You're going back and doing what Updated 10/3 10K

I hadn't even thought to check out Netflix for workout videos I could watch instantly on my TV! Great idea! :thumbsup2

Truth be told I kept checking out the same 2 DVDs from our rinkie dink library and never watching them. I figured I would feel less guilty to stick them in the Netflix que and never watch them. That way someone else can get the 2 from the library.
Yesterday I finally broke into the cross training realm. Apparently you are supposed to exercise all your muscles to be a runner, and running just doesn't do that. It took a bit to figure out what kind of cross training I could do. I've never been really great at following an aerobic video, so I needed something slower. I took a look at yoga, but that was a little too slow (well at least the ones on Netflix streaming that I could find). I settled on Pick Your Level: Weight Loss Pilates. In the video they have 3 ladies doing different levels of similar moves. I followed the level 1 lady. The level 3 lady made me sick. :rolleyes: I made it through the video fine. My form was not the greatest I am sure, but I survived. I felt it actually went to pretty good. Then I tried going to bed. OMGs!!! I was in pain. My shoulders (more armpit region), sides, upper back, and spine all HURT!!! I guess I should have thought to ice my upper body, but I totally didn't feel it until 12 hours later. Luckily my legs aren't hurting, so hopefully I will still be able to get my run in today.
So is that one I should check out? I think it is in my instant que.
I hadn't even thought to check out Netflix for workout videos I could watch instantly on my TV! Great idea! :thumbsup2
There is so much great stuff on the Netflix instant. I think that is the only reason I still have netflix. My MIL got me a ROKU for my birthday last year which is in the basement. Plus the wii and the PS3 both have netflix instant disc in them. Make it easy to watch stuff. I love now that you can view everything not just what is in the que. Of course I might have to figure out parental controls when the girls get big so they don't watch stuff they shouldn't.
That was my thought this morning when I woke up around 6. I was not ready to get up. Then D came into our room at 6:30. After using my bathroom (no clue why she woke me up for that), she climbed into our bed. So did I. I tried to get back to sleep. Didn't work. Then S came in asking me what that noise was. The garage truck was really noisy this morning. I knew it was time to get up.
I had a drink of water and went out for my run. I had a really great run. I tried to run most of it. Didn't work. :rotfl2: I'm not good about running for a certain amount of time, then walking for a set time. I really should be running for 4 minutes and walking for one. I don't think I did a full 4 minute run, and when I walked I counted to 30 then started to run again. I find it works better for me than the full minute. The full minute gives my mind enough time to tell me I don't want to run again. The count to 30 seems to work for me. I just have to work on increasing my running time.
I did 2.41 miles in 0:33:33 minutes. My pace was 13:56. I did have to stop once to tie my shoe. Then had to stop 2 other times to let cars that were not looking as they pulled out of their driveways go.

mi Pace (min/mi) Elevation (ft)

1 13:39 -11
2 13:42 6
3 15:01 1
Glad you had a good run Lisa, you've needed one you felt good about.

My run was fairly unexciting. I really didn't want to run (darn PMS), but I forced myself to get on the machine. I had DH transfer some movies to the iPod, so I watched the first part of Coyote Ugly. I will finish it on my next short run. I figure I will watch a different movie during my long run since I should finish an entire movie during my 8 miler. Hopefully I will get it in on Saturday.
Jenn did you get you long run in today?

I wound up doing my long run today. Last night both my BIL's, and future SIL went to a CSN concert with us. BIL got the tickets for $10 a ticket. The songs I knew were amazing. The songs I didn't were boring.
Our plan for today was to go to the beach early. Then BIL sent us all an email asking if anyone wants to go for a run. BIL is planning on running the half marathon that is with the 10K I'm doing in October. Future SIL is going to run probably the half but maybe the 10K with me. Other BIL originally said he was going to run the 10K with me, but now he is backing out. So we shall see.
My girls slept at MIL's house last night, so we told her to be at our house at 8:30. Good think we told her that instead of meeting at the beach. 8:30 DH and I are almost ready to go. One BIL is pretty much ready. Other BIL and FSIL are not. Girls get home all excited. They go downstairs to basement to get BIL and FSIL. Took BIL and FSIL almost an hour to get ready. I was so glad I decided to eat breakfast instead of waiting till after my run.

