Sept 18 2010 WB TransAtlantic Pirates/Capt Jacks Re-Repoing Repossession Cruise Pt.6

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Wow! It's always so reassuring to know other families have the drama, too! Although it's sad, you guys have some good reads produced tonight.

Since we are speaking of in-laws, as I think you all know, I'm not married, but I have my own in-law story. I have the tag of the "DIL that never was". I dated this guy (Scott) 20 years ago, and I think we all thought I would be a part of the family at some point. His parents just adored me, and oftentimes would stand up for me above him, which of course he hated! Since I moved away from my family, they really became my family as I ventured into the "big city". I didn't/still don't have a relationship with my "sperm donor", and his dad really became my dad....until the day he died 1.5 years ago.

The DBF even tracked me down and called me after he got engaged asking me if he made the wrong choice, making reference to how much his parents still spoke of me so much and how he knew I would have been a better DIL to his mom in particular than his fiance. It tore my heart to hear him say that because I never stopped loving him. Of course, I told him to look within his heart, and he'll know for certain what the right thing is to do.

Knowing the strong hold his mom in particular had on him, I knew that for the sake of his marriage, I had to keep some distance with his parents. For me, that's been a huge sacrifice, but for the ex-DBF, I had to. From time-to-time, I would meet up with his parents, and we would exchange letters and cards. I always wanted more from them as they were just like my family, even when we had long spells of not seeing one another.

When Scott's mom passed away 6 years ago, it was the first time I had met Scott's wife. (He and I kept in touch from time-to-time through the years though.) Not knowing what to expect, since I was last GF he had before her, I was yet wasn't surprised she was very kind to me. She said something that I wasn't sure how to take, however, but it validated what I believed. She said that she had heard SOOO many stories about me and saw pictures that her DMIL shared with her.

I had horrible guilt for keeping a distance from the parents, but again, I knew it was the right thing to do. Because of that guilt, I swore to help take care of his dad after her passing and leave no regrets. His dad and I became much closer, and I did explain to him why I felt I couldn't get as close to him and his wife as I wanted to while his wife was still alive. He said he understood. Even less than two weeks before "dad" (as I called him) unexpectedly passed away, he told me again that he wishes it would have worked out with Scott and I, but even though it didn't, I was a daughter to him. :sad:

It's bizarre how IMO God often prepares us for someone's passing. I was left with many signs starting 5 months before he died up until less than a week before his death. After the first sign, I reached out to Scott to make sure he knew how to get ahold of me in the event something would happen to his dad so I could help...I didn't tell him that I really felt that his dad was going to pass away. The last time I spoke to dad on the phone, I hung up and my heart felt like it slammed up against a metal door. I thought maybe it was because I didn't say "Love You" before hanging. It was a very real feeling. Of course days later I learned it was the door shutting before he went to Heaven.

No regrets! I'm so thankful to say I have no regrets, and Scott and I are still keeping in touch, which is a bonus. We even discuss together the decorating of his parents' grave 300 miles away for holidays and anniversary dates. Very very sweet family that I feel so blessed to have been a part of in one way or another.

Okay...gotta go get the tissues!

Oh my gosh, how wonderful that you had that relationship w/them and how lucky they were to have you as part of their family.

You're trying to make me feel better aren't ya?! Well I'm also not into Brad Pitt, but if we are going to dream, maybe it's Harrison Ford, Richard Gere, Ed Harris, Joseph Fiennes, George Clooney, David Duchovny.....oh yea. It's going to be a GREAT flight over the Atlantic! :rotfl2:

Seeing George Clooney's name reminds me of when my mom was alive and she suffered from vascular dementia, which caused her to have hallucinations. But she was lucky because hers were very benign. She whispered one day that she was sleeping with George Clooney, and I had to crack up when she assured me that they hadn't done anything naughty. Hey, if you're going to hallucinate, ya might as well make 'em fun.
Question for anybody -

Does anyone know the width or measurement of the slanted wall where the fish hook is just before you enter your stateroom? DH and I are having a disagreement as I bought what I consider a "good enough" fish mail holder. DH says its too wide. He's the numbers person and I'm the eyeballer. (No comments from the peanut factory please) I trust my eye - its pretty "dead on." ;)

I just got off the Baltic cruise. Usually the FE's are about 8" wide, but I made a new one and it's 10" wide, and it still worked (but just barely.

Hope that helps. I'll be bringing my new one on this cruise, too!
Ok, so I don't mean to start up stuff again but....when I went onto the DCL website under my cruise I had this message on the side:

Fuel Supplement Onboard Credit: The cost of the fuel supplement charge has been applied as a refundable Onboard Credit to this reservation.

