RANT ALERT Park Manners

I was just reminded of one the other day.

People who eat.... "Expressively" in line.

No, I'm not talking about your fruit snacks, granola bar, popcorn eating people. I'm talking about the full Turkey Leg open mouth chewing in your ear kinds.

It happened at least twice the last time I was at WDW. Cuddling and chewing? No thank you.

(I should mention that both times this did happen they were grown adults. It was bad.)

Please eat before you enter the line and refrain from gesturing back at the CM who finally sees it and asks you to wait until you're done.
Please don't force your terrified child to ride rides like Tower of Terror. I witnessed this when I went to Disneyland last March. The girl was maybe 9 or 10 and was bawling her eyes out in the line and making a scene. Her dad was basically telling her to suck it up. They were directly behind us. If the poor kid isn't ready, don't ride it or do the rider swap. Forcing them only leads to panic which can traumatize the child and disturb the other guests.

Haha! My son and I were talked into this one by DH and Grandpa. Everything was going ok until the doors shut and we fell into a free fall. I had no idea how the ride operated! Then I thought the ride was over but nope! We had to endure it at least 5 more times. My son was screaming for his grandma and I was crying for my mom (he knows I'm weak) it was awful, awful, awful!

Don't try to make others do this if you know they prefer The People Mover and Carousel of Progress.
What bothers me is PDA in the parks.
My gf and I were yelled at by a parent when I just kissed my partners cheek during Wishes. He said he didn't want his kids to see that as an example and stormed off all angry. It was frustrating because I see a lot of young, opposite sex couples making out all the time (once right in front of us in the line for Splash Mountain! :furious:) and, to me, that full on making out, regardless of orientation, is inappropriate in a family park.
I would rather NOT see two folks going at it when that would be better suited for their bedrooms -_-. What's even more frustrating is that nobody seems to say anything about that to those folks! I would, but tend to want to avoid confrontation.
End rant. lol
We just came back Saturday. The one thing that really made me mad!!! 2 elderly men were in front of us coming off the Ferry on their motorized wheelchairs. A women and child cut them off to get out of the gate 1st. But then the women didn't even hold the gate for them she just swing closed right in front of them. I ran up and held the gate for them. It only takes a min to be nice.
Couple things that are annoying..

When family members stick there kids on their shoulders during parade or fireworks (makes no sense for fireworks) and completely block the view from those around them. Understand you want them to be able to see everything. But arrive a little early or get to a special spot where you know you'll have a great view. No need to block the view for multiple people behind you.

Families that walk in a single horizontal line and block the walkways. Perfectly fine to walk side by side or be talking to each other..but there's no need to be walking slow 5+ wide and blocking the people from getting around you

At the end of the night (mainly Magic Kingdom) when everyone is trying to get home and the shuttles to the parking lot are packed. What's annoying is those people who don't stay in their line and try to jump in another row to get on board. By either not wanting to wait for the next one, or not realizing they have a family of 11 and the seat only holds 5. Pretty annoying about to get on, then you see people cutting over trying to get in your row. Almost saw a fight break out over this recently.
What bothers me is PDA in the parks.
My gf and I were yelled at by a parent when I just kissed my partners cheek during Wishes. He said he didn't want his kids to see that as an example and stormed off all angry. It was frustrating because I see a lot of young, opposite sex couples making out all the time (once right in front of us in the line for Splash Mountain! :furious:) and, to me, that full on making out, regardless of orientation, is inappropriate in a family park.
I would rather NOT see two folks going at it when that would be better suited for their bedrooms -_-. What's even more frustrating is that nobody seems to say anything about that to those folks! I would, but tend to want to avoid confrontation.
End rant. lol

I totally agree! I don't care who you are, I don't want to see stuff that makes babies! I think the most I have done with my bf is kiss him but that's it. PDA makes me feel awkward, no matter who you are. (BTW, I don't you were setting a bad example. We care about all people in the world equally.)
Why oh whyyyyyyy do people think they will get to the front of a line faster if they are hot-breathing down my neck? I get that there are going to be crowds, but there is no reason why in a line queue you can't leave a few inches between you and the people in front of you. When I take a step, you can take a breath, THEN take a step.

