Pooh Bear’s A List. A June ’15 TR incl. Disney Engagement story. 9/19- If a beer falls in a lodge?!

I LOVE your TR! Your story is just beautiful! My fiance and I got engaged in January during Wishes so I have a special place in my heart for engagements that happen in WDW:goodvibes

I am definitely looking forward to more:thumbsup2!
Day 1, Part II: When a Moose Meets a Bear, You Know It's Going to Get Crazy!

Previously on 24...

Wait, where am I again?

Ah yes! We had just finished up a magical meet and greet with Ariel and a fun-tastic ride on Under the Sea, or whatever it's called. It's my memory, I can change it to fit my mood. Never mind that Aria was crying and cranky and it was hotter than the sun out. Which reminds me, this was the first time we had gone to Disney in June, and walking out from any air-conditioned ride, character greeting, or store was like a punch in the face of sauna and sweat.


So it was around 1:10 and we knew a certain fluffy kitty was about to start her set so we booked it back to town square. Angry mooses did not want to ride in her stroller, she wanted mommy to hold her. So Barbie had to walk from Ariel's Grotto holding 28 pounds of pure chunk while I zigzagged through traffic with the stroller. Actually, the crowd levels were surprisingly average. We were expecting that, given it was summer and father's day weekend, the crowds would be at unbearable levels throughout the weekend, but they weren't that bad.

We made it over to Marie's line a couple of minutes late but she wasn't anywhere in sight and we started to worry that we would miss our ADR time.

The Dapper Dans were keeping us entertained while we waited, so that was definitely a plus. As mentioned in the prior post, the Ariel meet did not go so well and I was starting to think that the impromptu trip was a mistake. Yeah, that's right! I can be dramatic too sometimes! But then the most wondrous thing happened. Drum roll please!


Pluto arrived for his town square set!! And Aria just totally started flipping out! Pluto! Pluto!! Pluto's right there!!! Come to Aria!

And from that moment on, Aria was cool with all of the Disney characters. Wait, did I say all? No, not all. I lied. I'm sorry. I meant almost all.

Anyway, Marie finally arrived...10 minutes late. Bad Kitty!

But since there were only two groups in front of us, the wait at that point wasn't so bad, and before we knew it, we were meeting Marie! We decided at this point that, for the most part, we would just let Aria "do her thing" and when it was our turn, just release a Moose out into the wild. We would just stand back and take additional pictures beyond the memory maker ones, as well as some video, and then hop in for a picture or two after Aria and {insert character} were done chatting.



At that point, we had to rush over to our 1:30 ADR. But where were we heading? While I checked in, Barbie changed Aria into a new outfit.


Still not obvious? Hint: Please see title of the trip report.


Anyway, this was Aria's next ensemble. Barbie had ordered a few cute character bows from Etsy for the trip as well. With the heat, we had quite a few wardrobe changes in the parks. Luckily, she's a Disney trooper and didn't seem to mind.

Crystal Palace was a definite must. Over the last several months, Aria has become absolutely crazy about Pooh Bear & Friends. Winnie the Pooh, of course, is her favorite. Even though she probably has over 10 different Pooh stuffed toys, the one baby Pooh that we picked up at Disney during our May, 2014 trip is her favorite. She takes it everywhere. And by that, I mean EVERYWHERE! To day care, on every trip both short and longer in duration. And even with her into the bathroom during potty training. They have become inseparable. You will see him in many pictures I am sure.

We waited outside for about 15 minutes, drinking the awesome lemon infused water, which really hit the spot on such a hot day.


Cast members came by to take pictures for us and to play with Aria as we waited. Quick point of order about the below picture and all pictures you see me in wearing my conservation button. Why can't I ever put these things on straight?!? Every picture has this button looking all lopsided. It's very distracting, is it not? End point of order rant.


But I was hungry! We barely ate anything all day and that Island Moonshine made me even more ready to get my grub on. I was ready...


