Zen And The Art Of PTR Maintenance. Sept 2016 PTR. 16/4 Trip Report Anyone??

Oh Lu I'm so so sorry! And please do not even worry about trying to play catch up around here. But I do hope you'll update us here whenever you get a chance and let us know what's going on with your mom. I really, really hope this just turns out to be nothing. Lots of thoughts and prayers being sent your way my friend :grouphug::hug:
Sending lots and lots of prayers and positive thoughts to you and your Mom. I'll be in London on Sunday ( can't believe I'm saying that). I wish you were closer to London or I'd meet you and buy you a drink and give you a big hug. Take care of you :hug:
Hi all my lovely, lovely friends, and I'm even including you this time @pkondz! I'm kidding you know I love you! :rotfl:


Thank you all so much for your messages about DM. :hug: :hug: :hug:

I am back and I have the best news!! DM got the all clear (after a lot of tests...) and she is still in remission and cancer free!!!

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
I cannot tell you how happy I was when she told me! I'm not going to lie, I was freaking out! But it's all good news!! :cool1:

Now I'm ready to get caught up...but I just looked and I am super far behind on everything :blush:...again!! :rotfl:

When I get home from work I will try and get back into the swing of things (and maybe post an update here too...oh and reply to the messages I missed! :scratchin :laughing:)

Guess you haven't gotten get rid of me! Sorry about that! :laughing:

I missed you all! :hug:

Hi all my lovely, lovely friends, and I'm even including you this time @pkondz!


I'm kidding you know I love you! :rotfl:

Love ya too! :hug:

I am back and I have the best news!! DM got the all clear (after a lot of tests...) and she is still in remission and cancer free!!!

That is wonderful news!! So happy for you and your DM!!

I cannot tell you how happy I was when she told me! I'm not going to lie, I was freaking out! But it's all good news!! :cool1:

:goodvibes I can't even imagine how happy you must've been. That's on a whole other level.

Now I'm ready to get caught up...but I just looked and I am super far behind on everything :blush:...again!! :rotfl:

You're totally forgiven. Real life stuff like that is wayyyyyyy more important.

Guess you haven't gotten get rid of me! Sorry about that! :laughing:

And that's the best news I've gotten today! :)
I am so happy that everything turned out fine and now you and DM can resume life as 'normal'! :hug::hug:

I like what the air quotes around 'normal' suggest about life with Lu as a daughter :rotfl::lmao:

But seriously, this is SUCH good news :worship: I breathed a sigh of relief for you all when I saw this :goodvibes So happy you don't have this hanging over your head any more. :cheer2: Yay!

On a totally unrelated note, I was watching Bob Saget's snapchat story (username: bobsterclaw) this morning and I took a screenshot like the MASSIVE CREEP that I am (in case you don't use snapchat, your pictures/videos disappear after a while, so it notifies someone when you screenshot them :laughing:)
Anyway, here he is at John Stamos' house doing a face-swap, look at those glorious Disneyland posters in the background :sad: :sad: :sad:


And those purple legs floating above his head.. is that..


Yep, that's Figment.


Ok that is all.

I like what the air quotes around 'normal' suggest about life with Lu as a daughter :rotfl::lmao:

But seriously, this is SUCH good news :worship: I breathed a sigh of relief for you all when I saw this :goodvibes So happy you don't have this hanging over your head any more. :cheer2: Yay!

On a totally unrelated note, I was watching Bob Saget's snapchat story (username: bobsterclaw) this morning and I took a screenshot like the MASSIVE CREEP that I am (in case you don't use snapchat, your pictures/videos disappear after a while, so it notifies someone when you screenshot them :laughing:)
Anyway, here he is at John Stamos' house doing a face-swap, look at those glorious Disneyland posters in the background :sad: :sad: :sad:


And those purple legs floating above his head.. is that..


Yep, that's Figment.


Ok that is all.


