Disboutiquers Part 19 Kids Disney Boutique / Customs Clothes psst..we sew ;-)

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OMG! i need this pattern!!! too, too adorable!:worship: your talent leaves me speechless!!!

I love anything mermaid! Great job on the skirt! I love the area on the front for applique! Wasn't that mermaid fabric the funnest?

I love Donald too! Great job on those!
Sorry.... still so new at this! I meant to post my remarks regarding these photos... I'm not sure what happened. Great job on these designs! I just adore the mermaid fabric! Great skirt pattern for applique work!

Donald is so fun to do but it seems like Mickey gets more attention. :goodvibes



Here is my first official test sample for the new pattern. The earlier ones I didn't try to create a pattern as I went (no time) so I decided to do another. The best part is I was able to do most of this with remnants from other projects!



Teresa - your princess dresses are beautiful!! I love them all!!!

Wendy, you stinker! You had me worried about Daniel there!!

And, thank you!

Wow, they are all gorgeous. Belle and Cinderella are my favorites but I know my DGD, she would LOVE the Giselle.

I did a few tees for a woman who usually got things just for her boys. She wanted to coordinate somewhat so we did things like Tink to be worn when her boys had on Peter Pan tees. Most were characters I'd done before but I finally had a chance to do Jessie from Toy Story 2 (her boys were wearing Buzz and Woody tees, I believe).


You do such beautiful work Lisa.

I will get a picture for you!

I LOVE it!!! that is just too cute! I wonder if I could find it anywhere.

Adorable stuff posted ! So i am on a medical leave from school for 30 days (due to a recent Blood clot found on my heart) and i was out today and i just had to buy some fabric, Now i am just needing a pattern? My daughter is 8 now . Any suggestions for a Tween pattern she needs at least a size 12 -14
I am hoping to do alot of sewing this month I miss it alot ...

Oh no Misty! Take care of yourself honey!
I second the Molly and the Cathy is really cute too (there is a woman's size coming out very soon too). They are both by Carla in the Sis Boom line at YCMT.

Those are really cut. My DGD like them andsaid she wanted the Cinderella dress. I told her she needed to tell Papa that I needed an embroidery machine so I can make her things like that. Hmmmm, I wonder if he'll fall for it. !
Thanks! yes, she should go sweet talk her Papa for you!

Teresa, I think they are all beautiful but that Cinderella looks just perfect! Where did you find the fabric? Since I have seen Cinderella's dress at Disney, I have been trying to fnd a similar print, and I think you have! It looks just perfect.

Thank you for the compliment on my niece. She is a little cutie :).
Like Heather said, I got it at Joann's, it was with the quilt fabrics. It was a challenge to find the right fabric for this dress. My customer wanted cotton and she wanted something with sparkle. I had another material picked out until I found this one! Actually, I believe Heather found this and showed it to me!

He fell from a tree while trimming it. I am not clear onthe details as to what happened, but I know that he trimmed trees on the side. His mother and father I know must be having a very difficult time. They are all members of my church back home. The funeral was back home this Friday and I so wanted to go, but there was no way I would be back in time to pick the kids up from school. I hope to get up to see her sometime this week. He was a firefighter as is his brother and father, so the crowd was very large. As it has been said so many times before in our group, hug your babies a little tighter tonight and say a prayer for those that have lost someone so dear.

That is just so terribly sad. I'm so sorry.

Teresa! What wonderful gowns! Love them all!!!
Thank you Kim!

These make me wish I had a little girl! Not that I could make them!
But I would buy them!!!!
Thanks Tracie!

Love them all Teresa, but I have to say, that cinderella is my fav too.
Thank you so much.
I also love Teresa's fabric and was going to ask the same question! And I love the border design!

I'm sure it will come as no surprise to anyone here that I am constantly in search of the best fabric to replicate Cindy's dress. I actually found this piece on Ebay recently and made the dress a couple days ago:


It's the closest I've found yet. We're going at Christmas time, so I'm also making a matching jacket like Cindy sometimes wears that time of year. I'm still mulling over the details of that one in my mind....

And I also FINALLY just bought the PERFECT fabric to make Ariel's green land gown. I've been wanting to do that one FOREVER and can't wait!

CLUNK! :faint: JANET!!! For pete's sake, next time you post something that is so breathtakingly gorgeous, please post a warning first!!! I could have steadied myself before I fell out of my chair! :worship: AMAZING!! Simply AMAZING!!!

