Touring the Tower of Terror and other Ghoulish Delights! Sept 13 TR | FINALx2 4/17!!!

It has been a while since I have caught up on your trip report but finally had enough free time today to catch up. I love your 5 year old humor :) and I totally laughed out loud a few times.
Lol, in your splash mountain wait photo a few updates back, the man in the red shirt looks like he was picking his nose!

I just got back from the parks and traded a lot in the blind boxes! It was fun, but I still got a lot of the wrestlers, zoopers, and robots! My favorite one I got was the December Poster Series.
Loved the updates!!
People really should keep excessive PDA to themselves. Of course, then it wouldn't be PDA! :lmao:

You had a great morning/afternoon. Sometimes I wish I could take my favorite parts of each park and put them all into 1 to make touring so much simpler!

Great photos, as always!!
Great updates & photos as usual Dani! :)

I can't believe you're almost at the end of this trip! :(

OKW looks so pretty. I like the more laid-back resorts. I've been lucky enough to stay at the Grand Floridian & the Beach Club & adored both...Though the Beach Club just had the edge for us :goodvibes

SO funny how Matt hijacked your trip notes!! :lmao:

Ewwwwwww re: the couple on the bus...It's great that they are so loved up but there's a time & place for stuff like that...not on a Disney bus while holding your newborn baby!!!! :rolleyes2

Looking forward to more! :)

Very best wishes,
I literally laughed for ten minutes about you pooping and rolling on the ground. Thennnnn when I read that Matt is the one who put it in there, I laughed for another few minutes. Haha! That's absolutely hilarious. I'm also a perpetual 5 year old, so you're not alone. Lol.

Hahhaha, I'm glad you thought it was as funny as I did. In fact, I STILL die over it. It's just so funny and random! :rotfl:

I think I ended up falling behind!! Ah well,

LOVE those HM pins! I found 2 of them last trip and need to find out what set they’re from so I CAN GET THEM ALLLLL lol. I definitely also thought of you guys when I traded them!

Cute pps in Epcot!!

Yay for catching the characters out training!! Love those spots for that!!

good day in MK!! LOVE the nutella waffles, they’re so freaking tasty!! I realize I could probably easily make them at home, but like, why mess with a good thing? Lol.

WOW that cm was unpleasant, seriously, that’s stupid!!

Yay for HM and finding so many awesome things, I ADORE that statue!!

AHHH THE KISS GOODNIGHT. Frick, gonna cry. I’ve seen it a few times, and once was on top of the train station on the last night in Disney and I don’t think ive BEEN MORE EMOTIONAL IN MY LIFE. TRAPPED IN A GLASS CAGE OF EMOTION. Seriously, I love it

Also those cupcakes are devine

Love old key west!! Stayed there in Jan and just fell in love with it, and the boat ride to dtd!

BAHAHAHAHA that story is hilarious!!

Cookes of Dublin is definitely a place I want to try out!!

Ewwwww that bus ride back tho…..

Haha that is awesome! I LOVE finding HM pins for our collection!!

Nutella waffles are the best in WDW. I mean, I've made a version of them at home, but nothing compares to the ones from Sleepy Hollow!

She was just in a baaaad mood or something, I don't know what her deal was!

Yeah, the Kiss Goodnight is just the best. I couldn't do it on a last night in WDW though. Since we're only there 1-2 times a year, I just can't.

OKW is awesome. I'm looking forward to going back at some point.

Cookes is AWESOME. It's a total hidden gem in DTD! I can't wait to go there again.

That bus ride was roooough and mega awkward. Hahaha.

Great updates! I'm LOL at your inappropriate bus make out story. We have some photopass pictures from MNSSHP that have 2 people making out like mad in the background. They literally stood right behind where everyone was getting their pictures done and made out for about 30 minutes! :scared1: I asked the photographer to do her best to keep them out of the photo and she did for the most part but they still made it into a couple of them. Crazy!!!