And then we were called in! We absolutely adore these topiaries. Too cute!



And finally, we were able to get some food. This might be the only food picture on this whole trip that I took prior to eating most of it so enjoy, quite possibly, the only unsullied and untainted food picture. Love the pierogies! And that warm bread pudding? :lovestruc


I should probably talk about the actual characters since...umm...that was the whole purpose of eating here. And I should also mention that because Aria was totally flipping out over seeing the characters and not really eating, that Barbie didn't get to eat anything. I'm pretty sure I ate enough for all of us though. :rolleyes1

Since I talk/write way too much, I will let the pictures speak for themselves.



From now on, in these trip reports, there will be random additions courtesy of a Moose based on her reflections upon looking at the pictures. Please note that these have not been edited in any way and are solely the thoughts of Aria. You have been warned.

Moose addition (above picture): Eeyore! That's Eeyore! I met Eeyore! Singing - Winnie the Eeyore, Winnie the Eeyore, followed by words I didn't understand. {10 seconds later} - That's Mommy and Daddy. Gee, thanks, Aria, glad to know we're noticed too.





For each character greeting, we made the mistake of taking Aria out of the high chair to meet with the characters. So every time we would try to put her back in, she would start feigning some injury and say, “My back, my back, my back hurts, Mommy hold you.” She doesn't get pronouns yet.

So I can't really tell you what order Pooh's gang came out, but we all realized that there was one of them with whom we had yet to meet. The man, or bear, himself. Winnie the Pooh. And this injustice was not lost on Aria. “Come here, Pooh Bear, come here!” Yeah, this went on incessantly for probably a good 10 minutes.

Because it took so long waiting for the table, getting food, seeing the three characters so far, we were getting really close to missing our fast pass, which ended at like 2:45. I know we cut it close with a 1:30 ADR to Crystal Palace. Touring plan rookie mistake. Anyway, it was already about 2:35 at this point and we were worried they wouldn't let us in to our all important FP+. And what was it? It's a secret, can you keep it? Whoops, just outed ourselves as to the true inspiration of Aria's name.

Anyway, we spoke to our server, Mikey (yeah, that's what he wanted us to call him. The dude was like 40 something and all I can think about was Ninja Turtles when talking with him), to see what can be done since Pooh Bear was at the other end of the restaurant. At first, he was like if he told Pooh Bear's handler to stop what he was doing and come to our table, the handler would look at him like he was crazy. And if he persisted, his words, he would be fired. And my first thought upon hearing this was, “Pooh Bear is going to fire you??”

I knew what would happen if Aria didn't get to meet Pooh Bear...


Finally, Mikey worked it out and we would go over there, to the other end of the restaurant, and grab some quick pictures. Hallelujah! :yay:


Aria addition to above picture: "I'm hugging Pooh Bear!" Beautiful, Pooh Bear. Hungry Pooh Bear."


I realized now that she didn't just like these characters, she loves them. Like if someone dressed up in a Pooh Bear costume, Aria would just go with that person. That's a little concerning, don't you think? Maybe if I dressed in a Pooh Bear costume, she would actually listen to me and eat dinner or take a bath when asked. We'll call that: Plan B.

Before we left, I was talking and apologizing to a father and daughter sitting behind us for Aria's crazy behavior, like flipping out to get the attention of the characters as they walked by, crying if they didn't immediately come to our table, and the utterly insane amount of joy she expressed upon finally meeting each character. We all know what that's like, with our children and also ourselves. Disney just does that to us. We can't help it.



And his response I still think about now. He said there was no need to apologize, that Aria is adorable, and that him and his 24 year old daughter who is about to start graduate school still come to Disney to act like kids again and behave not dissimilar to the way Aria did. I just hope when a Moose is 24 years old, she would still want to go to Disney with us, eat at Crystal Palace, and yes, even flip out just a little bit when she spots Pooh Bear from across the restaurant. Despite all of the craziness and fan girl behavior, there is always that one moment when you're in Disney that you say to yourself, “This is what made this trip and all of the anxiety worth it. This is something that I will remember for the rest of my life.” This lunch experience was that moment.