Got some stuff finished up this weekend. First, a penguin costume for my little cousin for a skating concert. Tyler, DS8, designed and did the feet for this.

It was really last minute, so there are a lot if imperfections. Also, I can never get anything to hang nicely for pics.

Then 2 dresses for a Big Give.

Oh goodness that penguin is so cute!
And, the Big Give outfits look great! Thank you!

I didn't use the VIDA pattern to do it, but I have made a dress with ruffles all the way around. It was pretty simple. I used CarlaCs precious dress pattern with ruffles on top of the base skirt. I've posted it here before:
Thanks for posting that again, it is so pretty!

I am back from Nowhere land lol, Kinda just been Blah recently but I have started sewing again! I made my niece a special dress for her suprise Easter trip to Disney World. She is going to be SO excited! Heres a peek:

Thanks again for letting me share!
I love the oz set, and the way you have the letters dangling from the front!

What would you do?

I sold a dress on Ebay, for a lot less that I really wanted for it....the Epcot Minnie. Anyway, in the listing it says it's a size 6, and ask all questions before bidding and all sales are final. I used the Vida pattern in a size 7 with no seam allowances when I cut it...hence the size 6. Also it fits Lexie and she's a 6. Well I got an email from the buyer who wants a refund because she thinks I misrepresented the outfit, because it's big on her size 5/6 daughter. When she emailed me I told her Alexis was a solid 6. Not a seven, and not a 5...LOL, she wants her money back.
Do you all think I should send it... I feel bad for her, but duh...read the listing, if I had any doubt if it would fit and a refund was not offered, I would NOT buy it.
I'd love to know what you all think I should do...

That just stinks!

Thanks for that link! I'm still kicking around doing Tiana's ball gown for this year's trip and wondered about the flower!

For those of you familiar with her gown at Disney..... have you seen any fabrics that look similar? I was thinking it looked like a velveteen or something similar? Something lightly "fuzzy" anyway. I haven't seen any in the sort of sage green I would need.

I studied it pretty closely while we were there in December (and though how nicely you could recreate it!), and I haven't seen anything very close to it in any of the stores I've been to.

I've always said that if I was ever lucky enough to get to tour Disney costuming, I'd be sneaking out with bolts of fabric under my trenchcoat.... Of course they'd probably be on to me because trenchcoats in the Florida heat kind of stand out....
I'm cracking up at the image of all of us on a tour in our trenchoats!

I LOVE all of these dresses! Of course, my favorite is the Cinderella!! That turned out SO gorgeous! The fabric looks like a brocade in the picture. SO pretty!
Thanks Heather! Your designs really made the dresses!

I like to perpetuate the misconception that Teresa and I are the same person. So, I'll answer for her!
I was taking a sip of coffee when I read this, and almost spit it out all over the place! [/quote]

Aww, you are too sweet to me!

Just remember a vote for me is also a vote for Tom! (I promised him my old embroidery machine if I win!)

I haven't really shared details...but maybe I should now and let it be a lesson to each and everyone of you!

About three years ago, just before we moved, I was at work one day and I noticed what felt like a lump right on the top of my cheek bone. I have TMJ, so I really thought it had something to do with that. I really never paid much attention to it past that day. Well, about a year and half ago, while at my new dentist, I asked her about it and she told me to follow up with my GP. I didn't have a GP and really had no time to deal with getting that done right away. I was still dealing with DH's dad and all of his appointments and such.

So, time marches on, I still don't go to the DR. About a month ago i noticethe lump again...only it is bigger. I went to look in the mirror and you can vissibly notice the lump. Okay...what the heck! I started doing some reading and sure enough...I should have gone 3 years ago.

I am really going with the statistics at this point that it is all going to be okay. After talking to my DR today she agrees that it is a parotid tumor. She wanted to kick me for not getting it taken care of sooner. the biggest concern right now is getting a surgeon that can take it out without damaging the nerves in my face. She said the ENT I am seeing Thursday has done lots of these and he does beautiful work (less scar). But, after she spoke with him, they are slightly concerned with the rate of growth,but I refuse to listen to it right now...it will all be okay!

okay...enough of my crap! Off to workout!
:hug: Yes, it will be ok! :hug:

Doesn't matter. Many have tried this and many have succeeded. I have a friend who makes costumes just like I do and had to refund a Halloween costume AFTER Halloween.

That is so unfair!

so how do u applique stuff? where can i find pics of all your stuff? will some of you adopt me?....how do i post pics?

