“Les poissons, les poissons!” A vegetarian and a carnivore EAT! *30/4 COMPLETE!!*

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I haven't been to the dining review board for quite a while as I don't have a trip planned in the near future so I didn't want to torture myself. But I was bored and work today and I stumbled upon this review. I have to say that I love it so much that I've read the entire thing at the risk of getting fired because I've spent so much time on it! :rolleyes1 What a fun review!
Oh boy 'Ohana looks great :cloud9:
It was one of our faves on our last trip
I also had the vegetarian entree and it was absolutely wonderful and as for the noodles and bread pudding ...... :worship:
Keep the reviews coming, they are fab :thumbsup2
Me too! Love the food reviews!

Bahama Breeze used to be on our must do list, for many years. We were either rushed like you were, or sat and waited for a looong time. Then they took DH's beloved seared ahi tuna salad off the menu and we haven't been back.

Did you try the "Stop, Forrest, Stop" sign? It works great! A little embarrassing, because we didn't really need anything and just wanted to try the sign. oops.

We were there during F&W too, and got the S'mores dessert at California Grill. Best thing ever.

Hope you went back to F&W on a week day! Much less crowded usually. And did Ben find the wonderful Canadian beer at the little snack stand next to the Le Cellier entrance?

Love these! I haven't seen them pictured before! We'll be in Universal next week and are so excited! Thanks for sharing all of your pics and reviews--your rating system is too cute! :)
It's the twins again!

See...I'm not the only one thinking twins!! Out of the mouth of babes....


Fantastic TR. Never been to Ohana but I think I'll have to try it now!

Haha! Twinnnnsssss yay!!! :goodvibes Ohana is fab, please do try it!!

Great reviews! I'm so looking forward to our O'hana reservation in June now. I was there a few years ago, but it will be DH's first time. So cute that you were mistaken for Ariel. I know that added to the little girl's magic. :love:

BTW, I share your Olive Garden love.

Aww hope you have a fabulous time at O'Hana, soooo wish I was going again that soon!!

I hope it did, just wish I hadn't been drinking a very large cocktail at that moment!! :lmao:

The basket Ben surprised you with was just beautiful! I loved the autograph from Mickey & Minnie. Congrats again to the very happy couple. :goodvibes

I'm glad you both enjoyed 'Ohana. It's so yummy there, and even the veggie. dish looks absolutely amazing!

BTW, thanks for the tip regarding the bar near 50's PT.

Thank you so much :) It was such a beautiful basket, I'm so lucky!

You're welcome, hope it helped you are you planning to go there? Sure beats queuing in the arena in my opinion!
Enjoying all your reviews :goodvibes

Thank you!! :) xxxx

I think I've only commented once before because I just caught up! It looks like you had a GREAT experience with food so far!! OH MY, literally 30 seconds after I saw that Ohana stir fry pic, I made an ADR for June! :rotfl2: I cannot wait!! Can't wait to hear more!

Welcome! We did indeed! Glad my pics helped you with ADR decisions, hope you have a lovely time in June! :)

Mmmm O'Hana looks so yummy but I know dh and ds would not eat a bite of food there :( and they say I'm the picky one.....

The will bring something else for kids if they prefer - they offer the usual kids fare hot dog, mac and cheese, etc. My DD has opted for that both times we have been. They also served her just ice cream for dessert.

Doesnt help with your DH though.

Agreed with all the above! Hope you get something sorted if you really want to eat there, it is the best!!
Absolutly loving every bit of your dining report! Fantastic job! :goodvibes

So glad that you loved CRT and Cali Grill. They are two of my favorites for sure!

Can't wait to read more! :thumbsup2

Hiya, so pleased you're enjoying the reviews! :) LOVED Cali Grill, possibly my favourite of the whole holibobs!! :)

I haven't been to the dining review board for quite a while as I don't have a trip planned in the near future so I didn't want to torture myself. But I was bored and work today and I stumbled upon this review. I have to say that I love it so much that I've read the entire thing at the risk of getting fired because I've spent so much time on it! :rolleyes1 What a fun review!