After paying the bill, and of course forgetting to use the Tables in Wonderland beauty we just got, we were ready to, once again, race to get to our FP+. Dream Along with Mickey was going on by the castle and I snapped a few quick pictures, which were promptly and discourteously deleted by Barbie because they weren't up to the standards for our pictures to which we hold ourselves. It's true.

Ok, so truth moment, the pictures were out of focus, off-centered, and spotting Mickey past the sea of people from the distance we were away would be like one of the difficult pages of a Where's Waldo? book.

Anyway, would we get to the FP+ in time? Does it matter if you get there late? Is it true that there is an unwritten 15 minute buffer for FP+ reservations?

The answers to these questions and more will be answered.......

right now.

Yes, No, Yes.

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Just found this report and am following along! Seems like you've got all sorts of trips in the works, and I can't wait to hear more :)

Thanks for joining! We can't seem to stay away from the Mouse for too long! We're all like...


I LOVE your TR! Your story is just beautiful! My fiance and I got engaged in January during Wishes so I have a special place in my heart for engagements that happen in WDW:goodvibes

I am definitely looking forward to more:thumbsup2!

Welcome! We were total lurkers during your trip report and loved it! Such a sweet proposal.

Following along! Love your humorous writing style!

Thank you, glad you are enjoying it. I try.

Let the pre-trip report madness continue! Actually, truth moment, I really was just too lazy to start a new thread in the pre-trip report forum, so this has become your one stop shop for all of our planning wheelings and dealings.

So tomorrow is February trip ADR time, but before we get into that, I should probably provide some background history regarding this trip.


When we heard that there would be a Tangled Musical aboard the Disney Magic starting in November, we knew that we just had to see it. So we started scheming about when would be the best time to go. February quickly became the front runner since cruises were cheap then and it is right after my busy season at work.

But we couldn’t just do the cruise now could we? Ohh no no no no no no no no, no noooo. Yes? NO! So then we decided to add a few days onto the front portion of the trip. We ended up deciding to rent DVC points just to check out staying in a studio for a change and because we were actually going to be cost-conscious on this trip.


But then I was like, after the cruise, it would be such a letdown, an anticlimactic end to the trip to just hop on a plane and go home, so we decided to add one more day to the back-end of the trip, especially since flying out on Monday was considerably cheaper than flying out on Sunday. This was despite knowing in my head that an extra day at Disney would cost more than the reduction in flight expenses. Disney logic! You gotta love it!


So we booked a flight without having any place to sleep for any of those days, except for the cruise days of course. Where would we sleep? Would Mickey let us sleep with him? What about that suite in Cinderella’s castle? I bet no one would mind if we just set up shop there for a few years, err, I mean days.

Finally, I ended up with the following after booking the front end of the trip with one of the dvc rental websites that you probably know of and the back end of the trip through an amazing member of the DIS who I contacted just yesterday and got it done within two hours.

2/1-2/4 - Animal Kingdom Lodge - Standard View (I cheapened out, I apologize, but some standard view studios have savannah views so I will request one of those and hope the odds be ever in our favor, or there is enough pixie dust going around, whatever you prefer). Do you believe in magic? And I hope you doooo.

2/4-2/7 – Disney Magic – Category 5A

2/7-2/8 – Bay Lake Tower – Theme Park View!!

Tomorrow, we are 180 days out for the 2/1-2/4 leg of the trip so without further Apu, here are the ADR plans!!

2/1 – Epcot

Garden Grill lunch – First time - Yay! They’re finally doing breakfast and lunches. Maybe by then, Aria will know Chip and Dale individually and not just call them as a single entity, Chip&Dale.

Tutto Italia – First time. Barbie is excited about their Caprese Paninis.

