She said it wouldn't be boring!-WONDER WB Caribbean cruise - Bonus Posts Wrap up

Enjoy your time at the resort!
Good luck with the diet.

Glad that Fran had meds that are helping her. Do you have a timer set so she remembers to take it?
First off, enjoy your time at Disney!

Nice shopping and ooooh Steak and Shake! But really I am here to comment on this (as I generally suck at staying updated anywhere lately these days, sigh).

I'll be back in a couple of days with replies and a recap, but first: Yesterday was Disney Eve. Every year during the first week of February I book us into a 1 bedroom villa at the Grand Californian for Wednesday & Thursday nights. Last year we spent the entire time (that we were not eating meals), asleep. Other times we have made the most of our midweek stay by getting on rides. Who knows what this year holds. I am just looking forward to getting away from my daily life and recent damnation.

For those of you who haven't heard, last week my doctor recommended that I adopt a Sugar Free, Gluten Free and Dairy Free diet. She seems to think I can happily pursue this diet as a lifestyle choice. We think she is going way overboard. Recently she has gone on this holistic natural kick, almost to the point that she is advocating you can cure yourself by "thinking" yourself well. It's not that I have a medical condition which would be exacerbated by eating these foods, I just need to lose some weight. Losing that weight will hopefully allow me to resume a normal diet in moderation, at least as far as I am concerned. Wish me luck.

Ok this kind of chaps my hide on your behalf.

Elimination diets are hard enough. Heck any kind of dieting is hard enough. But to go cold turkey on that much all at once frankly is unrealistic, a recipe for failure. Not on your end, just it's too much to adjust to all at once, it is not set up to succeed. I get it, I do, and I understand the philosphy behind it but oh. HUGS is all I have. To me, to cut out one, adjust to that, then the next and so on, just seems more achievable even if it has a slower immediate result both health and weight wise.

Fran is doing better. She has a new temporary arthritis drug. It's incredibly expensive and needs to be taken every 12 hours. The problem is she forgets to take it on time which dilutes it's effectiveness. We are hoping that she gets into a drug study that starts in April. Not only is the study drug an infusion based drug, it's free! So we're keeping our fingers crossed.

I am glad to hear it is helping! That kind of schedule is hard, even with a reminder. I know I can't even remember to take vitamins on a daily basis so I can't even imagine. I really hope she can get into the drug study, that would be wonderful.

The move is going slowly. It's hard to see any progress, but we are bringing stuff back every couple days. And we have some stuff currently listed on eBay so that's progress there.

Once we get back from DL we'll need to step up the pace on moving stuff out. I need to get the piano moved by the end of February and just get things out of the old house, whether they go to storage or the new house it doesn't matter at this point we just need to clear that place out. We are keeping the contractor busy with a huge laundry list at our current house. It's small things, but that annoying kind kind of stuff that doesn't work quite right or just things he never finished before we moved in. Nonetheless we hope to.have everything ship shape by my birthday and housewarming party as we have now combined the two into one big event.

But for now I need a couple days off to lick my wounds and have some fun. And chicken dinner from the Plaza Inn is Gluten Free, right? :confused3


The chicken itself is, absolutely!

Enjoy your "Welcome Home" at the VGC and have fun in the parks.
Enjoy your VGC trip!

That drastic of a diet change isn't sustainable. Maybe you can ease into it.
Where have I seen that Sawgrass Mill shopping mall before? Did PIO go there in one of her TR maybe? It def looks familar. Have a wonderful time at DL. I just adore your flamingos! Love that steak and shake place.

As for the diet. Oh my. I had a doctor like that once. I was like Donald Trump. Your fired! But good luck anyway. I lasted 12 hours as a vegan. Then I almost killed a chicken with my own hands. My new doctor said ' what a load of .......' :jester: There are enough foods I cannot eat without them adding to the list! If folks want to be vege or vegan for other reasons like moral or health well done you. Not for this lady. Oh no. Pass me the steak.
Yesterday was Disney Eve. Every year during the first week of February I book us into a 1 bedroom villa at the Grand Californian for Wednesday & Thursday nights.
I hope you're having a great time!!!

