Rust Belt Road Trip (2 UPDATES--1/18)

Wow, what a coincidence.

Nobody likes a smart-***. Ok, that's not exactly true. Most people love them. But nobody likes to be their target. :headache:

Yeah, it costs either about 80 bucks or parking way outside the city and taking a train to see the other Smithsonians.

One good thing about the D.C. Metro--parking is free on weekends.

It may be fast and cool, but it says that 12 of the 32 built were destroyed by accidents. :scared1:

So it's well over a 50% success rate. If a quarterback goes 20 for 32, you'd say he had a good day. :rotfl2:

... and wasn't that plane a Decepticon?:confused3

I have to confess, when I watch those movies, I can't really tell the good guys and bad guys apart. It's a bunch of giant metal guys beating on each other.

Ok, that makes up for the "1/3 of them were destroyed" thing.


It only matches speeds with a missile.:sad2:

I guess they're still perfecting the technology.

The kids, huh? :rolleyes1

Absolutely. Why are you looking at me like that? :rolleyes1

Ok, about the coolest plane ever. It's this one. It may not be the flashiest, but it's the F-14 Tomcat for crying out loud.

If someone had a Lamborghini, you'd probably say that was the coolest car you'd ever seen. But you probably still wouldn't trade in your dependable truck that's lasted forever and done everything you ever asked it to do for it. So the Blackbird might be cooler, but the Tomcat would be your favorite--the workhorse.

Tower, this is Ghostrider requesting a flyby.

I'll hang out at the museum with you then Mark. We can just re-enact the whole movie. :lmao::rotfl2::rotfl:

:thumbsup2 We don't have to sing You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling, though, do we? :confused3

I thought it was called the Starship Enterprise. :confused3

That seems logical.

I don't know how good your memory is, but it sounds good to me. I'll buy it.:thumbsup2

Hey, remember that $20 you owe me?

I love this system. Really cool idea.

Thanks! I'm sure we are the very first people who ever thought of it. :rolleyes1

I don't see one of these in Central Indiana... just sayin' :rolleyes1

Well, Christopher forced us to go to the Old Spaghetti Factory instead.

Awesome, I'm already looking forward to the next Captain_Oblivious Trip Report.

You've got about 6 months to think of some more insults. :thumbsup2

Do it Julie!!! We promise not to pick on you quite as much as we do Mark.:lmao::rotfl2:


I think she can handle it. Really, I do.

Before I comment on this installment, I have to address the "Dave-Falls-Asleep-In 30-Minutes-Or-More" Photo first we were just laughing....a lot. Then it got to the point where we thought...."we have to take pictures! No one will believe us!" And then we laughed and laughed - silently of course - don't want to wake him up! - until our stomachs hurt!

I think Dave got that from your side of the family. :rolleyes1

Blackbird.....Barry's minivan.....Blackbird.....Barry's minivan..... :confused3

:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

One of them has a troublesome coolant system, and the other is a minivan.

So whatdaya think, readers? Shall I attempt it? Surely I can't be as funny as the Captain.....

Surely you can't be serious!

The National Air and Space Museum looks pretty darn cool. I have never been there, but I think that was a great last stop.

We had wanted to go for a while, but it's on the wrong side of D.C. for us Delaweenies.

I love, love, love your map idea. I am such a map geek. I know everybody uses a GPS but I love to look at a good old map and see the spatial relationship of different places. I would say your kids are very well traveled.

Thanks! I love maps too. Julie will roll her eyes at the way I study them. Actually, she just rolls her eyes a lot.

I can't wait to hear what your next plans are. I am so darn curious. popcorn::

Me too! Wait a minute...

Behold the majesty of Blackwater Falls. ...
maybe because the rocks look black? that water is nasty looking.

Sure, the map says it's only 2 hours, but on windy, mountainous, back-country roads, it feels like 4. Every mile featured numerous switchbacks, steep grades and sharp curves. You'd crawl uphill at 30 mph and speed downhill at...let's say 60. :rolleyes1

When we finally crossed the VA border, we found a multi-lane highway. Sarah was relieved, and announced that she had been feeling carsick for the last 2 hours. :sick: Luckily, her cheese balls had not made a return appearance.