We got to the beach finally. Helped DH, MIL and the girls get to settled. Went back to the car to change into my sneakers. It was finally time for my run. 10:48 am only an hour and half behind when I thought we would get started.
Both BILs and FSIL went for the run with me. BIL's were in front and SIL slowed down her pace to run with me. Only thing was she doesn't believe in walk breaks. or as long of a walk break as i take. She did run for 4 minutes (or one song) walk for 30 seconds. Of course she tried to push me to run almost the whole thing. I think when all was said and done, I probably walked for like 4 minutes total in the whole 4 mile run.
I did 4.02 miles is 0:57:47 minutes. average pace was 14:23.
mi Pace (min/mi) Elevation (ft)

1 11:53 -10
2 13:49 0
3 14:52 2
4 16:55 9
5 8:19 0
Notice the average for mile 5, that was an little run at the end since I had did 3.9 miles so I did a little run in the parking lot.

I have an issue with my pacing. I try and run to fast and burn out. This time I ran slower then I normally run but was able to last. Or at least 3.75 miles. Then I walked to cool down. I also didn't walk briskly as I started like I normally do.
Last weekend Lisa had issues with losing a hunk out of one of her toenails. I figure, why go for part of the nail when you can lose the whole shebang. After Tuesday's run I thought the toenail on the toe next to the big one on my left foot was feeling a bit wonky. I hurried off and trimmed the nail. It really wasn't long as I can't stand my toenails long, but I figured it might help the feeling. It really didn't bother me much on my Thursday run. Just felt a bit weird again.

Yesterday though, 8 miles did my toenail in. It didn't bother me much during my run, but as soon as I took my shoes off, I could tell there was something wrong. I pulled off my sock and what a sight. There was an obvious blister pushing my nail up off the nail bed. It hurt. The more I walked around, the more it filled. After receiving advice to leave it alone, I decided to get DH to pop it. :laughing: There was a lot of fluid under there. It actually hurt worse for a bit. It finally feels okay as long as no one touches it. I am fairly certain I will be losing this toenail. The question remains, when....

Oh did you catch that I ran 8 miles yesterday!!! Yep, life got in the way on Saturday, but I got my run in. I really didn't want to do the run, but I knew I would be upset with myself if I didn't strap on my shoes and at least attempt the run. I had my iPod all set up to watch Enchanted and fans galore pointed at me.

I did 5:2 intervals again. I think this is a good pace for my long runs. I did speed the treadmill up to 5.2 MPH where I normally run at 5 MPH. I finished in 1 hour 43 minutes (an average pace of 12:52) which was a little faster than my 7 mile run. I found I had a hard time spacing my jelly beans out. I might have to go to a second bag for a 9 miler. I won't have to worry about that for 2 weeks though, as this coming week is a scale back week. My long run is only a 10K. And yes, I just typed the word "only" and "10K" in the same sentence. I guess I will have to watch a shorter movie next weekend. Enchanted happened to be the perfect length this time. Credits had just started to run as I crossed the 8 mile mark.

Hopefully I can figure out what to do with my toenail for my shorter runs this week. Maybe I will get lucky and it just won't bother me.
Ugh! I hate it when I lose motivation to do something I know my body wants to do. I had the hardest time talking myself into strapping on my shoes and going for my run yesterday. I knew once I got running I would feel better, but having to get up and go get my running gear on was almost enough to keep my on my tush. But I got up anyways.

I started my warm up walk as I fiddled the iPod. I still had a bit of Coyote Ugly to finish up. About 2 minutes into the warm up I realized I hadn't upped my fans or dropped the a/c. The room with the treadmill has its own unit, so it is fairly easy to adjust the temp for a few minutes without draining the power too much. I had to stop the machine to fix that over look. With the temperature all set I was off for my 5 miles.