For those of you who haven't heard, last week my doctor recommended that I adopt a Sugar Free, Gluten Free and Dairy Free diet. She seems to think I can happily pursue this diet as a lifestyle choice. We think she is going way overboard. Recently she has gone on this holistic natural kick, almost to the point that she is advocating you can cure yourself by "thinking" yourself well.
:faint: I'd start looking for a new doctor.

In any case, I hope everything works out well for you!

Fran is doing better. She has a new temporary arthritis drug. It's incredibly expensive and needs to be taken every 12 hours. The problem is she forgets to take it on time which dilutes it's effectiveness. We are hoping that she gets into a drug study that starts in April. Not only is the study drug an infusion based drug, it's free! So we're keeping our fingers crossed.
I'm glad she's doing better. Wishing her luck in getting into the study!
Where have I seen that Sawgrass Mill shopping mall before? Did PIO go there in one of her TR maybe? It def looks familar. Have a wonderful time at DL. I just adore your flamingos! Love that steak and shake place.

It was in my 2010 trip but there was no pictures. We were trying to make our way up from Miami to Orlando and really didn't have a lot of time to spare. I really wish we could have spent more time there.
Have a great time at Disney, hope it provides the relaxation you are looking for.
Every year during the first week of February I book us into a 1 bedroom villa at the Grand Californian for Wednesday & Thursday nights.

Sounds like a great tradition!

For those of you who haven't heard, last week my doctor recommended that I adopt a Sugar Free, Gluten Free and Dairy Free diet. She seems to think I can happily pursue this diet as a lifestyle choice. We think she is going way overboard. Recently she has gone on this holistic natural kick, almost to the point that she is advocating you can cure yourself by "thinking" yourself well. It's not that I have a medical condition which would be exacerbated by eating these foods, I just need to lose some weight. Losing that weight will hopefully allow me to resume a normal diet in moderation, at least as far as I am concerned. Wish me luck.

Wow...I'd agree with you and the others who think it might be a little overboard. I like the "everything in moderation" approach myself. In the end, it's not rocket science: when I exercise more and eat less, I lose weight. When I do the opposite, I grow a belly. Anyway, I hope you can get back to enjoying the good things soon!

Fran is doing better. She has a new temporary arthritis drug. It's incredibly expensive and needs to be taken every 12 hours. The problem is she forgets to take it on time which dilutes it's effectiveness. We are hoping that she gets into a drug study that starts in April. Not only is the study drug an infusion based drug, it's free! So we're keeping our fingers crossed.

Glad she's doing better, and I hope the drug study works out!

And chicken dinner from the Plaza Inn is Gluten Free, right?

No idea...but you have to treat yourself once in a while!
Wow, anoter update! I know Sawgrass Milss quite well, and the Disney Outlet. It is not as large as the ones in Orlando, but nice enough and since you were in Florida without making it to WDW, I am sure it made a perfect spot for some last minute shopping. I have seen thouse Mickey flamingos and contemplated getting one myself. They are so cute! But I don't have a garde, so it would not make any sense.

Seems like a nice flight back!

it was your report that made me think to go there. I couldn't believe how big the place was, it would take three days just to walk through all the parts of it.

Even if it was late, it was an uneventful trip.

Dinner looked lovely.

Oh Sawgrass Mills. We have never been to that one, but have been to do sister malls. Ontario Mills used to be my favourite spot for shopping in Southern California. I love that flamingo.


I didn't realize that Ontario Mills was related, but that would make sense since they share the same surname. I've never been to that mall either!

That bread looks amazing and the veal looks so very yummy! I could eat that right now

Yeah, I would love to eat it too. Maybe after a few pounds....and if I'm ever back there.

Ok let me start by saying it's going to take me a while to get use to this new DIS. :crazy2: Yikes! :duck:

Love your butch sweatshirt! Where in the heck is the thumbs up smiley?????

Love that Mater was there. Insert thumbs up smiley...again. :stir:

I'm starting to get used to the format, the more they "fix", the more I'm starting to like it.

Wow, thats a ton of rain! It scares me when the streets get flooded like that.

