A Very Disney Christmas! Nov/Dec 2010 PTR (Trip Drama & 2 Days! 11/24)

Hey there I just found your PTR and got all caught up!
We are going Dec 9-17

I love the outfits you got for the girls and the girls are so cute!
Thanks for the storyteller information, I have to make sure we see them this year!!!
We are feeling better - still not 100% but at least we're both able to function now! It was a rough couple of days. :sick: I'm so glad to hear Claire is all better now! :goodvibes

Oh good!! So glad to hear it!!

I did not know he was on DWTS! We don't normally watch that show, but I would have started if I knew he was on it. I was a fan of his before we saw him but of course, even bigger now. I wonder if I could find this season on DWTS on Hulu.... I will have to check. Oh, and I agree that he should be Hall of Fame. His numbers are too good, and the person that he is off of the field is someone that the NFL should recognize. I was so sad when he retired! Thanks for being excited with me!! :goodvibes

Yes!! He was on the show and was sooo great!!

Thank you for the links! Sometimes I forget that we are going at Christmas time because I feel like I am just trying to get us ready to go. When I saw your update, it made me really happy to see all of the Christmas stuff. I can't wait!!

No problem! Just 3 more days for us!!

Glad to hear Claire is on the mend!!

Thanks for all those links, while I'm not going at Christmas time I love reading about it!! I will just have to live vicariously through all of you going!!!

You're very welcome!!
We're staying at All Star Movies this trip - we booked in early October, so that was all that was left. It will be our first time at a value, so I'm a little nervous, but I'm sure we'll be fine!

We stayed at WL last Christmas - it was GORGEOUS. You will love it!!!

Hey--you'll be in WDW--that's all that matters!!

I'm glad Claire is feeling better. Poor little girl! Better to get it out of the way now, though.

Christmas at WDW sounds so exciting!

Thank you! She is doing great and we're so excited that our trip is so close!

Hi Becky,
So glad Claire is feeling better and yes better to be sick now then in Disney in 2 weeks! I loved your Halloween update, the girls look adorable in their costumes. Yay on Claire in the photo contest too! I hear you on the workers in your house :headache: not fun is it? But it will be so nice when the playroom is done :goodvibes. Anyway we are just back from WL (much needed last minute getaway) I think your going to love it there, especially over holiday season. The tree wasn't up yet but will be by Thanksgiving. It's beautiful resort and the kids and I loved it almost as much as Poly. Whispering Canyon was so fun too! We loved MVMCP, though it got so cold at night. I will try to post my pics on FB really soon. We are planning our family trip for October too over the kids fall break. Maybe well be there the same dates. Not sure which resort yet, maybe Poly, Beach, AKL or WL :laughing:. I can't wait to read all about your trip when you get back!

Hi Nichole!! Let's just say that I'm sooo thankful that the workers are DONE with the playroom! It has been a very long month! I cannot WAIT to experience the WL!! I just looked at your FB pics--they were GREAT!!

So happy to hear that Claire is feeling better! While we were in WDW we had to take Isabella to the hospital b/c of sickness! I need a do - over trip!
You guys are going to have so much fun at Disney! I think Christmas time is my favorite time of year there. My girls love the christmas party!!
Love to hear all about your planning!

Thank you! Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that! What happened?!
Hey Becky...glad that the storytellers blog and info helped you...hope it's right or at least close to this yr's times

Thanks again Julie for sharing the info!!

That's interesting that others have found that the times guide wasn't accurate for the Storytellers, it was the week were there :confused3

Definitely make time to see them, we LOVED the Storytellers! If I had to narrow down my favorites, I think I'd say UK, Norway, Germany & Italy. The boys loved the Monkey King in China - go figure! :laughing:

I hope we can see as many of the storytellers as possible especially since we'll be in Epcot 2 days!!

HI BECKY!!! I am so sorry this post is so late! :hug: Of course, I LOVE all of the customs!! How cute! I am currently freaking out about mine right now...this trip is sneaking up on me!

