Between the BLs (Biggest Loser) Summer Challenge 2010 Part 1

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Ok so here are the pictures from the 5K I did!
- This is us starting the race...
- This is us about to cross the finish line...
-This is my frined Paula, my son Ryder and myself right after Paula and I finished the race.

I'm the one in the green hat.

Thanks for all your support,
someone please explain to me that AFTER I've decided to take it easier and just maintain for a bit, my scale suddenly starts zooming down again! :crazy: I'm glad to see it, but now I don't know what to do.
IF you figure it out, let me know. I need some zooming down!

Im actually thinking about wearing a cindy blue running skirt and hopefully finding a cute cindy top, and a tiara of course. I think its funny that I am planning my outfit and still not 100% sure if Im going.
Love it! You'll be gorgeous!

Do you want to just switch threads when we get to 250 or do you want to "pick a moving buddy" (thanks for the idea, pjlla ;)) and pick a moving day, regardless of how many pages we have?
8/20 works for me, as long as I know the plan.

Taryn--I am always up after a long run--ok well not today, but I skipped dinner last night. My legs always look huge for a day or so as well, I think cause they are holding water. I wonder if running intervals yesterday with walk breaks helped with all this, because I didn't feel as worn out and bloated as I usually do. Anyhow, I think a gain is pretty normal. It usually goes away in a day or so.
Thanks! Glad you had fun last night!

Having a long run of 10 miles each week seemed like something I could never do. That was for real athletes! And now, I'm doing it! Hopefully this time it will be fixed to stay, I really want to get back into a normal running schedule!
Scary times with the TM. Hope they can get it fixed quickly! And totally not meaning to steal your thunder, but your comment about running 10 miles was for real athletes, and remembering all the times I :worship: your running, made me gasp. I ran 8 Saturday, and I'm almost there. You are definitely an athlete and an experienced runner. I am constantly in awe of you!

I weighed in this morning 7 lbs lighter than I was on Sunday of last week :cool1: My BL results won't show that as I got heavier after my last weigh in At least I'm on the right track.

Tracey - Love the doggie name! Keep on enjoying - you only have this milestone once!

Sarah May - you look great - and so happy!!!!! Thanks for sharing with us!
What do you think is your WORST personality trait? What do you think is your BEST personality trait?
Worst - I have many. I can be impulsive, which is has led to credit card debt that I am scared about. I also have a hard time not letting myself get down.

Best - I love to be organized and organize. I love lists, plans, schedules. I thrive on them.
Well, everyone, I am ALMOST finished cleaning for the weekend, but I am pretty much ready to call it a night, and finish up tomorrow. I am feeling very accomplished about my weekend, and that's good!

My stomach has really been bothering me, cramps and stomachache, may have a touch of what Anna Kat had this am. She's on the couch crying now with an earache - she'll be 11 next month, and this is only her second one. She's quite the baby. ;)

I am thinking about not weighing this week until Wednesday. I have never done that, other than WDW, and we all know how badly that turned out. ;) But with the weight gain from the run, and TOM, I don't want to get even more depressed. I was hoping to have a knockout week, but since TOM came early, I would love to not have a gain.

We have some crazy big system coming this way, and hanging slowly, so running will be a challenge, I'll get it in somehow, b/c it always helps with cramps and mood. I'll deal with the rain, just not the thunderstorms that may accompany.

Have a great day everyone. :grouphug: Have I told you lately that I love you?;)
Too dark to walk outside so I guess it's back to Leslie and BL workouts full time! Now where are those darn sneakers of mine? Taken too much time off!!!!!

Back to work!
Too dark to walk outside so I guess it's back to Leslie and BL workouts full time! Now where are those darn sneakers of mine? Taken too much time off!!!!!

Back to work!

Gotta wait until later! I've brought out 3 different shoes so far and if I go back in one more time into the bedroom looking for a shoe my husband will have my head! I brought out 2 for the same foot and went back in and brought out a 3rd non-matching shoe! Guess I'm supposed to skip the early morning workout today. Guess I'll read for awhile!