2/2 – Magic Kingdom

Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique followed by Cinderella’s Royal Table breakfast – Aria will have just turned three on January 23rd, so this is a must. In another post, I will go on my rant on how Akershus is better than CRT, but we will put that on the back burner for now. Stay tuned, I’m sure I will draw the ire of the DIS during that update.


Be Our Guest lunch – This has become a staple for us. Sure, dinner you get to meet Beast, which we did for the May, 2014 trip, but the lunch is just so convenient, well-priced, and a great all-around value.

2/3 – Animal Kingdom

Tusker House breakfast – Another staple for every trip. Read my introduction and you will know how much I love love love love love bobotie. Is it true? Mm mmmm. I do I do I do I do I do oooo.


Jiko dinner – First time - So excited for this! All of the South African wines and the food, from what I read here on the DIS, is just phenomenal.

2/4 – Cruise embarkation day

Boma breakfast – First time - Another ADR I am very excited about from reading reviews on the DIS. Can’t wait!

Note: On Cruise, we will definitely try to fit in a Palo meal, maybe brunch or dinner, haven’t decided.

2/7 – Epcot

Akershus breakfast or lunch.

Biergarten dinner – First time. Really excited for this Disney first and seeing Aria dance the polka.

2/8 – Magic Kingdom and heading home

Crystal Palace breakfast – Did you think we would go on a Disney trip and not go to Crystal Palace?

And there you have it! A trip of a lot of firsts. Thoughts? Comments? Criticisms? So tomorrow is ADR day and we hope we'll be able to get all of these.


I just knew I would find a way to get Morgan Freeman into a Disney trip report.

I will update tomorrow when these plans have been solidified and that ridiculously overpriced Cindy’s meal has been prepaid. But we will save the Cindy’s debate for another day. Until next time, in case I don’t see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night.

And because I promised more It's Always Sunny....


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Pre-Trip Report, Part III: Winter is Coming, Go to Disney!

ADRs have been booked!! Dance party!!


And because one GIF was not enough to express these emotions in a non-verbal way.


Orange Mocha Frappuccino!!

Actually, it was incredibly easy. I think we are going to be spoiled by the February crowd levels. Cinderella’s Royal Table, Be Our Guest, Akershus, basically everywhere are still available for multiple times throughout the day. Unheard of! The one hiccup that we had was trying to get an early morning Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique prior to Cindy’s so we had to push CRT to lunch and we scored a 10:40 appointment with the Fairy Godmothers-in-training. Not bad!


We otherwise got all of the rezzies that we wanted at the times that we wanted. So why did I wake up at 6:00 again?? Oh right, for work. Work...I do that sometimes. That's my motto. Or is it Semper Fudge?

In case anyone needs specific times for our ADRs to stalk us.


Here they are!

2/1 – Epcot

Garden Grill - 1:00 - Aria has successfully identified Chip & Dale as individuals! Telling her the color of their noses seemed to work, though Barbie and I debate over whether Chip's nose is brown (Barbie) or black (Me). It's chocolate. Isn't that closer to black? Yeah, this is what we fight about.

Tutto Italia – 6:30

2/2 – Magic Kingdom

Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique - 10:40

CRT - 12:05

Be Our Guest - 5:50. We also have breakfast and lunch also booked as of now. I don't have the heart to cancel them. I just love them so much! My BOG triplets!


That makes Eddie Murphy GIF #3 for anyone keeping track. Why would you be keeping track?


2/3 – Animal Kingdom

Tusker House - 9:45 - We love doing breakfast after the first thing in the morning Safari.

Jiko dinner – 6:00 - AK closes at 5:00 so this is perfect timing. And then we'll probably hoppity hop hop hop over to MK for EMH.

2/4 – Cruise embarkation day

Boma - 8:00. We plan on getting to Port Canaveral around 11:00, so it's a little late to board first, but...


Yeah, that's right, I say that sometimes. On a string. From Burger King. White Men Can't Jump, anyone? ANYONE? Or Outkast?