Thank you! Oh my gosh, I don't know what I'd do if I had making out photobombers! Hahaha, I would probably just turn around and be like MOVE! Not really, but I totally would want to!

Well, since your post included pooping your pants and PDA with a newborn, I can share with you my 5yo DD's exciting moment today: she ate a green cupcake with green frosting yesterday, which resulted in... you guessed it, green poop today. St. Patrick's Day. "MOM! Even my POOP is green on St. Patrick's Day!"

There. We're all 5 years old, aren't we?

I'm not sure if I can comment on the food pics after telling you about poop.

Hahahaha OH MY GOD. I read your comment out loud to Matt and we were both laughing so hard. That is amazing, seriously. :rotfl:

That is hillarious that Matt added a note to your TR and even funnier that he forgot!!

I laughed!!

Also love that t-shirt from Dinoland.... such a sad T rex

I know, he's such a goob! And yeah, we thought Bruce would think it's pretty awesome and funny. :thumbsup2

Holy....Geeze....Can't....Breathe.....Laughing. Jonathan would have SOOOOO done the TR notes to me too! Kudos to Matt! What's even more awesome is that he forgot about it. :rotfl:

That's so weird that you got the JackOLantern Mayor Vinylmation at D-Street because we traded at D-Street on Thanksgiving Day and got the same exact one! Twinsies....sorta. :thumbsup2

Hahahaha, I know! 5 MONTHS LATER and he suddenly remembers it, so funny!!

Haha we are twinsies! I love that Pumpkin Mayor Vinylmation. He's sitting next to Vampire Stitch.

Yes The viewing from CA Grill of fireworks is pretty nice. Not as nice as being down in front as you can tell they are set off from a distance when you are up there but you do get a full view except for the castle swirlers and projections and they do play the sound track.

Your DtD trip sounds fun! And Matts addition to your notes is hysterical! You guys must have a blast just being together!

Okay, good to know! I kind of like it being from further away though, I feel like it'll give me a new perspective! I'm just hoping to get good photos from up there with my camera, but we'll see.

Hahaha, we are total dorks together but he really makes me laugh harder than anyone else I know. :goodvibes

I love watching the bats too. They're just so fascinating.

OK, first, I so admire all you folks who take the time to write notes out from your trips. I still haven't been able to it. Of course that just means I have to go through all the photos and write the whole thing as soon as I get home or else I'm screwed.

Second... :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl: OMG one of the funniest things EVER!!! Not only what Matt wrote... But also that it was five months after the fact before you even saw it!!!!

Hmmm interesting lunch discovery. I don't recall ever hearing anything about this place. Sounds like a winner though.

Oh my goodness the things you see on a Disney bus. I'm all for love, but that is just... NO!!! Nobody needs or wants to see that. Period. If you must... stay home.

Me too! They're cute little creatures.

Oh man, I don't know how you do it without notes! Wait, yes I do, that's how I'm writing my DLR TR right now because I lost all of my freakin' notes. I haven't posted it yet, and it's going better than I thought it would, but I do miss having notes on the little details about our trips. But yeah, it's way better to come home and start writing right away, memories are fresh! I just can't remember 11 days worth of a trip, even with the photos.

I KNOW! I thought it was the funniest thing ever. Oh my God, I laugh every time I think about it.

COOKES IS SO GOOD. It's a total hidden gem and more people need to go there... or wait, no, don't, I don't want it to be overly crowded, hahaha. But the food is fantastic.

I know! It was just an insane bus ride and Matt and I were so confused by it all.

that is so funny and awesome that Matt forgot his prank!!! That burger looks awesome.

Also I keep seeing this blanket all around Disneyland and thought you guys would love it:

I know! He's such a dork, hahaha. And that burger WAS amazing. Seriously, so good.

Yes, we have that blanket! Well, it's Matt's blanket on his chair at home, haha. We had to buy it as soon as it came out. I'm looking forward to more HM merchandise because then Matt will buy it all.