Aww thank you so much :) So pleased you like it! I know what you mean about not wanting to tortue yourself :( So horrible not having a trip to plan. Hoping for next year though so fingers crossed!! :) xxxxx

Oh boy 'Ohana looks great :cloud9:
It was one of our faves on our last trip
I also had the vegetarian entree and it was absolutely wonderful and as for the noodles and bread pudding ...... :worship:
Keep the reviews coming, they are fab :thumbsup2

Ohhhh :worship: indeed, those noodles were just the best!!

Thank you, glad you're enjoying the reviews got some more coming up!
joining in!

Welcome!! :)

Me too! Love the food reviews!

Bahama Breeze used to be on our must do list, for many years. We were either rushed like you were, or sat and waited for a looong time. Then they took DH's beloved seared ahi tuna salad off the menu and we haven't been back.

Did you try the "Stop, Forrest, Stop" sign? It works great! A little embarrassing, because we didn't really need anything and just wanted to try the sign. oops.

We were there during F&W too, and got the S'mores dessert at California Grill. Best thing ever.

Hope you went back to F&W on a week day! Much less crowded usually. And did Ben find the wonderful Canadian beer at the little snack stand next to the Le Cellier entrance?

Hello! Yes it was such a shame about BB, we were sooo looking forward to it :( I hate feeling rushed in restaurants, not cool at all.

We did indeed try the sign in Bubba Gumps Also just to try it haha our server was used to it though I think and laughed with us!

Yessss we did go back on a weekday! The following Wednesday :) it was like a walk in the park haha! And YES he did try the Canadian beer haha, he loved it!!!! :love:

Love these! I haven't seen them pictured before! We'll be in Universal next week and are so excited! Thanks for sharing all of your pics and reviews--your rating system is too cute! :)

They were so cute, gutted I didn't get one but I wasn't ever hungry enough we had so much food!! Thank you, glad you like the rating sys hehe :) xxx

You disappeared a:eek:
Can't wait for your next review:goodvibes

I did but with good reason!!! :laughing: Reviews coming up!

Come back, Libby!

I'm so sorry, I'm back!!!

We miss you!!!!

Awwwww I feel bad, I'm back now though!! :woohoo:
Okay so MASSIVE apologies for not updating but I didn't forget about the reviews, I had very good reason to be away! For Christmas Ben surprised me with a trip to Disneyland Paris and we went last week :) And the week leading up to that I was finalising our itinerary and doing a pre-trippie hehe :goodvibes

We are sadly back now though :guilty: but we had a wonderful time!! Lovely to get a bit of Disney magic even though it isn't Florida :) We love DLP.

More reviews coming riiiiight up, thank you for all your lovely comments! :cloud9:
Animal Kingdom snacks

Today was our one and only AK day and we were determined to make the most of it! We were up bright and early and at the park for 9. We did EE twice (I missed the yeti the first time!! And only just caught it the 2nd…) and took some photos outside :) Please excuse my yeti impression, I didn’t really have anything to base it on!!



We then got FP’s for Kali River Rapids as it was on the way and headed over to the Safari but decided on route that we were “pecks for breks” :) and it was still early so the animals would be out and the Safari could wait! We wandered around the various establishments and I was quite taken with the breakfast flatbread idea but the queue was really big and obviously Ben couldn’t have it. I then spotted the stand that does fresh fruit and the heavenly sounding jalapeno cream cheese pretzel which was actually on my List of Things to Try in WDW. But, it was wayyy to early for jalapenos! As soon as I mentioned it to Ben though he was determined that we get them as they were ‘on my list’ so we got in the queue. You can have jalapenos at 9.30am on holiday! I guess it wasn’t all that different from Ben having salsa with his eggs which is why it didn’t faze him! We got our 2 pretzels using snack credits, plus a bottle of water to share. We managed to grab a table right in front of the entrance to the safari so we could keep an eye on proceedings ;)

The pretzel. oh my good god. Just amazing!! I wish I had taken a photo of the innards but sadly I didn’t, it was hot dough generously filled with a savoury cream cheese filling with tiny chopped up chunks of jalapeno. A pleasant heat in each bite! Not too spicy for me as I had thought it might be and a perfect breakfast option!!