That faceswap is TERRIBLE!!!!! :rotfl2::rotfl:

And what poster is that next to the park map?? Is that a HM poster? And seriously I cannot BELIEVE he has Figment?! Who does that........


Have I mentioned yet that I might go down....

...to WDW in September?

:scared1: Don't joke about these things!
That faceswap is TERRIBLE!!!!! :rotfl2::rotfl:

And what poster is that next to the park map?? Is that a HM poster? And seriously I cannot BELIEVE he has Figment?! Who does that........

View attachment 162024


It' so gross! In the video John is like "I hate this, I want my face back" and Bob goes "yeah, even I want my face back" :rotfl:

I hate the Figment ride, but the fact that John Stamos likes Disney enough to actually own that makes me love him even more.. Not sure how that works but it's true :scratchin

I also saw on twitter ages ago that he has the D from the Disneyland sign and a Dumbo ride vehicle in his backyard :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc


It' so gross! In the video John is like "I hate this, I want my face back" and Bob goes "yeah, even I want my face back" :rotfl:


I also saw on twitter ages ago that he has the D from the Disneyland sign and a Dumbo ride vehicle in his backyard :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc


Okay I knew about the D (tee hee!:blush:) but Dumbo!? Good lord can this man be any more perfect!

When I stalk-er-check, his IG, it makes me beyond happy when he posts Disney stuff. He totally 'gets' it.
I am so happy to hear you Mom got such great news! Sending continued positive vibes, i am so happy for you and your Mom!

Sending you positive vibes, hug and love!!!
I turn my back for five seconds and I miss a John Stamos-athon!! :sad: :sad: :sad:
On a totally unrelated note, I was watching Bob Saget's snapchat story (username: bobsterclaw) this morning and I took a screenshot like the MASSIVE CREEP that I am (in case you don't use snapchat, your pictures/videos disappear after a while, so it notifies someone when you screenshot them :laughing:)
Anyway, here he is at John Stamos' house doing a face-swap, look at those glorious Disneyland posters in the background :sad: :sad: :sad:


And those purple legs floating above his head.. is that..


Yep, that's Figment.


Ok that is all.


That faceswap is TERRIBLE!!!!! :rotfl2::rotfl:

And what poster is that next to the park map?? Is that a HM poster? And seriously I cannot BELIEVE he has Figment?! Who does that........



It' so gross! In the video John is like "I hate this, I want my face back" and Bob goes "yeah, even I want my face back" :rotfl:

I hate the Figment ride, but the fact that John Stamos likes Disney enough to actually own that makes me love him even more.. Not sure how that works but it's true :scratchin

I also saw on twitter ages ago that he has the D from the Disneyland sign and a Dumbo ride vehicle in his backyard :lovestruc:lovestruc:lovestruc



Okay I knew about the D (tee hee!:blush:) but Dumbo!? Good lord can this man be any more perfect!

When I stalk-er-check, his IG, it makes me beyond happy when he posts Disney stuff. He totally 'gets' it.

Ah!! That faceswap!! :scared1: :scared1: :scared1: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

But seriously girls if anyone is going to marry John Stamos it really should be me! ::yes:: ::yes:: ::yes::


:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Side note: did you guys know he was playing the chef in 'The Little Mermaid' musical show thingie at the Hollywood Bowl?!?!?! No offence Darren Criss but JS would be SOOOOO much better as Eric! Am I right or am I right?! :thumbsup2


AND Titus Andromedon is Sebastian!! Urg! I so want to see this! :sad: :sad: :sad:

Now I'm looking at October.
Now I have no idea.

I'm so conflicted right now.



Not that I'm freaked out or bothered at all, but, how did you get in here?? :scratchin

Never-mind! You're just the peepettes I was wanting to see anyway! I thought I should update (or finish updating would be more accurate) my ADR adventure! I'm sure you are all enthralled by my stupidity so far! :rotfl:

Right...where was I?? Oh yes! I had just gotten into an argument with MDE and humiliated myself with my noobness so that must sum up ADR day 1! :laughing:

ADR Day Two:

After waiting until 180 days for our BC ressie was finally time for ADR part deux! Or Thursday as it's sometimes know...