....just subscribing and yes mom, i read the first post! thanks for all the hard work!

Oh, I LIKE you!!! :welcome: !!!

I just posted these on FB but for those of you who may not be on FB here is my latest:

Alice in Wonderland Vida:

Jessica, those are really beautiful!

Evidently I am out of creative ideas! I need to make a Princess Tiana dress for my DD9 for BBB. Since I've only seen parts of the movie (I know, I know...BAAAAAAAD Mommy!) I can't seem to wrap my head around the dress. I can usually 'see' the dress and pattern that can be altered... but with this dress, nothing!

To all of you that are making a Tiana dress, what pattern are you using? (or altering) I think I need to buy the movie when it comes out and check it out a little better!


hey, while you are making one for your daughter could you make an extra for the Big Give? I need to get one done this next week and am totally unmotivated! Someone give me a shove! I was going to use the Simply Sweet.

Speak for yourself! I once bit my best friend on the back so hard that it made her bleed- right through her sweatshirt. I was 4 years old at the time, but still...
She really did. It was a REALLY THICK sweatshirt too! (For those of you on the Big Give board, this was Kimmysuv)

Not always!! See above! Teresa has had the same problem. A buyer on ebay sent her a cord for her computer that doesn't work. Paypal and ebay refused to help her because the buyer sent her "something". It doesn't matter that it doesn't work!
Yep, they didn't care that what I got didn't work.

I know Ollie Girl over on etsy has a beautiful version you could look at. It's a dress.
She just posted here too. Uggh, what is her username? Mermaidtales? She posted a page or two back.

ETA: LOL! She just posted right above me!
Here's a Tinkerbelle top for the Flower and Garden festival I made for a customer. This gave me such a hard time, for something that should have been pretty easy! I couldn't get the petals to puff out enough, but I think I finally got it!

I love that!

Donald is so fun to do but it seems like Mickey gets more attention.

Lisa I love this skirt!!! It is absolutely adorable!
Lisa - love the new skirt pattern. When I look for patterns now, I look for ones that can be appliqued on and this definitely fits the bill!

Oooohhh!! This pattern is great! I love how there's a nice big area for applique in the front and the ruffly goodness in the back! It's perfect!

I decided I needed to create a pattern that has a good place for applique. :goodvibes My first one doesn't really allow for applique (although I'm going to experiment on one in the future) so when I came across a skirt with 'butt ruffles' and a plain front, I knew what I'd do next. LOL I'm trying to decide if I want to make it an actual wrap front so either panel can be the top one to give more options in the style. I'll probably keep it as it is otherwise I'll take another 6 months to get it done like I did on the first. ;)
Here is my first official test sample for the new pattern. The earlier ones I didn't try to create a pattern as I went (no time) so I decided to do another. The best part is I was able to do most of this with remnants from other projects!



Adorable! I love it. I don't throw many scraps away, much to the dismay of my 3 little girls, for that exact reason. Beautiful! The Donald appliques are gorgeous as well!
If anyone can squeeze me in a prayer tonight I'd be really grateful - our best friends have just lost their daughter, Erin at just two weeks old. She was born at 26 weeks and had been very very poorly, so I know she's in a better place, but I feel so much for her mum and dad.

Oh Clare, I'm so sorry. :hug: Your friend will be in my prayers. It's so hard to lose a child. :hug:
I also love Teresa's fabric and was going to ask the same question! And I love the border design!

I'm sure it will come as no surprise to anyone here that I am constantly in search of the best fabric to replicate Cindy's dress. I actually found this piece on Ebay recently and made the dress a couple days ago:


It's the closest I've found yet. We're going at Christmas time, so I'm also making a matching jacket like Cindy sometimes wears that time of year. I'm still mulling over the details of that one in my mind....

And I also FINALLY just bought the PERFECT fabric to make Ariel's green land gown. I've been wanting to do that one FOREVER and can't wait!

I love that Cinderelly Fabric! The dress and the fabric are an exquisite choice!!
If anyone can squeeze me in a prayer tonight I'd be really grateful - our best friends have just lost their daughter, Erin at just two weeks old. She was born at 26 weeks and had been very very poorly, so I know she's in a better place, but I feel so much for her mum and dad.

My thoughts are with the family.

I'm loving the mermaids Lisa - the colours are just me!

I love anything mermaid! Great job on the skirt! I love the area on the front for applique! Wasn't that mermaid fabric the funnest?