This was Ben’s favourite snack out of the entire holiday and I was actually kind enough to recreate it for him as a little treat the other week, the recipe and link to which can be found at my food blog if anyones interested, Polka Dot Kitchen :) They turned out amazing, sooooo good!!!

After doing some more rides and taking some awesome magic PP photos, we walked past an eggroll cart and even though we’d eaten our pretzels not long before we couldn’t resist buying a couple, paid OOP as they were so cheap! I got shrimp and pork and Ben got veggie, they were delicious but hotter than the SUN and took me ages to eat because of this.


The Verdict:

Nice, but not overly special so the AK snacks get a blue :)

Restaurantosaurus Lunch

After doing The Lion King ( BEST ATTRACTION IN ALL OF WDW!!!) and Dinosaur (absolutely amazing ride, loved it!!) we were feeling hunnngrrry for lunch!

Now I was quite insistent on my lunch and had been for approximately 300 days – I wanted ribs at Flame Tree BBQ! However….there was nothing Ben could have on the menu here (we do not count fruit and fries as an acceptable lunch option) and although I’d planned to get something there and thought Ben could get a pizza at the nearby Pizzafari and we’d meet, we couldn’t really be bothered in all honesty. I did quite fancy pizza (when do I not) but Benj didn’t so we spotted Restaurantasaurus and I’d say our decision to enter was based 50% on the name and 50% on the fact that it was right in front of us ;)

We headed on in and I was thrilled to see they had a toppings bar! My mouth immediately started watering for the holy cheese sauce…but they didn’t have any!! GRRRRRRR!!!! Never mind. Still lots of condiments Libby. Still lotsssss of condiments……

I walked huffily to the ordering bar with Benj in tow. I decided to go for a massive burger, a 1/3lb angus bacon cheese to be exact which I really didn’t need but hey!


Ben made the difficult decision to order the only vegetarian option, the cutely named Vegetable Subosaurus - grilled vegetables, mushrooms, onions, provolone, served on a toasted roll with sweet potato fries.


Mmm sweet potato fries! Kinda wish I’d subbed my normal fries for them but I didn’t think of it til we sat down. We also got two chocolate mousses as we were dining plan greedies.


They had make your own fountain drinks here which was exciting as I could get away from the usual diet coke and get a still Apple juice which was lovely and a welcome change. Can’t remember what Benj got but I don’t think he got a fountain drink, maybe just water.

We loaded up our respective lunches with toppings but obviously it wasn’t as good as Cosmic Rays as there was no melty cheese :( It was a really good burger though and Ben loved his vegosaurus subosaurus thingy. A successful lunch!

The Verdict

Not really anything special but with pretty much all WDW CS options we thought the food was fab and really enjoyed it, so it’s a pink :)

Boma Dinner - Part 1

We left the park at about 4.30 having done pretty much everything which was great. We got the bus to the AKL for our 6pm reservation at Boma :)

We headed into the foyer and wowowowow once again, such beautiful decoration and design I loved it. Took lots of photos!




After we’d wandered around a while it was coming up to 5.30 so we headed upstairs to check in to Boma and get a drink at the bar. Check-in was smooth and we got a buzzer. The bar here is beautiful, lots of dark wood and colours and I really did feel like I could be in Africa!! Ben has been to Kenya on holibobs so he may not have felt the same but I certainly felt it was authentic :)





Following tradition, we each ordered a drink and were able to take only a couple of sips before our buzzer was called! Not a problemo as we were hungry but I would really have enjoyed the opportunity to sit in one of the gorgeous chocolate brown leather armchairs that are sprinkled round the bar area. Maybe next time!

We were greeted by our server and led into the Boma area, I looked over into the Jiko restaurant that we passed and thought it looked lovely. I was going to book Jiko but then they took the filet and mac’n’cheese off the menu (you can still request it but not quite the same!) and I thought it’d be too similar to Boma which we had to do because of the vast vegetarian options.

