Free Dining 2013 Part 2 ~ The Sequel

I posted this on another thread too, but wanted to make sure you all saw it. The PIN is not dead. My cousin got it today in her email, and nothing has changed with it. Still all the same dates. Good luck and keep calling. :goodvibes
Are all rooms offered the BB or just select? I know we got one in 2011 and had no idea what it was and tossed it :guilty:

This time I plan on taking advantage of it so I won't be doing this again! LOL

All rooms will be offered the bounceback if one is available, but there will be exclusions as to what you can book with it (like no LM rooms at AoA, for example). Also, many times they do not list the values as being included in the offer, but when you call to book, you will find that they are included, so always ask before you think you can't use it.

1 thing I DO KNOW....nothing is WIGGLE-PROOF. Any and all offers are subject to leeway by authorized persons.

Sent from my iPad using DISBoards

People may get pixie dusted with some other type offer, but a BB is set in stone. You cannot book it unless you are a current guest, and the dates cannot be outside of the offer to use it (other than your trip extending past the end of an eligible discount like checking in on the last FD date). This is a completely different situation than using someone else's PIN to get a deal.

I can't tell you how many times people have posted that they didn't book the BB while they were there and tried to book it after they got home. They are always told that it is not possible. That's why I always suggest calling ext. 8844 before you leave even if you don't see any offer in your room or welcome packet. Once you check out, you are out of luck.
I haven't received anything from them in about a month. I know some find it encouraging that more pins are out. Really it is discouraging to me. To me it says they are trying to fill rooms so they don't have to offer it to the public.

I worry about that too. So....I called again...I know, I know, I thought I had given it up but had a brief flare of hope when I'd saw more had been sent out. Nope, nothing. No emails either. Hopes dashed again :( And really worried about GP offer now. Is this many waves of PINS normal?
This is SO discouraging! Another round of PINS goes out which is another opportunity for Disney to pass me by AGAIN! :sad: Worst part is I am sure I would be excited if I got it but I know that unless more rooms have been opened up I will have to move and probably upgrade the room and I don't want to do that. I was so sure the PINS were done and we pinless folk were just holding our breath for another month or so until the offer went GP. So disgusted with the whole situation.
This is SO discouraging! Another round of PINS goes out which is another opportunity for Disney to pass me by AGAIN! :sad: Worst part is I am sure I would be excited if I got it but I know that unless more rooms have been opened up I will have to move and probably upgrade the room and I don't want to do that. I was so sure the PINS were done and we pinless folk were just holding our breath for another month or so until the offer went GP. So disgusted with the whole situation.

I know how you feel. Until I found out about such a thing as free dining (thanks to the DISboards) I never thought we would be able to afford an on-site stay. Then I got my hopes up based on previous year's promotions and now my heart is set on staying on-site ~ at POFQ no less. Let's hope we hear something soon :)
Add me to the discouraged list. I am so frustrated. I always got pins left and right before. Now when I finally can actually go I get nothing!

I don't get why Disney takes so long to get promotions out for fall and winter. Other destinations already have some sort of deals going for fall.

Throw us a bone! I am also sure the cm's would be happier if they just came out with promo's and stop with these pins!
Ok so I am new to all of this and have a question! We are booked for December 7-14, 2013. We have a travel agent. What are these "pins attached to names?" How do I find out if I have them? We have fingers crossed for free dining for our time there. I have a Disney Visa as well and hoping that I get some promo code in the mail for a discount. What are the chances? How do I increase our chances?? Thanks in advance!
Can anyone tell me where the pin codes from? I mean, like is it Disney Destinations, or just Disney? I'm just curious cuz I want to make sure that i'm even registered with the right part. I'm registered with the Walt Disney World website and with Disney Destinations, so I was just curious to see where the emails originate from when people get them.... I have been going to WDW my whole life and as an adult with a computer I have been registered with them for over 13 years and never, never, ever have I gotten an email, letter, brochure....nothing, with a pin code!!! I was just wondering if I was even registered with the right entity! Thanks!! :)
Just received a 3rd Free Dining pin today in my email. Of course every single one has my parent's last name on it. LOL
What are the chances? How do I increase our chances?? Thanks in advance!
Sorry to say that your dates are blacked out due to Pop Warner week.

