Just spent e terrifying night on The Fantasy

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Haha, so true. We have sailed under captain Tom a couple times and he does lack some personality but he is also an ol Norwegian Sea captain which for some reason just makes me trust him that much more. Tom is disneys goto captain, has been with them before they had their own ships. I'm glad that everyone made it back to land safely!

Exactly. I've not sailed with Capt. Tom but if he's a Norwegian Sea captain I'd be that much more confident in him, too. Those guys have seen seas that will make the average bear hit their knees and beg for mercy. :thumbsup2
hmmm i am not seeing too many posts that are different perspectives..and the pm's i am getting as well all seem to be leaning towards the negative to very negative.

I agree. I have yet to see one single post from someone who was on the Fantasy last night that was anything but terrified. I do agree that deciding to cruise during hurricane season comes with risks. However, the risks in my mind are risks that your plans may change(ports of calls, leaving and returning etc..) never that your life may be in danger(and regardless of what the captain said there were people on that ship that felt like their life was in danger!!!!)

I also agree that whatever decision Disney made some would be unhappy with it. Although I do not think Disney would have had to exaplain their decision to anyone if they had decided to delay the return by one day for the passangers safety and comfort. However, I do think they have ALOT of explaining to do with the decision that was made.

My heart goes out to those that were on Fantasty last night(especially those with small children).
We were with Capt Tom one year (on the Magic) when we left CC early because he didn't want us stuck there. It was rough seas that night but nothing like what the people on the Fantasy experienced.

I wonder if some of the decision looked at how some people would have trouble flying home on Sunday had they delayed the arrival. Specifically, those on the east coast might have flights cancelled and such

Whatever decision DCL makes, you can be sure that some are pleased they ploughed through the storm and others are unhappy. There's no winning when there's a hurricane.
I agree. I have yet to see one single post from someone who was on the Fantasy last night that was anything but terrified. I do agree that deciding to cruise during hurricane season comes with risks. However, the risks in my mind are risks that your plans may change(ports of calls, leaving and returning etc..) never that your life may be in danger(and regardless of what the captain said there were people on that ship that felt like their life was in danger!!!!)

I also agree that whatever decision Disney made some would be unhappy with it. Although I do not think Disney would have had to exaplain their decision to anyone if they had decided to delay the return by one day for the passangers safety and comfort. However, I do think they have ALOT of explaining to do with the decision that was made.

My heart goes out to those that were on Fantasty last night(especially those with small children).

I disagree. I don't believe for a moment that the passengers were in danger. Those who have no knowledge of seas like were experienced last night were terrified, no doubt, but that comes from fear of the unknown. What is and what are perceived are two entirely different things. My nephew who has aspergers believes his life is in danger during fireworks shows but it doesn't make the fireworks shows an actual risk to his life.

If Disney had delayed docking they most certainly would have had to explain themselves to all the cruisers who paid for a 7-nigh cruise and were receiving a 6-night. You don't think those people would've been upset or demand compensation?

Again, sometimes you just gotta pick the lesser of the evils. The passengers onboard last night were uncomfortable and many were scared but a few hours of discomfort avoids a train-wreck of a mess to handle. I think they did the right thing.
sweetpee_1993 said:
Truer words....


As tempting as the August-October prices are, I will happily pay more to avoid this type of experience by going a different time of year.
An inexperienced person would probably reach that conclusion. A captain with DECADES of experience on the sea could look at the same report and say, "No problem. It might get a little rough but the ship can handle it."

That same captain could wind up, since nature is not exactly predictable and can often change quickly, finding out later that decision was not the best one. At that point the ship is in the storm and, depending on its location, may have no other choice but to push on.

We are not privy to what information the Captain and ship's officers had, nor what conversations occurred, prior to the decision to push on to PC.

Could a mistake have been made here? Sure.

Do we know a mistake was made here? Not at all.

Could the Captain have been fooled by that fickle temptress, The Sea? Sure.

Bottom line, we are arm-chair quarterbacking decisions made by people far more experienced than ourselves.

'tis true. However, there is one constant - you cannot beat physics.

I guess we'll wait and reserve judgement. It won't be long before video starts hitting You Tube, and then we can better discuss.
Just a thought, but perhaps there was not going to be any open space to dock in Port Canaveral if things had been delayed, what with the ships that are normally there on a Sunday and any others that were coming in delayed from other ports?

Mind you, I don't know the specifics of how this all works, so I am just guessing.

And I had to laugh about the Norwegian Sea Captain comment. Aren't all the Disney captains from the North Sea area (Scandinavian)? Are the waters there worse than a storm in the Med (which the Italian captains on other lines may be familiar with)? Yup, I think of strange things when I read threads like this!

Plus, at least I can understand the Disney Captains - I have been on other cruise lines where I can't figure out what the heck the Italian captain is saying! :listen: :confused:

Sorry though that you all on the Fantasy experienced some scary seas. I can only say how glad I am that I was not onboard! I would have been in the hallway with my life vest on, waiting to run up to my Muster Station! Hopefully all your other trips are smoother and sunnier!
chrismartinique said:
Reading this makes me think a lot of people here know Capt Tom PERSONALLY.....

