Big Brother 15

I have watched BB since the first season, but I don't read this thread because of the spoilers disclaimer.

I don't watch the live feed, after dark stuff or really keep up with the blogs. So, now that it's over can someone tell me what all of the controversy is about with people losing their jobs? Their behavior in general (like Amanda) or specific things like Arryn's comments? What is that I just read above about Spencer's comments?!?!
I am just hoping for a better casting next year!!!! I have to admit, as much as I couldn't stand her- Amanda- AKA The Devil, looked really pretty.
I have watched BB since the first season, but I don't read this thread because of the spoilers disclaimer.

I don't watch the live feed, after dark stuff or really keep up with the blogs. So, now that it's over can someone tell me what all of the controversy is about with people losing their jobs? Their behavior in general (like Amanda) or specific things like Arryn's comments? What is that I just read above about Spencer's comments?!?!

Oh my, where to start!
Most recently, Andy & Spencer were talking trash about Julie Chen - how she was stinkin' drunk(?) And the Elissa-trashing after she left was down-right disgusting! It's like these people weren't aware that they were being filmed 24/7. They had no filters at all.
I am the OP, I live on the WEST COAST. Hence, just reading here now.

I am sorry if I "ruined" this show for many because I put "ANDY" in the title.

I guess I just thought that this being the most horrible season ever for BB and as Julie stated the most watched ever; that you all had watched LAST night.

I will remove Andy from the title.

Andy was on our Late (CALI) News last night as well as on Google News last night.

I just thought that whether you watch BB or not, you would have already known the winner.


OP, you didn't do anything wrong in posting his name in the title. If the complainers want to do their best Amanda impersonations and make it all about them, just take a page from GM's book and tell 'em to get to steppin'.
OP, you didn't do anything wrong in posting his name in the title. If the complainers want to do their best Amanda impersonations and make it all about them, just take a page from GM's book and tell 'em to get to steppin'.

plutotek, :hug: :hug: :hug:
I was just about to post the same thing :confused3. I am sitting in disbelief at some of the comments :confused:.

Once again. No one is complaining about spoilers IN the thread. The OP changed the TITLE to say "Andy Won" or something like that. So people that purposely avoided opening this thread still saw who won.

Do you really not see the difference?
I haven't watched the finale and quite frankly, I'm not sure if I will. I honestly don't care that you posted who won in the title...I didn't like any of them, so no longer felt invested in it, even though we still watch show.

I don't like when East Coast folks ruin the endings prior to it airing on the West, but after that it sort of seems fair game to me. Some people watch live, some later that night, some not for days. Seems almost impossible to keep everybody happy.
OP, you didn't do anything wrong in posting his name in the title. If the complainers want to do their best Amanda impersonations and make it all about them, just take a page from GM's book and tell 'em to get to steppin'.

Once again. No one is complaining about spoilers IN the thread. The OP changed the TITLE to say "Andy Won" or something like that. So people that purposely avoided opening this thread still saw who won.

Do you really not see the difference?

No people don't see the difference and we apparently are the bad guys for being annoyed about it.
I don't mind spoilers, I don't. And I've been reading this thread since the start. The issue here, I think, is that while ther have been spoilers in the thread itself, there shouldn't have been a spoiler in the title. I watched the show this morning, before going online. I usually hit the computer early but figured there very well might have been something about the results somewhere as I opened the laptop. I'm sure that those that weren't able to watch the show had the suspense taken away when they opened the Community Board this morning. Just leaving Andy's name out of the title edit would have worked for everyone. But truly? In the big picture, it's just not a huge deal.
I was just about to post the same thing :confused3. I am sitting in disbelief at some of the comments :confused:.

davale4, :hug: :hug: :hug:

I haven't watched the finale and quite frankly, I'm not sure if I will. I honestly don't care that you posted who won in the title...I didn't like any of them, so no longer felt invested in it, even though we still watch show.

I don't like when East Coast folks ruin the endings prior to it airing on the West, but after that it sort of seems fair game to me. Some people watch live, some later that night, some not for days. Seems almost impossible to keep everybody happy.

DisneyJamieCA, :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :hug:

I don't mind spoilers, I don't. And I've been reading this thread since the start. The issue here, I think, is that while ther have been spoilers in the thread itself, there shouldn't have been a spoiler in the title. I watched the show this morning, before going online. I usually hit the computer early but figured there very well might have been something about the results somewhere as I opened the laptop. I'm sure that those that weren't able to watch the show had the suspense taken away when they opened the Community Board this morning. Just leaving Andy's name out of the title edit would have worked for everyone. But truly? In the big picture, it's just not a huge deal.

g4t, :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :hug:
No people don't see the difference and we apparently are the bad guys for being annoyed about it.

It actually reminds me of a story from when I was a teenager. My mother asked me to turn in a winning scratch off ticket in exchange for 5 more. So I got the tickets and scratched them all off on my way home. I handed them to her and told her she lost. At the time I didn't understand why she was annoyed. After all, telling her didn't change the outcome.

But now as an adult, I get it.
Maybe I just view it different. If there is something I really don't want to know the results to, I know not to go on the computer or watch the news until I've see the show. Huff Post had the winner on their page, had a link to Huff Post (with the winner in the title of the link), CBS talked about it this morning.

I can understand being frustrated, but I think the comments were a little harsh to the OP.
OP here, once again I never intended to do anything CRAPPY as one poster (kwelch10377) accuses me of doing.

So, do you all think at this point we can move beyond this discussion of me putting the winner in the title?

Let's concentrate on BB15.

Let's get this thread back on TOPIC


Thank you.
I don't mind spoilers, I don't. And I've been reading this thread since the start. The issue here, I think, is that while ther have been spoilers in the thread itself, there shouldn't have been a spoiler in the title. I watched the show this morning, before going online. I usually hit the computer early but figured there very well might have been something about the results somewhere as I opened the laptop. I'm sure that those that weren't able to watch the show had the suspense taken away when they opened the Community Board this morning. Just leaving Andy's name out of the title edit would have worked for everyone. But truly? In the big picture, it's just not a huge deal.

In the big picture it isn't a big deal, however a simple "hey guys sorry I wasn't thinking" and changed the thread title would have wrapped up the issue nicely. Instead a big dog and pony show had to start with people coming to defend the OP and then "hugs" being given out to the people defending, which of course is going to annoy the people (including myself) who were already annoyed that the spoiler was in the title.
in the big picture it isn't a big deal, however a simple "hey guys sorry i wasn't thinking" and changed the thread title would have wrapped up the issue nicely. Instead a big dog and pony show had to start with people coming to defend the op and then "hugs" being given out to the people defending, which of course is going to annoy the people (including myself) who were already annoyed that the spoiler was in the title.

well said!
I watched some of the interviews by Jeff last night from the BB backyard. McCrae said Amanda helped his game:rotfl:, Amanda said she wasn't a bully:rotfl:, Candice said Aaryn wasn't a racist, just a product of her upbringing;), and Aaryn said she was so sorry she brought Texas into it:rotfl:, but she isn't racist. She was also followed around by 3 people and I wondered if they were her PR Team. No other houseguests had escorts. CBS really needs to work on their live feeds, they were choppy and lagging real bad. Oh Jeff made fun of Helen talking so much, but she didn't get it because she was talking. She never shuts up


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