Well now that your TR is almost over. Guess I should come out of lurking. I have enjoyed this TR so much I went and read all your TRs! By far the best trip reporter I have read, I'm sad to see the coming to an end, can you just go on continuous Disney trips so I always have a review to read? You would enjoy that wouldn't you?!

Matts joke was too funny, you guys are adorable together!

AW YAY! I'm so glad you came out of lurkdom because your comment made me so happy! Thank you so, so much, I really appreciate it. :goodvibes

The GOOD news is, once this TR ends, I will have a TR started for our Disneyland trip from November! So, it won't be too bad, haha, unless Disneyland isn't your thing. But I wouldn't argue continuous Disney trips at all. Imagine getting paid to go to Disney and then write about it?!

Matt is a dork but that made me laugh so so hard. Hahahaha.
Hahaha!! Brad and I do ridiculous things like Matt hijacking your trip notes! Love it! We are in the 5 year old club with you.

Some time, I need to tell you about our jungle trek experience last year with 6 month old Kaiya... It was not pretty.

We love Cookes! I don't know if their fish is the same as the fish at Yorkshire County Fish shop or not, but to us, Cookes is SO much better. That burger looks awesome!

Haha yeah, we do that stuff all the time, but that prank was just so freakin' hilarious and the fact that he forgot kills me! I'm glad we're not alone in the 5 year old club.

Hahaha yeah, you evidently do!

I so agree! That place is just fantastic. I can't wait to eat there during our next trip!

Dani I am loving this TR! I look everyday to see if you have posted again.
:rotfl2: I am laughing sooooo hard at the "I pooped my pants" sequence of your TR! It is only made better that one, you didn't notice it until now and two, that Matt forgot about it! I haven't laughed this hard since the "Dinosaur ride photo"!!!!:lmao: That one still makes my day!
Yes Dani, you and Matt are 5. That is what we love about you! I think I am about 6, but working on getting back to 5...:yay:

Haha thank you! I'm sorry I haven't posted in so many days. We have friends visiting right now so I just haven't had any time at all! But thankfully I will be posting here very shortly!

Hahahaha, I KNOW! I was laughing so hard, and I think I'm with you, I haven't laughed as hard as I did at that Dinosaur photo!

Sometimes I get up to 6, but then things like this bring me back to being a 5 year old. :rotfl:

Still happily reading along! :)

Yay, glad to hear it! :thumbsup2

OMG, my DH would've done the same thing to my notes -- probably more frequently. And funny enough, met him the same way you did. Must just attract those kind of weirdos. :P Loving the TR!

ETA: Oh, and if you want to meet Flynn and Rapunzel, next time you are in DLR, go to the princess shows by the castle. When we went, Rapunzel was in the morning, Belle in the afternoon but be sure to ask. Then after the little show (which is very cute and funny), hang out -- DO NOT LEAVE. Rapunzel and Flynn will come back for a little M&G with whoever is left in the ampitheater (if you leave, you are not readmitted).

Hahahaha, that is awesome! To be fair, this is something I will do/have done to Matt, too. Like Disney planning spreadsheets, I can't say that I'm not guilty of going in and putting poop in some of the cells as a joke to see how long it takes him to notice. Or renaming Disney restaurants with the word Poop in them... Raglan Poop, Via Napoopli, Poop Palace, etc... And I'm sitting over here giggling at myself right now. Oh God.

That's so good to know!! I'm going to have to totally do that at some point. Depending on how our next trip goes with crowds, I think sneaking some time in for the princess show is in order!

I laughed until I cried about your trip notes. That is hilarious. Being the mom of three boys has totally changed my sense of humor.

I cant wait to get back to Ghiradelli's for a hot fudge sundae or as my youngest son used to call it- Jerry's deli.

Why does your trip have to end?

Hahaha, I'm glad you laughed as hard as I did! Oh my gosh.

I am very much looking forward to Jerry's deli again... actually, planning on it in May when we're in Disneyland for sure!

I don't know, I hate when trips end, it's the worst.... BUT I'll have a DLR TR starting up here very soon, so I guess that helps ease the pain!