So I called DCL to find out how much it is and they said I had to call DVC because they are the one handling the reservation. So I called DVC and they said that I don't actually have a room credit. They said that the only way I would get a room credit is if the cost of the cruise goes down.:confused3 I'm so completely confused! I'm wondering if I should call back again tomorrow to see if I get a different answer from a different person.

I would call back because I've called twice and both times I was told there was $224 applied to my onboard account.
Seeing George Clooney's name reminds me of when my mom was alive and she suffered from vascular dementia, which caused her to have hallucinations. But she was lucky because hers were very benign. She whispered one day that she was sleeping with George Clooney, and I had to crack up when she assured me that they hadn't done anything naughty. Hey, if you're going to hallucinate, ya might as well make 'em fun.

:rotfl2: That's so cute!
Well I am having the hardest time posting.....

I had two quotes I was going to respond to and I keep having my post disappear and one time my keyboard locked up :confused3

Well here is the short of it....

Sue wondered about amenities on the Delta flight...

Cant speak as to Delta, but I flew Continental in the cheap seats on my one and only overnight Transatlantic and got nothing! First class gets a little toiletry type bag with socks, mask, toothbrush, etc..

I had slip on shoes that I wore to the bathroom, but I did have some of the footie socks for when I was trying to sleep and I was glad I had them as my toes were freezing.

Noel mentioned something about taking an extra pair of glasses onboard....

The only time either of us had glasses break on us was on a cruise. We had to wire my DH's glasses together with twist ties I luckily had. They looked pretty goofy, but at least he could see...:cool2:

We now always have a spare pair!
We got our travel info from Disney. Normally they send it out 60 days before your cruise. However, I was not happy to find out I had to call the airline to make arrangements for my scooter. I hate calling because you always get put on hold forever. Disney books the flights and gets the seat numbers. They do nothing for special needs. Which I think is not right.

As for my hubby he is great with people once he meets them. Great sense of humour. Though he hates message boards, facebook and chatting on line. He would make the perfect hermit lol. He is a great guy. I am his Belle and he is my beast :) ( though he is not hideously ugly :lmao: )

My DH doesn't read the boards either, and he laughs at me when I am! But.....he always enjoys meeting everyone I have gotten to know before the cruises and he is often standing over my shoulder reading! WE have met the nicest people on these boards and while cruising!
Making a quick pop in....

Back from a visit to Toronto-- got out just before the G20! Managed to dodge the motorcades on the way to the Pearson, but did get to see a lot of the bigwigs planes on the tarmac.

Now I am in a hotel room in the middle of OK driving to my folks house. We will be moving them out this weekend and will probably be there for the next 6 weeks getting things cleaned up, having a giant garage sale, and getting the house on the market.

Also have one more operation for my Dad to get thru. 3 so far in the last 2 months.

It has been a heck of a year.......

I was really hoping to have more planning done by now, but I have a feeling that I won't really get any more done until the end of August.

I will try to pop in from time to time, but unfortunately I most likely won't have time. I will be thinking about you and looking forward to the trip......
Hi Stephen So glad your arm is healing, Can't believe it's 8 weeks since the accident, i remember reading about it when it happened.

Please promise us you won't try to do and cartwheels on deck ;)

Becca will be more than happy to do enough cartwheels for all! She gets her cast off Thursday, and hopefully she will be done...

When I was about 18 my mum had kidney stones, I thought she was going to die right in front of me, she was grey,clutching herself and collapsed on the floor. I didnt know what was wrong, it was terrible.

Kidney stones ae just awful. I have had 4 or 5 attacks - first one sent me to the ER where after finally getting some wonderful drug via IV, I was willing to give Stephen away to the nice male nurse... Second was a trip to the ER as well. Third was about 3 days after having Becca. I swore I was in labor again... I felt the 4th and 5th coming and was able to pass the stones without dying... Barely... Wouldn't wish them on an enemy!

uh-oh, looks like I need to bring our massage therapist, Susan, with us.....she was born and lived most of her childhood in Germany....she could help with the translations. :love::love::love:
Can she do massages while translating? That would be a nice bonus!!! LOL :rotfl2::rotfl2:
Hi Stephen So glad your arm is healing, Can't believe it's 8 weeks since the accident, i remember reading about it when it happened.

Please promise us you won't try to do and cartwheels on deck ;)
Becca will be more than happy to do enough cartwheels for all! She gets her cast off Thursday, and hopefully she will be done...

I glad to here Becca is almost done with here injury. I little better then mine. I do not think I will be doing any cart wheel. I don't need another injury. I luck out on the 2008 EBPC cruise, during playing pool golf. I fell of the elevated pool deck over the adult pool on my back and hit my right arm. I had no pain, black and blue or swelling. I hope to stay injury free for awhile.