We hope to update the actual trip report at some point soon. Today's our 4th Anniversary! :love::flower1::flower::idea::cake::rose::butterfly:cheer2::banana::bounce::jumping1::dancer:party::cool1::cool1::artist:pooh:

So there won't be another update today.:teacher:

Thank you to everyone reading along. We hope you are enjoying it so far. Sometimes the planets align and you meet the person with whom you will spend the rest of your life. :tinker: pixiedust: I am so thankful to have a little pixie dust in my life.
Sounds like you were able to get some awesome ADRs for your February trip!! Never really done any of the character breakfasts or dinners but will be doing some in October and I'm super excited.:banana:

Sounds like you were able to get some awesome ADRs for your February trip!! Never really done any of the character breakfasts or dinners but will be doing some in October and I'm super excited.:banana:


Hopefully you can get through Aria to meet Pooh Bear and Tigger! She did say she would allow you and Uncle Duane to hug them though, haha.

Great trip report. I may see you on 2/1 as that will be an Epcot day for us as well.
Day 1, Part III: I'm bouncing like Tigger! I'm bouncing like Tigger!


Hello? Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me. This will not be the last of the Pink Floyd references for this trip report. Apologies for all of those Pink Floyd haters out there. All three of you. Seriously, though, even the tumbleweeds are getting bored and have left.


Anyway, I would like to say that we have been busy and that is the reason for the lack of updates. And indeed, between our anniversary, a wedding in Tennessee, random trips here and there, we have had things to do. But no one is too busy for the DIS. Am I right or am I right? Or am I right? Pure laziness. But we're back and ready to update for our beloved, mostly anonymous, readers. We love you all, whoever you are!

Where we last left you guys, we were prying Aria away from Pooh Bear's leg because we needed to get to our FP+ for our next character meet, Mickey at Town Square! And we were late! Oh no, whatever shall we do? We booked it as fast as we could to Town Square, and even though we arrived over 15 minutes late, we were let right through. No problem! No need for all of that stress. But Aria wasn't having any of it. As soon as she saw Mickey, it was nonstop, "There's Mickey over there!" and "Hi, Mickey, come to Aria." I love it when she talks in the third person. We will work on pronouns later. But it got worse. As the wait time increased, Aria actually started to get stressed out. She was biting her nails, trying desperately to get out of mommy's clutches and run to Mickey, and was just an all around mess. But finally the time came! And we were meeting the leader of the club himself.



Moose Manifesto: That's Mickey! Mickey Mouse! I want some chips!


And he can talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you know that?!?! How do they do that? And he was topical and witty and made choo choo sounds and all kinds of things. He didn't have laryngitis like I was warned could happen, no it was him. It was really him. He even spoke spanish to the people from Argentina before us.

After our conversation with Mickey, it was time to finally attempt another ride with the Moose. We figured since she loved Pooh Bear so much, well, umm, she would love to go on Pooh Bear's ride. Yeah? Meh, not really. Sort of. So off we galloped, Moose in tow, back to umm, wherever the Pooh ride is, fantasy land maybe? Yeah, let's call it Fantasy Land. The NEW Fantasy Land. On our way, Festival of Fantasy was going on, but we had a fast pass for it the next day, so we were like, "We don't need to stop to watch it now, we have a fast pass, we can watch it in style." So I snapped some quick photographs (do people still call them that?) and mooooved on. The cow reference doesn't fit here, but I can't seem to ever say a "moo" sounding word without making a cow sound. It started out as a joke so Aria can learn cow sounds, but it has become a problem. I blame Clarabelle from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. I'll get it checked out maybe later.



Little did we know that this would be the only time we would get to see FoF on this trip. :sad::sad1::(:charac2:


I will therefore take this opportunity to rock out. Disney style!