The others are definitely annoying, but I can deal. The line cuddlers put me over the edge. :headache:

Sorry to pull this post all the way from page 2, but I'm just now reading this thread and will have to stop as it is raising my blood pressure! :furious:

That said, THIS! I appreciate everyones' input so far, but I emphatically relate to these statements. "Line cuddlers" made me giggle. So many people let their kids do it, too. Look, kid -- those bars in the queue are not for your climbing pleasure, and they CERTAINLY aren't so you can gently weasel past me. Get BACK...get OFF the bars, and get OFF my butt! :mad: DH and I get so tired of these people in the parks that we adopt a stance where we either turn sideways and put our hands on our hips so that our elbows poke the cuddlers in the chest or stomach as they try to encroach upon our space...or DH tells me to "go ahead of him" and he holds both rails, sometimes hunching over a bit so his butt sticks out and the only way people could get close would be VERY awkward. So far it's worked every time. Still, I wish we didn't have to resort to these techniques.
I can see where you are coming from. But keep in mind it is safer for everyone if the scooters load first. It gives them more room to maneuver, and less toes for them to run over. Plus there are those sections that state that if a scooter boards the people in those seats must move. Easier to avoid having to shuffle people around by loading the scooters first too.

The fair way for Disney to handle this is for the family to wait in the same line as everyone else but be allowed to board the scooter only first when their group is due to board. The rest would get on in order so they don't take seats before others waiting longer.
That's exactly what I was attempting to say. They should have a waiting area for people with disabilities ("those people" sorry i didnt feel like tying it out in previous post, i meant zero disrespect by it). I dont understand what would be "wrong" or "degrading" about that. If the wait is 30 minutes then have them wait for 30 minutes or move into a wheelchair and wait in line with the rest of their party.
Because people with a disability are not cattle to be herded into a holding area to wait for their group to get through the line.
I can see where you are coming from. But keep in mind it is safer for everyone if the scooters load first. It gives them more room to maneuver, and less toes for them to run over. Plus there are those sections that state that if a scooter boards the people in those seats must move. Easier to avoid having to shuffle people around by loading the scooters first too.

The fair way for Disney to handle this is for the family to wait in the same line as everyone else but be allowed to board the scooter only first when their group is due to board. The rest would get on in order so they don't take seats before others waiting longer.

No it is not fair for a person in a wheelchair to have to wait alone while their family go through the line and then get on.
1. Why should we have to separate from our family.
2. You have the issue of guests refusing to give up the seats in the area where the tie downs are located.
3. Safer to maneuver without peoples feet in the way. This is why they do not board wheelchairs after the have started regular boarding.

There is a limit of the guest in the wheelchair plus 5. That does need to be enforced. If we had our entire family with us we would need to separate because it would be a total of 8. Then we would meet up at the park.
I just want to clarify Talking Hands that the second part of the post you quoted was not my comment. And not one I agree with.
1. Kid spitting Cheerios onto the floor at the Indiana Jones show in DHS. Parents' attention is directed elsewhere.
2. Kid terrorizing ducks with stroller in World Showcase in Epcot--mom and dad observe, say nothing.
3. Kid kicking walls of Fast Pass line in Soarin'. Mom observes, then continues to talk to husband.
4. Kids pulls down chain in Soarin' line. Father reconnects it and says nothing. Same kid pulls down the chain again.
5. Mom buckles kid into Soarin', then promptly pulls out her smartphone and fiddles with it during the entire ride.
6. Guest blows his nose into sink in men's room in Frontierland, then walks out.
Oh boy...I know lots of complaints about the ankle ramming stroller parents...and I have never done that (on purpose) however if you don't have kids you may not realize that strollers can be HEAVY...very heavy and if you put two toddlers in a double imagine how difficult that may be to stop on a dime if you decide to cut in front of one and then STOP...YIKES! My kids are all too big for strollers now, but one thing I found so completely horrifying is that some people are so put off by the idea of strollers that they completely disregard that a little human being is in it! I've had SEVERAL teenagers and young adults STEP OVER MY STROLLER WITH MY CHILD IN IT :mad: One teenage boy while stepping over my child, stumbled, kicking my infant in the head while nearly knocking the stroller sideways, nearly tipping him over! Didn't even apologize, he actually laughed and ran off. I understand being ticked off by getting rammed in the ankles by one, but not all parents do that intentionally...keep in mind that a baby is in the stroller and it's probably heavy and difficult to maneuver sometimes and be patient...best to walk around and away from a stroller rather than dart in front of one...
I had a woman (in her 50s), attempt to pass my husband and I atleast... 5 times while waiting in line. Everytime we left a small gap between us, she attempted to rush forward, and get further ahead with her family. I saw her mentally calculating if she had enough time/space to shove past us, at several points. I ended up putting my arms across the line, like a human barrier. When I started doing this, she started talking smack about me in Spanish ( assuming I didn't understand her :lmao: )

There was also a kid hanging on the bars in line... I normally don't care, but the bars were not solid. They were swaying everywhere, and not really safe. Not to mention, the metal scraping noise was really annoying.

