Let it Snope Let it Snope Let it Snope! A Very Merry crowded Christmas! Nov Report updated and over

Oh my word! That is so sad!! Even if she felt like Raven was too much after being there.. she still should have finished what she agreed to. She could have taken a break for a few hours and then gone back or something. This just makes me so sad that you guys had to cut your trip short. I'm glad you got to get in a few more hours before leaving

I know.. It really sucked.. especially when Chicago was under the storm watch with Ice and snow!

Let me tell you now.. INDIANA is the WORST state to drive in when it's snowing.. we saw SO MANY cars in ditches!!! SO MANY!! not a single plow in site! no salt nothing! it was the worst driving ever.
THEN the window washer fluid thing broke on the drivers side! so i was driving without clean windows! It was the worst drive home EVER
she came back to say she was more then likely beaten with a bat or something similar. But she seems she is autistic.

People suck. Poor baby! So glad she found you guys to take care of her.

So i THINK this women THOUGHT she knew how to handle such a big dog.

I have four dogs myself and work with them at the shelter and I KNOW I couldn't handle your babies! Big dogs take a lot more work that small ones I think.

While i watched my children and husband's lip protrude then the tears started.


Which made me FEEL AWFUL because we COULD HAVE had Breakfast with Ariana!!! I didn't even bother with texting her as i felt awful already
1. For having to cancel as we were Leaving BRIGHT AND EARLY
2. Now she probably thinks we are lying.. WAS NOT THE CASE!!!
3. Last minute decision to go and say bye. THANKS MOM!!!

No worries, we couldn't have gotten the ADR back at that point. And no, I don't think you were lying. Sleeping in a bit that morning turned out to be the best thing for me, I was so exhausted at that point. I am really glad you guys got a bit more magic in that morning.

Naturally the best choice!

Needless to say we all get a bit hungry so we stopped off and got:

I need one of those hot dogs in my belly RIGHT NOW!! :rotfl2:

Then it was time...
WE had to leave...


YET! this is OK as it pushed us to go back. Make it BIGGER and BETTER.. That is exactly what we are doing in 2017!

Whoo Hoo! :banana: I know you will have a wonderful time and make it the best trip ever!
It was really sad to leave early. By the way, when did you plan to leave? I'm not sure if you mentioned how many days you had lost.

sparkly gold
Where are these gold bars? I can't remember seeing them before.

I know.. It really sucked.. especially when Chicago was under the storm watch with Ice and snow!

Let me tell you now.. INDIANA is the WORST state to drive in when it's snowing.. we saw SO MANY cars in ditches!!! SO MANY!! not a single plow in site! no salt nothing! it was the worst driving ever.
THEN the window washer fluid thing broke on the drivers side! so i was driving without clean windows! It was the worst drive home EVER
It is really annoying to drive without the wipers working. I'm glad that you made it home safely.

It is hard to remember how cold and terrible Chicago gets in the winter when it is sunny and 90 degrees outside.
People suck. Poor baby! So glad she found you guys to take care of her.

Really do.. I don't understand how you can be mean to any animal. they have no voice don't offend. people suck

I have four dogs myself and work with them at the shelter and I KNOW I couldn't handle your babies! Big dogs take a lot more work that small ones I think.

HA HA HA HA I think you could. Bigger dogs are NORMALLY lazier.. She isnt.. Hoping after being spayed she will calm down a little!

No worries, we couldn't have gotten the ADR back at that point. And no, I don't think you were lying. Sleeping in a bit that morning turned out to be the best thing for me, I was so exhausted at that point. I am really glad you guys got a bit more magic in that morning.

Im so glad i was So worried, Kept telling everyone I HOPE SHE ISN'T MAD! She has to look at us like we are a bunch of fools!! This was the way it went. i was not a happy person

Naturally the best choice!

I agree

I need one of those hot dogs in my belly RIGHT NOW!! :rotfl2:

you and me BOTH!!! YUM
Whoo Hoo! :banana: I know you will have a wonderful time and make it the best trip ever!

we sure will!!
It was really sad to leave early. By the way, when did you plan to leave? I'm not sure if you mentioned how many days you had lost.