I knew 5 miles would take me a little more than an hour, so I thought I would try to eat half the pack of Luna Moons I had bought as an experiment. I know technically I shouldn't need to refuel until the 90 minute run length, but I have been hitting a wall around the 40 minute mark, and since I had them, I wanted to try them. Well, I don't know if they really helped all that much. I can tell you, I will be sticking to my Jelly Belly Sport Beans for my long runs. The Luna Moons left my mouth feeling pasty, even after washing them down. I still have half a pack left, and I will use them tomorrow (so obviously it wasn't too horrible), but I will not be buying them again.

Coyote Ugly ended around mile 4. As soon as my brain was no longer distracted, my toe hurt. :headache: I really thought about stopping the run, but I didn't want to miss my distance goal so I pushed through after really evaluating my body and realizing the toe didn't hurt that bad. In the end I finished in 63 minutes 17 seconds which breaks down to a 12:39 MM pace. I definitely felt like I was pushing it on the pace, but I really wanted to make myself work.

I barely had enough time to stretch and take a shower after my workout before we headed out the door to dinner. This means I didn't have time to ice down like I usually do. Instead of coming home after dinner and icing, I evaluated my body and realized that I wasn't hurting. Big mistake. I woke up this morning with tight everything. Needless to say, I was under ice while eating breakfast. I will make sure I ice tomorrow after my next 5 mile run.
You gals are an inspiration! I, too, am a pretend runner - never liked running or exercising, like walking more and yet here I am ~ signed up to do the Princess half with a group of friends. Without them I would never be able to do it. So now I am going to check here each day to see how you are both doing! Keep up the good work! Thank you!!
You gals are an inspiration! I, too, am a pretend runner - never liked running or exercising, like walking more and yet here I am ~ signed up to do the Princess half with a group of friends. Without them I would never be able to do it. So now I am going to check here each day to see how you are both doing! Keep up the good work! Thank you!!

Oh no! A new reader on the one day I decide to be a sloth and skip my training run. :sad2: I hope you stick around and read when I make up my said sloth like day tomorrow.
You gals are an inspiration! I, too, am a pretend runner - never liked running or exercising, like walking more and yet here I am ~ signed up to do the Princess half with a group of friends. Without them I would never be able to do it. So now I am going to check here each day to see how you are both doing! Keep up the good work! Thank you!!

Hello! Glad you are going to join us. Now I will have go make sure I check in and update.
I actually have trip planning to talk about as well as a weeks worth of workout to right about.

My February family trip for a week is off.:confused3. Tomorrow DH is calling members services and canceling Monday through Thursday. I will be going for the week to do the race. As of now we are all going, but that can change. The one thing that will not change is I'm going to go run the half on 2/27 with Jenn. :banana:
I can make ADRs but it is hard to figure out what to do I don't know when Jenn is arriving (hint hint) or if she wants to eat with us (assuming my girls and DH come).
Before I talk about my run, I wanted to mention my cross training. Mondays, Wednesday and Friday's I have been doing strength training. I'm still trying to work out a great routine. I did a body sculpting routine this week. Monday was chest, back and abs. Wednesday was biceps, triceps and shoulders. Friday is legs and butt. This way my legs have Saturday to recover before Sunday's long run.

Tuesday morning I woke up and it was drizzling out. It was supposed to pour so when it look like it had stopped I went out for my run. It drizzled during most of the run then at the end it started to rain.
2.05 miles, 28:40 minutes
mi Pace (min/mi) Elevation (ft)

1 12:38 -5
2 14:55 4
3 19:22 0

I started out going to fast. I still have to work on my pacing. I just hate how it feels too run slow. So I run too fast but I can't maintain.