I loved your trip report.....makes me sooo excited for the trip my hubby & I are taking this coming September. Your video was wonderful as well.

Thank you so much!! You are going to have the best time! The weather is a bit much at times, but with breaks during the afternoon, it's really not that bad. I can't wait to go again, as well!

And thank you so much! I am so happy you watched the video and enjoyed it! I've really grown to loving making videos, so I'll definitely be making more in the future!

Yes, the bats are fun to watch, I agree. My favorite time was with my sister several years ago. We were watching a few of them that were awake (most of them were dozing in the sun) and one of them began to.....shall we say "clean" itself. (down there.) We giggled (because we are five) and then the CM made the comment, "Well, they ARE all male....."

bwahahahahahaahhaaa!!!! :rotfl2:

Oh God, that's so awkward, hahahaha, I don't know what I'd do! I'd laugh so hard.

It has been a while since I have caught up on your trip report but finally had enough free time today to catch up. I love your 5 year old humor :) and I totally laughed out loud a few times.

I'm glad you're catching up again! I can't help but laugh at the dumbest stuff, hahahaha.

Lol, in your splash mountain wait photo a few updates back, the man in the red shirt looks like he was picking his nose!

I just got back from the parks and traded a lot in the blind boxes! It was fun, but I still got a lot of the wrestlers, zoopers, and robots! My favorite one I got was the December Poster Series.

Hahahaha he probably was, I didn't even notice, but that's hysterical.

Wompwomp, I'm hoping by September a lot of the crappy stuff is gone, but who knows. The December Poster is awesome though, I really like that one a lot.

Loved the updates!!
People really should keep excessive PDA to themselves. Of course, then it wouldn't be PDA! :lmao:

You had a great morning/afternoon. Sometimes I wish I could take my favorite parts of each park and put them all into 1 to make touring so much simpler!

Great photos, as always!!

Thanks! And yes, agreed on the PDA. It was just so uncomfortable to be on that bus with them, ugh.

We had a fabulous morning/afternoon, it was nice and laidback and perfect! But I agree, that would be pretty fantastic!

Great updates & photos as usual Dani! :)

I can't believe you're almost at the end of this trip! :(

OKW looks so pretty. I like the more laid-back resorts. I've been lucky enough to stay at the Grand Floridian & the Beach Club & adored both...Though the Beach Club just had the edge for us :goodvibes

SO funny how Matt hijacked your trip notes!! :lmao:

Ewwwwwww re: the couple on the bus...It's great that they are so loved up but there's a time & place for stuff like that...not on a Disney bus while holding your newborn baby!!!! :rolleyes2

Looking forward to more! :)

Very best wishes,

Thank you so much!

I know, it's kind of sad and weird, though I feel like I've been working on this TR forever, haha!

OKW is SO beautiful! Beach Club is my favorite, too. I have stayed at the Grand and absolutely LOVED it, but Beach Club is home for us, too.

Matt is a goober, hahahaha.

The couple was just... uncomfortable. It was the most uncomfortable bus ride ever.

Another update is coming here shortly, yay!
Chapter 54: Matt doesn't like daytime parades
Day Ten: September 20th, 2013

After escaping the most uncomfortable bus ride ever, we headed to the Contemporary.

Inside of the Contemporary, we said what up to our five-legged goat friend. Fun fact: I have the five-legged goat Vinylmation! Yes, Disney made a Contemporary set that includes the five-legged goat. Yes, it is fantastic.


We hopped on the Monorail and headed on over to Magic Kingdom. I love the Monorail so much, and I love looking at all of the beautiful resorts surrounding the Seven Seas Lagoon.


I WILL RETURN TO THE GRAND SOME DAY... and hopefully sooner than later!

Anyway, upon arriving at Magic Kingdom, Celebrate a Dream Come True was happening. We skiddaddled down the sidewalk and snuck into Starbucks for Matt.

Ya know, I'm thinking next trip we should just hook up an IV to his arm full of Starbucks coffee.