I met him for about 90 seconds during the "Captains Gala" when he was posing for pictures. And heard him speak over the intercom. And I would venture to guess that most people here who are judging his personality, demeanor, abilities, and concern for passengers had equally as deep a relationship with him.
I just spoke with my Mom who is getting off the Fantasy. She hadn't heard about the 25% off future cruise discount, but also was not able to complete her onboard booking because they returned the quote to her late last night. She is not sure she wants to cruise out of Port Canaveral next August in any event. Her last cruise on the Magic in 2010 was also uncomfortable and late when winds kept them from leaving CC. -- Suzanne

I spoke to parents again and they were able to make their 1:50 flight at MCO, which will make their lives easier. They were offered the 25% discount on a future cruise. Anyone have any idea how this works? Just 1 cabin? Combined with onboard booking or not? -- Suzanne
I had an opposite experience. I think the Captain and the crew did a fantastic job. The storm stalled and slowed down, there was no way to predict that. He apologized several times and DCL did not have to offer the discount.

It was a fantastic cruise and I am sad it is over.

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It sure seems like finances had more to do with decision than comfort of passengers, don't know how anyone could say otherwise except people who only can see pixie dust. And yes paying more for delayed flights and hotels is a better option than terrifying passengers even if its only half the passengers onboard .. I can imagine that some could be damaged psychologically by such an event
Unfortunately storms/weather aren't predictable. Things slow down, you end up with some unexpected gusts/surges and very quickly things go from bad to 'oh crap'. It is likely they would deliberately put a 1 billion dollar boat and its passengers/crew in harms way. This isn't Costa/Carnival after all.

Having rode the coast of FL last summer on the Dream avoiding Irene and seeing the damage that storm caused to Nassau the next day, I am sure this wasn't fun for most people last night. That being said we booked two cruises while on board that cruise (despite Irene) and can't wait to get back out with DCL.
I think part of the problem is that this may well have been the first time the Dream class ships have encountered this kind of weather and they simply had no idea how the ship would handle. I have to say, when I saw reports of 20 foot waves, I had to laugh. I had no idea what effect that level of waves could have on the bigger ships.

I have been twice on the Magic when we had 35 foot waves and some nasty winds. The first time there was nothing to it. Walking was interesting and the pools were closed, but other than that it was business as usual. This was our very first cruise and we were surrounded by three hurricanes (Hannah, Ike and Josephine). On that cruise, Captain Tom was in charge. The second time I experienced 35 foot waves was another experience. After having fantastic weather and smooth seas all cruise, we hit a freak storm on the last sea day in the Med. We had lunch at Parrot Cay and suddenly plates, silverware, glasses and even a soup pot started to fly around the dining room. I was in a mad hurry to get out of the dining room, but once we were out of there, I was fine. On that cruise Captain Thord was in charge and he and some of the officers were a very visible presence in the public areas and were reassuring the people on board. I found this a bit strange and thought he would want to be on the bridge, but again the fact that he was happy to leave somebody else in charge and instead mingle with the guests indicates that this was not even close to a challenge for the Magic.

After having read what happened on the Fantasy with a little more than half the waves that we had encountered on the Magic, I do not even want to think what would happen in conditions like I experienced on the Magic.

According to several officers we experienced 40-60 foot waves last night. The 20 ft waves were during the day.

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This just occurred to me, and unless I'm mistaken, isn't the Dream due in to port tomorrow. I'm sure I'll be corrected if wrong, but if that's the case, that would be a HUGE factor in wanting to get the Fantasy safely back at port today. It would have been a real problem for the cruise line to have to deal with four compliments of cruise passengers tomorrow.

Just a thought.
mlayton14 said:
It sure seems like finances had more to do with decision than comfort of passengers, don't know how anyone could say otherwise except people who only can see pixie dust. And yes paying more for delayed flights and hotels is a better option than terrifying passengers even if its only half the passengers onboard .. I can imagine that some could be damaged psychologically by such an event

It does seen obvious to me, as well. It's not a pleasant choice to have to make.

But I can understand their choice. It's not like it was just a few people's flights and hotels they would have to refund. It's the 4000 on the incoming cruise plus the 4000 on the outgoing cruise. Multiply that times an extra hotel stay and a partial refund for the ones waiting plus rebooked airfare (at last minute rates plus change fees) and hotel accommodations for the incoming cruisers.
Or, alternatively, rebook airfares and hotels for the Fantasy PLUS rerouting to another port for incoming and outgoing cruisers if they decided to dock at Ft. Lauderdale. PLUS extra CMs on hand to take angry/frustrated/frantic phone calls from people who just want to go home, or missed an important event, or can't get a flight now because the storm messes up flights all along the East coast (which could still happen).

Ugh! What a mess! I figure they thought that at least this way it's only a matter of a scary (or, as some said, terrifying) few hours and then an easier trip home. Plus the new batch of guests gets their whole cruise. I personally don't think they took this choice lightly. But I wouldn't want to be the one who had to make it! And I am SO sorry for everyone who had a scary experience. There really is no way to compensate for something like that! :(
According to several officers we experienced 40-60 foot waves last night. The 20 ft waves were during the day.

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That makes me feel better about the new ships. 40 to 60 foot are serious waves. Maybe I should show DH this thread after all. He won't let me book a cruise on the new ships as she thinks they are too top heavy to cope with anything but moderate waves.

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