Away we go,
It's a Festival of a Fantasy.
Beauty and Majesty,
Shining Magically.
Dreams that Glow.
Wondrous Dazzling Brilliantly
So away we go, it's a festival of fannnnnnnn taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa syyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

And now, it is in all of your heads for the next few days/hours. I apologize, but it's stuck in my head so it can be stuck in yours too. Fair is fair.

So with a jump in our step, and a song in our heart, we made our way past the castle, and onto fantasy land, or wherever.



And Olaf even showed up! Luckily, he had his own personal flurry because it was soooooooooooooo hot.

Moose Manifesto: That's Olaf dancing! A for Aria.

Alas, we finally made it to The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. Huzzah!



Moose Manifesto: Look! Looooooooooooook! {That was it...}

Aria loved playing in the queue and so did her Daddy. :rolleyes1 Anyway, sorry no ride photos, we took video instead and eventually, we will add in some videos for your viewing pleasure, but for now, use your...




And one more! Why not?


Aria did not end up liking the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh as much as we thought she would, that would change later in the trip on the second voyage. I think the dark part and the heffalumps scared her a little bit. She, at first, was also scared to bounce like Tigger, but started to enjoy it by the end of that section. "I bounce like Tigger. I'm bouncing like Tigger." After the ride, we needed to cool down a little bit. And what better way than with a Disney lemonade! It's like a regular lemonade, but with more sugar and it's way more magical! Or so I have convinced myself to justify the exorbitant cost.


But Aria loved it! She kept puckering her little baby lips and refused to let either of us have any. Her sharing skills need a little work. Sharing is caring, Aria. That's what I always say. But she was all like


and I couldn't have any. Oh well. I was more in the mood for something else, something I didn't know existed until I started reading the DIS. Thank you all! :worship:


Soooooooooooooooooooooooo good! So unbelievably good! Like eating deliciousness itself. Unfortunately, they didn't have the queen of hearts, but the Cheshire cupcake worked just nicely. After I engulfed that, I was stuffed completely and needed to walk for a little bit, while Barbie shot one of her favorite pictures.


And then it was time for my favorite cruise. I mean, Aria's favorite cruise. But seriously, the first time I went to Disney World, I was 13 years old, so I didn't really "get" it, if you know what I mean. We didn't go on It's a Small World then, and although Barbie and I went on it in 2010 during our engagement trip, I found the ride just too much and too long. Again, I didn't really "get" it because I never went on the ride through the lens of a child experiencing the song, the colors, the culture, and really the wonder and simplistic magic of the ride. Fast forward to May, 2014, when we went to Disney with a 16 month old Moose. Seeing her smile, clap along to the song, and just stare wide-eyed in the type of stupor that only a child can show. I finally got it, and I was hooked. So without further adieu, on with the cruise!





After this ride, this song was perpetually in Aria's head for the rest of the trip, and indeed, a few weeks after. Even now, she says, "I go to Small World, today." And breaks out into song. She generally loves singing and this was her song of choice. Even over Big Blue World!

After our 10 minutes with a constant smile on our faces, it was time to meet up with Barbie's Aunt and Cousin who were also just randomly in Disney World the same weekend.

They were already in line for Tiana and Naveen. So we changed places! I took Aria and stood in line, while Barbie, her aunt, and cousin went over to Haunted Mansion. In line, Aria kept saying how pretty Tiana looked, but was totally afraid of Naveen. She had that issue with Prince Charming later on too. Very strange.


As you can tell, Aria was so freaked out by Naveen that he had to step aside and let Aria just meet with Tiana.


They were identified as Princess Tiana and Bean.

But he found a way to sneak back in! Everyone in line loved it as he stealthily tried to get back in the pictures without Aria knowing.


Finally, Prince Naveen was able to get a high five from Aria. No hard feelings!


And finally, a picture of Barbie's Aunt and Cousin at Disney. Photographic evidence that we saw them there. If you don't get a picture, it didn't happen. Taking pictures is making memories.

After that, we never saw them again.... Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!