I am picturing that Desi Arnez & Lucille Ball movie where they take a trailer for their honey moon. :lmao:

I sympathize with Sarah:sick:
We turned in for the evening. Now, I have a question: how many of you have ever had trouble falling asleep on a hotel bed?

Well, my son David has a foolproof method for you. Here's how it works.

Step 6: All clear? Great. Now brace yourself against the wall and do a headstand.


Step 7: No, really. I mean stand on your head.

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: was he REALLY on his head sleeping? I belly laughed at these. Good thing no one was in up front at work today!

I hate the end of vacation. Hate it more than Monday mornings. More than telemarketers. Yea, verily, even more than lima beans.
I don't think I hate anything more than lima beans. except maybe navy beans.

Great write up on the flight museum - Have the Smithsonian on our "to do" list.

.... so I have to go to DC to eat at Fuddruckers again? we used to have one here but they closed. I loved that place.

I love the travel map, what a great idea!
So whatdaya think, readers? Shall I attempt it? Surely I can't be as funny as the Captain.....
YES! please! popcorn::
This should be inscribed on a monument somewhere.

Monument? I can't even get the tag fairy to notice me.

Certainly not as strict as a couple of the sites we encountered in NY.
They were more thorough then the TSA wishes it was.


We encountered this fact without foreknowledge as well. I saw the sign on the highway leading in and had to pull over and get everyone in the car could go through their wallets so we could pool together enough money to pay the parking. The rest of the day though rocked!

Did the attendant give you a weird look when you handed him 8 dollars, a McDonald's receipt, and a couple of ketchup packets?

One of many superlative designs to emerge from the “Skunk Works”

We could be getting a mini-bonus feature if this keeps up.

Although this may just be an urban legend (it’s certainly a DisDadLegend)

That's what they all say, until they see the minivan itself.

Cool! I missed that.

I got to do something similar with my DS a number of years back when he was in Cub Scouts. We did an overnight “campout” aboard the USS Yorktown (CV-10) in Charleston harbor. One of the activities was a scavenger hunt that ensured that we’d have to spend a good bit of time really looking over the different exhibit areas. I thought it was a brilliant teaching tool. (man… I wish I knew there was such a thing as a TR back then… that little trip was a lot of fun).

That sounds like a lot of fun! Do they offer that hunt to regular visitors?

Took me by surprise that time.
I had no idea that “need” would be showing right about here.

Well, I'd had a lot of coffee at breakfast.

Space Shuttle Discovery (OV-103) to be specific.
I need to go back once they have that exhibit ready

I had a feeling you'd have the answer on that one.

BTW: While you were in the space vehicle room… did you happen to find the Hidden Mickey?


We did! I think we have a picture of it, but I didn't upload it.

I’ve had the chance to see both this craft and the “Bockscar” which is maintained at the National Museum of the United States Air Force at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, OH. That display includes a replica of the "Fat Man" bomb that was dropped over Nagasaki and spends a bit more time on the events. Both times I had to stop in my tracks for a bit and beat back the cold chills. As an armature historian and an aircraft enthusiast, I have to say that seeing these two planes struck me harder then most of the rest of the exhibits at either location.

It certainly does give a different feeling. The space exhibits leave you feeling nothing but pride, while this is much more complex.

"Rapunzel… the tower!!”

+1 :thumbsup2

I rather like that picture by the way


Rats! I was so close.

Better luck next time...

I like your system.
One question… what brought y’all down to the Columbia, SC area long enough for both an overnight pin and a notable place pin?

I got tickets to a practice round at the Masters tournament in the spring of 2010. We ended up turning it into a road trip through Virginia and the Carolinas--saw Shenandoah, the Blue Ridge Parkway, visited relatives. We stayed in the Columbia area because it was only an hour's drive to Augusta and lodging was a lot cheaper. Took the kids to Edventure in the city, then drove up to the Outer Banks and then home.

I don't think I knew you nearly as "well" then, or else I would have tried to meet up with you! Sorry about that. I did meet Don (Emma's Dad) in VA Beach on the way home.

I did a TR at the Disdads website starting here:

Quite the trip! Thanks for taking us along.

Thanks for sticking with me!

I’ll be looking forward to the answer to that question.

