RANT ALERT Park Manners

We are not talking about life as a whole. I agree we all have our crosses to bare. But do you honestly think you would be happier scooting though the parks as opposed to walking? Do you not think that those people in scooters already know a ton about how fair life is?

It is not fair that there are only 3 spots at most for a scooter on a bus, and if those spots are already full, or if the lift is broken, they have to wait for another bus. And then maybe another bus. It is not fair that the scooters are always the last off of the bus. I'm sorry but I will always think it beyond ridiculous that someone can stand at a bus stop, and then cry about how unfair it is that someone in a scooter gets to board before them.

For one any scooter "line up" has never been full to the point someone with a scooter can't get on and another I have never seen a bus with a broken lift. (not saying it doesn't happen) Maybe I can't walk all day because of a damaged nerve in my back and can only go 3 hours without having to lie down and that person now took another 20 min out of my 3 hours. Like I said YOU have no clue what is going on in everyone's life to judge. Just like I am not going to judge someone needing a scooter, maybe they really need it or maybe they are too fat and don't want to walk. I don't care unless they are taking time out of my day.
We are not talking about life as a whole. I agree we all have our crosses to bare. But do you honestly think you would be happier scooting though the parks as opposed to walking? Do you not think that those people in scooters already know a ton about how fair life is?

It is not fair that there are only 3 spots at most for a scooter on a bus, and if those spots are already full, or if the lift is broken, they have to wait for another bus. And then maybe another bus. It is not fair that the scooters are always the last off of the bus. I'm sorry but I will always think it beyond ridiculous that someone can stand at a bus stop, and then cry about how unfair it is that someone in a scooter gets to board before them.

Very well said!! Thank you:hug:
:confused3 shaking my head in disbelief. Really? People taking time out of your day? How about when someone slowly exits the bus, should the scooter people be mad that the slow walker is taking time out of their day because they cant unload until the bus is empty? And just to clear it up for you, plenty of times the scooters spots are filled up and they cant get another on. Also often a lift is broken and scooters have to wait for another bus sometimes more then one in a row is broken.
Disgusted that people really think this way, embarrassed for them that they say it out loud!!

Disgusted at what? People having a differing opinion than you? People not happy just accepting "well I bet you'd rather walk and wait?" I find it disgusting that people actually can't deal with a differing opinion than theirs. While they could have put it in a more political manor, however I don't think the points are without merit. Both of you have been in the park, both of you may have spent the same time in the park, why should a person with a scooter take precedent? Why should it be his/her problem that Disney does not adequately sustain enough space for scooter-dependent guests? I'm sorry that you or someone you love may be scooter-bound...I understand how the situation is(my mother had Parkinson's which effected her ability to walk and we had to use a scooter before she passed away) yet she didn't give herself top-priority or jump ahead regardless of the parks we went to.

I understand that the CMs try to give priority to those that are disabled however, to assume everyone should just take it and not disagree seems a bit foolish.
Not at all disgusted at different opinions. I am always open to hear what others have to say, also open to hear what their realistic answers are to the problems they present. Wouldn't it be fantastic if all people could enter the bus through the same line? That way scooters could wait in line like everyone else. How is one to know that the line is long enough to make others need another bus. I know that i have never counted people in line or on a bus to see who could fit. How is one to know that by them getting into the appropriate line that is disneys policy would make others have to wait? Maybe a flag at the bus line that shows if people are past this flag in line and you arrive in a scooter you must wait for the next bus, we will try to be sure that the lift is working on the bus.
What i am disgusted by is the fact that there are people in this world that still think that handicapped accessibility is a burden on them. Due to safety reasons and the only way to make a bus accessible a scooter must enter first. This does not mean that i think anyone deserves special treatment.
I'm actually disgusted that people play the pitty me I have something wrong with me and everyone should accommodate me card. You don't care that you caused other people to wait another 20 mins even though you are last in line. That's selfish and pathetic. Learn to adapt to your condition and take others into consideration as well.
If you were there at a point where clearly you could and would fit on them that's fine people have to wait a few mins. No big deal if you are getting in front of someone and making them wait another 20 min for another bus I'm embarrassed for you that you have the too bad I AM the most important person here attitude.