Did I mention this new set up is something else?

Those garlic knot things look insane!!! :lovestruc

We were definitely not used to that kind of weather. The garlic knots were so good. I guess I'm glad there isn't a place nearby where I could get something that good all the time!

Great car museum, you'll have to keep your eye out for a car with our last name from 1908 - 1923.

You know come to think of it, when we were in Ohio or Indiana I do remember a car with your last name! I didn't put two and two together at the time.
The food at Giuliano's Italian Restaurant looks very appetizing.

I can never get tired of Steak n Shake in Florida.

The Sawgrass Mills Mall looks like a nice place to go shopping.

It was all good! If you have a lot of time, it's a great shopping mall.

I totally agree with regard your hole in the wall comment. Some of the best places to eat not much eye candy but my word the food! The prices are beyond cheap on that menu you kindly shared. That chicken photo was bordering on cruel Alison for a carnivore like myself :sunny: the veal looked amazing. I can't imagine having to twist Fran's arm that much to go back! What a find! The only dissapointment is never having room for something sweet after and I bet they serve some delights. Shame it's coming to an end. :cat: Kitty time nearly!

Oh yeah, some of my favorites places are holes in the wall. Kitty time was very appreciated when we got home.

We managed to squeeze in 2 hours at Sawgrass Mills on one of our previous trips. It was no where near enough!!!

That's great looking food porn. I'm trying to be good....and you've made me super hungry now. :(

Yeah we were there about two hours as well. Nowhere near enough time.

I seem to end up always hungry recently!

Everything looks really good! I think you planned this last update just to make me really hungry! :rotfl2:

It's all part of my evil play. Bwahahahahahahaha.

You sound like Julie! She can't get enough garlic on her food.

I think that's completely normal.

Words to live by, my friend!:thumbsup2


Sorry the trip had to come to an end! But I'm glad no kitties were locked in the garage.

Ha! At least at the new house that kitty doesn't go outside anymore!

I didn't think they'd let you ship alcohol across state lines. Not that I've ever tried, but did they know what you were shipping? That is a bummer that you basically ate up your savings in shipping costs.

Good question. I never thought of that. They knew exactly what they were shipping so it obviously wasn't a problem.

Yeah, yeah, yeah... never rains in Southern California. Seems like I've heard that one before.

That is just.... wrong. :lmao:


The European room?

That was later. After I was too tired for pictures.

There is nothing wrong with Batman. You've got to admit, there aren't any superheroes with cooler rides than his.

True dat.

Ok, that's about as cool as Batmobiles.


:cool2: Ok, it just keeps getting better.


I could spend some time in there... that's a nice looking tractor!

I thought of you when I saw that room. I should have taken more pictures.

Oh, you're killing me. I haven't had lunch yet. Looks fantastic!

Wish I could eat something like that now. I'm going to have to settle for Meatloaf, salad and sautéed spinach.

That's always a good way to end the day!

:drinking1 Yup!

:rotfl:Well, I guess it is a sign of a successful shopping trip at the Disney outlet when you've got to go buy more luggage to haul your stuff home!

Normally we have to buy another suitcase at the end of a trip. Usually we get it at the Goodwill and not a retail outlet.

Loved the report. Thanks so much!

I'm glad you enjoyed it. The recap is coming up.

Ugh shipping costs! When we were in PA 2 Summers ago, I had taken my grandmothers china, since she was

Shipping costs bite.

Venti Iced Coffee, 4 pumps classic and percent milk. Sounds good to me!

I was wondering how you knew my recipe! I didn't realize that it was plastered on the side of the cup.

Woah, so much rain!

That museum is freakin' awesome! I'd love to visit that place one day!

We were kind of freaking out on the drive over. I think even non car lovers would have a good time there!

Oh my goodness, that garlic bread looks divine!!! popcorn:: and the tortellini popcorn::

LOVE the flamingo!!!!

Thanks for sharing your adventure with us. Sorry Fran wasn't feeling well at the end but glad she enjoyed the cruise :)

Both were awesome! I have one more flamingo, but I need to figure out where to put it.
Have a great time at Disneyland!