Glad to like the name of my stuffed puppy! She is cute! She's in a fancy pantsuit that the girls picked out. Seriously thinking of having the girls make their dad a Star Wars one for his birthday next week since we have to go over there today anyways! They'll like picking it out. Just need to decide on the Jedi or Darth Vader costume! It would've been funny if we had brought that home yesterday as DH was watching Star Wars when we got home!!!!

Back to reading and maybe I'll just go back to sleep for awhile!
Good morning everyone.

Didn't work out this morning. Woke up at 2am to dh snoring and then my mind started running and I couldn't fall back to sleep. I did get back to sleep about 315 and then slept to 5.

We may mow lawns today before it rains. We got a new mower yesterday. DH says it will move pretty fast. I have not tried it but will see.

If we don't mow then I will go out for a walk today. I have a lot to do this week before ds2 comes home for a week. We are planning to hit a water park while he is home.

I have a great deal to do before I got back on the 1st. I would love to get my basement and bedroom closet organized before then. It really does depend on how hot and humid it is.

Have a great day everyone. Will be back later.
Good morning everyone!:goodvibes

Thought I'd check in before I head to work. Yesterday I planned our meals for the week and Mike and I went to whole foods. It was crazy at whole foods--there was a child who was screaming for at least 5 minutes. I need to find a quieter time to shop. I am trying to only buy vegetarian cheese (without rennet) so that took a while, to make sure I was getting the right stuff. The plan is to go to whole foods once a week and to pick up stuff during the week at our local Kroger and a fruit stand near our house.

Today I have the Y after work. Last week I didn't work out Thursday, Friday or yesterday, so I'm looking forward to a hard work out today!

Have a great day!:goodvibes

SarahMay--loved the pictures!
Another fast post here on a busy Monday morning. :car: I'm off to University of Idaho in Moscow -- about 90 miles away -- to scare the shiny new law school students about legal ethics -- I mean have a discussion with them about professionalism. :teeth: It's a nice day for a drive and they have a wonderful food co-op where I can get some delicious baked bread and dinner for the family tonight.

Have a great day all! May not be back on until tomorrow! :flower3:
Ok so here are the pictures from the 5K I did!
- This is us starting the race...
- This is us about to cross the finish line...
-This is my frined Paula, my son Ryder and myself right after Paula and I finished the race.

I'm the one in the green hat.

Thanks for all your support,

Thanks for sharing the pictures!! Your run looked rainy..... was it? Nice job finishing your race!

Gotta wait until later! I've brought out 3 different shoes so far and if I go back in one more time into the bedroom looking for a shoe my husband will have my head! I brought out 2 for the same foot and went back in and brought out a 3rd non-matching shoe! Guess I'm supposed to skip the early morning workout today. Guess I'll read for awhile!

Glad to like the name of my stuffed puppy! She is cute! She's in a fancy pantsuit that the girls picked out. Seriously thinking of having the girls make their dad a Star Wars one for his birthday next week since we have to go over there today anyways! They'll like picking it out. Just need to decide on the Jedi or Darth Vader costume! It would've been funny if we had brought that home yesterday as DH was watching Star Wars when we got home!!!!

Back to reading and maybe I'll just go back to sleep for awhile!

Actually, I've done the WATP barefoot many times.. maybe you could try that next time.

I have a build-a-bear that DD made for me a few years ago... she is cute brown bear wearing a scrapbooking apron and holding a camera, album, scissors, etc. She is my scrapping mascot... but I've never named her.. but I think DD when she bought her... I'll have to look for the certificate.

Good morning everyone!:goodvibes

Thought I'd check in before I head to work. Yesterday I planned our meals for the week and Mike and I went to whole foods. It was crazy at whole foods--there was a child who was screaming for at least 5 minutes. I need to find a quieter time to shop. I am trying to only buy vegetarian cheese (without rennet) so that took a while, to make sure I was getting the right stuff. The plan is to go to whole foods once a week and to pick up stuff during the week at our local Kroger and a fruit stand near our house.

Today I have the Y after work. Last week I didn't work out Thursday, Friday or yesterday, so I'm looking forward to a hard work out today!