At work I had an unexpected road trip today. I was out in Lancaster, pa for my first call. When i was done i was told our Jersey IT person called off sick. So I had to do his call. It was just south of Newark, NJ. So 152 miles and hours later I got there. At lease when I was done there at 2;30 they told me I could got home. Which is 122 mile and 2 and half hours back in PA. Well on the way back I was driving through New Brunswick, NJ and I had to try a world famous fat darrell sandwich. It made from chicken fingers, mozzarella sticks, french fries, and marinara sauce. It had to be one of the best sandwich i ever had. Here are some pics


So i guess they trip was worth it

Wow! It's always so reassuring to know other families have the drama, too! Although it's sad, you guys have some good reads produced tonight.

Since we are speaking of in-laws, as I think you all know, I'm not married, but I have my own in-law story. I have the tag of the "DIL that never was". I dated this guy (Scott) 20 years ago, and I think we all thought I would be a part of the family at some point. His parents just adored me, and oftentimes would stand up for me above him, which of course he hated! Since I moved away from my family, they really became my family as I ventured into the "big city". I didn't/still don't have a relationship with my "sperm donor", and his dad really became my dad....until the day he died 1.5 years ago.

The DBF even tracked me down and called me after he got engaged asking me if he made the wrong choice, making reference to how much his parents still spoke of me so much and how he knew I would have been a better DIL to his mom in particular than his fiance. It tore my heart to hear him say that because I never stopped loving him. Of course, I told him to look within his heart, and he'll know for certain what the right thing is to do.

Knowing the strong hold his mom in particular had on him, I knew that for the sake of his marriage, I had to keep some distance with his parents. For me, that's been a huge sacrifice, but for the ex-DBF, I had to. From time-to-time, I would meet up with his parents, and we would exchange letters and cards. I always wanted more from them as they were just like my family, even when we had long spells of not seeing one another.

When Scott's mom passed away 6 years ago, it was the first time I had met Scott's wife. (He and I kept in touch from time-to-time through the years though.) Not knowing what to expect, since I was last GF he had before her, I was yet wasn't surprised she was very kind to me. She said something that I wasn't sure how to take, however, but it validated what I believed. She said that she had heard SOOO many stories about me and saw pictures that her DMIL shared with her.

I had horrible guilt for keeping a distance from the parents, but again, I knew it was the right thing to do. Because of that guilt, I swore to help take care of his dad after her passing and leave no regrets. His dad and I became much closer, and I did explain to him why I felt I couldn't get as close to him and his wife as I wanted to while his wife was still alive. He said he understood. Even less than two weeks before "dad" (as I called him) unexpectedly passed away, he told me again that he wishes it would have worked out with Scott and I, but even though it didn't, I was a daughter to him. :sad:

It's bizarre how IMO God often prepares us for someone's passing. I was left with many signs starting 5 months before he died up until less than a week before his death. After the first sign, I reached out to Scott to make sure he knew how to get ahold of me in the event something would happen to his dad so I could help...I didn't tell him that I really felt that his dad was going to pass away. The last time I spoke to dad on the phone, I hung up and my heart felt like it slammed up against a metal door. I thought maybe it was because I didn't say "Love You" before hanging. It was a very real feeling. Of course days later I learned it was the door shutting before he went to Heaven.

No regrets! I'm so thankful to say I have no regrets, and Scott and I are still keeping in touch, which is a bonus. We even discuss together the decorating of his parents' grave 300 miles away for holidays and anniversary dates. Very very sweet family that I feel so blessed to have been a part of in one way or another.

Okay...gotta go get the tissues!

What a wonderful story. You were truly a daughter to that family in every true sense of the word!

You're trying to make me feel better aren't ya?! Well I'm also not into Brad Pitt, but if we are going to dream, maybe it's Harrison Ford, Richard Gere, Ed Harris, Joseph Fiennes, George Clooney, David Duchovny.....oh yea. It's going to be a GREAT flight over the Atlantic! :rotfl2:

PS: Yes. It's true. I have something for men with receding hairlines...even as a teenager that was a big turn-on for me! :rotfl:

You forgot to mention Patrick Stewart!! I still love Sean Connery though my favorite role of his other than 007 was Darby O'Gill and the Little People. His smile just made me melt. He is a baldie too!!

I bet you are a fantastic MIL! You should be extremely proud to have raised such great boys into men, too!!!