Can anyone tell me where the pin codes from? I mean, like is it Disney Destinations, or just Disney? :)
Some say registering at any Disney entity is helpful. The actual emails with the pins come from Disney Destinations.
Some say registering at any Disney entity is helpful. The actual emails with the pins come from Disney Destinations.

We just got our pin email yesterday for free dining for many dates from august to December but we cannot go.

We always get tons of emails from Disney destinations (which must just be a division of Disney itself) and I believe it is due to the fact that we go down with some sort of regularity. We always make our bookings ourselves through Disney and do all of our ADR's online, so we're in the system. (have the Visa also, and although I have gotten a couple things from there, these pins are not because of that). Occasionally they will also mail us something with discount rates. We haven't planned a trip this year, however, so I think they're trying to get us. Just hope that next year, when we are actually going, they will still be trying!
Just received a 3rd Free Dining pin today in my email. Of course every single one has my parent's last name on it. LOL

Why do they keep sending these to the same people???!!??? I cannot understand why some people keep getting them over and over while others get nothing. Especially while those of us who normally get them are getting nothing. It doesn't make sense why would they keep duplicating them? :confused3
Is your mom going with you? Other than that, you would have to have the same address & name.

Unfortunately not. We took my mother and father last year and used her credit card to pay for the trip so she could get the points. That act of kindness has now ended up with her getting a pin code.
Unfortunately not. We took my mother and father last year and used her credit card to pay for the trip so she could get the points. That act of kindness has now ended up with her getting a pin code.

Is there any chance Disney has your mailing address from that trip??? Never hurts to call and see if PIN is attached to your name/address; or at the very least, Disney will have all of your information for future mailings.:) Disney has honored some PIN codes for folks with their address but different name and vice versa. Never hurts to ask when you're talking about something as important as a Disney vacation!;):cheer2:;)
Is there any chance Disney has your mailing address from that trip??? Never hurts to call and see if PIN is attached to your name/address; or at the very least, Disney will have all of your information for future mailings.:) Disney has honored some PIN codes for folks with their address but different name and vice versa. Never hurts to ask when you're talking about something as important as a Disney vacation!;):cheer2:;)

Thanks I'll give them a call. My travel agent said it was linked to my mother's name though. And we have different addresses. I'll call them today though and see if they will work any magic for me
Why do they keep sending these to the same people???!!??? I cannot understand why some people keep getting them over and over while others get nothing. Especially while those of us who normally get them are getting nothing. It doesn't make sense why would they keep duplicating them? :confused3

Exactly! Found out today that my co-worker who is definately not going to Disney got an email PIN and she received the snail mail PIN the last go round. The only upside to that is I know that is one PIN that will not get used, one room not booked so maybe just maybe there will be a need for the GP offer. Fingers crossed...but so depressed.
Okay! Thanks!:thumbsup2 I am going to go ahead and look at our calendars and see what might work for us if it is offered. Do you know what happens if you have to move it at a later time? Do you just lose the offer?

I have moved mine before no problem. As long as they have availability. I've always been given dates thru the year not a specific season to choose from. The last one I went for Flower & Garden in April and booked a December trip. In December I had several options/seasons to choose from. We are going in Oct. and my sister and I both had put it off to the last minute deciding where we would stay and when. We were on hold and had to hang up to catch ME. We called back (both of us separate calls) and were allowed to book the day after we got home. I would not recommend waiting but they did allow it. I'll never push my luck like that again though!
I have moved mine before no problem. As long as they have availability. I've always been given dates thru the year not a specific season to choose from. The last one I went for Flower & Garden in April and booked a December trip. In December I had several options/seasons to choose from. We are going in Oct. and my sister and I both had put it off to the last minute deciding where we would stay and when. We were on hold and had to hang up to catch ME. We called back (both of us separate calls) and were allowed to book the day after we got home. I would not recommend waiting but they did allow it. I'll never push my luck like that again though!

Okay. Good to know! Thanks!


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