I also saw a guy flipping out at a CM because he was 2 hours late for his fastpass time (this was before fastpass+)

And finally, I saw a kid grab a little lizard in epcot (a wild one, I assume), and baseball pitch it into the water. The parents laughed.
I've had SEVERAL teenagers and young adults STEP OVER MY STROLLER WITH MY CHILD IN IT :mad: One teenage boy while stepping over my child, stumbled, kicking my infant in the head while nearly knocking the stroller sideways, nearly tipping him over! Didn't even apologize, he actually laughed and ran off. .

That's assault!!! How did you refrain yourself from chasing after him and tearing him a new one?
That's assault!!! How did you refrain yourself from chasing after him and tearing him a new one?
Since we are talking about ill behaved children, and parents doing nothing, here goes. Last spring break, I was walking on the path between Asia heading toward Africa. A young lady, about 10, judging from her height, approached doing a spinning backward run in front of her parents, and lands on my foot, breaking my first two toes, on the first day of our trip. Ouch. She and her family continue their journey, without apology or acknowledgement, and certainly not asking their daughter to turn around and watch where she is spinning and jumping.
That's assault!!! How did you refrain yourself from chasing after him and tearing him a new one?

Believe me I wanted to and I did have to restrain my husband briefly...the fact is, he was a teen, if my husband tore into him we'd have a lawsuit and probably been thrown out of the park.

I myself was tending to my child. He was ok, just shaken up. He was sleeping then all of the sudden he was being tripped over...yikes. When something like that happens as a mom the first reaction is to check on the baby...he was long gone by the time I assessed my son... My daughter was toddling around too so we had our hands full. The point is I cannot tell you how many times people step over strollers I've actually pushed people away and said 'Do NOT step over my child!' After that happened.
One teenage boy while stepping over my child, stumbled, kicking my infant in the head while nearly knocking the stroller sideways, nearly tipping him over! Didn't even apologize, he actually laughed and ran off.

While my story is nowhere near as heinous as this, the "teenage boy" element reminded me of something that happened to me at EPCOT's Food & Wine Festival last year. DH and I were exiting the line with an "Adult" Dole Whip and I was at one of those utensil dispensers grabbing us a couple of spoons. Out of nowhere comes this boy of about 12 or 13 and he YELLS at me "Hey! GIMME A SPOON!" I was stunned, and said "What did you just say to me?" In the same manner he shouts "GIMME A SPOON!" So I said "Sure, but you have to say please." In a sing-song voice he says "It's my birthday. I don't HAVE to say please!!!" Now, I realize I may catch some heat from some of you for this next part, but I just couldn't help myself -- to this very entitled young man I replied "Get your own f$@king spoon" and walked away.
While my story is nowhere near as heinous as this, the "teenage boy" element reminded me of something that happened to me at EPCOT's Food & Wine Festival last year. DH and I were exiting the line with an "Adult" Dole Whip and I was at one of those utensil dispensers grabbing us a couple of spoons. Out of nowhere comes this boy of about 12 or 13 and he YELLS at me "Hey! GIMME A SPOON!" I was stunned, and said "What did you just say to me?" In the same manner he shouts "GIMME A SPOON!" So I said "Sure, but you have to say please." In a sing-song voice he says "It's my birthday. I don't HAVE to say please!!!" Now, I realize I may catch some heat from some of you for this next part, but I just couldn't help myself -- to this very entitled young man I replied "Get your own f$@king spoon" and walked away.

No judgment here- love it!!! Who is raising these rude and vulgar kids???
While my story is nowhere near as heinous as this, the "teenage boy" element reminded me of something that happened to me at EPCOT's Food & Wine Festival last year. DH and I were exiting the line with an "Adult" Dole Whip and I was at one of those utensil dispensers grabbing us a couple of spoons. Out of nowhere comes this boy of about 12 or 13 and he YELLS at me "Hey! GIMME A SPOON!" I was stunned, and said "What did you just say to me?" In the same manner he shouts "GIMME A SPOON!" So I said "Sure, but you have to say please." In a sing-song voice he says "It's my birthday. I don't HAVE to say please!!!" Now, I realize I may catch some heat from some of you for this next part, but I just couldn't help myself -- to this very entitled young man I replied "Get your own f$@king spoon" and walked away.

You should have picked up a spoon, licked it and then handed it to him with a big smile and said here you go Sugar. Like a true southern bell.


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