I concur completely!!
Well, we finally made it home. I haven't been on in about a week. Can anyone tell me if I've missed anything? I'll be on day 3 of laundry here just trying to catch up on everything. I'm asking myself why we decided to host a 4th of July party this weekend and then my daughter's 4th bday party the next weekend. Oh well! Just brings us closer to the cruise date!! It was fun taking over 20 rings off the countdown chain!
At work I had an unexpected road trip today. I was out in Lancaster, pa for my first call. When i was done i was told our Jersey IT person called off sick. So I had to do his call. It was just south of Newark, NJ. So 152 miles and hours later I got there. At lease when I was done there at 2;30 they told me I could got home. Which is 122 mile and 2 and half hours back in PA. Well on the way back I was driving through New Brunswick, NJ and I had to try a world famous fat darrell sandwich. It made from chicken fingers, mozzarella sticks, french fries, and marinara sauce. It had to be one of the best sandwich i ever had. Here are some pics


So i guess they trip was worth it


That sandwich looks very interesting! Do you know if it was on the TV show, Man Vs. Food? When I was in Springfield, IL last year, I had the Horseshoe which was created there. I hope I'll get this right...

The one I had consisted of two pieces of toast, chicken breast, cheese, french fries and I think an alfredo sauce. It was so good...doesn't sound like it would be good, but it was really good.
on the topic of airplane toilets - the flat slip on slippers that you often get in hotel rooms are great. they not only pack flat, but usually have non-absorbent soles so nothing soaks through....

All the in-law stories are very interesting. From truely heart warming to really a bit scary! My kids are only 5 and 7, however i already wonder about how to steer them towards suitable partners.Oh and how to make sure they choose to eat right, not do stupid things, choose nice friends, establish a career preferably involving Disney and a few other little things...

Personally however i have found one thing that always makes you view family in the best possible way - live fourteen hours flight from them! that way you always miss them and forget any little shortcomings they may have
Hi all,

I've just realized we are only 80 days out from the cruise!!!!!!!!:cool1::cool1:

and in a mere 75 days I will be flying to Barcelona!!!!:banana::banana:
Wow! It's always so reassuring to know other families have the drama, too! Although it's sad, you guys have some good reads produced tonight.

Since we are speaking of in-laws, as I think you all know, I'm not married, but I have my own in-law story. I have the tag of the "DIL that never was". I dated this guy (Scott) 20 years ago, and I think we all thought I would be a part of the family at some point. His parents just adored me, and oftentimes would stand up for me above him, which of course he hated! Since I moved away from my family, they really became my family as I ventured into the "big city". I didn't/still don't have a relationship with my "sperm donor", and his dad really became my dad....until the day he died 1.5 years ago.

The DBF even tracked me down and called me after he got engaged asking me if he made the wrong choice, making reference to how much his parents still spoke of me so much and how he knew I would have been a better DIL to his mom in particular than his fiance. It tore my heart to hear him say that because I never stopped loving him. Of course, I told him to look within his heart, and he'll know for certain what the right thing is to do.

Knowing the strong hold his mom in particular had on him, I knew that for the sake of his marriage, I had to keep some distance with his parents. For me, that's been a huge sacrifice, but for the ex-DBF, I had to. From time-to-time, I would meet up with his parents, and we would exchange letters and cards. I always wanted more from them as they were just like my family, even when we had long spells of not seeing one another.

When Scott's mom passed away 6 years ago, it was the first time I had met Scott's wife. (He and I kept in touch from time-to-time through the years though.) Not knowing what to expect, since I was last GF he had before her, I was yet wasn't surprised she was very kind to me. She said something that I wasn't sure how to take, however, but it validated what I believed. She said that she had heard SOOO many stories about me and saw pictures that her DMIL shared with her.

I had horrible guilt for keeping a distance from the parents, but again, I knew it was the right thing to do. Because of that guilt, I swore to help take care of his dad after her passing and leave no regrets. His dad and I became much closer, and I did explain to him why I felt I couldn't get as close to him and his wife as I wanted to while his wife was still alive. He said he understood. Even less than two weeks before "dad" (as I called him) unexpectedly passed away, he told me again that he wishes it would have worked out with Scott and I, but even though it didn't, I was a daughter to him. :sad:

It's bizarre how IMO God often prepares us for someone's passing. I was left with many signs starting 5 months before he died up until less than a week before his death. After the first sign, I reached out to Scott to make sure he knew how to get ahold of me in the event something would happen to his dad so I could help...I didn't tell him that I really felt that his dad was going to pass away. The last time I spoke to dad on the phone, I hung up and my heart felt like it slammed up against a metal door. I thought maybe it was because I didn't say "Love You" before hanging. It was a very real feeling. Of course days later I learned it was the door shutting before he went to Heaven.

No regrets! I'm so thankful to say I have no regrets, and Scott and I are still keeping in touch, which is a bonus. We even discuss together the decorating of his parents' grave 300 miles away for holidays and anniversary dates. Very very sweet family that I feel so blessed to have been a part of in one way or another.

