Do people think your rich because you go to Disney every year?

I used to think people who went every year were rich. Probably because of how much money we spent on our first 2 trips to WDW. Of course, I didn't know anything about the Disboards back then! :disrocks:

We spent a lot of money on those trips and figured everyone paid that much, so we never could figure out how people went every year. :confused3

Now we know better. We have our AP's (already paid for themselves this year) and our hotel on our next weekend trip will only cost us $49/nt - a rate I owe to a tip over on the Orlando hotels forum. :thumbsup2
You dont have to be rich to go to Disney but if you save and budget you certainly can . I remember seeing a thread where a single mom on welfare saved and was taking her kids to disney world . To each thier own.
Compared to 95% of the planet, who sren't sure what or if they'll eat today, anyone able to comment on these boards is rich..but it's all relative. The co-worker who thinks you're richer than her just because you go to Disney every year..well, that's just a misconception. DH and I aren't millionaires..we have a little girl who hopefully we'll have to put through college some day, but we have the money we need to do the things we want to do within reason...compared to alot of people we know, I guess we're rich, but compared to a few other people we know, we're dirt poor!!
I just love to know there are so many people that go every year. It is our yearly vacation that we all look so forward to. We do get people not understanding how we could or would want to go to Disney every year. As someone above said, it's a different vaca everytime! We are 5 weeks away and the excitement is really starting to set in....

We are rich in Disney memories....and we have the credit card bills to prove it!!!:woohoo:
We don't go to WDW every year, but we do take a vacation (or two) yearly.

I get a lot of "must be nice" comments, in a semi-sarcastic voice. Especially since DH is the breadwinner and I'm a SAHM.

But the reason we can afford vacations and little extras is because we've made different choices than many of my friends and family members. We bought a more modest house well below what we could have afforded, we have two small cars that are several years old and paid off, and we don't carry any credit card debt.

While we're not rich financially, or even close to it in the US, we do recognize that we're fortunate when compared to the rest of the world.
compared to a few other people we know, we're dirt poor!!

:confused3 Don't be so sure. A lot of people you think are "rich", are in debt over their heads trying to keep up that illusion. I'm sorry they make you feel as if you aren't as rich as they. :flower3:

DS9 asked me one day, why we weren't rich. I asked him, "Do you have everything you have ever wanted?" He answered, "Yes". I told him, "You ARE rich." ;) (True Story)

:goodvibes Jennifer
Thanks for all the responses! Yes, I know I am very lucky to be able to go to Disney every year. We take 1 week long vacation per year, and Disney is it! I guess your right, I am rich, rich in memories, rich in tradition, and rich in love with Disney! :love:
Some think we are crazy, not rich "why would you want to go to disney, there are so many other places to go". We love it and don't mind spending money on it, I'd rather spend money on vacation with my family than re-decorating the house, fancy clothes, etc...everyone has their own priorities and what makes them happy...WDW makes my family happy!!!!
I don't normally talk about money (my Mama raised me better than that, lol:goodvibes), but this thread hit so close to home I had to respond. My husband and I work very hard for what we have (as all of you do, I'm sure), and one of the joys in life for us is to take our kids somewhere for a vacation each year. Sure, we could save every penny we have so that when we are gone they will receive a substantial inheritance, but I believe the memories of time spent together will mean more to them than any amount of money ever could! So, we save some and spend some...I have stopped telling others of our Disney plans because I get strange looks/comments too, and frankly, I don't want their negative vibes to damper my excitement!
yes - but, we tell people it is cheaper than therapy! I get a travel agent discount, but once we figured out dvc was even lower pricing in the scheme of things it is even lower cost!
Compared to 95% of the planet, who sren't sure what or if they'll eat today, anyone able to comment on these boards is rich..but it's all relative.

Well said.
Honestly I do feel "rich" because I can go to Disney as often as I do.

I never take for granted the fact that I can afford things like Disney. Mind you I plan and I budget and I usually stay at the moderate hotels but I am fully aware that many people around me can't even conceive of having the extra money for a vacation.
I get this a lot because of all the Disney cruises we take. In reality it's not so much being rich as having your priorities and being willing to work your butt off. I have three jobs and my husband had two until he's down to "just" one. We live in a small house, drive cheap car models and don't have any kids. I'm not too big on material possessions; I'd rather sail on the Magic or Wonder than have diamonds on my fingers or neck. Granted, we're certainly not poor, but we also spend most of our disposable income on Mickey.
They don't think I am rich but rather that I am wasting my money. I think they also think I have credit card debit.
Some think we are crazy, not rich "why would you want to go to disney, there are so many other places to go".

This is sometimes my DH's argument (I used to be a flight attendant, so I've seen enough - I'm good with WDW year after year with the occassional exotic trip), but I fixed it. I started my own at home business with a direct sales company and work it enough to earn the incentive trip each year. So, now he can't complain that we spend our family vacation in Disney, because I also take him someplace "more adult" - this year it's a mediterranean cruise - 100% FREE!
They wonder how in the world we do it every year and why... They KNOW I'm not rich. We don't spend money on trips to the beach or fancy things. We don't eat out a lot or go to the movies. We also are members of the DVC so we will be getting vacations for the rest of our lives. :cool1:
We get the eye rolls all the time when I mention Disney again. We have gone 4 times in years. This is what we do. We dont buy extras during the year, so we dont have many bills and no kids. I am fortunate enough to get a bonus from work that pays for most, if not all of the trip.

I tell people if planned right, it doesnt have to be that expensive; but they still give me looks.

Who cares... I'm going to Disneyworld!
I just had to lol :rotfl2: when I read the title of this tread. My boys have asked me and my dh are we rich a few times.:lmao:
My parents are always commenting how people at work say that spending more than $100.00 for a hotel room is insane.


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