Actually, I don't completely disagree with everything your saying. I have MS and I've had to use a scooter both of our last two family trips, but I think your anger is misdirected. You should bring these issues up to Disney, the people using the scooters are following the parks policy. They are not cutting in line ahead of you, they're doing what they were told to do. I don't understand how you would expect a scooter user to know how long you've been waiting for a bus, I don't think taking a survey of the people standing there is really their responsibility. I don't think it's within their power to change the system. However, I think if the park could figure out a reasonable way to make it more fair, it would benefit all involved. Best case scenario would be that people on both sides would show each other basic respect. I don't think either side using personal attacks gets anyone anywhere, even if you have great points people will never be able to see past the things your saying. Just my opinion, for whatever that's worth.
...How is one to know that by them getting into the appropriate line that is disneys policy would make others have to wait? Maybe a flag at the bus line that shows if people are past this flag in line and you arrive in a scooter you must wait for the next bus, we will try to be sure that the lift is working on the bus.
What i am disgusted by is the fact that there are people in this world that still think that handicapped accessibility is a burden on them. Due to safety reasons and the only way to make a bus accessible a scooter must enter first. This does not mean that i think anyone deserves special treatment.

Like I said he/she took it a "wee bit" over the top but it did seem you were attacking based off of someone having an opinion other than if you're in a scooter you should be treated with top priority. I do apologize as I was mistaken. I do like the idea of developing a better system to market a bit more accessibility to those that are mobile-dependent. It's been a while at Disney but would it be that cost ineffective to just run a few busses that are only for scooter families? Or develop some form of lighting system to indicate space/faulty bus maintenance issues that would hinder those whom need assistance with their scooter? They dropped a billion dollars on Magic Bands(which I like the idea of), but I feel as if this would not be that expensive and would decrease the log jam created. I feel as if people would be a little less agitated if they knew there were specific buses/separate lines. Maybe it would give a bad impression that Disney is segregating the General Public but I would rather have had designated busses for my family and my mother when she was alive that I knew would be in working condition and centered to catering to her needed assistance. I also think it would help defuse those that have been waiting but were jumped ahead of and forced to wait for another bus.

Either way I have to believe Disney could develop a better system than what's in place :confused3
Either way I have to believe Disney could develop a better system than what's in place :confused3

I am sure that they could. I think that the system they use is a bit outdated, but its what they have and what we have to work with for now. All we can do is follow disney policy and pufft to the people who dont like it. What else can we do.
Like I said he/she took it a "wee bit" over the top but it did seem you were attacking based off of someone having an opinion other than if you're in a scooter you should be treated with top priority. I do apologize as I was mistaken. I do like the idea of developing a better system to market a bit more accessibility to those that are mobile-dependent. It's been a while at Disney but would it be that cost ineffective to just run a few busses that are only for scooter families? Or develop some form of lighting system to indicate space/faulty bus maintenance issues that would hinder those whom need assistance with their scooter? They dropped a billion dollars on Magic Bands(which I like the idea of), but I feel as if this would not be that expensive and would decrease the log jam created. I feel as if people would be a little less agitated if they knew there were specific buses/separate lines. Maybe it would give a bad impression that Disney is segregating the General Public but I would rather have had designated busses for my family and my mother when she was alive that I knew would be in working condition and centered to catering to her needed assistance. I also think it would help defuse those that have been waiting but were jumped ahead of and forced to wait for another bus.

Either way I have to believe Disney could develop a better system than what's in place :confused3

You hit it on the head. People would scream segregation. And they would be right.

And how much more would everyone be willing to pay for Disney to send around buses for wheelchair/scooter guests and their families only? And how would you keep people from being upset when one of those buses pulls up, and they are told they can't get on because they are not the "right" type of guest to ride on it?

In fact people should keep in mind that if Disney was held to the letter of the law, they would have to stop filling the buses as soon as the scooter spots were full and another scooter pulls up. Equal access would mean that as soon as no scooters can board neither can anyone else.
Okay, I know this thread has totally de-railed into the endless quarrel about scooters on buses, but on the original topic. . .

My rant is this: I know you spent gobs of money for this vacation and are determined and hell-bound to get the most for your money, but if your child is tired and cranky because he/she needs a break or a nap, no one is going to be enjoying the visit and you are wasting your money! Let the poor kid have a rest, then everyone can enjoy the park. This is why strollers are good even for bigger kids - if you insist upon blowing and going 12+ hours, your child can at least get a little shuteye in the stroller.