Okay...gotta go get the tissues!

You're trying to make me feel better aren't ya?! Well I'm also not into Brad Pitt, but if we are going to dream, maybe it's Harrison Ford, Richard Gere, Ed Harris, Joseph Fiennes, George Clooney, David Duchovny.....oh yea. It's going to be a GREAT flight over the Atlantic! :rotfl2:

PS: Yes. It's true. I have something for men with receding hairlines...even as a teenager that was a big turn-on for me! :rotfl:


:lmao: I love it!

I bet you are a fantastic MIL! You should be extremely proud to have raised such great boys into men, too!!!
heart warming story
What's an ESTA?
Its a document so us uk peeps can enter usa.
Ok, so I don't mean to start up stuff again but....when I went onto the DCL website under my cruise I had this message on the side:

Fuel Supplement Onboard Credit: The cost of the fuel supplement charge has been applied as a refundable Onboard Credit to this reservation.

So I called DCL to find out how much it is and they said I had to call DVC because they are the one handling the reservation. So I called DVC and they said that I don't actually have a room credit. They said that the only way I would get a room credit is if the cost of the cruise goes down.:confused3 I'm so completely confused! I'm wondering if I should call back again tomorrow to see if I get a different answer from a different person.
Well I am having the hardest time posting.....

I had two quotes I was going to respond to and I keep having my post disappear and one time my keyboard locked up :confused3

Well here is the short of it....

Sue wondered about amenities on the Delta flight...

Cant speak as to Delta, but I flew Continental in the cheap seats on my one and only overnight Transatlantic and got nothing! First class gets a little toiletry type bag with socks, mask, toothbrush, etc..

I had slip on shoes that I wore to the bathroom, but I did have some of the footie socks for when I was trying to sleep and I was glad I had them as my toes were freezing.

Noel mentioned something about taking an extra pair of glasses onboard....

The only time either of us had glasses break on us was on a cruise. We had to wire my DH's glasses together with twist ties I luckily had. They looked pretty goofy, but at least he could see...:cool2:

We now always have a spare pair!
My DH doesn't read the boards either, and he laughs at me when I am! But.....he always enjoys meeting everyone I have gotten to know before the cruises and he is often standing over my shoulder reading! WE have met the nicest people on these boards and while cruising!
Lens reads them,nosey bonk.:laughing:
I glad to here Becca is almost done with here injury. I little better then mine. I do not think I will be doing any cart wheel. I don't need another injury. I luck out on the 2008 EBPC cruise, during playing pool golf. I fell of the elevated pool deck over the adult pool on my back and hit my right arm. I had no pain, black and blue or swelling. I hope to stay injury free for awhile.

At work I had an unexpected road trip today. I was out in Lancaster, pa for my first call. When i was done i was told our Jersey IT person called off sick. So I had to do his call. It was just south of Newark, NJ. So 152 miles and hours later I got there. At lease when I was done there at 2;30 they told me I could got home. Which is 122 mile and 2 and half hours back in PA. Well on the way back I was driving through New Brunswick, NJ and I had to try a world famous fat darrell sandwich. It made from chicken fingers, mozzarella sticks, french fries, and marinara sauce. It had to be one of the best sandwich i ever had. Here are some pics


So i guess they trip was worth it

What is it they say about men again:laughing:glad you enjoyed.
Well, we finally made it home. I haven't been on in about a week. Can anyone tell me if I've missed anything? I'll be on day 3 of laundry here just trying to catch up on everything. I'm asking myself why we decided to host a 4th of July party this weekend and then my daughter's 4th bday party the next weekend. Oh well! Just brings us closer to the cruise date!! It was fun taking over 20 rings off the countdown chain!

Welcome back....

Sue, she will have one white and one brown arm:thumbsup2
Thanks to everyone for the kind words! I feel OK at the moment though still slightly swollen up in my throat!

Wow I've finannly found someone wiht the same allergy as my sister! She can't eat Tomatoes or anything with them in. She also can't go near oranges which limits here. Touch wood we haven't found any food I'm allergic too as yet just cleaning products!

I am not allergic to tomatoes ... I just can't stand the things ..I don't even like to look at cut tomatoes with tha horrible gloopy middle :scared1:
I have a problem with kiwi fruit .... my eyes itch terribly and my eyes and lips swell up.

Hope you are feeling better today:hug:

Thanks for the lovely words. He will always be my sister's husband and my nephew's father. I do try as much as I can. He is a sad, lonely man who stopped living really when my sister died. He was not able to make it as an actor and that really was the beginning. Joe saw so many of his friends like Robin Williams make it and he just didn't have the drive or something.