Thursday's run is it bad that the only thing I remember was watching some of my neighbors block the road while talking to neighbors walking their dogs.
I did 2.04 miles in about 31 minutes.
mi Pace (min/mi) Elevation (ft)

1 13:13 -4
2 16:45 2
3 27:01 1
The last .04 was me bring in my garbage can back as I finished up my run.
Sunday was my long run day. I was not sure how far I was going to go but figured I would just do what felt right. I had planned on going for an early run. Only problem was we slept in. Or at least DH and I did. Sydney woke me up around 6:45. I told her to go back to bed. She tried to wake me up again around 7:15. I told her to call me when she needed help. She called me about 15 minutes later. I was so not ready to get up so I went back to sleep till Dani woke me up around 9.

I should mention that Saturday we went out for my dad's birthday. I had a shrimp fettuccine dish that was really yummy, except as I was finish eating I had the weirdest sensation. First it felt like I had something caught in my throat. Then it felt like my throat was closing. I went to the ladies room with Dani and my nose stuffed up. I took a benadryl. We were planning on going to the mall since my mom wanted to take the girls back to school shopping. We went to the mall, check out the disney store. On Friday we had bought 4 clearance placemats and wanted to get 2 more. But this disney store did not have any. As we were walking to the disney store, Sydney spotted build a bear and wanted to go there after we left the disney store. Girls and my parents had a blast making a bear and a dog and picking cloth for the bear.
Dani got the peace and hug bear that she named Flake.

Only problem is the bear has a slight hole on the foot, so I think we are going to a mall today. She also got the Flake a denim skirt and a tank top.
Sydney got a dog that is so soft. She named it Cuddles.

Cuddles got a bathing suit and a surf board. I think both Cuddles and Flake got sunglasses.

I was still feeling like my throat was smaller than it should be and my stuffed nose was no longer stuffed but felt like it was dripping into my throat instead. DH kept on asking me if i was okay. As soon as the girls were done at build a bear we left the mall. Originally we were going to stop for ices on the way back to my parents house, but we decided to skip it.
When we got back to my parents house I took a second benadryl.

We got home from my parents house it was after 9. I was so knocked out I was asleep on the couch before ten.
I was hoping no one would notice that I never posted about making up my sloth like behavior. Turns out my virtual running mate noticed I hadn't fessed up to what happened on Friday.

I wish I could say I woke up Friday rested and raring to go, but I didn't. I woke up Friday wanting to be the same sloth I had been on Thursday. So that's what I did all morning. I knew I had to start my run by 1:30 in order to be done and showered before taking DD to gymnastics. Unlike on Thursday, I actually had time constraints on Friday.

I really didn't want to run. Really. I talked myself into getting my running gear on and at least attempting something on the treadmill. Did I mention I really really didn't want to run? So I didn't. Not really at least.

I thought maybe if I got on the machine and started warming up the endorphins would kick in and I would feel the need to run. They didn't, so I didn't. Realizing that there was zero percent chance I was running 5 miles, I decided to finally do those hills I keep reading about.

I started to slowly increase the incline. I almost immediately felt it in the shins. Yep, I had seriously been neglecting hills. So I did what every self respecting person would do, I lowered the incline back to zero and ran instead. :rotfl: Unfortunately that run really cemented my non desire to run, so back to hills it went. I worked slowly up to a 7.0 on the incline and then back down. I did do a couple minutes of running here and there during it, but mostly it was just a brisk walking pace.

In the end I did 2.39 miles, which was not even half of what I was scheduled to do, but 2.39 miles more than I wanted to do. I ended up with a 15:03 MM, but with all the walking, I wasn't shocked. I actually thought it would be slower.

I only went to bed feeling marginally better than I had the night before. The guilt of not meeting my goals was eating at me. So I did something about it on Sunday, but you have to wait until tomorrow to read about that one.
My February family trip for a week is off.:confused3. Tomorrow DH is calling members services and canceling Monday through Thursday. I will be going for the week to do the race. As of now we are all going, but that can change. The one thing that will not change is I'm going to go run the half on 2/27 with Jenn. :banana:
I can make ADRs but it is hard to figure out what to do I don't know when Jenn is arriving (hint hint) or if she wants to eat with us (assuming my girls and DH come).