You’ve inspired us to consider a similar (but maybe smaller) road trip possibly this summer
(since I can’t quite justify a Disney trip this year).

Very cool! Where to, exactly?

Silly question!
Of course you should!


Loved every mile. Such a great adventure, with thrills, chills and time travel. ;)

Can't wait to hear about Julie's trip and the next adventure. :thumbsup2

Thanks for reading along Pat!
So it's well over a 50% success rate. If a quarterback goes 20 for 32, you'd say he had a good day. :rotfl2:
Until you see the stat line for interceptions. :rolleyes1

I have to confess, when I watch those movies, I can't really tell the good guys and bad guys apart. It's a bunch of giant metal guys beating on each other.
I can tell the good guys from the bad guys... except in a few of the more intense action scenes.

Then again, I grew up on the cartoon version.

:thumbsup2 We don't have to sing You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling, though, do we? :confused3
I don't sing...

Hey, remember that $20 you owe me?
As a matter of fact I do. I'll send it right after I get the $50 that you owe me. :thumbsup2
Remember that one Monday morning after vacation when a telemarketer interrupted your lima bean dinner? Pretty much the worst day ever.

I pray I never, ever have to have a lima bean dinner.

Last time we flew I got scanned by one of those spinny zappy things. I think I have some kind of super power now, but I haven't figured out what it is yet.

Behold the power of cheese!

Or he was stalking you all they way from the hotel....:rolleyes1

Not sure, but Eric hasn't popped in to defend himself yet. So, why not?

Most the the systems on my van are still considered "classified" but the rumor that I can outrun an enemy missile is completely false. I can, however, destroy it with a Taco Bell fueled "gas screen"

I don't remember James Bond ever having anything like that!

Wisconsin to Orlando in 30 minutes? Is it available for charter?

You're not worried about that whole "12 for 32" thing?

I'll meet you and Andy there. Don't forget your aviator sunglasses. :thumbsup2


Negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full

+1 :thumbsup2

When we stole this idea, we modified the pin color system to be "whatever color the kids want to stick in"

What color was the pin for Lynn's Paradise Cafe? :confused3

Well, I can't answer because I'm already privy to the information. But the one after that should totally be Wisconsin. :thumbsup2

Maybe if another Mysterious Benefactor helps us get to Wisconsin...Although I would think you'd be paying to keep us away. :confused3

You're mocking me, aren't you?

Julie? I can't believe she would ever do that.

Yes you can. And don't call me Shirley.
(Helpful hint: liberal use of puns.:thumbsup2)

Or movie quotes.

I’m in as well

I’ve been using aviator sunglasses since the late 70s; well before the move even when they weren’t in fashion afterward. Never leave home without ‘em.

Sounds like a true Iceman.

Rob, don't play dumb with me. You'll never win.


And since you're my nemesis, I guess you can be the guy in the tower that ends up wearing the coffee.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Hey, if you've had a different experience, go ahead and share!

I'm sure there's ample free parking nearby if you don't mind walking. :rolleyes:

As a generalization, this is true everywhere.

Very Max Cady-ish. :scared1:

There was a guy in the movie theater laughing too loudly...

You were probably debating on wearing your striped DIS-meet dress shirt.

I thought it was a checkered shirt? :confused3 In any case, it was too hot.

And 45 minutes of that was spent circling Dulles, waiting for clearance to land.

"Clearance, Clarence."

Roger, Roger. What's your vector, Victor?

Some of my favorite quotes!


I don't see very many yellow pins! :sad2:

Well, we took one away from Chicago now that everyone's been there. If you look closely, there is one in Augusta, GA from when we went to the Masters tournament and another in Tampa from a long weekend we took in Florida. Not pictured are a couple of yellow pins in Arizona.

But you're right, we need some more. Want to watch my kids?

And it was a very enjoyable ride for those of us reading along, after-the-fact. Thanks!

Thanks for reading it, Glenn!

A "catfish noodling" excursion with swamp people?



Julie! Julie! Julie! :cheer2:

Julie, the masses are speaking out.

Sounds like a great last day, Mark.

I cannot believe all the DIS meets you managed on your trip. That is awesome. :thumbsup2

Totally worth it! :thumbsup2

I love the kids tye-dyed shirts.