Well, we saw them just last weekend at the wedding in Tennessee that I might have mentioned at the start of the post, but with respect to this trip, they were gone, vanished into thin air if you prefer. We honestly just had different plans and couldn't find another good time to meet up. But that isn't as exciting.

And that concludes this edition of, "A Moose Invades Disney World." We will try to do updates at a better rate from now on. A few more updates pre-trip report style.

1) Last weekend, we booked our fast passes for our October trip! We are less than 60 days out now from returning to the World! We basically got everything we wanted. We will have an update at some point to show those fastpasses.

2) We switched out the regular Wishes Dessert Party for a HalloWishes Dessert Party. It just seemed like a better deal with the Halloween-style desserts, a "fast pass" for the parade, and even a souvenir mug.

3) I booked a solo F&W excursion for the Mexican Tequila Lunch. Being a connoisseur of tequila as I purport myself to be, this was a no-brainer. So while Barbie and Aria are having an equally amazing lunch at Via Napoli, I will be trying and learning about several different kinds of tequilas, matched with specially prepared dishes, and probably getting a healthy (unhealthy?) buzz going for the rest of Food & Wine. Yippee!

Next time, we will be having some dinner. There is a clue as to where in this update. Can you guess where? It has very good fare. :sad2:
So adorable about It's a Small World!

That cake cup looks SO good. I feel like I've read so much about how great they are but I think your review officially pushed me over the edge to definitely getting one!

Looking forward to more!
Great trip report. I may see you on 2/1 as that will be an Epcot day for us as well.

Thanks for reading! We're just hoping that the crowd levels, or lack thereof, don't spoil us too much.

Yay, a new update! It's about time! :)

Haha, thanks for sticking around!

Seriously, though, we hope to update quicker...maybe. :confused3

Just found your report and love it! So funny! Aria is precious. :)

Thank you and we're glad you are enjoying it so far.


So adorable about It's a Small World!

That cake cup looks SO good. I feel like I've read so much about how great they are but I think your review officially pushed me over the edge to definitely getting one!

Looking forward to more!

Seriously, you have to try it! It's amaaaaaazing! Just writing about it makes me wish that I can have a dozen shipped to our door immediately.

Alas, I will have to wait 50 days to have one again.

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So we had already booked 9 nights at POR for October F&W/MNSSHP but I didn’t want to wait until October to go back, especially after reading so many trip reports and getting that vicarious enjoyment that we all feel reading these TRs.

I visited in October (I'm writting my TR now too!) last year and it was such a perfect time to go! The crowds were light and getting the F&Q and MNSSHP was a massive bonus! We stayed into November which meant we could do the Christmas party and see the decorations too but it did get more crowded then. I'm already thinking about when I'll come back at this time of year again!

After touching down, we made our way to the first ride of the trip, the Orlando airport monorail. I know many of you call it the Fake-o-rail, but I just can’t do it, it is what it is.

I don't call it the Fake-o-rail either but it definitely counts as a ride!

Has our "Disney bubble" (as Barbie likes to refer to it) just burst?!


Because the ride and character meet did not take very long, we still had 25 minutes before our ADR. Could we maybe make it to another character before ADR. Would Aria have a better interaction? Stay tuned!

Oh dear I hope not! :guilty:

And he can talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you know that?!?! How do they do that? And he was topical and witty and made choo choo sounds and all kinds of things. He didn't have laryngitis like I was warned could happen, no it was him. It was really him. He even spoke spanish to the people from Argentina before us.

Talking Mickey is AMAZING!!!

I HAVE to try this... WHY HAVEN'T I TRIED THIS??!!!

3) I booked a solo F&W excursion for the Mexican Tequila Lunch.

Tequila Lunch??!! This is going on my to-do list for my not yet even planned return to F&W!
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Loving your trip report so far. I especially love Aria's fascination with the Pooh characters. So sweet.
We will be there Oct. 18-23 and we can't wait to scarf down obscene amounts of food. :mickeybar


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