrook Marathon, and is generally in late March. It's the neighborhood next to the NASA area. A good fall race I know of would be the San Antonio Rock n Roll race. Last year was its 2nd, and it had good improvement of the 1st year. It is in mid-November, not close enough to interfere with Disney.
Rock & Roll! A great idea!!!

That series of races would add to the medal counts for those that can do multiple RnR's.

Corinna - Remember it's no fair for you to do 2 races if we come up there for 1, you'd have to share some of the Saturn spotlight.
Ooooo.....RnR race! I think I can get the bonus medal since we're doing Country Music.

Looky, looky...I think I can make Saturn!

Breast Cancer Half 02/21
Princess 03/07
Sarasota 03/14
FL Beaches Half 03/21

I believe that counts as 4 within 37 days. I'm not sure of the advisability of doing 3 back-to-back with my foot, but I did 8 today and it's no worse than normal. I don't really want to do Sarasota again...course is boring so I may just shoot for 12 in a year instead so I can space them out better.
Richard - I didn't mean that I'd hoard the Saturn status - I just meant that there are already WISH friends registered for the Mpls race. WISHers in Burnsville going for Saturn would be awesome as well!

Mel, that's a lotta races in a short span - I'm not sure 12 in a year sounds entirely preferable - that's a lot of races in a longer span! Saturn level is intense no matter how you slice it.

SO is this Half Fanatics thing something you have to keep updated annually or is it a lifetime achievement sort of thing?
Mel and Corinna - I do believe we have gone off the deep end looking into the Half Marathon's good to have company on the trip into this abyss!!:rotfl:
I didn't think you were planning on hoarding, Corinna, just meant that if the Team got together up there, you'd have some company to take on the dual feat of the back to back. Regarding the question of requalifying for status, I pulled this from their FAQ:
Q. Do I need to maintain my current Fanatics level status by achieving the criteria each and every year?
A. No. Once you’ve been approved and pay your initial membership into the Half Fanatics, you will always be a Half Fanatic (provided that you are in good standing by renewing your annual membership dues). You don’t have to even complete another half-marathon after you are admitted into the Half Fanatics Asylum, though we’d much rather prefer that you’re out there participating in the events.
Mel - Not that we North Carolinians are experts on winter precipitation, but what I saw (and felt) on Saturday was definitely sleet. I did hear from others that there was snow in Kissimmee on Saturday afternoon, and one of my co-workers saw a news story where they showed someone building a teeny tiny snowman in Orlando, so I'm assuming that actual snow did fall somewhere in the area, just maybe not where we were.

Christine - Welcome to 'Ohana!

Corinna - I would love to do the Flying Pig, but we're doing Indy the weekend after, and I absolutely cannot travel 2 weekends in a row. The Flying Pig reps at Richmond suggested I just spend the entire week there and do both, but I think my boss might object to that idea. Now, next year I pick up a 4th week of vacation... :woohoo:

Richard - DH and I are talking about trying to do a RnR this year, next at the latest. We keep hearing such good things about them. Virginia Beach is the closest to us, but it's also over Labor Day weekend which means 1) hot, and 2) expensive for hotel rooms. San Antonio could be a possibility, but only if finances improve. Otherwise, Philly looks much more inviting!

Other possibilities for fall races... Baltimore - I know Debra was planning on this one last year? And Outer Banks on the NC Coast has a half and full in mid November - supposed to be a really nice race and has been on my must do calendar since I started running. Looks like I'll have to stay in town on Nov 7th for our local marathon - our assistant Galloway program director will most likely be getting his award for finishing the 50 States. I expect that will be a really big deal!

As for Tobacco Road, according to the other thread, it looks like so far Lily, Wendy, Mike & Kathy, Matt & Cindy, and I are registered for this one. Shaping up to be a major WISH event. Who knew? Anyone else?

I'm thinking I'll be happy as a Neptune for a while. Now, if I find an April event that I like, then I'll have Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, and May covered, and then I'll only need June to be officially Uranus. What have you guys done to me? :eek: The real problem is that there's a really beautiful inaugural half/full/relay in April in my brother's hometown, which just happens to be on the Blue Ridge Parkway. MOUNTAINS. Someone stop me. NOW. :sad2:

Oh, looky, looky, looky, all the cousins are busy planning races. How terrific!

Christine, you can definitely join the party/luau! It's a great family we have here, and I'd love to get to know you better! Do tell us about your Goofy!

Richard: I like the HoJo and the Candy Cane Inn for DLR. Believe it or not, I've never stayed on Disney property at DL. DOOD's still of the mindset that we do the same events, even though I'm fine going without him. Methinks it's the ugly green head of race jealous that he's concerned about, not that I'd get out of hand. ;)

Ah, what's the weather like for the San Antonio half?

Jackie: Oh, your body definitely deserves a break, especially to gear up for your series of 1/2s! I have no doubt you're gonna hit your 2:30 goal early in the year. Oh, and so proud of your DD for signing up for events, too! However, I'm not running with Bill--he appears to be bad weather luck. :lmao:

Mel: It was snow for a little bit and then sleet, at least from my memory. The snow was picturesque, lasted less than a 1/4 of an hour, and I wanted it to stay. Unfortunately, it soon warmed up to sleet.

Jeanne: How're you feeling? And those wedding plans, aren't they just barreling along?