Thanks for all of the links! I can't wait to see the storytellers! I saw pictures of the GF Gingerbread house going up on facebook (I think it was Disney Food Blog?) and it looks sooooo awesome! Are you going to go to the parade taping while you are there?

Hi Katie!! So glad to see you posting again!! Our trip has really snuck up on me! YIKES!!

We will be going to MK on the 4th for Claire's 1st haircut but we won't be going specifically to see the parade.

I can't wait to see the storytellers in EPCOT! Thanks so much for posting those links. I'm hoping to see most of them, but I know it will be difficult with such a large group like ours. T minus 16 days for us!

No problem, Andrea!! Our trips are soooo close!!
US TOO- Christmas this year and we just booked october 15-22 for next year!

somehow my subscription to your thread lapsed, not sure how-it seems a lot of my subscriptions went bonkers on me- but i am back!! and loving all the great christmas resources and updates!!1:thumbsup2

Oh how exciting!! Glad you are back!!

I'm getting all caught up!! I love the list of the storytellers! Helga in Germany is by far my fav!!! Father Christmas in England is pretty good too but Helga is something else!!!! Plus you can stand there and sip on the wonderful warm wine as you watch her!!

Hope the sickness has left your house!! My brother, dad, and I all had the stomach bug this past week..better now than in a few weeks!

YAY! We will definitely have to see Helga!! Yes, the sickness is gone--thank goodness!

Hey there I just found your PTR and got all caught up!
We are going Dec 9-17

I love the outfits you got for the girls and the girls are so cute!
Thanks for the storyteller information, I have to make sure we see them this year!!!

Hi and :welcome: to my PTR!!! Oh--we'll just miss you! Thank you--no problem--I hope the list helps!!
Hi everyone! I apologize for not updating sooner but Brent was in Spain last week and I was preparing for a craft fair--making bows like crazy!! So I totally missed the single digit dance but WHOO HOOO for 2 days and counting!! Boy have things been hectic and dramatic getting ready fot his trip!

First off, I was getting worried about getting our Mary Poppins outfits and shirt in time. The seller was having problems getting in the right shirt. But it all ended well and she even ended up delivering them herself (she lives the next town over). The outfits are beautiful and I just LOVE my shirt!! And then my friend finally got the Joy appliqued shirts done--I picked them up last week! Check out how well they match the girl's Gymbo pants!!

Then last week I went online and tried to reserve/rent a stroller from Orlando Stroller Rentals and it showed no availability for our dates! I FREAKED out! I checked Magic Strollers and it was the same thing--no availability! YIKES! I guess I had waited too long to book! It was pretty late at night so I had to wait until the morning to call. So the next morning I called Orlando Stroller Rentals and they were able to accomodate me (thank goodness)!!! They are incredible!! We will receive the stroller the day we get there but will have to return it the night before we leave. No problem! Just sooo thankful to have a stroller!

Last week I received our Mickey Mail from my TA (and some other goodies she included)!!!

However she said that Disney had not included our Magical Express tags and booklet! YIKES!! She called them and they told her that they would mail them directly to us. Well they just arrived Monday!

So then I proceeded to try and do online check-in. As I was reviewing my reservation I noticed that it only had us down for 6 days of park tickets--we were supposed to have 7! So I e-mailed my TA (again, this was late at night so I had to wait until the morning before I heard from her). Thankfully she took care of it pretty quickly and even paid for the extra day herself since she said it was her error! Have I told ya'll how incredible she is?! She really takes care of us!

So once that was fixed I was able to check us in online! YAY! And in the meantime I decided to make myself some shirts for our trip! Katie (BippityBoo) recommended Sophia Grace (on FB) printyourowntees on Etsy for some CUTE t-shirt designs! She e-mails you the personalized design and then you iron them on the shirts. I was nervous about it but Brent helped me out. They turned out pretty cute! And we only messed up once. Here is a pic of my shirts:

Oh--and a friend of mine makes these CUTE purses! She gave each of my girls one for our trip to hold their autograph books! Aren't they precious!?

