Friendship,'s the perfect blendship

"cha cha chicken" I'll have to remember that. :lmao:

Whew... Pluto had glasses. The show just wouldn't be the same otherwise. Glad to hear Hailey likes it now. Especially since it was closed in September.

I love that you all rode the carousel. But I'm a little uneasy about what you did next... :scared1:

well Rob you'll actually like what we did next because according to my pics there was something else that happened first before your fave ride!
Thankyou Ariana for sharing the pics here:thumbsup2

According to my pics there was a little break in between and that was because it was december n I was in Mk at night which meant simply hitting pinnochio's earlier was not enough to tribute our good friend Rob sooooo we went to go get a little something extra...............

only I'm sad to report that my sharing partner this time wasn't a fan so we didn't even get half way through it. SO EMBARRASSED!!!:eek:

and since I took a pic of Ry in Gaston's chair last time I needed one of Hail this time

AND THEN..........................................

It was Small World time YAYYYYYYY everyone clap and cheer!!!!!

then we rode POTC which we got stuck on just past the cheesey mermaids.Hailey was terrified because people were making spooky noises and she practically jumped into Ariana's lap :hug: because they were bff's by this point.Eventually the ride started again and It was fun having someone there to point out Hidden Mickey's that we hadn't noticed before throughout the night.Hailey was feeling like she was done so we sadly parted paths with Ariana and headed out towards the exit.

THat is until Haile found this fountain

and now she was feeling refreshed n ready for more adventure.

We decided to stop n look for one of our fave Disney snacks

nope not in there

but that caught someones attention

and then my heart broke in a million pieces that night,because like EVERYTHING else it too has been replaced by Frozen UGH enough already!!!!

Olaf you are cute but let's face it you do not compare to chocolate covered pineapple sorry dude

I seriously wanted to cry and poor Hailey actually did,so I knew just the thing to cheer her up A MONORAIL RIDE!!!

and that reminded me her about something Frozen that she actually wanted to see so we went and did that.

then it was back on the monorail and onto a bus back to our resort for the night.

but of course I couldn't sleep without doing one last thing..........

LEFOU'S BREW!!!! And in a fancy collector goblet no less. Doggone it, I promise I would have finished that bad boy. :drinking1

Ah, Small World (averts eyes). Nice picture of Arianna and Hail. (ok, back to averts eyes)

Awww cute story on POTC. Sorry Hail got scared on there. :flower3:

:rotfl2: That pic of Hailey burning a hole through the candy apple window.
Sooo I've been busy getting things ready for my upcoming trip and thought I'd share a sneak peak of something I am making for a certain " Disney Kid "

Oh yeah, I kind of forgot we went to Gaston's in between the carousel and IASW. I'm not a fan of Le Fou's Brew (sorry Rob) and I was still so stuffed from dinner, I just didn't want any that night. Hailey's face was pretty funny when she tried it!

I felt so bad for Hailey when we were stuck on Pirates. It had to be right before the drop where it was super dark with nothing to look at. At least those nice girls in front of us tried to distract her. I didn't mind at all when she ended up in my lap, I was just glad I was able to help a little bit.

Wow, you guys ended up doing a lot more after we left. You must have been out pretty late because it was after midnight when we said goodbye. I do have to admit that I liked the Frozen display at the Contemporary better than the generic tree they had in 2012. But I sure did miss the huge wreath they used to have.

I love your door and window decorations!

:lmao: We just posted at exactly the same time so I'll just edit this to comment on the last one. I am so jealous you guys are going to be there so soon! That picture has me intrigued.
Sooo I've been busy getting things ready for my upcoming trip and thought I'd share a sneak peak of something I am making for a certain " Disney Kid "

Can't wait to see what you are making Rob.

Loved all of your updates (sorry I can't comment on all...I got far behind updating my own TR and catching up everywhere again). I do love the MM pictures that Ariana posted of you three lovely ladies.
If there's an Anything Goes reference in the title, I'm in (albeit a bit late)! Can't wait to read more about your trip! :mickeyjum
If there's an Anything Goes reference in the title, I'm in (albeit a bit late)! Can't wait to read more about your trip! :mickeyjum

sadly I'm sorry to admit I had to google that,it's actually from a song in The Parent Trap .I chose that title because I met up with more friends this time than ever before on any of my trips,and had an awesome time with them.
Day 2:

We were up at 9 and in the mood for a swim,although we saw people walking the resort wearing jackets n tuques (clearly not from Canadia eh)

hippy dippy=closed


and stopped for a pic here

before finding that the computer pool was...............CLOSED!! Whomp whomp whomp!!!
How is every single pool closed??We walked to them all for NOTHING???? GRRRR I am so not a morning person and this wasn't helping my situation.

I got a text from my friend "Jelley" I call her this because #1 I like giving people nicknames and #2 she is always referring to her daughter as "peanut" so I went with it.
It was decided that rather than letting Hailey put those goggles to use in the bathtub ( since there was no where else to swim) that we'd go visit peanut n jelley in their room instead.

now before u look at this dreadful image ,please remember I AM SOOOOO NOT a morning person

Peanut didn't want her pic taken nor did Hailey but she was adorable and told us all about her shopping and how she bought this rainbow foam mickey and that if I saw one I should let her know,it was important eventhough she had her own. Omg it was too funny how serious she was about this i felt Like I was sent to the principals office by the way she talked about it,so I promised her I would take a pic if I found one.
I was excited because "Jelley" is expecting a baby boy and I am going to sew him soo many cute things,and i can't wait this is when Peanut let me know that she doesn't want a brother and is NOT sharing her room lol.she was so precious.