I can't wait for the wrap-up and the next trip plans.

Thanks Kathy! Julie made those shirts herself. :goodvibes

Great update Mark. I agree that the end of vacation is only surpassed in the "sucks" department by that first day back in the office when you've realized that your co-workers made sure to not upset you by doing any of your work while you were away. :headache:


And here I thought that only happened to me.

Love the air and space musuem. That just made my list.


BTW, what's worng with a little Top Gun quoting.... unless you began to recreate the bar scene and starting singing to Julie. That I would understand.

Well, you haven't heard me sing.

As for the bonus TR, Julie, good luck, we're all counting on you.

+1 :thumbsup2
You're not worried about that whole "12 for 32" thing?
Please, those were amateurs at the controls. I've been piloting my van for almost 5 years now. I think I'll be OK.

What color was the pin for Lynn's Paradise Cafe? :confused3
What color is a burp?

Maybe if another Mysterious Benefactor helps us get to Wisconsin...Although I would think you'd be paying to keep us away. :confused3
You have a Mysterious Benefactor? I can only imagine him as wearing a long trench coat, mirrored sunglasses and a fedora, silently slipping away in the shadows after leaving an envelope full of cash on your doorstep.
Great trip Mark. Enjoyed reliving it through the report. I laughed, I cried, I fell asleep.

Thanks for reading along! Or sleeping through it. Whatever.

Great job on the trip report Mark....and Julie :thumbsup2

We have enjoyed reading it as a family.

Thanks Dave! :thumbsup2

maybe because the rocks look black? that water is nasty looking.

The falls were nice. "Natural" brown water is ok, right?

I am picturing that Desi Arnez & Lucille Ball movie where they take a trailer for their honey moon. :lmao:

I sympathize with Sarah:sick:

I got sick as a kid on those roads. It's a little better when you're driving.

:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: was he REALLY on his head sleeping? I belly laughed at these. Good thing no one was in up front at work today!


These photos have not been doctored or altered in any way.

I don't think I hate anything more than lima beans. except maybe navy beans.

I also can't stand squash. Tasteless goo. :crazy2:

Great write up on the flight museum - Have the Smithsonian on our "to do" list.

.... so I have to go to DC to eat at Fuddruckers again? we used to have one here but they closed. I loved that place.

I think there's one in Hershey, if I remember. DC is a pretty awesome place to visit, though.

I love the travel map, what a great idea!

Thanks! :goodvibes

YES! please! popcorn::

Julie! Get to work!
Until you see the stat line for interceptions. :rolleyes1

Been watching too many Colts games this year, huh?

I can tell the good guys from the bad guys... except in a few of the more intense action scenes.

Then again, I grew up on the cartoon version.

I watched the cartoons too, but they were easier to follow.

I don't sing...

Well then.

As a matter of fact I do. I'll send it right after I get the $50 that you owe me. :thumbsup2

Where's my Mysterious Benefactor when I need him?


I know I'm your nemesis and all, but I don't need any help spilling coffee on myself. :rotfl2:

Aw, come on. Please?

Please, those were amateurs at the controls. I've been piloting my van for almost 5 years now. I think I'll be OK.

I saw Evan and Madison doing some training runs on the Tomorrowland Speedway and Test Track as well. :thumbsup2

What color is a burp?


You have a Mysterious Benefactor? I can only imagine him as wearing a long trench coat, mirrored sunglasses and a fedora, silently slipping away in the shadows after leaving an envelope full of cash on your doorstep.

If that's the case, he's welcome to come back!

We did have a Mysterious Benefactor help us plan this upcoming summer trip. Trying to decide if I should reveal his/her identity.
Thanks for the ride along Mark. It felt like i was right there with your family the whole way. Right now I'm watching "Big Breakfast" on Travel Channel and Lynn's Paradise Cafe came up, and I said to myself, self, you've been there. See you on your next trip. :thumbsup2
Thanks for the ride along Mark. It felt like i was right there with your family the whole way. Right now I'm watching "Big Breakfast" on Travel Channel and Lynn's Paradise Cafe came up, and I said to myself, self, you've been there. See you on your next trip. :thumbsup2

Thanks for reading along Randall! I appreciate it.