So now we're in Alabama celebrating Thanksgiving with Brent's parents. We'll head back to Memphis sometime on Friday and then we'll fly out Saturday morning! WOW!! I just cannot believe it's almost time to go! I almost have everything ready--I just need to get it all into suitcases! 2 days and counting!! :woohoo:
Hi Becky.... quick single digit dance!

:hyper: :jumping1: :hyper: :jumping1: :hyper:

That is a great TA you have! The purses are adorable and everything looks so cute! I'm jealous, I didn't make any shirts this trip. :rolleyes:

Have a fabulous trip and I hope to see you there!
Happy Thanksgiving Becky! Yay on just two more days :yay: I can't wait to hear all about your trip. WL was amazing, glad you liked the pics. The tree wasn't in the lobby yet when we there. It's up now though. Please take a pic for me ;). I hope you and your family have a magical time in Disney!
I'm sorry to hear you had some scary planning moments! But yay for it all working out! :goodvibes Your TA really is amazing. I can't believe she paid for your extra day herself!

We leave for Disney today! :woohoo: So I'll miss your send off, but I hope you all have a wonderful trip! I know the girls are going to love all of the Christmas decorations! :santa: And Happy Thanksgiving!
Wow! Sounds like a ton of drama but it worked out which is good! I love all the homemade goodies! I can't wait to see all the pics of the outfits!!

Safe travels and have a great Thanksgiving! We leave 2 weeks from today!
Hi Becky.... quick single digit dance!

:hyper: :jumping1: :hyper: :jumping1: :hyper:

That is a great TA you have! The purses are adorable and everything looks so cute! I'm jealous, I didn't make any shirts this trip. :rolleyes:

Have a fabulous trip and I hope to see you there!

Yes!! She is wonderful! Thanks! You, too! Maybe we'll run into ya'll!

Happy Thanksgiving Becky! Yay on just two more days :yay: I can't wait to hear all about your trip. WL was amazing, glad you liked the pics. The tree wasn't in the lobby yet when we there. It's up now though. Please take a pic for me ;). I hope you and your family have a magical time in Disney!

Happy Thanksgiving, Nichole! Girl--you know I will take a TON of pics!!

I'm sorry to hear you had some scary planning moments! But yay for it all working out! :goodvibes Your TA really is amazing. I can't believe she paid for your extra day herself!

We leave for Disney today! :woohoo: So I'll miss your send off, but I hope you all have a wonderful trip! I know the girls are going to love all of the Christmas decorations! :santa: And Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanks Courtney! The drama continues--Memphis is under a Winter Advisory tonight. Pray the weather won't affect our travel on Saturday! Happy Thanksgiving!!

The clothes and purses are ADORABLE!! Your TA sounds amazing.

Yay for 2 days!! :woohoo:

Thank you!! My TA is amazing!!! 2 days!!! :woohoo:
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all of my DIS friends! I am so thankful for all of the friendships I've made from being a part of this incredible forum!!

On a side note--there is even more trip drama from what I posted a few hours ago! Ugh! Memphis is under a Winter Weather Advisory tonight and is expected to get snow/sleet. Just pray it is out of Memphis quickly and doesn't affect our flight to WDW on Saturday morning. Just something else to stress out about! I just want to be in WDW and enjoy time with my family in the happiest place on earth! 2 days!!!! :santa:
Ok--nevermind! My prayers have already been answered! The Weather Advisory has been dropped for Shelby County/Memphis!! Praise the Lord!
Happy Thanksgiving, Becky!! I hope you have a wonderful day with your family and IL's! Wow, lots of pre-trip drama but I'm glad all of it got resolved!! Whenever you post on FB about your TA I'm amazed-- she sounds WONDERFUL and really goes above and beyond for you guys!
I love your shirts-- you guys are going to look so great in your PP pictures!!
Wishing you safe travels and a magical trip! I just love all the outfits for you and the girls!!!!! :goodvibes
I spend so much time stressing about if there will be a snow storm in Buffalo on the 9th... it would be nice if it waits till the 10th


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