What a lovely kind caring person you are :hug::hug: Your BIL must really appreciate your kindness and support.

Well on the way back I was driving through New Brunswick, NJ and I had to try a world famous fat darrell sandwich. It made from chicken fingers, mozzarella sticks, french fries, and marinara sauce. It had to be one of the best sandwich i ever had. Here are some pics


So i guess they trip was worth it


OMG !!!! Are there french fries / chips actuallly IN that sandwich. It looks enormous.
I love the Figment pin with the rainbow. I collect mainly Figment pins.

I like to think of it as a "gay pride" Figment pin :rotfl:

I kept eating my Candy / Choc swap too, so.....I put them in envelopes with the Dis name and sealed them. If it says somebody elses name on it, I'd feel bad eating it. :thumbsup2

I'm not sure that naming them would help - I'd just eating them and keep thinking - "I'm now eating <insert name>'s chocolate" :rotfl2:

Note to self... bring footie socks for the family onto the plane and LEAVE THEM BEHIND!!!

Else make sure to pop your shoes back on before going to the bathroom...

Which brings me to another point, for those that haven't done many long haul flights, your feet and ankles can swell up so picking shoes that are easy to get off and on again is quite a good idea.

Paula, if no ones asked for the minnie mouse Japan pin and you want any of mine my Mum would love it! She collects country pins like that but doesn't seem to have that one. I however do appear to have the Stitch one

Sent you a PM :)

Geez, how can a taxi driver not know where the Grand Californian is?!? :confused3

Ummm like its not sign posted for tourists... :rotfl:

All the in-law stories are very interesting. From truely heart warming to really a bit scary! My kids are only 5 and 7, however i already wonder about how to steer them towards suitable partners.Oh and how to make sure they choose to eat right, not do stupid things, choose nice friends, establish a career preferably involving Disney and a few other little things...

I love my MIL, she's wonderful! :love:

And Robert obviously gets on ok with his seeing she's coming with us (again) :rotfl: He liked her enough to agree to go 1/3 of a DVC membership with her (we are all 3 owners of our DVC contract).

HA! Got you beat, oldest DD's BF got kicked/forced out because his GF (my DD) was:

A) White (she's 1/2 Mexican, 1/2 white)
B) Because she's a bad influence
C) Was converting him to English (they went to Spanish Mass)
D) And apparently she has :stir: powers and was brainwashing him
E) She was making him into a drug user

the truth:

A) She looks white but was raised by my mom while I was at work hence she's totally hispanic in culture
B) She was a CCD teacher for 5 yrs (all the way from her JR yr in HS) and has paved the road for my other daughter to do volunteer work.
C) She asked him to attend Christmas Eve mass instead of midnight Spanish mass
E) She's an asthmatic and has never done drugs or smoked.

The BF really is a nice guy and when he was forced out, we had no choice but to let him into the house. They sleep in separate bedrooms while they stay here but she is going to College at CSUN (Northridge) and she has her own apt. Oh yeah, she's 18 months from graduating but she's still a bad influence.

The finally straw for me was when said BF told DD that his mom had his and his ex's photo wrapped in herbs and cord (ancient power spell) in the hopes that he would break up with my DD and go back to his ex.

My youngest said, "Really? How's that working out for her?" For some reason, this really made us all laugh. As I've said before, of all 3 of my kids, my oldest DD, is the more mature and level-headed one of my 3 kids - she's very family oriented and is in fact studying to get her degree in child development against all of our wishes. So now, we just laugh about it but I dare say, I can't help but be worried about the future. One can never discount the childhood influences. I've worked very hard to raise my children to be tolerant (even though I may not always be) but to be excluded because she's white? OH? Did I mention, the BF's parents and siblings HAVE NEVER EVEN MEET DD in person. Amazing huh? And here I thought my parents were the biggest biased people on earth. Makes me realize what I finally had. They are not without their faults and may not like someone but at least they are polite and meet our friends, BF's prospective future spouses.

Sad part is, BF acknowledges that we are so Mexican in our traditions it will be sad. DD says his family is not invited to the wedding should they get married. All this and they've been together 11 months. SIGH. Nothing I can do but wait it out. If I push too hard, it will move her right into his arms and she's determined to get her education. Told you she was level-headed. Especially on our dime! :rotfl2:

At least you offered, continue to offer intermittantly, when he really hits the end of his rope, he will ask. Love your way of thinking as many people would just let him go. Your a very special person and you are probably blessed to have very many special friendship surrounding you. Takes a bigger person to reach out and continue to stay in touch. God Bless you. :flower3:

You sound like you have a wonderful family with very grounded daughters!!!:thumbsup2 Shame about the BF's mother. Why are some mothers like that with their sons?:confused3

It is such a shame, cause I dont get on with my mil, we tolerate each other, I really tried to start with for Lens sake, but now I dont bother, she lives right opposite my Mum and I go to my mums 3 times a week(sometimes a day) and hers once a year and thats a chore, it is only recently she has taken Lens pic with his x wife down from the wall, she has no pics of us but many of her other son and his partner,sad thing is, I am very friendly and open person and we could have been friends but you can only try so many times before thinking, stuff it.
Maybe she thought I was a bad influence.....which I obviously am:rotfl::cool2:

Again, why are some mothers like that with their sons? Silly woman missing out on a relationship with someone as fantastic as you!:sad2: You have done your best.