Sorry for your doctor's strange recommendation. while I totally understand that gluten and dairy are a problem for some people, I don't believe that they are generally unhealthy. and sugar in moderation is not too bad either.

We had a great time. She is on this kick that the human body was not meant for any of these items. She goes back to what cavemen ate, and how people on farms in the Midwest who grow their own crops don't have problems with cholesterol, diabetes or blood pressure. I agree with your thoughts. Although, from pictures that I've seen from your TR, I can't imagine why you would need a diet.

My father has a medication that needs to be taken every 12 hours as well and my mother got him a little pill box that has an alarm every 12 hours. Very convenient!

It would be convenient if we were where that pill box was when the alarm went off. That's the biggest problem. She now has the pills on her nightstand. Hopefully that will work.

Have a magical time at Disneyland. I hope that the new dietary restrictions will not throw too much of a spanner in the works. I have been on an even more radical diet in the past, but this was short term to exclude potential dietary triggers for a medical condition I have. This was the longest month in my life.

Well I let it go out the window last night, but now I'm back to it. Let's see how it goes. I'm glad you made it through.

I am glad that things are starting to look up for Fran. I keep my fingers crossed that she gets on the drug trial.

Me too. It would make things so much easier, and cheaper too!

Not gonna lie, I don't envy this new diet you're going to be on...especially the dairy free, sugar free part:scared: I noticed on FB that you've been eating bacon though! :lmao::thumbsup2

No, it's not easy. I have to be really creative. Actually on FB I said, "pork products make everything I CAN eat better." Everyone else went to bacon, but I've been using pancetta, ham and bacon to make vegetables and other bland foods taste good.

Is there an amount that you want to lose until you can resume a normal, moderate diet? DH probably should look into a GF diet because of his ulcerative colitis, but it's hard. If you come across some tasty recipes that you approve of, can you send them my way please?

Mainly I want to get my numbers down enough so that my doctor releases me from this torment. Or I find a new doctor. As far as recipes, pretty much meat and vegetables. It's just how you put them together and make them tasty.

Does Fran have her phone on her at all times? Maybe a timer that goes off every 12 hours would help?

Have a great, relaxing time! :goodvibes

As I said earlier, it's not the alarm, it's having the pills when you remember. Driving on the freeway through LA, when we remember "Oh it's time to take your pills" and we don't have them on us. I have some in my purse now, so hopefully when she gets off schedule, I will have them on me.

Moderation is key my friend. Losing weight is about lifestyle changes we can live with otherwise it'll never stick. Wishing you lots of luck. :hug:

I can make lifestyle choices that doesn't involve me giving up just about everything I love.

Crossing fingers for Fran too.

Birthday party!!!!!!!! :jumping1:

It's gonna be fun, I hope!

Have a great time at Disney, hope it provides the relaxation you are looking for.

Thanks, I can tell you it provided some variety that we needed!
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Hi, Alison! I truly am still getting used to this new format. Honestly, my mind can't get around yet, but it's getting better. I had so much catching up to do on your TR! First of all, I've loved reading about your adventures! I also would have gone crazy at the Disney Character Warehouse. I never went to the one in the LA area (I've read you used to go from your previous TR's).

That auto museum was truly amazing! It actually looked overwhelming!

I have to say that you get the honor of my 1st post since the new format. Why? Because when I saw your picture with Pepe & Penelope, I couldn't contain myself! That's my username!!!!! I'm a romantic at heart. When DH & I were dating, Warner Brothers was better at releasing items so I had (still have) several Pepe Le Pew and Penelope items. When we got married, the ceramic figurine on the wedding cake was Pepe holding onto a runaway Penelope (both in wedding attire). Our toasting glasses was Pepe & Penelope!!!
Enjoy your time at the resort!
Good luck with the diet.

Glad that Fran had meds that are helping her. Do you have a timer set so she remembers to take it?

Resort time was good. Diet was "meh". The whole timer thing doesn't work so well because most of our problem is that we aren't at home where the meds are when she needs to take them. Now she has them on her nightstands and I have some in my purse so we'll see how that works for us.

