Single due to Disney.....

Take your kids. It looks like you have a twelve year old prince and a seven year old princess?

My honey isn't a huge fan of Disney. He goes because he loves me and the trips make our daughter and me happy. He has a good time, but always says he needs a vacation from the vacation once we get home. A man who really loves you (and you kids) will be willing to go places he doesn't love if it makes you happy.
Next time it will be just the kids and I. We enjoy it that way, this was a trial run for the boyfriend , he didn't pass.
It's not due to Disney, it's due to that guy being a toolbag. You're worth more than that! Especially because YOU paid for everything. Why wasn't he interested in paying for your joint vacation too?!

Good places to meet guys that still have a sense of imagination are, in my opinion, nerdy hobbies! Guys who play Magic the Gathering, watch anime, go to various nerdy conventions (anime, furry, horror, comic, etc) are usually into, or at least accepting of, girls who like Disney magic. :)
He was really nerdy, it came down to the fact he couldn't get stoned. We live in Colorado, so here he's stoned consistsantly apparently.. And i don't like who he is when not under the influence. Oh well. Live and learn
It's not due to Disney, it's due to that guy being a toolbag. You're worth more than that! Especially because YOU paid for everything. Why wasn't he interested in paying for your joint vacation too?!

Good places to meet guys that still have a sense of imagination are, in my opinion, nerdy hobbies! Guys who play Magic the Gathering, watch anime, go to various nerdy conventions (anime, furry, horror, comic, etc) are usually into, or at least accepting of, girls who like Disney magic. :)

I will second the suggestion of nerd dating.

Also they often make bank. ;)

I 3rd the nerd dating ;) DH was only mildly excited about our last trip before we got there...and now we're going back less than 6 months later at his suggestion. It wasn't hard to bring him to this side :thumbsup2 Plus, who doesn't love a man with a brain that can hold up their end of the conversation (and the fact that they probably have a job and can handle their half of the vacation doesn't hurt either)
I guess I'm glad he tried? And he didn't know he'd hate it.. Turns out.. He hates kids lol. Big red flag

To be honest, I had an experience this past weekend and I can kind of relate: I grew up in FL and went to WDW all through my childhood and 20s. Not a "Disney nut" but a lot of good memories.

Fast forward to now: I've been dating a guy for about four years now. He'd never even been to FL. So we went for a weekend this past weekend. I was kind of hoping it would be magical and he'd love it and we could be the kind of DISBoard posters who always have their next trip planned. But honestly we were surrounded by crowds of cranky families and kids, and I'm sure SO thought I was a bit crazy for bringing him there. But we'd already been together for x years, we already knew we both didn't want kids, and the trip was short enough that we were able to laugh it off. Still, I'm kind of sad I'll never be in the 'bubble', and even if the trip hadn't been meh (crowds, rain, construction, poor service, bad food) I'm not sure SO would have been any more into it.

Also: Disney is a lot of work and a LOT of walking, and I can see how it would try the patience of a non-enthusiast. I'm sorry it was the straw that broke the camel's back for you guys. But stop looking on the next guy and take some time to focus on yourself. I know this advice is cliche and that being alone is hard, but it's still good advice.
To be short, if you are single because you love Disney then you are better off winthout your boyfriend. If you love each other you should be happy for your other half to do the things that he/she loves to do. If your boyfriend likes Disney or not shouldn't have any effect on your relationship. My wife doesn't get the Disney magic either and we're together for 20 years.

To answer your last question: how about this place?
Right. I met my previous boyfriebd before this one on this site and it was great until I messed it up. That was my fault. Long story. I just didn't know it was possible for someone to hate wdw
For the record : I was never going to take the kids on this trip. It was either just me, or me and the boyfriend. They knew that, we had an understanding from the day we booked our family fall trip
To be honest, I had an experience this past weekend and I can kind of relate: I grew up in FL and went to WDW all through my childhood and 20s. Not a "Disney nut" but a lot of good memories.

Fast forward to now: I've been dating a guy for about four years now. He'd never even been to FL. So we went for a weekend this past weekend. I was kind of hoping it would be magical and he'd love it and we could be the kind of DISBoard posters who always have their next trip planned. But honestly we were surrounded by crowds of cranky families and kids, and I'm sure SO thought I was a bit crazy for bringing him there. But we'd already been together for x years, we already knew we both didn't want kids, and the trip was short enough that we were able to laugh it off. Still, I'm kind of sad I'll never be in the 'bubble', and even if the trip hadn't been meh (crowds, rain, construction, poor service, bad food) I'm not sure SO would have been any more into it.

Also: Disney is a lot of work and a LOT of walking, and I can see how it would try the patience of a non-enthusiast. I'm sorry it was the straw that broke the camel's back for you guys. But stop looking on the next guy and take some time to focus on yourself. I know this advice is cliche and that being alone is hard, but it's still good advice.
We were at the parks very little, I made it as easy as it could be for him. It's no loss, I guess the question is.... Is it weird to live far from disney and search for someone who loves it and will cherish it with you?
We were at the parks very little, I made it as easy as it could be for him. It's no loss, I guess the question is.... Is it weird to live far from disney and search for someone who loves it and will cherish it with you?

