We Will Miss You Dustin!

Am I the only person that is curious as to where Dustin is going?!
I'm sure many of us are curious, but its really not our business. All Dustin said about this was that he was moving on to a good opportunity and was grateful to the DIS for all the things he got to see and do.
I just wanted to thank Pete and the rest of the DIS Unplugged Podcast crew for sharing their farewells and well-wishes at the end of today's episode. It's not too often that I'm a teary mess at my desk at work. It was a very powerful and touching (and well-deserved) send off for Dustin.
Just watched the ending of the news segment of the Podcast...and the farewell to Dustin.
Honestly it was a little tough. When you can visibly see the emotion running from Pete, it's easy to get caught up in it as well. To hear Pete say how he had tried to convince him to stay, but ultimately had to let him find his path, easily shows the friendship and camaraderie that was built amongst them over the past couple of years.

It IS the studio that Dustin built...your spirit is a part of that place..and the audience will always be thankful and appreciate you for that.

I agree. As always, Pete is brutally honest, however this time it is heart felt and I admire Pete even more for sharing his emotions with us listeners and viewers.

Wishing Dustin the best of luck in all his future career endeavors.
I just watched the Podcast and teared up a little at the end...

The Dis has been so important to me over the years, and it's obvious, Dustin, that you've played a huge
roll in it's creation.

I wish for you nothing but love and luck and all the happiness in the world.
Very nice tribute to Dustin from everyone. You know your good when your boss says the door is "open" to a return. Best wishes Dustin.....................:thanks:

Doug :goofy:
It feels so incomplete not knowing any details whatsoever! Like the end of one of those terrible Alfred Hitchcock movies or something! Am I the only person that is curious as to where Dustin is going?! It's just that after watching for the past several years, I feel like I am friends with all of the DIS cast and now I am being left out of the loop:guilty:. Heck, I still haven't gotten over the sudden disappearance of Shaun Thompson!
Yes, it was nice that he got to actually say goodbye.
I was sad to hear this news but I wish him well on his future endeavors. Everyone is great but he brought an enthusiasm to the show about the parks that us who don't live in Florida and only go to Disney once a year or less could really relate to when some of other cast members could seem a little jaded at times. He definitely loved Disney and it showed and his excitement made me excited about my trips.
So sad, but hey, he's got a great future ahead of him! We'll miss ya Dustin! Great send-off, Pete. Class act!
At the end of a good book, (or movie, or TV Series), we are often left to think about what the characters will do from this point on. And I had the same feeling prior to yesterday's show. But I was relieved, (and I don't know why, because it isn't my life), to learn that Dustin said that he wasn't going any place, and that this group of friends would (or at least could) remain intact outside of the construct of The Dis. So just like at the end of a good book where my imagination carries me away to thoughts of what the characters will do from here on out, my imagination has me thinking that Craig and Dustin will still make frequent visits to Universal; that Jenilyn will still invite Dustin to join her at a restaurant up for review for an episode of The Trip; and Pete and Dustin will head to Avatarland or Star Wars Land together when those areas open. Maybe not in an official "Dis" capacity, but merely as friends, which is so much more important. I have no idea if any of these things will happen, but just like the way I treat fictional characters whose story has come to a close, in my mind's eye, I will imagine these things, hoping that they are true!

And for those who insist that Pete is at his best when he is on a rant, I respectfully disagree and would cite the final 10 minutes of yesterday's episode as my proof!
What a wonderful, heartfelt tribute and farewell by Pete and the gang today....! I've said it before, the girlfriend and I are fairly new listeners but Dustin quickly grew to be one of our favorites.
Wishing him the best of luck...!
Watching Pete say "Goodbye" at the end of the show choked me up.....Dustin was a big part of the team and it will be hard to see him go.

Good luck Dustin in the next chapter of your career and here is hoping to see you come back and Guest Host the show sometime!
Finally watched today, and truly felt the love - especially (of course) from "The Bossman" (refuse to say "The Boss", can't stand him!!! LOL). And like somebody said, it's a HUGE compliment when Bossman "leaves the door open"!! But daggone it Pete - didja hafta make a salty discharge eminate from my eye sockets? :) (I said it before Dustin, but it bears repeating - good luck - you will be gone, but not forgotten!!)
party:Congrats on the new job! :shamrock:Wishing you all the best.:shamrock: Thanks for being part of the Podcast Crew.


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