Have a great day!:goodvibes

SarahMay--loved the pictures!

I never thought about the rennet in cheese. I'm fairly well educated and I know how cheese is made, but I wasn't thinking about the non-vegetarian component. Lots of think about if I were to decide to go vegetarian. (Just a thought I've been throwing around lately.) No Whole Foods or Trader Joe's around here for MILES, but there is a natural foods store in Manchester, about 30 miles away.

Enjoy your hard workout. I need one today, but I am procrastinating!!

Another fast post here on a busy Monday morning. :car: I'm off to University of Idaho in Moscow -- about 90 miles away -- to scare the shiny new law school students about legal ethics -- I mean have a discussion with them about professionalism. :teeth: It's a nice day for a drive and they have a wonderful food co-op where I can get some delicious baked bread and dinner for the family tonight.

Have a great day all! May not be back on until tomorrow! :flower3:

Enjoy your day... drive carefully.

Well Marvelous Monday everyone! I hope you all have your weights PM'ed into Shannon (something I need to do today!). Ready for a good week? I am! But already my plans for the week are being shaken up! DD and I were going to head to the Titanic exhibit at Foxwoods Casino in CT tomorrow, but DH isn't going to be home to stay with DS (who isn't interested in the exhibit), so I'm not sure if we will go. And DD has an urgent dentist appointment on Wed. that we can't miss (some strange discolorations happening on two teeth). And Thursday will be a "clean all day" day because my FLL Robotics team will be having our first meeting of the new school year here on Friday.

Today I am off after lunch to get DS a haircut (YEAH!) and hit Kohl's with DD. We thought we were done with all of the back to school shopping, but she "reviewed" her purchases from Friday last night and discovered she only bought three t-shirts.... everything else was jeans and tank tops. Hopefully we can find a coupon to use and get some deals at Kohl's.

I'm also going to get my menu planning for the rest of August and all of September done today. I'm in "empty the freezer and pantry" mode right now. You won't BELIEVE what I served for dinner last night!!! Lean Cuisines and Smart Ones!! I have never, ever, ever in 18+ years with DH served him a frozen dinner like that (other than the occasional frozen pizza). But I must have bought these on a whim, I rarely eat them, and they needed to get used up. So I put the selection on the counter and let everyone pick one or two! DS rebelled and I let him have the last boiled egg and the last of the frozen french fries. DH has a LC panini and some WW roasted potatoes with cheddar and broccoli. DD had WW lasagna bake and the rest of the potatoes. I had a LC veggie eggroll with rice. Just four or five of those stupid frozen meals left to use up and then those will be gone. Next up I have a HUGE ham in the freezer... must have gotten it on sale after Easter?? We aren't a big ham family, but I will pull it out later today to start defrosting and plan it in for next weekend.

Any great quick healthy recipes that anyone would like to share?? If so, post them on our BL recipe thread and either post a link here or just give us a heads up! Busy school and sports seasons is on its way, so I know that everyone will be looking for new meal ideas.

While I'm talking about recipes, here is today's QOTD:

Oh no... it is 5pm and you have nothing planned. You have one hour to prep and cook and serve this meal... everyone is heading out to sports at 6pm. From your pantry/fridge/freezer basics, what are you serving?? It must be reasonably healthy and low-cal (no frozen pizza). It must have family-wide appeal.

For myself it would be something like... scrambled eggs or egg sandwiches (made with egg whites for myself), with some sort of fruit on the side... even if it was just canned pears or raisins. I would also try to serve some sort of veggie like broccoli on the side... strange combo, I know, but I try to serve a veggie with every dinner and lunch.

A second thing that comes to mind is chili. Even a frozen hunk of hamburg/ground beef can be cooked fairly quickly. I also drain it and rinse it to remove extra fat. I often add TVP (soy protein chunks) to ground beef meals. I did it years ago and got away from it when DS had his soy allergies, but he is past those so I am back to using it. I also add extra beans to stretch it further and make it healthier.