Thank you! I wish now that I'd kept the other mermaid yardage I bought. Oh well, at least I had the remember to use for simple appliques. :goodvibes

Adorable! I love it. I don't throw many scraps away, much to the dismay of my 3 little girls, for that exact reason. Beautiful!

I have been trying to do better about tossing the smaller scraps since I have so many already. I love being able to use remnants, though, because it feels like the garment is almost free. LOL
Hi everyone!

I'm loving the mermaids Lisa - the colours are just me!

If anyone can squeeze me in a prayer tonight I'd be really grateful - our best friends have just lost their daughter, Erin at just two weeks old. She was born at 26 weeks and had been very very poorly, so I know she's in a better place, but I feel so much for her mum and dad.

Poor little Erin. What a shame. Prayers said, for strength for her Mum and Daddy.
I would love to vote for Teresa, I have been trying since that was posted. I can't for the life of me get them to send me a verification email. I tried, and tried, and tried again just now.

What am I doing wrong? :confused3:confused3
I FINALLY took pictures of my new Alice set. The hat was alot of fun to make! It was 60 degrees out today, so we got lots of pictures ;)



The HAT!!

I FINALLY took pictures of my new Alice set. The hat was alot of fun to make! It was 60 degrees out today, so we got lots of pictures ;)


What a fun set Leslie!!! That is so cute! I love the little hat with it. That is the perfect touch!
Here's a Tinkerbelle top for the Flower and Garden festival I made for a customer. This gave me such a hard time, for something that should have been pretty easy! I couldn't get the petals to puff out enough, but I think I finally got it!
Really, really cute!

Donald is so fun to do but it seems like Mickey gets more attention. :goodvibes



Here is my first official test sample for the new pattern. The earlier ones I didn't try to create a pattern as I went (no time) so I decided to do another. The best part is I was able to do most of this with remnants from other projects!


Wow! I really love it- hope it becomes available really, really soon!
Hi everyone!

I'm loving the mermaids Lisa - the colours are just me!

If anyone can squeeze me in a prayer tonight I'd be really grateful - our best friends have just lost their daughter, Erin at just two weeks old. She was born at 26 weeks and had been very very poorly, so I know she's in a better place, but I feel so much for her mum and dad.

oh no; I'm so sorry; My DD is a 26 weeker too. I'll be praying for her mum and dad.
I would love to vote for Teresa, I have been trying since that was posted. I can't for the life of me get them to send me a verification email. I tried, and tried, and tried again just now.

What am I doing wrong? :confused3:confused3

I've heard this a few times, actually. I know that the site seems to be glitchy. The only thing I can recommend is send them an email through the "contact" portion of the site. I had to do that to actually get the nomination to go through.

I FINALLY took pictures of my new Alice set. The hat was alot of fun to make! It was 60 degrees out today, so we got lots of pictures ;)



The HAT!!


I have to say that I love this set, but my favorite is the HAT! LOVE the hat! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! I will have to get that pattern.
Can you tell me how it attaches to the head? Does it have a clip? Comb? Hot glue? :rotfl:
I FINALLY took pictures of my new Alice set. The hat was a lot of fun to make! It was 60 degrees out today, so we got lots of pictures ;)



I love this outfit! Where did you find that appliqué? It's fabulous!

I signed on to catch up and man o man has this been a busy thread!

Lisa I love your Mermaid skirt!

Everything posted has been wonderful!

:banana::banana::banana:3 Cheers for Daniel!! :banana::banana::banana:

Prayers for Emma and her family.

I have been busy with work and getting the house ready for company. I realize that it's my Son and family but the I have to baby proof the house. :scared1:
I am hoping my Embroidery machine arrives this week so I have enough time to play with it and make a few Eastery things before the 4th.​
I have to say that I love this set, but my favorite is the HAT! LOVE the hat! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! I will have to get that pattern.
Can you tell me how it attaches to the head? Does it have a clip? Comb? Hot glue? :rotfl:

All of the above? LOL! I started with a BIG alligator type clip, but that didn't work really well. so I attatched a ribbon and it ties around the head (same way a beaded headband ties behind the ears.) Unfortunately, I didn't have the right size, or color ribbon, and made due with what kinda matched ;) It was a little wobbly towards the end. If she was going to wear it for a long period of time, I'd use bobby pins on the ties too. (Couldn't find any bobby pins - where's TJ's stash when I need them??) Elastic would work too. You can see the beige ribbon tied in these pictures...

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