I apologize for being blunt, but if that is what you're actively searching for as your must have trait in a SO, yes. I think lots of people live far from Disney and love it. I think lots of people love someone who doesn't love Disney. It sounds to me like that wasn't the end-all of the relationship. It sounds to me like there were other issues involved and being on vacation anywhere would have brought those out of him.

Breaking up sucks, I'm sorry you're having a tough time of it. FWIW, I was actively avoiding dating when DH kind of fell out of the sky. I even told my sister that he would be a great friend after our first date. Maybe take a step back, enjoy being single and wait for mr wonderful to find you.
While I don't have children of my own, I went to Disney with two boyfriends and one ended up being my husband. I traveled with a boyfriend after we had been dating maybe 4 months and my now husband after dating 7 months. The first boyfriend had never been before and I wanted him to experience something I absolutely LOVE and we had a great time. When I went with my now husband it was actually more taxing because we like to vacation in different ways. I left that trip thinking I had no desire to go back. Guess what? I went back and had a fabulous time! I am sorry it didn't go well for you but it sounds like you figured out real quick he wasn't the one for you.

We were at the parks very little, I made it as easy as it could be for him. It's no loss, I guess the question is.... Is it weird to live far from disney and search for someone who loves it and will cherish it with you?

No it's not weird and even if you meet someone who doesn't share the same Disney love as you, that can change. My husband likes Disney but certainly not to the degree I do. We have been twice together and are going back next month. It is grown on him a lot and he even talks about owning DVC one day.
You didn't know he was stoned all the time???? So a major pot head who doesn't like kids and let's you treat him to a week of deluxe accommodations at Disney? Ummm, with all due respect, maybe it's time to take some time for yourself instead of looking for a mate. Do some self-reflection about what's really important in your life. If this is the type of person you're choosing, his issues go WAY beyond a dislike of Disney!!!!
He was really nerdy, it came down to the fact he couldn't get stoned. We live in Colorado, so here he's stoned consistsantly apparently.. And i don't like who he is when not under the influence. Oh well. Live and learn
Sorry, but this has nothing to do with Disney or a vacation. The man is a drug addict. You have children. I would be more concerned about screening boyfriends for drug problems than I would be for a love of Disney!
Sorry things didn't work out for you and I wish you luck in the future finding that someone special.
I have several thoughts on this. Firstly, 5 months is a very short time to be dating somebody to go on vacation with them. I would never foot the bill to take him on vacation either. Perhaps Disney had nothing to do with the break-up. When you spend day-in, day-out with somebody you learn a lot about them. Maybe he just realized you are not compatible. Parades and character meals are not childish. If you feel you have to defend that to some guy, he is not the right one for you. My husband does not like Disney Parks, but I mean the world to him and he bought DVC for me because he wanted me to go and enjoy Disney, even if it means he does not go with me very often.
You have kids! So you are allowed to find how he feels about them right from the start. It is okay to ask if he is a kid at heart. Good indication on how he reacts to Disney. It's okay to have fun on a vacation. It's okay to let a boyfriend know you like disney even as an adult. As far as making mistakes. I have been married for 30 years to the same man. Have I made mistakes. You betcha! I have 3 kids, don't tell them I said that, ages 28, 26 & 19. Have I made mistakes with them to. More like who hasn't. We are not perfect. Nobody is. Don't worry about it. So he was not the right one for you. Glad you are rid of him. There is someone out there. He may or may not like Disney. If he loves you it doesn't matter. He will be willing to go there for you and your children. If he really dislikes Disney maybe you decide together when you go to Disney it will be you and the kids and the two of you can do another vacation together. Don't beat yourself up over it. We have all made relationship mistakes and probably will again. You did find out he isn't the one. You can be glad that you found out before the relationship went any further. Hope this helps you feel a little better.
Back when I was young, seems like centuries ago, I don't think that the question of "do you like Disney" would ever have come up or would it have been a deciding factor. In your case, you are young, but, you also have children and that is important to this discussion. If you hook up with someone that doesn't like what you and your children like or just plain doesn't like kids... That is more then a red flag. That is complete with flags, bells, whistles and loud announcement to "STEP AWAY" and do it really soon.

But, that said, now that I am older then dirt, my kids have married and my wife has left, I would not consider anyone that didn't share my passion for Disney in general. Once youth is gone, there is a diminished number of things that are still considered pleasures. If I cannot share what I really love to do with someone, quite frankly, I'd much rather be alone. Then I can do whatever I want.

Seriously, you are not single because of Disney, you are probably saved by Disney. They showed you what lay ahead without making commitments only to find that you are miserable with that decision.
Holy lack of empathy, Batman!
Way to much is made of empathy. Sometimes reality has to be introduced if for no other reason then to stop the drama when there are positive things to be garnered from most situations. We can drown in empathy or swim to the freedom of thought that every cloud indeed does have a silver lining and a lesson to be learned if we stop feeling sorry for ourselves long enough to recognize it. I'm not saying that is easy to do, but, if we don't try we never dig ourselves out of that ditch.
Holy lack of empathy, Batman!

When you go on a public message board and post your sob story you are going to receive various types of responses. You are going to get people who are going to 'put you in your place' because they do not like 'I am the victim' posts, you are going to have those that will interject with logic and then you will have those who will cater to your ego and try to make you feel better.

At the end of the day, Disney had nothing to do with the demise of her relationship and I bet pookie10 realizes that now and she knows she is for the better now. That is the most important thing.


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