Homemade soup can be quick too, if you have the right stuff on hand. I often make homemade broth/stock and put it in the freezer (mostly chicken or veggie broth). Drop a hunk of that in a big stock pot, throw in whatever you have in the fridge/freezer for veggies (potatoes, broccoli, carrots, celery, onions, corn) and maybe some leftover meat (meatballs, meatloaf hunks, chicken, roast) and/or beans for protein (I often put black beans in my soups). Quick, healthy, easy with some great variety! If you need starch and aren't using potatoes in the soup, try whole wheat pasta, orzo, quinoa, or barley.

Well..... I need to finish a few things and then hit the TM! TTYL...........P
I'm with you on the "crazy munchies" feeling. And just another example of FAILING TO PLAN!! I didn't have a dinner plan in place for yesterday (unusual for me), I fell victim to pressure from DD for take-out pizza (I was hungry and tired.... a bad combination for me!) and, of course, I overate...:headache: But today is another day.

This weekend marks my worst and longest-running binge since the beginning of this challenge. I ate basically non-stop from Friday evening until dinner last night. It wasn't even fun. I'm fine now. Something about Monday straightens me right out, but this weekend was SICK. I ended up with two sugar-coma naps yesterday and I am up 6.6 pounds this morning since my Friday weigh-in. I'm not gonna make excuses or rationalize it. It was just one seemingly un-controllable "unwise" decision after another. Actually "unwise" would have been an improvement; it was more like, "What can I eat that is the polar opposite of what I should should eat?". Self-inflicted abuse-by-food. I finally did get my energy focused about 7:00 last night - cleaned my kitchen, did all the laundry, put clean sheets on the beds, etc. I stayed up later than I meant to because I didn't want to leave anything half-done - I really needed to accomplish something before starting this week. Anyway... I just needed to confess all of that and get it out there. I'll psycho-analyze later and see what I can learn from this.

Glad it was a good day, Connie, and that you didn't have to carry your running partner home part of the way. ;) What a wonderful gift for your daughter to teach her how to be activie and take care of herself. How did you like Toy Story 3? Wasn't Ken a scream?

DD wanted me to carry her at one point, but I wouldn't do it. We did sit down on the curb in the shade and take a 5-minute break before finishing the last 1/4 mile or so.

Honestly, I thought TS3 was... okay. The ending was really quite beautiful, but thru most of the movie, I just really wasn't that into it. I adore the original and neither of the sequels have really done much for me. It was a really fun afternoon though. I very much enjoyed spending that time with DH and DD. :goodvibes

Do you want to just switch threads when we get to 250 or do you want to "pick a moving buddy" (thanks for the idea, pjlla ;)) and pick a moving day, regardless of how many pages we have?

I'm not picky. Just let me know when and where. :)

I better get back to work now. Y'all have a great day!!
So, I hope a certain police officer doesn't have a run in while shaving and nick himself this weekend! I'm sure a little call from him would help, since he's so motivating? ;):lmao::hug: Don't know why, and I hope you understand and don't mind, but I am getting the biggest kick out of teasing you, in a totally loving way, I promise. If it's disturbing you, please tell me to knock it off. And thanks. My cleaning list is a mile long today, too!
And the wallaby darned is my ALL TIME FAVORITE ONE, too. DH took me to Outback for my 21st b'day ( 4 months before we got married) and I had 3 or 4of them. My first alcoholic purchase! I remember (sorta)that evening fondly, and it's been my favorite ever since.

Connie and Bree - so glad you two (and Dahly and Pinkle and Joannel and Lindsay) jumped in this challenge with both feet this time. I have really enjoyed getting to "know" you ladies.

Well, Sunday wasn’t as productive as I was hoping. We were up late late Friday and Saturday nights, I crashed until almost noon yesterday, I guess my body just needed the rest. We straightened up/organized some things, and I did the laundry, but that’s it. I pushed everything else until next Sunday and it has to be done next Sunday ‘cause we’re having DS’s friends over the following weekend for his birthday. And I did make an exception for my police officer :lovestruc – he has been my rock lately, after all – and he’s the only reason the laundry got done yesterday (if I didn’t have him to talk to I would have just vegged out on the couch watching TV instead)! I totally don’t mind the teasing at all, Taryn – it’s fun!