Very cool that you spotted that show. So far we haven't been steered wrong with all of this research on restaurants!
Monument? I can't even get the tag fairy to notice me.

I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time when those “honors” were being bestowed.

Did the attendant give you a weird look when you handed him 8 dollars, a McDonald's receipt, and a couple of ketchup packets?

You could say that he was just a might perplexed.

We could be getting a mini-bonus feature if this keeps up.

Na… I don’t want to be hijacking your TR just now. But I did put up a rather good B.F. over on my Macy’s TR today. Give that one a read before deciding weather or not you really want me to be writing up a dissertation on Kelly Johnson’s abilities as an aircraft designer (but I may find a way to tuck that into one of my TR later on… so, a good suggestion over all).

That sounds like a lot of fun! Do they offer that hunt to regular visitors?

Ya’ know… that’s a good question, and unfortunately, I don’t know the answer. I may have to call down to Patriots Point and inquire about that. If I could get a copy, it might be a nice thing to be able to offer up to friends and family that might be heading that way.

I had a feeling you'd have the answer on that one.

I R Geek.

Full disclaimer, I thought I had it right, but I did look it up to be certain which one was acquired, but I knew that one was going to the U.H.

It certainly does give a different feeling. The space exhibits leave you feeling nothing but pride, while this is much more complex.

That’s a good description of the sensation. It’s amazing how an inanimate object can hold such power of emotion or evoke such reactions.

I got tickets to a practice round at the Masters tournament in the spring of 2010. We ended up turning it into a road trip through Virginia and the Carolinas--saw Shenandoah, the Blue Ridge Parkway, visited relatives. We stayed in the Columbia area because it was only an hour's drive to Augusta and lodging was a lot cheaper. Took the kids to Edventure in the city, then drove up to the Outer Banks and then home.

I don't think I knew you nearly as "well" then, or else I would have tried to meet up with you! Sorry about that. I did meet Don (Emma's Dad) in VA Beach on the way home.

I did a TR at the Disdads website starting here:

Not to worry, I don’t feel slighted in any way. It just caught my eye. I was considering asking about the pin in the Augusta area in the same question, but you just gave me the answer. I’ll be heading over to read that TR in a bit.

Very cool! Where to, exactly?

Oh… you shouldn’t have asked that.
There’s not a definite plan just yet and honestly I’m not sure I can pull off any trips this year at all. But there are several possible loops being considered.

One idea heads toward the gulf coast using Mobile as the pivot point (‘cause there’s a ship there I want to see). The trip down would likely go through Atlanta and Montgomery and it would probably return via the Fla panhandle to Jacksonville and up toward Savannah. If I had time and a great deal more funds… I’d take that one farther west through New Orleans and on to Houston (‘cause there’s a ship there I want to see) but that’s a bit of a stretch.

Another idea (which may be more likely) heads toward the Virginia Beach / Norfolk area (‘cause there’s a ship there I want to see), and would include some time at Williamsburg.
If I then had both the time and cash flow, from there it might probably go up the Delmarva (cause I’ve not been that far east into Maryland yet), with the aim of reaching as far as Philadelphia (for many historical and gastronomical reasons, but also ‘cause there’s a ship there I want to see [noticing a pattern here]). The route home would likely go through Baltimore where I have family (there are a couple of ships here as well, but I’ve seen them already… of course that wouldn’t necessarily stop me) and might even stop for a short stint in DC or Richmond.

A third option might go through the Smokeys, possibly catching bits of NC, VA, WV, TN, GA and back through SC.

A fourth possibility one might head toward Memphis. There is also a trip for a music competition in Dayton scheduled in a few months, but as I‘d be traveling with the HS band again, so there’d probably not be a lot of time for side trips.

We did have a Mysterious Benefactor help us plan this upcoming summer trip. Trying to decide if I should reveal his/her identity.

That’s interesting… very interesting.
Like the rest of the folks reading along, I’m not certain where exactly y’all are headed, but…

I do think I will be making that call down to Patriots Point.
We did have a Mysterious Benefactor help us plan this upcoming summer trip. Trying to decide if I should reveal his/her identity.

Would it be Scooby Doo style, where you unmask him/her at the end of the trip and yell "It's the old caretaker!"
Then he/she replies with "And I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those kids and that dog!"
Na… I don’t want to be hijacking your TR just now.