We got his coffee and then went to find Jenn, Brandon and the kids, as she'd texted Matt and told him they were watching the parade in Frontierland.

It was pretty busy back there, but we found a spot to kind of watch from for a few. This is the exact moment that Matt realized he is NOT a fan of daytime Disney parades. And where the Bonus Clip from our trip video was born.

I was taking video of the parade, and decided to turn and take video of him, hahaha, and it resulted in his hilarious reactions.

It's an unpopular opinion, but I'm in the same boat as that I'm not a hardcore daytime parade fan. Maybe it's because I just don't like standing in the heat, but yeah, no thanks. Nighttime parades are a-okay in my book though! I WILL say I'm excited for Festival of Fantasy and that is a parade we will definitely be finding a spot to watch from during our next trip.



We chatted with Jenn and everyone for a few, but then decided we wanted to go ride the Haunted Mansion.





That was a good time, as it always is!

We then headed over to Splash Mountain because it was only a 10 minute wait, which you just can't complain about! Plus, it helps the inside part has AC. It's glorious.






Matt and I decided to make the most hideous faces we could think of.. BUT DON'T WORRY, they were appropriate and the CM at the photo counter didn't tell us we were banned from Splash Mountain like that other CM probably would have.


We're so attractive.

After we left Splash Mountain, we got Fast Passes for Big Thunder, then met up with Jenn and everyone again. Matt and Jenn both got churros, but I REALLY wanted a Dole Whip Float. It just sounded perfect for such a hot afternoon in the sun. So I headed over to get in line for one while everyone hung out near the Churro cart. And I then proceeded to wait in the slowest-moving line EVER.


I remember standing there, melting in my spot. The sun was perfectly hitting everyone in the line and let me just say, IT WAS BRUTAL. But by the time I got my Dole Whip Float, the sun's brutal hotness made the float that much more enjoyable. Seriously.


It was perfect and made the wait seem not that awful.

Continued in next post
Chapter 55: Sulley! *insert Matt's face on the big screen*
Day Ten: September 20th, 2013

I finally went back and met up with everyone, and we decided to head over to It's a Small World, Brynn's favorite. I got lots of video of the kids after we loaded onto our boat, and then Brynn told me I needed to take video of EVERYTHING.

Well, ya know, I really can't argue with her on that one, so Brynn told me what I should take video of. It was adorable. Though admittedly, I also took photos, too.




After IASW, we split up from the group so we could go and use our Big Thunder FPs, and of course, ride the Haunted Mansion again.


We then ran over to Big Thunder and obviously had a grand ol' time on there.

We headed back over towards Tomorrowland and the kids really wanted to go do Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor, so we headed on inside!


Well let me remind you that Matt had always avoided this because he'd heard about being chosen for things and HATES being put in the spotlight. As some of you may or may not know, they no longer only choose "that guy", but also re-tell the story of Monsters Inc. and choose random audience members to play the parts of Mike, Sulley, Randall, and Boo.

Before they got to the part, though, Jenn, Brandon, and the kids were all put on screen during one of the monster comedian's skits. He was trying to figure out what number an audience member sitting right behind us was thinking, and had everyone put their hands up like antennas to their heads. It was hilarious.


Then, they went into the part where they re-enacted and told the story of Monsters Inc. So they showed Mike, and the guy closed his eye, then showed Sulley...

and lo and behold, we were all surprised when we see Matt's mug up there, with a big ol' Sulley caption below his face.

HAHAHAHA, oh my gosh, I think as soon as his face showed up on the screen, I let out a slow-motion "OOHHHHH NOOOOOOOO". Matt's worst fear was happening. But you know what? He took it like a champ and the kids thought it was FABULOUS.

I don't have any photos of this because I was actually taking video of the whole thing instead, but what IS in our trip video, is my favorite part of the whole thing.

They were quickly going through the story and each person had to react depending on what the person narrating was saying. So whoever was Randall had to constantly jump on the ground to get out of the shot when they showed him, Mike had to make sure his eye was closed, and then they randomly said "Sulley went into a raging fit" or something along those lines. Matt decided to throw his hands up in fists and be all adorable, hahahaha.