It’s also a good thing I got so much rest yesterday because the crazy neighbors had some sort of domestic violence situation until nearly 3 am this morning – yelling, screaming, throwing things (which all seemed to hit right above my head on their side of the wall), running up and down the stairs, I don’t know what’s wrong with those people :sad2:. The police ended up coming sometime around 2:30 or 3 – I don’t know what happened after that, as soon as it was quiet for a minute I was fast asleep. My life would be damn near perfect if those people would just move away and sell the house to a quiet elderly lady :lmao:!

Oh, I have a new favorite drink after Friday – a black cherry peach mojito :cloud9: ! I’ve never had a mojito before because I’m not crazy about mint, but this was amazing! Cruzan Black Cherry Rum, Peach Schnapps, lime juice, Sprite, and crushed mint (which I would skip if I made them myself – it didn’t really add to the flavor, it just kept getting stuck in my straw!). The Wallaby Darned is now my second favorite drink! That is a cute story, Taryn, glad you can remember it :rotfl:!

This challenge really has been a blast – thanks you guys for being so welcoming and supportive and fun! It has been great getting to know you all :flower3: !

Saturday QOTD, please share with me/us, a time or two when you made a "better" or "best" choice when faced with a high-risk eating situation.
I have to do this every time we eat out. There really isn’t a best option when you’re out to eat, it’s usually choosing the lesser of two evils. I do put a lot more thought into it and choose a lot better now than I have in the past.

Dahl y – Great job on starting the C25K :thumbsup2 ! It really does feel awesome, doesn’t it!

DS went with me on Saturday’s C25K “run” – he took his scooter but it was more trouble than it was worth because of the hills. He kept saying how much fun he was having and that he wants to do this again, but next time he’ll just run/walk with me so he doesn’t have to wear all the pads and drag his scooter around. He was so funny! I was really surprised he kept up as well as he did, especially dragging that scooter along! It must’ve been family weekend – it looks like a lot of us had company during our workouts!

Sunday QOTD : What do you think is your WORST personality trait? What do you think is your BEST personality trait?

I guess the best way to describe it is that I set high expectations for myself, and sometimes they are unrealistic, but in addition to that, I expect the same from others.
Worst : CC hit the nail on the head for me! I have very high expectations of myself and everyone else. I have to make a conscious effort to be OK with other people’s efforts even though they sometimes don’t live up to my expectations.

Best : This is hard… I think that I’m a pretty generous person. I like to help people in general, whatever I can do to help, you know.

Jen A – I really need to do some cleaning out like that. It feels so freeing to get rid of stuff! My DS is a packrat and getting him to get rid of anything is like cutting off a limb – it drives me insane! Have fun with your cruise party – we go on the Dream in May, I can’t wait :cool1: !

Hard things take time to do. Impossible things take a little longer. For part 2 of the COW this week, share with us something that you thought would be impossible to do but is now a reality. It can be about your weight, body size, exercise, something new you do now that you never thought you could do...whatever!
Well, even though I just started – running again would probably be my number one impossibility! Followed very closely by signing up to do a 5k and then a 10k :faint: (I still get a fleeting moment of panic when I say that out loud!).

SarahMay – You look great! Way to go! :cheer2:

Monday’s QOTD : Oh no... it is 5pm and you have nothing planned. You have one hour to prep and cook and serve this meal... everyone is heading out to sports at 6pm. From your pantry/fridge/freezer basics, what are you serving?? It must be reasonably healthy and low-cal (no frozen pizza). It must have family-wide appeal.
Since DS is underweight I try to make dinners pretty substantial calorie wise and just eat a smaller portion of whatever it is we’re having and/or skip the side dish. We always have stuff for sandwiches on hand, so I guess for this situation I’d have to go with turkey or chicken breast sandwich, soup in addition for DS, and either a salad or canned veggies. Quick, relatively healthy, and filling.

Well, I know I missed a few things I wanted to say, but I really should get some work done today so I’m going to cut myself off! Hope everyone is having a great Monday!