Why not? Everyone else does.

Ya’ know… that’s a good question, and unfortunately, I don’t know the answer. I may have to call down to Patriots Point and inquire about that. If I could get a copy, it might be a nice thing to be able to offer up to friends and family that might be heading that way.

:rolleyes1 I can only say that someone might be interested...

Oh… you shouldn’t have asked that.
There’s not a definite plan just yet and honestly I’m not sure I can pull off any trips this year at all. But there are several possible loops being considered.

One idea heads toward the gulf coast using Mobile as the pivot point (‘cause there’s a ship there I want to see). The trip down would likely go through Atlanta and Montgomery and it would probably return via the Fla panhandle to Jacksonville and up toward Savannah. If I had time and a great deal more funds… I’d take that one farther west through New Orleans and on to Houston (‘cause there’s a ship there I want to see) but that’s a bit of a stretch.

Another idea (which may be more likely) heads toward the Virginia Beach / Norfolk area (‘cause there’s a ship there I want to see), and would include some time at Williamsburg.

If I then had both the time and cash flow, from there it might probably go up the Delmarva (cause I’ve not been that far east into Maryland yet), with the aim of reaching as far as Philadelphia (for many historical and gastronomical reasons, but also ‘cause there’s a ship there I want to see [noticing a pattern here]). The route home would likely go through Baltimore where I have family (there are a couple of ships here as well, but I’ve seen them already… of course that wouldn’t necessarily stop me) and might even stop for a short stint in DC or Richmond.

A third option might go through the Smokeys, possibly catching bits of NC, VA, WV, TN, GA and back through SC.

A fourth possibility one might head toward Memphis. There is also a trip for a music competition in Dayton scheduled in a few months, but as I‘d be traveling with the HS band again, so there’d probably not be a lot of time for side trips.

Any of those trips sound like a lot of fun. Where I plan my trips through the use of national park locations and sports history, it sounds like yours are guided through naval and aquatic landmarks...

And liberal use of Road Food, of course. Please do let me know if you make it up to Delmarva.

That’s interesting… very interesting.
Like the rest of the folks reading along, I’m not certain where exactly y’all are headed, but…

I do think I will be making that call down to Patriots Point.

I thought I mentioned part of it a while back, but I'll talk about it again soon.

Would it be Scooby Doo style, where you unmask him/her at the end of the trip and yell "It's the old caretaker!"
Then he/she replies with "And I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those kids and that dog!"


I like it! But we don't have a dog. Just 2 guinea pigs.
We had yet another terrific DIS-meet this past weekend. My family and I were able to have dinner with Mary Ellen (MEK) at our local Friendly's restaurant. I had noticed from her tag that she lived in the Middletown, DE area. Since I do as well, I figured it would be kind of stupid for us not to get together and say hi.

Naturally, I am prone to do stupid things, but in this case we got in touch and had a great time together. Mary Ellen was just coming from a rehearsal for local theater doing a show in which she sings and plays both the guitar and flute (I think?). Now that I think about it, she may have said the accordion. I'll have to ask her. In any case, she has many talents.

She brought the kids each their own PEZ dispenser (Winnie the Pooh, Batman, and Mater), which was very sweet and thoughtful of her. And we had a blast at dinner. I mentioned to her that the people I've met on the DISBoards have been incredible and wonderful people. Haven't found an exception to that rule yet.

Thanks for meeting up with us Mary Ellen!

As always, pictures or it didn't happen:

:rolleyes1 I can only say that someone might be interested...

Ohhhhh Mark…

Bet you can’t guess what I was able to get a hold of?

Five different ones for that matter…
Once I get home and can put them up to a sharing site, I’ll send you a PM with the links.

I thought I mentioned part of it a while back, but I'll talk about it again soon.

Come to think of it… you probably did.

Why not? Everyone else does.

Well… ‘cause Andy threw down a gauntlet over in mine and now I need to add a chunk to a bonus feature over there and write up the actual chapter on our first foray into the Big Apple. After that… well… ya’ never know.
I had the best time meeting you guys!!!!! Thanks for dinner. Julie is lovely and the kids are great! I still can't get over the fact that you literally live 10 minutes from me. :cool1:


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