I know, exactly how you feel. But the thing you need to remember is that you never gave up. I have a similar situation with my MIL. Although she's never been rude, she has made an effort to get close to her other son's GF and or spouse. I've outlasted (23 yrs come Dec 1) all of them and we are still only distant acquaintances. I finally gave up all attempts when her other son, my BIL, verbally attacked me and probably would have physically attacked me if my girl's hadn't stepped in and physically had to push him away from me. (Truth be told I wish he had, then I could have let lose) Ugly long story but it was at my DFIL's wake. So after 23 yrs, I finally told DH, I'm done. I won't be rude but that's it. I've :headache: my head against a wall so long I can't do it anymore. I'm civil and I smile and I interact but I won't be going over to her house (my DH is the oldest of 2 boys) anymore. And my BIL is not allowed at the house until he apologizes to my girl's for his behavior in person. One DD is 23 and the youngest is underage (17) so until she turns 18, I've got control. A sad fate this is and I keep telling myself I must forgive but you know, at some point in time, you just got to say - enough is enough. Like you - I'm only 1 minute walking distance from her house.

I put it off to jealousy in that I'm very close to my mom. I used to call her every single day and stop by every single day when I was working but as my youngest has grown up, I've veered away a bit but that doesn't mean I'm not close. We are extremely close and she still yells at me and I still take it. Guess that's our lot in life huh? She's cute - all 5' of her. We spoil her rotten (my mom) and all my kids, even my 6'2" son calls her once a week to check on her. There's no subsitute for good old-fashioned mom-isms. There's a saying in Spanish that may not translate well but here's my interpretation of it - it loses a little of its cadence when translated but it's similar to the English one I've heard of:


"A Daughter's a daughter for life, but a son's a son until he takes a wife."

Spanish (intrepretation) :

My daughter's children are my grandchildren while my son's children, you assume are your grandchildren.

Its funnier in Spanish and while it makes you ponder, its one of those things that time has proven, a mother-daughter relationship is really special. I'm so happy that there others who are able to forge that special friendship with a MIL or a DIL, and I hope to one day be a person that can make that special friendship. Right now, things dont look too good for me. :rotfl2: Just kidding, I'm a good person - honest I am. A little :crazy: and air-headed some days but I'm good at heart. ;)

Life is about having fun and the DIS makes me laugh so that's my excuse for jumping on and off all day. :rotfl:

I know that proverb 'A daughter's a daughter for all of her life but a son is a son till he gets him a wife'. It is a big shame some mothers can't deal with that second part!!:lmao: Seriously though, it really is a big problem and I am sorry for DIL's who so want a relationship with their MIL's but only receive hostility of some kind. My MIL is ok, but not wonderful. She has said some not very nice things over the years, but on the whole we get on when we need to.
I'm a great MIL!!;):rotfl: Well, I leave them well alone to get on with their lives and have good relationships. Any of you watched Everybody Loves Raymond? We love it!!! Good to watch if you are going to become a MIL any time soon!!!:rotfl2:

We were on the WBPC in 2008. We have a scary travel story there too. We were going from the port to the Grand Cali. Since our son, Patrick, is in a wheelchair they told us to wait and they would tell us when ithe bus was there. Anyway, by the time we got out to the bus area, they said that all the buses with lifts were gone! They put our luggage and my husband and our other son onto a bus. and Patrick and I got into a taxi. WELL THE TAXI DRIVER DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO GET TO THE GRAND CALIFORNIAN! HE HAD TO STOP AT ANOTHER HOTEL CLOSE TO DISNEYLAND TO ASK FOR DIRECTIONS!!! Can you imagine? :lmao::lmao:

That is so bad Connie you have to laugh.:lmao:

What's an ESTA?

It is a new online form we have to do, and gain online acceptance for admittance to the US. Visitors to the US from all countries that are under the Visa Waiver programme have to do this. Other countries or those who need proper Visas have to continue to get those as before. We get acceptance for 2 years and now saves us filling in a very official green form on every flight over for each member of the family.