Didn't get any workouts in but did lots of cleaning! I had leftover veggie lo mein and most of an eggroll for lunch and then a dish of lite mint chip ice cream. Dinner is chicken tenderloins with leftover Sweet and Sour sauce on top of pork fried rice and then that's it for Chinese food! Then DH, DD1 and I are splitting a piece of Oreo Cheesecake.

I'll get up and workout in the morning and get back on trap. PMS is kicking in so I needed to get on the ball tomorrow! I'll do the BL Jump Start and the 3 mile Pilates WATP. I have a massage to give at 10 and another one tomorrow night at 6. DD1's BFF is spending the night tomorrow night as they are going away for 2 weeks and this will also give the girls something to do during the day on Wednesday while I clean my bedroom!

Time to check on supper. Girls want to play games tonight.

Made a Jedi Bear for DH at Build A Bear for his birthday next Monday and they told us there will be special bears coming out the end of next month for Star Wars 35th anniversary, Princess Leia Bear, C3PO bear, Han Solo bear and a special anniversary bear. DSIL's Christmas gift from the girls is going to be all set!!!
No Y today. Mike emailed me at work and asked if I wanted to run tonight since there is baseball the rest of the week. So in a bit we're going to go for a 4 mile or so run. This will be good because it will keep me off the dreadmill later this week. And it's a cold snap--only 90 today!:thumbsup2

Pamela--you took my QOTD for next week!:goodvibes If I were going to make a quick meal it would be veggie fajitas. Beans and whatever we have on hand, with the veggies sauteed in olive oil. I found some healthy tortillas that are made with olive oil that aren't too bad.

As for the contemplating going vegetarian--for me personally, it was one of the best things I ever did. I have stopped eating meat periodically for years, but last May after my Dad died, I lost my taste again. So I stopped for a couple of months, then in July I had chicken at a restaurant--it was raw in the middle. That was it for me. It did take me until October to give up bacon.:rotfl: Not that I would have pieces of bacon, but if it was on something I wouldn't pick it off. I haven't had bacon since October. I've known all along that all cheese is not vegetarian, but only recently have I started paying attention to it. I see the whole thing as a process. It's still hard, because I run out of ideas to cook and when our DS is home we end up eating out a lot. When he's home in December I am going to have a better plan in place, because eating out so much gets old. I just feel a lot healthier as a vegetarian. I pay a lot more attention to what I eat. I still have days where I eat garbage, but I know I need to get some protein in and watch what vitamins I am getting, so when I have junk now, it's combined with other stuff.

Mike is home, so I guess we'll get ready to run. I'll check in later!
Happy Monday everyone! I have been so busy these past 2 days so I will have to catch up on reading what you all were sharing while I was off.

Sunday we had our DCL party. It was a great day. We listened to Disney music all day and had tons of fun. It is so exciting to be one year from our cruise date (we have already waited one year). :banana: Here is a photo of DH and I:


Today has been cray! I got up and did my 20 minute pilates DVD. Haven't done it in ages so it was a good workout. Then, I ran 3 miles in 28 minutes. I went and tutored and then went to the Y. I did the BodyPump class with my friend and finally came home to do some more cleaning. Didn't even get to the cleaning because there were computer things to do...a new teaching job was listed so I spent time working on a cover letter and sending all my application stuff to the principal. Finally, WDW released discounts for next year so I had to look at that some so that I could discuss it with DH when he got home. I have now come to the conclusion that the day is almost over and I have no clue where all the time went!

As for food and diet...I ate horrible yesterday with our Disney party. I knew I was going to and I am fine with it. I ate great today and know that it is fine. The scale did not change today after a bad day yesterday so I am not going to stress about the bad eating, I am only going to focus on the fact that I know what I need to do and do it when I have to. I was really happy to have lost 2 pounds last week and am fine with a very small loss or a maintain this week.

Chat with you all later - Jen
Didn't work out this morning. Woke up at 2am to dh snoring and then my mind started running and I couldn't fall back to sleep. I did get back to sleep about 315 and then slept to 5.
Ugh. I hate nights like that! Hope you were able to knock things off your to do list today.