You mean I am supposed to be planning a trip?!? I'm barely hanging on by a thread around here. Trip planning sends me into panic mode. I'm just living in denial for as long as I can.

I can tell you we will be down on Friday. That's about all I can tell you. I don't even know where we are going to stay. I've never booked a room through Disney on my own, so we will probably stay off property. I just don't know how to go about getting the best room only deals.

Of course we should share at least one or two meals together. We will only have a 1 day pass for Disney though. I guess I should dig in the safe and make sure I can still find them. We will have to figure out the best use of our 1 day (I'm pretty sure they are hoppers though). We both go to Disney to eat, unfortunately we have very different tastes, so that should make planning fun.

Before I talk about my run, I wanted to mention my cross training. Mondays, Wednesday and Friday's I have been doing strength training. I'm still trying to work out a great routine. I did a body sculpting routine this week. Monday was chest, back and abs. Wednesday was biceps, triceps and shoulders. Friday is legs and butt. This way my legs have Saturday to recover before Sunday's long run.

Tuesday morning I woke up and it was drizzling out. It was supposed to pour so when it look like it had stopped I went out for my run. It drizzled during most of the run then at the end it started to rain.
2.05 miles, 28:40 minutes
mi Pace (min/mi) Elevation (ft)

1 12:38 -5
2 14:55 4
3 19:22 0

I started out going to fast. I still have to work on my pacing. I just hate how it feels too run slow. So I run too fast but I can't maintain.

Thursday's run is it bad that the only thing I remember was watching some of my neighbors block the road while talking to neighbors walking their dogs.
I did 2.04 miles in about 31 minutes.
mi Pace (min/mi) Elevation (ft)

1 13:13 -4
2 16:45 2
3 27:01 1
The last .04 was me bring in my garbage can back as I finished up my run.

Oh, cross training. Yeah, I tried that. It hurt. I need to try it again. Hopefully I will be able to steady your pace out for the race. When you go out for your next run, just keep chanting, slow is the new fast. I haven't a clue what it means, but I sure like how it sounds.

I should mention that Saturday we went out for my dad's birthday. I had a shrimp fettuccine dish that was really yummy, except as I was finish eating I had the weirdest sensation. First it felt like I had something caught in my throat. Then it felt like my throat was closing. I went to the ladies room with Dani and my nose stuffed up. I took a benadryl.
I was still feeling like my throat was smaller than it should be and my stuffed nose was no longer stuffed but felt like it was dripping into my throat instead. DH kept on asking me if i was okay.
When we got back to my parents house I took a second benadryl.

We got home from my parents house it was after 9. I was so knocked out I was asleep on the couch before ten.

This sounds scary. I would call up the restaurant and ask for their allergy warning for the dish you ate. I would think they have a list of everything that was in it, or at least those common things. Make sure you have several doses of Benedryl on you at all times from now on. Usually reactions get worse with additional exposures.
Jenn I'm glad that you got on the treadmill on Friday, even if it wasn't the 5 mile you had planned.

When I woke up on Sunday I was still groggy from the benadryl induced sleep the night before. I was moving very slow. I decided to have a bagel with peanut butter for breakfast before the run. Figured the peanut butter would not be too heavy, yet would be more protein than the butter or cream cheese I usually put on the bagel. I decided since it was hot I really should take water with me on this run. It was 88 degrees when I was in the car driving to the park.
I had also bought powerbar gel blast when I was in target figured this was a good day to try them out