Hi there!

Have fun in the parks!!:tink:

Thanks! We did! Maybe too much fun!

Have a great time at the DLR these next few days.

Thank you! :goodvibes

First off, enjoy your time at Disney!

Thank you! we did!

Ok this kind of chaps my hide on your behalf.

Elimination diets are hard enough. Heck any kind of dieting is hard enough. But to go cold turkey on that much all at once frankly is unrealistic, a recipe for failure. Not on your end, just it's too much to adjust to all at once, it is not set up to succeed. I get it, I do, and I understand the philosphy behind it but oh. HUGS is all I have. To me, to cut out one, adjust to that, then the next and so on, just seems more achievable even if it has a slower immediate result both health and weight wise.

I know what you mean. But in a way cutting it all out at once also makes sense because I can keep Fran from making me go through the Drive throughs whatsoever. Besides a salad, the only drive through food I can think of that fits my "new" diet is the chili at Wendy's without cheese and crackers. I really think that is problem #1. By cutting out drive through food, we are conquering 3/4 of the battle. She doesn't realize how toxic that food is and keeps perpetuating it.

The funny thing is that the day the Dr. put me on this diet, I said, "OK I want sashimi for lunch from Lazy Acres".

Fran said, "OK, I'll drop you off at Lazy Acres, go through Wendy's and be back to pick up you up." without skipping a beat. There is no way I can live with this, but if I can lose enough weight to get my numbers to a reasonable level, I can keep them there with what I know now.

I am glad to hear it is helping! That kind of schedule is hard, even with a reminder. I know I can't even remember to take vitamins on a daily basis so I can't even imagine. I really hope she can get into the drug study, that would be wonderful.

I hope she gets the study, she can't even take her daily pills regularly so this 12 hour pill is pushing it.

The chicken itself is, absolutely!


Well technically since potatoes, and beans don't come from wheat it all is, but it's a moot point since they closed before we got there! :sad1:

Enjoy your "Welcome Home" at the VGC and have fun in the parks.

Thanks! We did!

Enjoy your VGC trip!

That drastic of a diet change isn't sustainable. Maybe you can ease into it.

No I know it isn't sustainable, so I'm looking at it as a "six week cleanse". I want to get another blood test after eating and living like this and see how it works. I am taking my meds and eating like a martyr. Hopefully in six weeks it will be better and we will get a second opinion from another doctor, and if she talks crazy like this one then we will get a third opinion, but I think my current doctors has taken the Crazy Train.

Where have I seen that Sawgrass Mill shopping mall before? Did PIO go there in one of her TR maybe? It def looks familar. Have a wonderful time at DL. I just adore your flamingos! Love that steak and shake place.

Perhaps you saw it in Magdalene's TR (Flossbolina). She went there before her Panama Canal Cruise.

As for the diet. Oh my. I had a doctor like that once. I was like Donald Trump. Your fired! But good luck anyway. I lasted 12 hours as a vegan. Then I almost killed a chicken with my own hands. My new doctor said ' what a load of .......' :jester: There are enough foods I cannot eat without them adding to the list! If folks want to be vege or vegan for other reasons like moral or health well done you. Not for this lady. Oh no. Pass me the steak.

The Doc is not advocating a vegan lifestyle, she still says I can eat meat, just pretty much meat and vegetables, nothing else. that's what's so bad. I need other things besides meat and veggies. While I am mostly complying, I still have milk in my coffee and I am still having a glass of wine at night with dinner. There are some things you can't take away from me.

I hope you're having a great time!!!

Thanks we did!

:faint: I'd start looking for a new doctor.

In any case, I hope everything works out well for you!

In six weeks after another blood test, we are going to start shopping for a new doctor.

I'm glad she's doing better. Wishing her luck in getting into the study!