I'm off to University of Idaho in Moscow -- about 90 miles away -- to scare the shiny new law school students about legal ethics -- I mean have a discussion with them about professionalism.
Hopefully you'll remember Dona and I posting our memories of class and not be a ROZ! The co op sounds cool!

Oh no... it is 5pm and you have nothing planned. You have one hour to prep and cook and serve this meal... everyone is heading out to sports at 6pm. From your pantry/fridge/freezer basics, what are you serving?? It must be reasonably healthy and low-cal (no frozen pizza). It must have family-wide appeal.
This happens about once a week at our house, and I will admit it's not usually reasonably healthy or exciting. We usually go for cereal or bacon, eggs, and toast, sandwiches, or whatever leftovers can be pulled from the fridge!

P- MENU PLANNING FOR THE next month and a half???? Girl you gotta share that. I can't come up with ideas for this week! Any good websites you use to help you with this? Hope you can get the tooth discolorations thing solved. Anna Kat has white spots on her teeth that I wondered if they were from over flouridation in water, turns out they were caused by a really bad flu she had on her 4th birthday when her fever was 103-104 for 3 days.

This weekend marks my worst and longest-running binge since the beginning of this challenge. I ate basically non-stop from Friday evening until dinner last night. I finally did get my energy focused about 7:00 last night - cleaned my kitchen, did all the laundry, put clean sheets on the beds, etc. I stayed up later than I meant to because I didn't want to leave anything half-done - I really needed to accomplish something before starting this week. Anyway... I just needed to confess all of that and get it out there. I'll psycho-analyze later and see what I can learn from this.

Connie - :hug:. I'll let you form your own conclusions as to why, I've done it as rebellion for a meal, or the snowball, one bad thing leads to another - "What else haven't I had that I could eat RIGHT NOW." Glad you are back on track, were able to reign it in and get some things accomplished last night. Hoping for a good week for you!

And I did make an exception for my police officer :lovestruc – he has been my rock lately, after all – and he’s the only reason the laundry got done yesterday
And here I thought we were your rock. sheez. So glad you signed up for the 10K. :banana:

Didn't get any workouts in but did lots of cleaning! I had leftover veggie lo mein and most of an eggroll for lunch and then a dish of lite mint chip ice cream. Dinner is chicken tenderloins with leftover Sweet and Sour sauce on top of pork fried rice and then that's it for Chinese food! Then DH, DD1 and I are splitting a piece of Oreo Cheesecake.

Love the meal stretching! Have fun tonight!

As for the contemplating going vegetarian--for me personally, it was one of the best things I ever did.
I've thought about it.... in passing. I was raised on my Daddy's garden, and what we had canned. Veggies, veggies, veggies. Unfortunately, most of them were swimming in butter. Meat was for Sundays, and an occasional chicken or ground beef dish during the week. DH insists on meat at every meal, and I've sort of just gone into that mode as a result. Anna Kat won't touch red meat, so we don't have it often b/c I hate to cook 2 meals. Bears further consideration, although I don't think I would be hard core about it.:confused3

Sunday we had our DCL party. It was a great day. We listened to Disney music all day and had tons of fun. It is so exciting to be one year from our cruise date (we have already waited one year). :banana: Here is a photo of DH and I: Then, I ran 3 miles in 28 minutes. I went and tutored and then went to the Y. I did the BodyPump class with my friend and finally came home to do some more cleaning.

GIRL!!!!! 28 MINUTES??? YOU ARE THE BOMB!!! :worship: Sending PPD for the new job. Glad you had fun yesterday, you look GREAT!

I've got water boiling for corn on the cob, chicken tenderloins defrosting for barbeque chicken. I couldnt' keep away from the chocolate kisses today, so I hope to only have a SMALL piece of chicken, some corn, and maybe some watermelon for the sweet tooth! TOM is killer right now, but my run this am did help with the horrible cramps, not as bad as yesterday. I need to remember my iron, and try to gets lots of iron rich food this week so I don't hit the anemia levels....

I'll probably check in before bed. Had a 30 minute nap when I got home, so I can do the rest of my upstairs cleaning after DH goes to work. It's hard not being able to get in there until 9pm! But he is leaving early tonight, so I can get a few things done!