Since i started my run later than I planned I started to get hungry on my way to the park so I had one chew in the car. I had another when I had to stop to tie my shoe during the run. I think I had a third but I don't remember when.
I had not decided how far I was going to do. I just started running. I did my run/walking. I still try to run too fast even thought I am trying to slow down. Then I walk. I had gone about 32 minutes when it was time to cross a street. I figured it was the perfect time to turn around. This path is a straight path in a nature preserve. It is about 6 miles in one direction. One starting spot is hilly, the other side is flat with lots of creeks along side of it. I have been going to the hilly side but decided to do the flat side. I think there are 6 streets to cross if I do the whole path. That was my long winded way of saying that when i got to the second street that I had to cross I figured it would be the perfect time to turn around. I thought I looked at run keeper and it said i had done less than 2 miles. But when I just looked at the map just now i turned around at about 2.31 miles.
I had a hard time running back. At one point I started running right next to another lady for a bit. Till we crossed the last street, I did another walk break. I wound up getting text from a mom of a girl in one my girls class asking me for soccer info ( i have to email her the info) which made the screen go back on my phone. Runkeeper still works but I can't see the info. Not sure if that is good or bad.:rotfl: I got back to the car and stopped my run. Remember how I said I thought I turned around before the 2 mile mark, well imagine my surprise when I saw that I did 4.6 miles. Not the 5 i had thought or doing but .6 more than I had done in the past.
mi Pace (min/mi) Elevation (ft)

1 12:31 21
2 14:33 -3
3 14:47 0
4 15:07 -8
5 16:24 -18
I know I need to work on my pacing. My run was 1:07:14 (h:m:s).
Before I tell you about Sunday's LR (long run) I need to fill you in on Saturday's activities. Saturday morning was our normal crazy morning. I had gotten up and saw the Academy Sports ad from last week. I spied that they had 50% off their leg braces and compression sleeves. It didn't tell me how much the shin compression sleeves were, so of course we needed to take a journey over there.

Turns out they were only $4.99 so of course I jumped on them. They had S-XL. I knew I should have measured my calf before we left the house, but I didn't. So I guessed. I bought the small. I guessed wrong. I got them home after a trip to the pet store and farmer's market, and tried them on. I could barely get them over my ankle, much less all the way up to where they were supposed to be. I figured it wasn't too bad, since I had only been wrapping the lower half of my shin anyways.

After our busy Saturday morning, DD had her first gymnastics competition for the season. We got there at 2 hoping to find seats as the group before us got done. We managed to snag 1. There were 8 of us. :eek: As I was going to be up and down the whole time taking pictures, I let DH have the chair. I stood up for nearly 4 hours and my back and feet were killing me. DD didn't have a great competition, but now she has something to work harder for in practice.

Sunday morning I woke up thinking I would need to do my run sometime in the morning. We were scheduled to go see my parents in the afternoon. "Sometime" didn't have to be first thing though. I got up and had breakfast. As I was shoveling the last few bites in my mouth, my mom called and canceled on us. Good news, I didn't have to run in the morning. Bad news, I could have waited for DH's yummy pancakes for breakfast (he takes too long to function and make them for me to run in the a.m.).

Lunch came and went, and it was time for my run. I was scheduled to run a 10K race, but I haven't bothered registering for anything that requires me to be outside. So instead of a race, I would just run 10K (aka 6.2 miles). I was actually looking forward to my run. I gathered my water bottle and sports beans, kicked on the a/c and fans, and cued up My Big Fat Greek Wedding on the iPod. I was ready for a run.

I spaced out my jelly beans starting at the 30 minute mark. I so look forward to my long runs so I can eat sugary stuff. I tell myself I am burning off all the calories and carbs while I am running, then I try not to think about it too much and just enjoy the jelly beans.

I completed the 10K in 1 hour 19 minutes. That averaged 12:43 MM pace. Not too shabby for race pace. I ended after the cool down coming in at 6.5 miles, so a solid long run for the week. Now to stay motivated for today's run.
Man, talk about a quick turn around. I really want to run. Why might I really want to run?!? Because I CAN'T! My stupid treadmill isn't working. It was fine when I got off of it on Sunday, but acted wonky when DH got off of it after me. Now it won't work. We bought the warrenty, but that means a call to the repair people and a wait. Now how am I going to burn off all these carbs I have ingested today. I might actually have to run outside. :scared1:
Man, talk about a quick turn around. I really want to run. Why might I really want to run?!? Because I CAN'T! My stupid treadmill isn't working. It was fine when I got off of it on Sunday, but acted wonky when DH got off of it after me. Now it won't work. We bought the warrenty, but that means a call to the repair people and a wait. Now how am I going to burn off all these carbs I have ingested today. I might actually have to run outside. :scared1:

That sucks. I hope you get the treadmill repaired soon. Or your outside run was great and you don't need the treadmill any more. (Maybe both).