After that we headed to Animal Kingdom ( which Hailey has decided she no longer likes) so we went to switch our Fp + to things at Epcot instead.

I kept asking Hailey what she wanted to do and she kept answering with "nothing I don't like Animal kingdom no more"

and then I remembered that she had never been to ......

Hailey found some interesting things to climb on

in the mean time I too found something interesting ::yes::

If I had to guess i'd say that dinosaur bone was found somewhere close to where Ariel lived???? Oh Disney I love you in all your Herbie ness ( Hailey once heard someone say pervert and thought they said Herbert,so now it's called a Herbert here)

we had quite a bit of time to kill before our lunch reservation so I sat on a crate while H just played and had fun

Then she almost got eaten by this

phew that was close!

it was an adventurous morning and she even paid a visit to Dinojail

soon it was time for lunch,we had eaten at Tusker House before in the past years ago,and had a horrible experience,I was so sick after n had stomach pain like never before,then it happened a few more times and I figured I could no longer eat there for breakfast.I never did figure out what it was,but i was willing to try it at lunch
lunch was really good and nothing bothered me,so if I go back again it'll be at lunch again. here's my plate

our first visitor was Donald

hail had an interesting mix on her plate

Daisy stopped by next

and soon we were on to dessert

and then goofy came to say hi

and the mouse himself

and after our yummy lunch and no tummy issues THANKFULLY!!!! We headed out of the park

my fave boys were hanging out near that tree having a laugh

here we are on the bus

We had to go to epcot to use our fastpasses that we had switched ,but still had quite a bit of time before then so we went on a little adventure in the mean time.
Boy those southerners just can not handle the cold, lol.

Ha, I've kind of cooled on Animal Kingdom for now too. Too many walls. BUT O... M... G... I am seeking out that "bone". :rotfl2:
Too bad the pool was closed, but sounds like a fun visit with DIS friends.

Sorry DD doesn't like AK anymore (I will say that despite the walls every where it is still a favorite of ours especially over the Studios). The Boneyard seems to be enjoyed by all kids (I don't remember it being there when our kids were young but spent some time there on the girls trips).

Glad you didn't get ill at Tusker House and great photos with the characters.
Boy those southerners just can not handle the cold, lol.

Ha, I've kind of cooled on Animal Kingdom for now too. Too many walls. BUT O... M... G... I am seeking out that "bone". :rotfl2:

LOL it's something else eh

Too bad the pool was closed, but sounds like a fun visit with DIS friends.

Sorry DD doesn't like AK anymore (I will say that despite the walls every where it is still a favorite of ours especially over the Studios). The Boneyard seems to be enjoyed by all kids (I don't remember it being there when our kids were young but spent some time there on the girls trips).

Glad you didn't get ill at Tusker House and great photos with the characters.

it;s ok i've never been much of an Ak person either but I do love Nemo,so i was sad I missed it
Boy those southerners just can not handle the cold.

Hey now, be nice. :rotfl: I want to see you guys come visit me in mid August then we'll see how you Canadians handle the southern heat. :thumbsup2

I can't believe all of the pools were closed! Maybe they were opening later that day? I've seen them open when it was 20 degrees so I'm sure it wasn't the weather. While you were looking for a pool, I was on the not so Magical Express on my way back to the airport. :sad1:

Awe, too bad Hailey doesn't like AK any more. Jim is the same way, he didn't like anything there. But of course Mom and I could spend hours.

So glad lunch was better for you at Tusker House. Mom and I did lunch our last trip and really liked it.

Can't wait to read what you guys got up too at Epcot.
Hey now, be nice. :rotfl: I want to see you guys come visit me in mid August then we'll see how you Canadians handle the southern heat. :thumbsup2

I can't believe all of the pools were closed! Maybe they were opening later that day? I've seen them open when it was 20 degrees so I'm sure it wasn't the weather. While you were looking for a pool, I was on the not so Magical Express on my way back to the airport. :sad1:

Awe, too bad Hailey doesn't like AK any more. Jim is the same way, he didn't like anything there. But of course Mom and I could spend hours.

So glad lunch was better for you at Tusker House. Mom and I did lunch our last trip and really liked it.

Can't wait to read what you guys got up too at Epcot.

I don't know how Rob does in the heat BUT you definitely don't want to be around me when it's too hot because I am not nice.I hate the heat and I can't hold it in I get so witchy.I don't deal with it well I don't want anyone too close or to even look at me I feel bad after but when it's too hot I can't help it.
I'm here! I'm finally here! There's simply too much to comment on so I'll just start commenting from here on out.
I don't know how Rob does in the heat BUT you definitely don't want to be around me when it's too hot because I am not nice.I hate the heat and I can't hold it in I get so witchy.I don't deal with it well I don't want anyone too close or to even look at me I feel bad after but when it's too hot I can't help it.

Just for the record, me and heat are not friends.
Yay for starting your trip report!:cheer2:

Love the description of your week leading up to your trip. White jacket, heavy meds, nah...that's pure excitement. We get it.

Did not know about the Blue Fairy's Wish Book. Ya see, there's always something new to discover at DW.

Sweet that you had an awesome time with Ariana.

Bummer that the Pop pools were closed.

Blurry pics on Little Mermaid? haha

Sounds like a great leisurely time at AK. Love those kind of days the best.


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