So, I'm trying to track who's doing what this year, just for my own knowledge. Planning a spring half where I need to travel might be a bit tough. April is probably out because of two trips on the books already. And March's spring break falls odd for us, plus DOOD is dangling a cruise (never been on one) or a DLR R&R vacation as options. I'll know more about the schedule next week....

Anyway, here are the races we've talked about. Updated, but without 5Ks at this point. I'm mostly thinking about events we might entice each other to travel to!

  • Frozen Half (1/23): Corinna (?)
  • Myrtle Beach (2/13): Jackie
  • Breast Cancer (2/21): Mel
  • New Orleans RnR (2/28): Richard (?)
  • Princess (3/7): Mel, Corinna, Kathy
  • Dallas RnR (3/14): Richard (?)
  • Sarasota (3/14): Mel
  • Tobacco (3/21): Jackie, Kathy, Jeanne(?) plus Lily & Wendy & BOTS Mike, Matt & Cindy
  • Seabrook (3/21): Richard (?)
  • Fl Beaches (3/21): Mel
  • Country Music Marathon (4/24) : Mel
  • Lone Star Tri (4/25): Richard
  • Indy Half (5/8): Jackie
  • Minneapolis 1/2 (6/6): Corinna, Jen
  • DLR (9/5): Richard, Corinna
  • Baltimore (10/16): Debra
  • San Antonio RnR (11/14): Richard

Does anyone else think that Mel, Jackie, Corinna, and Richard might have a serious addiction? :rotfl

Okay, to possibly add to the running (sorry, couldn't resist)
  • Cincinnati Flying Pig (5/2)
  • Philadelphia RnR (9/19)
  • Outer Banks, NC (11/14)

I might end up doing the Pittsburgh 1/2 because it's local--but it was a poorly organized race last year, it's very hilly, and I train in the area, so I'm not excited. I'll definitely volunteer, regardless.

Just heard that the Princess opened up 2500 more spots, too. Just so you know.

Apparently I have to start running again tomorrow. You know, training for a-yet-to-be-named event. :rolleyes1
Debra - I'm registered for the Princessprincess: and Tobacco Road:smokin: half marathons.
There are quite a few WISHers that are doing the Marine Corps Marathon this year. I will be at that one as a spectator/cheerer. I'm also considering the Wine and Dine in October but nothing is finalized for that one.

I had a great time over marathon weekend. I wish I could have spent more time with the 'Ohana gang. We considered crashing the Beaches and Cream meet but I seriously had a difficult time warming up after the half on Saturday. We cranked the heat in the hotel room and just relaxed for most of the afternoon. We also missed the Boardwalk meet on Monday because we didn't wake up until 9:30 :cloud9:.

I really hope to write up a race report soon...need to tend to laundry, bills, kids, etc. first.
Richard: I like the HoJo and the Candy Cane Inn for DLR. Believe it or not, I've never stayed on Disney property at DL.
Gives me a starting to place to go from. Does anyone here have tentative or set plans for DL yet?

DOOD's still of the mindset that we do the same events, even though I'm fine going without him. Methinks it's the ugly green head of race jealous that he's concerned about, not that I'd get out of hand. ;)
You, get out of hand? I am stunned, shocked and in general disbelief that anyone would think that about you!!!:laughing: I would come bail you out of jail though after the race. Like you say, he might not want to miss out on the fun.

Ah, what's the weather like for the San Antonio half?

Let's see...I had on an extra long shirt to keep warm in the cool morning before the start, then got rid of it early and was pleasant all day, feeling a tad warm around the end, but that was mostly due to excess body heat around that time. In short, it was like Disney was supposed to be, danged near perfect for the marathon.
Does anyone else think that Mel, Jackie, Corinna, and Richard might have a serious addiction? :rotfl:

They say the first step to recovery is admitting that you have a problem, of course I don't have a problem.:confused3

I haven't yet decided to do Seabrook on the March 20/21 weekend, as you have listed. I might also do Dallas RnR on March 14, New orleans RnR on February 28, or perhaps another yet to be determined race between those dates, and if I am really lucky a combination thereof. Obviously my motivation seems to be returning. The two events I am most sure of doing are the Lone Star Tri 70.3 in late April and the DL half in September, I also will likely do the San Antonio RnR half/full in November. The rest is still developing as I go. In any event (no pun intended) I have yet to actually register for anything, although I am seriously thinking of doing a local walk-up, no-frills 5K next Saturday for $1.

I plan to do Marine Corps Marathon in 2011/2012. That could be a good long-term team destination as several of you are generally local (at least compared to me) and it is a prime destination race.

In case anyone is interested, I have been catching up my blog and currently have the first 4 parts of my marathon stay posted, with one or two more to come. You can get there by hitting the link in my signature.

I can't remember if I chimed in on this or not, but I think there is a consensus towards remaining together as a social/support group without all that numbers tracking. If that's the case, I heartily agree.
I've just updated the probable/possible events that people seem to be interested in doing in 2010--just the longer ones. Still hoping to see some informal 'Ohana meets develop! :thumbsup2

As for the teams, please check out the WISH thread I started asking for feedback on what, if anything, to do in 2010! I'm soliciting feedback and (hopefully) organizational volunteers.

And speaking of volunteers, what about my cousins and this thread.....:rolleyes1


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