I ran outside in hot humid stale air. It was 88 when I started my run. I think this might have been the worst temp/air quality (did I mention there was 2 bad air warnings) that I have run in. I think it was since it was an hour later than normal. I came home drenched. I had to take an ice cold shower since I was still sweating but I need to shower.
I did 2.04 miles in 0:29:31. So I was under a half hour. I'm getting faster just doing it very slowly. :)
mi Pace (min/mi) Elevation (ft)

1 13:36 -1
2 15:00 0
3 18:17 1
My DH got home yesterday and tried the more advanced troubleshooting suggestions to no avail. He made the call to the warranty people. They had him hit this button and that button and all it did was beep at him. Since it would not even go into the calibration mode, they determined it must be a malfunctioning console. Luckily it is under warranty and we have the extended warranty, because a new console would be around $800, and we only paid $597 for the machine (deep clearance). The nice lady said the treadmill's new brain should be here sometime next week.

So now that we know my treadmill is a goner for a while, I had to do something for a run. I ran OUTSIDE!! This is the first time I have braved the elements since early April. We had a week of Spring like weather, then we jumped straight into Summer. We have been roasting ever since.

I headed out the door at 7 p.m. I had eaten dinner and only been done for about 30 minutes. I was really concerned that I would be getting sick on this run. As I wanted to know if I was any better at pacing than my counterpart, I installed RunKeeper on my iPod. The iPod I use is actually just a disabled iPhone 3 that still has functioning GPS. I got outside and started up RunKeeper. It gave me warning that there was poor satellite reception, but then it got a yellow light and the warning went away. I watched the screen as I started my warm up walk, and it seemed to be pacing me okay, so I slipped the iPod into my waist pouch (it just barely fit) and didn't bother looking at it again. I did my run walk intervals watching my watch. I felt like I was staying pretty consistent with speed based off the fact that I was hitting similar run spots vs walk spots. When I got done I checked the RunKeeper to find that it had lost the signal off and on throughout the whole run. :mad: I wasn't amused. I am pretty sure I did 3.5ish miles.

Let me tell you a little bit about my outdoor running area. I walk out my door and start going around a half mile loop. There is one way into the neighborhood, a half mile loop, and then you go right back out the same way you came in. It's like going to a long track with small hills. It is nice to be able to step out the door and have a safe area to be running, but the prospect of lapping the same area 20 times to make up a 10 mile run sounds boring, pretty much an outdoor treadmill. I have a feeling this is why I prefer my indoor treadmill. At least I can watch TV while going nowhere fast (not to mention climate control).

Tomorrow is supposed to be hotter than it was yesterday. I may just have to take a field trip back to the Y to get in my run. My kids will be thrilled as they continue to beg for a trip to the "fun Y".
That sucks. I hope you get the treadmill repaired soon. Or your outside run was great and you don't need the treadmill any more. (Maybe both).

I ran outside in hot humid stale air. It was 88 when I started my run. I think this might have been the worst temp/air quality (did I mention there was 2 bad air warnings) that I have run in. I think it was since it was an hour later than normal. I came home drenched. I had to take an ice cold shower since I was still sweating but I need to shower.
I did 2.04 miles in 0:29:31. So I was under a half hour. I'm getting faster just doing it very slowly. :)
mi Pace (min/mi) Elevation (ft)

1 13:36 -1
2 15:00 0
3 18:17 1

Sorry you were so hot. It still looks like you had a decent run.


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