The comedian then stopped and said "aaaand apparently Sulley was boxing in a tizzy?" Hahaha, everyone laughed, and it was adorable. And again, Matt was such a good sport about the whole thing.

Plus, he makes a perfect Sulley. And again, he's adorable.

It was around 7 when we got out of the Laugh Floor, and we needed to head out of the park because MNSSHP was about to start.

On our way out, we ran into some people with fantastic Ghostbusters costumes, so I had to get a photo of them. They seriously went all out! And I can't say no to the Ghostbusters.



We hopped on a bus, and planned to meet back up with Jenn and the fam back at Beach Club, because we had some fun plans!

We ran up to our room to change quickly, then went down and found everyone, and headed for Beaches and Cream! We were all really excited to be eating here together, and even planned on trying the Kitchen Sink.

That is, until we walked up to the counter and were told the wait was over an hour, if not longer.


WOMPWOMP. This is one of the biggest downfalls of Beaches and Cream. It's just so small that it can't fit many people inside. I felt so bad for the kids, since they were REALLY excited about this, but at the same time, an hour long wait was just too much, and even then, the hostess didn't seem to confident that we'd be sitting down any time soon.

So we decided not to do that, but then I brought up trying Oreo Bon Bons! So we were all excited for those, went to buy them at the Marketplace....


DOUBLE WOMPWOMP. Seriously, I could not win this night with Beach Club and I felt so bad since I'd gotten the girls super excited about Oreo Bon Bons. But of course, there WAS ice cream which, ya know, isn't a terrible alternative for the girls to eat. After they got their ice cream, we went to the little sitting area outside of the Marketplace and hung out while they ate their ice cream.


We also played Rock Paper Scissors, because it's a fun game and the girls loooooved playing it with us. It was nice to just hang out with them at a resort! We chatted for a while, then once the girls were finished, they headed back to their resort at around 9:15.

Since Stormalong Bay was still open, Matt and I ran back upstairs, got changed quickly, and went swimming for a bit. We wanted to take advantage of SAB as much as possible during our last few days in Disney World!

After we were done swimming, we went upstairs and started to pack up as much as we could, and I also pulled out all of the goodies we'd picked up throughout the trip that I hadn't taken a photo of yet.

Here are the Haunted Mansion tombstones we picked up I believe at the little HM store in Liberty Square..




They now live on our mantle at home, haha, right next to our Jim Shore Haunted Mansion statue.

Aaand this is the pair of Minnie ears I got for our niece Melina:


This was the Expedition Everest hat we'd bought for Bruce earlier in the day:


These were all of the bath bombs we picked up for Amy earlier in the day at Basin (spoiler alert: she loved them):


So after we packed everything, we were both kind of hungry so we decided to go down to the Marketplace to get some food, thinking it wouldn't be busy at all since it was around 10:45 or so.


It was beyond busy, and a ton of people were getting food.

This is the ONE thing I don't really love about Beach Club: the lack of a separate quick-service dining area. It's attached to the Marketplace store, and the food area can get extremely busy/congested.

Wilderness Lodge beat out Beach Club by a LANDSLIDE with Roaring Fork. It's its own separate dining area with a TON of options both for meals and dessert. Beach Club Marketplace really lacks in a ton of choice, serving flatbreads, a few cold sandwiches, and some salads.

Needless to say, it took FOREVER to get our food. They were crazy busy and were out of a ton of stuff (like I wanted a salad but they ran out of lettuce), so we ended up just getting flatbreads instead. It was a bit disappointing, and you could tell the CMs felt bad/were trying their best to keep up... but it just ended up kind of being a mess.

I wouldn't be surprised if they end up refurbing the Marketplace at some point... or at least, I hope they do, and make the food area a bit larger/separated from the store.

We took our food back to our room to eat, and I believe Matt had also gotten the Pepperoni flatbread.