Albert - so glad you are posting! You know us, we can never relax.


Well,today is June 29, and I just made my reservations today! No plans, no paperwork done, no excursions made.........I have plenty of time! I haven't even unpacked from my last cruise yet. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Why bother unpacking? You are already packed!!:thumbsup2:rotfl2:
Speaking of in-laws, mine live about 2 and a half hours away, but this morning we got a phone call saying they were half way down, granny is not doing well, so they were coming for a quick visit, Aaarrggghhhhhh. Only had to see them for a few hours, that was long enough.
I adore my FIL, but MIL is very high maintenance! She drives me crazy, DH says I try too hard with her and I need to relax, that I will never get her approval, but I just keep on trying, and keep driving myself mad with frustration. :mad: Oh well, at least they didn't stay down this time.

Lucky for us, DD and BF are just that, not married. You may be very fortunate in your children's choice of mate. I am at least one for 2 in marriage so far, about 50%. At least I am 100% fortunate in GK's.

So, DD's current BF is threatening your 50 - 50, to a 33 - 66, not in your favour. :headache: At least your at 100% with the GK's, that balances it out a little. :thumbsup2

No regrets! I'm so thankful to say I have no regrets, and Scott and I are still keeping in touch, which is a bonus. We even discuss together the decorating of his parents' grave 300 miles away for holidays and anniversary dates. Very very sweet family that I feel so blessed to have been a part of in one way or another.

PS: Yes. It's true. I have something for men with receding hairlines...even as a teenager that was a big turn-on for me! :rotfl:

OMG, first time I've cried reading a message board! That is a wonderful story, you are such a beautiful person. I am sure they felt just as blessed to have you as part of their lives.

I have had a thing for Bruce Willis since Pulp Fiction, He's getting on a bit now, and is pretty bald, but he just does it for me, bazaar! :rotfl:

Ok, so I don't mean to start up stuff again but....when I went onto the DCL website under my cruise I had this message on the side:

Fuel Supplement Onboard Credit: The cost of the fuel supplement charge has been applied as a refundable Onboard Credit to this reservation.

Seriously, someone in DCL needs to take control of this and work something out that is fair to each and every traveller, whether they paid with DVC points, Cash or Funny Money. I cannot believe a company like Disney can't work this out! :confused3:mad::confused3

Seeing George Clooney's name reminds me of when my mom was alive and she suffered from vascular dementia, which caused her to have hallucinations. But she was lucky because hers were very benign. She whispered one day that she was sleeping with George Clooney, and I had to crack up when she assured me that they hadn't done anything naughty. Hey, if you're going to hallucinate, ya might as well make 'em fun.

I love it, Maybe I'll be sleeping with Bruce Willis, can I make that 30 year old Bruce Willis, not 60 year old Bruce Willis? If it's my hallucination, I get to choose, Right? :rotfl2:

Sue wondered about amenities on the Delta flight...

Cant speak as to Delta, but I flew Continental in the cheap seats on my one and only overnight Transatlantic and got nothing! First class gets a little toiletry type bag with socks, mask, toothbrush, etc..

I had slip on shoes that I wore to the bathroom, but I did have some of the footie socks for when I was trying to sleep and I was glad I had them as my toes were freezing.

Slip on shoes are great too, If the bathroom floor is REALLY gross, slip your shoes on to avoid wet seepage, Ew! Still take socks though as your tootsies get really cold.
Also Sue, Qantas supplies a small pillow and a blanket, but if Delta don't I would recommend taking a small blankie for Becca, I find it comforts the girls and helps them sleep. It does get pretty cool up there!

Also have one more operation for my Dad to get thru. 3 so far in the last 2 months.

It has been a heck of a year.......

I was really hoping to have more planning done by now, but I have a feeling that I won't really get any more done until the end of August.

I will try to pop in from time to time, but unfortunately I most likely won't have time. I will be thinking about you and looking forward to the trip......
pixiedust: for your Dad.
You have had a big year, You really deserve this cruise, I hope you can relax on board. :)

Stephen, that just looks scary! Definitely a man's meal. I don't think I could get my mouth around that! :scared1: Everything is bigger in America! :thumbsup2

on the topic of airplane toilets - the flat slip on slippers that you often get in hotel rooms are great. they not only pack flat, but usually have non-absorbent soles so nothing soaks through....

Personally however i have found one thing that always makes you view family in the best possible way - live fourteen hours flight from them! that way you always miss them and forget any little shortcomings they may have

That's a great idea, I have some of those slippers, I will chuck them in my cruise box now, and leave them on the plane.
How do I get my in-laws to move 14 hours away? Coz I'm not moving! Any tips, I'll try anything :lmao::lmao::lmao:
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