Dropping on to say I'm still around, just really busy. Once again no reminder post will be going out this week, but the results will be put out tomorrow. (If I get a chance tonight, I may do a reminder post, but probably won't happen).

Life is really busy trying to get the house packed up and fixed up for sale. I've decided to give myself an excused on weigh in last week, as I just didn't get it done, and probably won't weigh in again this week.

My last day at current job is this Friday and then its one week at home with DH to get the house ready for sale. Hopefully we can get everything done. I've got a realtor coming to look at the place next Monday morning.

Tomorrow night DH will be going to look at a few new houses, and we'll be going together on Saturday to look at more. We are giving the girls to my parents next Saturday and they'll stay up there for a week, before I head there. We decided it would be easiest for the girls to not be here in the last crazy week as we redo the bathroom and some flooring and painting.

:thumbsup2Hope everybody is doing great. Sorry I haven't been on much, I'm sure the fall challenge will be smoother for me :goodvibes
Can I skip posting tonight? I ate so much today. :scared1: I can't imagine not getting sick from eating so much. :sick: I ate lots of cookies, some ice cream, Sun Chips, regular BBQ chips, a 12-inch sub from Subway, and my usual breakfast and lunch. The worst part of all of this: I'm still hungry. I feel like I could eat a cow.:confused3

Tomorrow, I am going to start the day on the right foot, literally. I really think I do much better when I start the day with exercise.

Taryn-Hope things are going well at work/school! :)

SarahMay-You look great! Way to go on your 5K! :cool1:

Good to hear from you Shannon. Hope the realtor brings good news! :goodvibes

Connie-I feel you. I hope you have a great week! :goodvibes

Way to go to everyone that's exercising with the fam! :thumbsup2

Bree-Hope it's a peaceful night! :goodvibes

JenA-Great pic of you! Nice time on your run! :worship:

Hope I didn't forget anyone!

QOTD: Does Subway count? :rotfl: Ok, really. Tacos are a great go-to for us especially during the summer months because we have a CSA (Crop Share Agreement) and a garden so we are next to guaranteed to have veggies in the fridge. We also love chicken cacciatore. I will add lots and lots of veggies, but my parents prefer just peppers, onion, and mushrooms. I eat it with pasta or rice. My parents eat it over pasta or rice. ;)

Have a great day tomorrow everyone! :goodvibes

OK, I was bad and weighed myself! YIKES!!!! I've gained 13 pounds since my lowest weight! OMG! But I'm not frustrated and will get back in action tomorrow!
Today is the last day of the Chinese food and leftover margaritas! Some of my clothes are still fine and some are snug again! I've lost the weight before so I know I can do it again!

I was so stuck on the miles I was doing that I don't feel I was mixing up my work outs as well as I should have. I will mix in the elliptical, the Wii, WATP and Jillian Michaels workouts: Jump Start, 30 Day Shred and Lat Chance Workout. I'll probably save the Wii for weekends!

I will drink a lot of water tomorrow and get back to my smoothies and protein water. And count calories! Also giving 2 massages will help me a big deal!
Oh no... it is 5pm and you have nothing planned. You have one hour to prep and cook and serve this meal... everyone is heading out to sports at 6pm. From your pantry/fridge/freezer basics, what are you serving?? It must be reasonably healthy and low-cal (no frozen pizza). It must have family-wide appeal.

Ok, I'm going to take a guess because I am not the cook in our family. Forgive me if I pick something that could not happen, just basing it on what we always have on hand...we would have chicken breast to throw on the grill, and I always have bags of frozen veggies, so we'd put some in a little olive oil on the grill. Add some fresh fruit, and I'd call that a meal.

Not exactly off to the stellar start I'd hoped this week. Derailed by too much time at home alone tonight and I just felt like I couldn't eat enough...tomorrow should be better. TM repair guy is coming, and I plan to get a run in!

There are some real super stars here -- running 3M in 28 minutes, 6 weeks of meal planning -- you guys totally rock! :worship:

Maria :upsidedow
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