They weren't terrible, but they also weren't amazing either. But thankfully, I'd also picked up a chocolate chip coconut bar while we were down there.


THIS WAS SO GOOD! Like, amazingly good. I love the Magic Bars at Wilderness Lodge, but they are definitely very sweet and rich. This was perfect as it wasn't too sweet or rich. Matt tried a bit and LOVED it. I will definitely get it again in the future.

After we finished eating, we packed a bit more. It's always sad to pack, but even sadder when you're doing it on your last day. So, Matt and I always pack up as much as we possibly can the night before so we don't have to stress out or worry on our last day. Of course, we still have last minute stuff to pack, but it's the best system we have for leaving Disney.

We finally went to bed and were both exhausted.

Tomorrow was our last day, and we were ready to enjoy every last second of it.

Continued in next post
Looks like a fun afternoon at MK! The Ghostbuster costumes are awesome!!

I've only been at the Beach/Yacht Club to eat at the Yachtsman so I couldn't even tell you where the Marketplace is!! I LOVE the Magic Bar at Roaring Forks!! It's my favorite dessert there! Very Sweet but OH SO GOOD!!

Packing to leave is a huge bummer! I'm thankful that most of our trips have been on the longer side and at the end exhaustion makes returning to reality not such a bad thought!
Bahahaha... That is hilarious that Matt got picked for the show and he has a fear of that! I need to take my hubby there bc he's the same way, maybe it will force him out of it some!

I have loved this trip report so much! So glad I found it, and I've read through all your others and watched all the videos too! You and Matt are just hilarious and remind me of my hubs and I pre-kiddos!

I can't wait for the next TR and I'm happy to see all the future trips you have so I know there will be more TR's!!! :)
Darn it forgot to post after the last update, well i promise not to do a novel again. I'm almost regretting the end of this TR as much as the end of Walking dead season. mmm well ok maybe you don't rank that high but the feeling is close.

However I am looking forward to reading about you next report because I think we may be making our first trip to west Disney!! I really have no idea about that place and have no clue what to do and we are only planning on two days there, regardless it will be great so feed me lots of tips.

so I pretty much died on the poop story.
I think there is no maximum wait limit for a dole whip, but seriously the line can be slow. But I always blame on the people not the CM's.
Oh yeah in my furious attempt to learn as much about DLR as I can right now. I saw that in CA splash mountain is nicknamed Flash mountain, due to some people trying to get some inappropriate pics on the monitors. so much so that they had to employ someone to sit in a room and screen all pics before they got sent to the monitors for viewing. I can only assume that is why the CM was so rude to you, but that doesn't forgive the rudeness. Nothing worse than being accused of something you would never do.
great update, so much so I had to re-watch your video again to fill the tanks back up, I mean it's been soooo long since I have been
So jealous of all the amazing photos you take. I never take enough and when I do they aren't nearly as good as yours.

It's funny Matt got picked. I have that fear as well so I totally understand. Anxious to hear about your last day.
Awesome updates!!! You guys sure did a lot on the last day!! Glad you got to spend a bit more time with jen & the fam too!! Sad about the numerous womp womp moments, but hey, at least ice cream is always a good thing!!
Great updates! Can't believe your Tr is on packing day already. Triple wompwomp :rotfl:
We still haven't tried the kitchen sink yet but loves amazing!!!!! Can't wait to hear about your last day.
WOW! That was a full day. I kept going back and thinking..."they're still on the same day??" Way to go! :thumbsup2

I loved those Ghostbusters costumes-I would have snapped a photo, too! One of my favorite movies.

What a bummer about Beaches and Cream. That's what's always dissuaded me from going is to get all the way there for a long wait (especially if your resort isn't near there!). But that chocolate coconut bar looks DELISH.

I'll have to check out the Haunted Mansion store next time I'm there...I love kitschy stuff!
All caught up...just emerging from PDD (post-Disney depression).

Seeing your pics just reminded me of all the things we forgot to do when we were there earlier this month...seriously is there ever enough time at Disney to do all the things you need/want to do?!