I swear, it's like an alarm clock - I can hear kids crying at WDW, so it must be early afternoon. The smart parents are taking breaks and have sleeping kids. The rest have kids who are melting down into the pavement. Poor kids! Poor parents! Poor every-other-person-in-hearing-range!
maybe they really need it or maybe they are too fat and don't want to walk. I don't care unless they are taking time out of my day.

Best quote of the day!! Being fat is a self imposed condition and shouldn't require special accommodation by others.
Best quote of the day!! Being fat is a self imposed condition and shouldn't require special accommodation by others.

It is not always a self imposed condition. There are many medical conditions that can cause someone to gain a lot of weight. And there are many medications that cause weight gain. There is not one of us who can know by looking at someone if they are heavy from bad diet and lack of exercise or heavy from a medical condition.
1) Older children in strollers, walk you can do it. Obesity is a national childhood problem and you wonder why.
2) Chanting "groups" in lines and at shows, only thing more irritating is when it is in a foreign language and I have no idea what you are saying.
3) Big one here....move all the way down to the far end of the aisle. No do not stop in the middle, do not pretend to not understand English and do not wave me by you for I will stand there and wait. You will be no ones friend quickly.
4) Lastly, forced family fun. Commonly seen in long lines, around nap time, eating time and past bed time.
Okay, I know this thread has totally de-railed into the endless quarrel about scooters on buses, but on the original topic. . .

My rant is this: I know you spent gobs of money for this vacation and are determined and hell-bound to get the most for your money, but if your child is tired and cranky because he/she needs a break or a nap, no one is going to be enjoying the visit and you are wasting your money! Let the poor kid have a rest, then everyone can enjoy the park. This is why strollers are good even for bigger kids - if you insist upon blowing and going 12+ hours, your child can at least get a little shuteye in the stroller.

I swear, it's like an alarm clock - I can hear kids crying at WDW, so it must be early afternoon. The smart parents are taking breaks and have sleeping kids. The rest have kids who are melting down into the pavement. Poor kids! Poor parents! Poor every-other-person-in-hearing-range!

Good one! We love our afternoon breaks. Everyone stays happy this way! We also find that we are actually able to do more because we are always well rested. I know a lot of people think that it takes to much time to go back and forth to the hotel, but this is time well spent in our eyes.
Prepare for epic ranting because I'm in the parks twice a month at least and I see quite literally the WORST of people every time:

--A stroller is not a battering ram, a free pass into a line, or an object that gives you the right of way everywhere.

--Do not show up to a parade/fireworks show/any kind of show mere minutes before it starts and expect a front row seat or try to wrestle your way into one.


--The chair next to me with my backpack on it is NOT a jungle gym, your three year old does not need to run twenty feet away with you while you smile and say 'aww', and your eight-year-old does not need a pacifier.

--Elevators, monorails, parking trams, ride vehicles, etc. have occupancy limits FOR A REASON!

--If your kid can push his/her own stroller, it's time to get rid of it.

--If your kid spends more time on an iPhone/iPad than actually enjoying the park, you have failed.

--If a CM tells you to do or not do something, follow what they say. (This one's especially for the lady at Space Mountain a couple of days ago who thought it would be cool to blow smoke rings from an e-cigarette into the faces of everyone around her, including the CM who told her she couldn't smoke inside.)

And finally, one specific one from today at MK:
--If I'm dressed up for Dapper Day and that outfit includes a small parasol which I am using because I am super sensitive to the sun, DO NOT tell me to put it away while waiting for the new parade to start, because I've been waiting on that curb for three hours and you just got here ten minutes before. Plus, you were much taller than me and the stupid thing was sitting on my head, so it was NOT blocking your view. Now I have heat rash on my chest because of you. Thanks, random dude. :mad:

I really thought the "If you child is push his/her own stroller it's time to get rid of it" was uncalled for. Some children have medical issues and instead of pushing a wheelchair around all day the parents would rather opt for a smaller more comfortable stroller as it has storage, a sunshade, easier to push ect. I am one of those parents, my middle child can't walk for long periods of time so we bring a stroller for him. So that judgey comment was really uncalled for because you don't always know the situation.

Also people who say "control your children" I get to a certain extent.... Like the parents who let their children run wild, run off, bump into people, ect... I get that. But I have a child who is autistic and sometimes has meltdowns that are TERRIBLE. For the most part he's awesome and calm, he's very well behaved and doesn't run off or mess with people. It's SO embarrassing to have him meltdown in public and have people stare like I'm a bad parent and should "control my child" when there is nothing I can do about it except wait it out and try to calm him down. It's embarrassing to get dirty looks or hearing people comment from afar about your child.