And that is why we were at Boma that evening – whenever I typed in “vegetarian Walt Disney World” Boma was nearly always the top recommendation for both vegans and vegetarians and it went onto our must do list. I knew there was also a lot of meat options which was great, not a huge issue though as although based on this food report I look like I eat a lot of steak/meat I am more than happy with a veggie dinner and in fact eat mostly veggie at home :)

We had a really lovely server (no idea of her name yet again, sorry!) who set us down at a nice table just in front of the buffet looking out over the restaurant and gave us our cutlery etc (we already had drinks!) and told us to go and help ourselves! So we did :)




Our table


The buffet area






Now obviously the photos of the food here are not hugely appetizing as it was a buffet and everything kinda mingles together, plus it was really dark! We went up together and went to the cold salad and soup section first. On the way back I peeked at the hot selections and there was lots of choice so I made sure to keep my first plate light! Here it is….stupidly light! I’m embarrassed :(


Clockwise starting from the top (all descriptions are based on memory/possibly made up!!) I think this was a quinoa salad affair, iceberg with honey mustard dressing, 2 types of hummous; white bean, sundried and then I think an olive tapenade, chickpea and edamame salad and finally a lovely watermelon and avocado salad. All very nice and refreshing, avocado and watermelon was my fave!

I also got some soup, I had been REALLY looking forward to trying the coconut curry seafood soup but tragically they didn’t have it the day we went!! I went for the similar sounding shrimp gumbo but it wasn’t great, just a bit bland sadly :(


Benji’s plate! He was spoilt for choice, he could have nearly everything and it was all so clearly labeled, really awesome.


Guessing what he had clockwise from the top: pita bread, some kind of curried pasta salad, spinach and red onion salad, lemon and mint cous cous, coleslaw and chickpea/edamame salad, houmous and what looks like a roast potato but I don’t think it is! As you can see he got a lot of bang for his vegetarian buck!

Continued in Part 2...
Boma Dinner - Part 2

Next we visited the hot options and I got one plate and was dismayed to find after finishing it that I was full! Not stuffed but didn’t want any more and to be honest it was a nice change as we’d been sooo full after every meal!


Heres my plate clockwise from top: mashed sweet potato, prime rib (lovely!) bobotie, couscous with cinnamon and almonds (sooo good) and a nice big scoop of sticky coconut rice and lamb curry which was lovely! I was just really fancying a nice bit of comforting curry and it really hit the spot. Filling though!!

Benji was also feeling the comfort food judging by his plate, clockwise from top: some kind of tomato based curry…chickpea curry, rice and lots of mashed sweet potato which was lovely. He was in his element here :)


Obviously I couldn’t come to Boma and not try a zebra dome so we headed up to the dessert counter to get a couple of bits.

I got a zebra dome, peanut butter mousse thingy and a brownie with crème anglais. unconventional!!


Unfortunately I wasn’t at all impressed with the zebra dome :( after reading so many gushing reviews of how delicious it is I had hyped it up so much and it was just…meh. Nice but just not exciting at all, I’m not sure what I expected but I think it was something really wow!! Ben commented that was a bit of a curse resulting from my planning for the holiday, my expectations on lots of things were really high and they couldn’t all be met but most of them did to be fair, just zebra domes, I didn’t get them at all! Kind of thing you can get frozen at Iceland in the party food range ;)

Benj went for a zebra dome too which he also didn’t rate, plus a mini cheesecake and some bread and butter pudding with what I think may have been rum sauce. He loved this, said it was as good as ‘Ohanas!


Once we’d eaten our fill and were nicely full, we paid up (2 x TS credits and tip, paid for drinks at the bar before we sat down) and headed back down to the foyer.

The Verdict:

I feel like I should give Boma a pink dress but I honestly think in my opinion it was a blue :( But that seems a bit harsh!! I loved the starters but didn't think the mains were all that and it just cemented to me that I'm not really a buffet person (any more! I used to love them!!!) However Ben loved Boma and would give it a wedding dress so I think as an average we'll settle for a pink dress :) :)


We went back to SSR with plans to spend the evening in DTD as it was still early and our only real evening where we didn’t have a big ADR booked taking up the whole night! I just wanted to share what greeted us when we got back to the room…




How stunning is that? :) :)
I am with you on the Zebra Domes. I don't get what all the hype is about. :confused3 Glad I'm not alone on that one. :thumbsup2

Love your towel animal they left for you. So adorable!
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