Guess we'll just have to go back!

Love that Matt got picked as Sulley and rolled with it, Joe is the exact same way about being at the center of attention, however in Disney I feel like he might be up for it.

I like that you guys decided on the HM statue, I think it goes with your love for HM and the details on it are pretty awesome.

What a windbag CM...seriously. As if you were giving the finger at the camera or doing anything inappropriate. If you don't like people having fun, why work at Disney World??

I was just about to say "sorry you're just about to start your last day", however as it was actually over 6 months ago I'm sure you are over it by now!
I adore that Disney does "obscure" things like the 5 legged goat vinylmation. Something for real fans like the "Por Favor" T-shirt.

Not a daytime parade fan either Dani, BUT Festival of Fantasy looks FANTASTIC!!! If it's as good as what I've seen, it will become a regular occurance for me I think.

Haha, you know a line is slow when you have to take pictures to pass the time.

I'm terrified of being put on the screen too, but I think if I was with a group, and especially if there was kids in the group, I'd totally have fun with it like Matt did (and yeah I went and watched the video again).

Awww yeah, Beaches and Cream can get ca-razy waits. I hear you can advance reserve now though.

Oh man I hear you about packing up. I always do that too. Get it all done (well mostly) before the final day. Too depressing otherwise.
Finally caught up!! It is definitely helping with my Disney Countdown. 26 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, hard to believe this TR is getting close to the end. Happy that you have more trips coming up so at least the withdrawl will be minimal. :)

Great pictures from your TOT Tour. That is so cool about all the amazing details that they have, like the women's lip stick on the tea cup and the table that has the man's setting and the woman's setting. Also interesting about the glue gun cobwebs, that would be a fun job to be the cobweb maker.

So funny that you have a picture of the CM near the gate that is making that face. He is the exact same CM that jumped in my picture that I was taking of my hubby and kids. I LOVE that picture cause he is looking at them and has an angry face and my hubby is making a face like Oh NO and my 6 year old is staring at him like he doesn't know what he is doing. When I posted that pic on facebook my cousin said that he is the same CM that worked at TOT while she was working there years ago and I guess he is featured in some of the Disney Planning Videos. :)

Okay so I am going to have to had Cookes to my places to eat next time. That burger looks delicious and makes me want one right now, even though it is 0330 in the morning. :goodvibes

I can't belive that CM at Splash that said you should be careful about the things you do for the ride photos and then made sure that you didn't get your picture. That is awful!! Glad you got to go back on and that you didn't have her there and you actually got that funny pic.

Speaking of ride photos I have to go back to your Dinosaur one. You know how much I love that first ever photo of you on Dinosaur so I am SO happy that you went on again and had another really funny photo (especially how you break it down). When we were there in Jan the Conataurus was back popping out on the right side of the car. Not sure what was going on while you were there but it has since been fixed. :goodvibes

That big white bird that you caught a picture of chilling on the roof is the same kind of bird that while sitting at Pecos Bills for lunch, I watched it scare off a child and then proceed to steal the ENTIRE plate off the table, it then proceeded to eat the cheeseburger and fries until the CM came out and chased it away. The poor kid was terrified. I just wish I had caught it on video. Crazy Disney birds not afraid of anyone.

I just spent over an hour catching up on your TR so I am sure I am forgetting a ton of things I wanted to say but oh well. :)

Looking forward to your last day's update.
Seeing Matt as Sulley in Monsters Inc Laugh Floor is one of my favorite parts of your video! So cute to know the whole story behind it now, and I'm glad Matt took it in stride. :thumbsup2

What a fun evening with Jen & family! Too bad about B&C being so busy. We've still never been there, mostly because I am so worried about going all the way there and encountering a super long wait. I'd love to try a No Way Jose though! Maybe now that they take ADR's, we will actually make it there.

We have those same HM headstones! That's my most favorite of our Halloween decorations!

Packing at the end of a Disney trip is just the saddest thing. :sad2: I just hate when that time comes!


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