I hope she gets in too. It would make a lot of things easier!
It was in my 2010 trip but there was no pictures. We were trying to make our way up from Miami to Orlando and really didn't have a lot of time to spare. I really wish we could have spent more time there.
I knew I had seen that name before! Thank you for confirming :cool1:
Fun, you hope? How in the world is your party not going to be a total blast? It'll be awesome! We're all a bunch of good time Sallies. :lmao:

I think it's a good idea to carry Fran's meds with you too but don't leave them in the car. The heat breaks them down. :( Do you carry those little days of the week pill boxes? They have an am/pm marker too? I'm sure you do just throwing out ideas. Lots of our patients forget to take their pills. We suggest alarms and for maximum benefit to take them at the same time every day. :hug:

Are you doing an actual cleanse? If so, which ones?
Sounds like a great tradition!

I think so!

Wow...I'd agree with you and the others who think it might be a little overboard. I like the "everything in moderation" approach myself. In the end, it's not rocket science: when I exercise more and eat less, I lose weight. When I do the opposite, I grow a belly. Anyway, I hope you can get back to enjoying the good things soon!

Yeah, it is overboard, but by doing this Fran is actually taking me seriously. I haven't been through a drive through in over a week. The trip to Disney threw a wrench in the works, but I got right back on track yesterday when we got home. Hopefully those couple pounds come back off easily.

Glad she's doing better, and I hope the drug study works out!

At least if she gets in the drug study I wouldn't have to ask, "Did you take your pills?" two times a day.

Hi, Alison! I truly am still getting used to this new format. Honestly, my mind can't get around yet, but it's getting better. I had so much catching up to do on your TR! First of all, I've loved reading about your adventures! I also would have gone crazy at the Disney Character Warehouse. I never went to the one in the LA area (I've read you used to go from your previous TR's).

The one in Anaheim used to be really good, but I think it closed down about two years ago.

That auto museum was truly amazing! It actually looked overwhelming!

I have to say that you get the honor of my 1st post since the new format. Why? Because when I saw your picture with Pepe & Penelope, I couldn't contain myself! That's my username!!!!! I'm a romantic at heart. When DH & I were dating, Warner Brothers was better at releasing items so I had (still have) several Pepe Le Pew and Penelope items. When we got married, the ceramic figurine on the wedding cake was Pepe holding onto a runaway Penelope (both in wedding attire). Our toasting glasses was Pepe & Penelope!!!

The car museum was quite large and had lots to see. I'm glad you enjoyed seeing Pepe & Penelope in my TR. We had a three tiered wedding cake, Mickey and Minnie were on one tier and Lady & the Tramp were on another.

Fun, you hope? How in the world is your party not going to be a total blast? It'll be awesome! We're all a bunch of good time Sallies. :lmao:

As much as we all will have fun, I just hope th at Fran doesn't get into a cranky mood. That can put a real damper on things.

I think it's a good idea to carry Fran's meds with you too but don't leave them in the car. The heat breaks them down. :( Do you carry those little days of the week pill boxes? They have an am/pm marker too? I'm sure you do just throwing out ideas. Lots of our patients forget to take their pills. We suggest alarms and for maximum benefit to take them at the same time every day. :hug:

I have a little box where I keep all her "non-daily" pills. If I hauled around her 7 day pill containers in my purse, I would end up with a mix of pills rolling around the bottom of my purse! Those things don't stay latched very well and she has too many in there anyways. I just have to keep on her to make sure she takes them at home.

Are you doing an actual cleanse? If so, which ones?

Yeah, it called the don't eat any dairy, Gluten or sugar cleanse.
As much as we all will have fun, I just hope th at Fran doesn't get into a cranky mood. That can put a real damper on things.


I have a little box where I keep all her "non-daily" pills. If I hauled around her 7 day pill containers in my purse, I would end up with a mix of pills rolling around the bottom of my purse! Those things don't stay latched very well and she has too many in there anyways. I just have to keep on her to make sure she takes them at home.

Ah that stinks. :(

Yeah, it called the don't eat any dairy, Gluten or sugar cleanse.

Glad you got right back on track! Way to go. :woohoo: The whole gluten-free thing still confuses me. truth be told I've gained almost 10 lb this last year. My metabolism has virtually stopped. I had a bunch of tests ran and the only abnormality was low Vitamin D. I'm taking a little Vit D gel cap daily. I'm sort of at a loss. I think I need to start walking regularly again.


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