In short, please be understanding of other peoples situations, you never know the whole story.
My previous post wasn't directed to just one person, I ended up seeing another comment about older children in strollers and saying something about childhood obesity in the same point they had.

Even if the child doesn't have any medical issue, kids get tired. We'll be going to Disney in less than two weeks and we'll be bringing a stroller for our middle child AND our oldest who is 7. My feet are tired after walking a park all day, I can't imagine how my kids considering they take two steps for every one of mine.

And the "you don't know the situation" applies to more than just this. Last March we went to MK with my family, my brothers family, and my grandparents. My grandma had recently had a knee surgery and two back surgeries the year before and they messed her up. She brought a wheelchair and would sometimes get up and walk for small amounts of time, and would let me (7 months pregnant) or my 2 year old sit in it while waiting in line. We got the dirtiest (wheelchair faker just to get the smaller line) looks. We did have a couple rude people say things and my grandma would show them her huge knee scar and I'm sure they felt like total jerks after judging from one 2 minute glance.
It is not always a self imposed condition. There are many medical conditions that can cause someone to gain a lot of weight. And there are many medications that cause weight gain. There is not one of us who can know by looking at someone if they are heavy from bad diet and lack of exercise or heavy from a medical condition.

This may be, but it doesn't take a dietitian to realize that the 32 ounce soda and large bucket of popcorn isn't helping the situation.
Wow. Some funny, some serious and some understandable rants here. I appreciate learning others thoughts on these subjects.
We've been at Disney with most of the permutations mentioned...light speed, slow infant speed, grammas speed, wheel chairs, canes, folks needing guides for walking...etc. What we have found mostly is that the people we meet along the way are as important as the time we are having as a family. Some of my best pals were met in long lines or in the rain wearing ponchos.
I've been given a seat when carrying a little one and it made my evening, I've seen my DH or DD's offer seats when I knew they were dog tired and that made me happier to see than anything else that day.

My only rant is that I get bummed when I see meanness, sometimes between strangers and sometimes within families. All I can say is be good to each other and be good to yourself too.

While we are ranting about our pet peeves i have one kinda maybe its just something that i don't fully understand. At character meals, specifically Crystal palace is where i have seen it the most and the worst. Please have your children wait in the area of your table for the characters. While i am trying to enjoy my meal with my family, i don't enjoy everyone else s children running around my table trying to catch the character. I know the kids are excited and they just cant wait to meet pooh and his friends. As parents please explain to your children that they will make it to your table as well. I know its just sooo exciting and you cant wait just a minute longer i know i know...But we have to let pooh visit all of his friends and take pictures... he will get to our table soon and then you too can get your picture taken and hug and love him. I know that some children do have a hard time waiting, i understand that, i wouldnt wait either if i were a kid and my parents didnt say anything when i was running after a character.

When my son was 3 it was our first trip to disney and we were at crystal palace (tigger is his fav character) and we were finishing our meals, tigger was only like 10 tables away and my son had to use the bathroom! I was like u are going to miss tigger but he said he couldn't hold it...so my hubby took him to the bathroom and sure enough he missed tigger. My son was so upset but our waiter took him over and gave him a special meeting with tigger. That totally made his day! Now he's 7 and breakfast with tigger is still a must do. I know parents should teach their kids manners and patience but sometimes things happen that are out of our control like a bathroom break :(
Threads like this literally always turn into people making horrible comments about topics they know nothing about and making assumptions about people they don't know and will probably never see again. The things I want to say would get me banned, so I'll contribute to the thread topic instead.

Here's some manners guidelines: Don't assume you know everything about everyone. Mind your own business and don't be a jerk. These can apply everywhere in life, not just at Disney!
Threads like this literally always turn into people making horrible comments about topics they know nothing about and making assumptions about people they don't know and will probably never see again. The things I want to say would get me banned, so I'll contribute to the thread topic instead.

Here's some manners guidelines: Don't assume you know everything about everyone. Mind your own business and don't be a jerk. These can apply everywhere in life, not just at Disney!

wonderful words to live by - I was just thinking the same thing. You will never please everyone and most people will always find something to complain about.


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