Once again I have my glitter plan at the ready, I was logged in, waiting for the clock to hit 11a….hang on a cotton picking minute!!

Why are all those dates light up and bookable?? It's only 10:45!?!

What do you mean the clocks already went forward in America?! What?! Ours don't change until 27th March!



Quick! Better load up all my choices and well lookie here! I got everything I wanted! :woohoo:


That was lucky!


Errr...I mean totally skillfully handled by this Dis pro! ::yes::
Oh! Guess what, I got to do my ADRs for GF too! Score! Woot!!

No need to do a new plan! Huh. Maybe I was right all along! Maybe this ADR thing really will be super easy after all!


Why would you say that really young Jennifer Connelly?! We all know you were sucking at the labyrinth!!

Uh oh...I just said that too...


ADR Day Three:

It was ADR day for the Poly. I went into this ADR day feeling pretty darn good about myself. :cool:

I was at the right time (10am now not 11am), I had all my choices pre-loaded, I was logged in and I was calm, serene and feeling like an ADR ninja.

This feeling last all of about two seconds.


You see one of the pre-loaded restaurants was BOG, I had seen how quickly dinner ADRs went so of course this was going to be my first port of call. I refreshed the page the second it hit 10am and started searching for times.

Now as anyone who is trying to book ADRs in September will be able to attest you can only eat in the MK if its before 6pm. For real.


You want an ADR after 6pm? Forget it pal. That ain’t happening.

I, however, was prepared for this (unlike F! At MM o_O) and I was hoping for something after 5pm or around that time.

Hey look! A 5:45pm time! I will take that, thank you MDE! Click!
And then it happened. :eek:

The most feared and dreaded thing an prespective ADR booked can imagine.

“We are sorry for the paws”


Okay. Calm down Lu. It's going to be okay. You have read about this, Just refresh the page and try again. Darn! 5:45pm is gone but look! 5:30pm is still there! That will do nicely! Book it please MDE. Click.


Not you guys again! :sad:

“We are sorry for the paws”

Okay. Breathe. In and Out. In and Out. Refresh. Search.
Oh thank goodness! 5:30pm is still there! This time its going to work. I can feel it! Click.



“We are sorry for the paws”

Really Lady and the Tramp?? Really?! You don't seem all that sorry to me!!

No, it's okay. We are calm. We are serene. We are an ADR ninja.

Shut that page down, reopen it, search. Well crap on a cracker. All that's left is 4:15pm. Not what I wanted but it’s there. Let's just book it. Click.





So I close that page down, really calmly and not at all by smashing the mouse button and/or screaming profanities that rhymes with duck and moo at the screen. Nope, not me, I was fine at this point.


F I N E.

Let's just get booking something else. Okay House of Blues. This will be a nice easy one. I will just search of a time and---


No times available?? Weird, but okay, lets try lunch...


How can there be no times 180 days out at House of Blues??? BOG I get but House of Blues?!?!

Okay. It's okay. I'm still fine. Slightly less fine, but fine all the same. Let's try 'Ohana.

Refresh the page, search times, ah! There! Perfect! 7:45pm, I will take that thank you very much. Click.



“We are sorry for the paws”


–--I'm going to skip ahead here. I'll be honest, it wasn’t pretty after this. Every time I tried to book I got Lady and the Tramp with their smug faces laughing at me. :sad2:


Needless to say that Lady and the Tramp is now my least favourite Disney film.

Of all time.

Well done Disney, you make me hate cartoon dogs!


After that MDE was promptly shut down and there may have been some, let's just say "colourful" language thrown around. :rolleyes1


continued in next post...
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