I think a day and a half? I think we were booked for another night or so..

Where are these gold bars? I can't remember seeing them before.

Big Thunder Mountain!

It is really annoying to drive without the wipers working. I'm glad that you made it home safely.

The wipers were OK.. it was the fluid that wouldn't squirt! so it just made the windows all blurry and gross

It is hard to remember how cold and terrible Chicago gets in the winter when it is sunny and 90 degrees outside.

No kidding just as we were driving more and more north the temp just kept declining!
and fast!!
Oh my gosh!!! You had to leave early??!!! Wow. I have been following along as you completed this and have started your next one (yeah for going back) I think I said NO out loud when you said you were leaving early. My kids looked at me like I had lost my mind.
I am so sorry you had to cut your vacation short. I am very impressed with the amount you did at Magic Kingdom in such a short time. Did you have a FP for 7DMT? Love your reports and hope you have fun planning the surprise for your kids.
Whoo hoo you finished! Sorry it was cut short. Poor Raven...she has TBI! I can't imagine someone doing that to a dog!
I'm sorry you had to cut your trip short but glad you were able to make the best of the last night at Epcot and that you were able to do some time at MK before heading out.

As Ariana said above, People suck. How could anyone beat a poor dog like that? Thank goodness she is with you guys now. I can understand if the dog sitter had a hard time but she should have just sucked it up, it was only for another couple days.

Great that you are now able to focus on your trip next year, I have been over to the PTR but not too recently, I'll have to get back over there.
I can't believe it is really over.......I'll have to make due with the pre trip report.
I'm so sorry your trip was cut short. I've really enjoyed reading your report. My family and I were there during part of your trip dates and we stayed at AoA in the Lion King section. Reading some of your stuff was like reliving some of our fun! You have a great family and I hope your next trip surpasses all of your dreams! :mickeyjum
Poor Raven. It really is sad that you had to cut your trip short. I hope you can find someone to dog sit that is more responsible. Did you ever hear back from her? I find it heartless for someone to leave the animals like that and not even tell you. It's very nice that your mom could stop by to check on them.
It looks like you enjoyed your last couple of hours though. You sure did get a lot done.
Oh my gosh!!! You had to leave early??!!! Wow. I have been following along as you completed this and have started your next one (yeah for going back)

IF it was earlier in the trip i would have been devastated.. Thankfully it was later we had done all the parks including the party.. Yet still!!! that was crap!

I think I said NO out loud when you said you were leaving early. My kids looked at me like I had lost my mind.

HA HA HA HA HA!!! Mine do that a lot.. even when i am not reading things... LOL

I am so sorry you had to cut your vacation short. I am very impressed with the amount you did at Magic Kingdom in such a short time. Did you have a FP for 7DMT? Love your reports and hope you have fun planning the surprise for your kids.

THANKS! Yes we were able to get tons done. Commando! yes i did get a FP for both 7DMT and Peter pan!
THANK YOU SO SO MUCH! I am happy i can give the PTR full attention and cause some fun shenanigans!!!
So happy your sticking around! I do love the TR more then the PTR. they are for my crazy thoughts!!! LOL

Whoo hoo you finished! Sorry it was cut short. Poor Raven...she has TBI! I can't imagine someone doing that to a dog!

I just think she had enough and really didn't know what she was getting herself into. Raven is a handful!

I'm sorry you had to cut your trip short but glad you were able to make the best of the last night at Epcot and that you were able to do some time at MK before heading out.

Thank you! Yes we did make the best of what we had left.. and Honestly stayed a little longer then we should have!
Thankfully we did have the car and was able to leave whenever we wanted or had to.

As Ariana said above, People suck. How could anyone beat a poor dog like that? Thank goodness she is with you guys now. I can understand if the dog sitter had a hard time but she should have just sucked it up, it was only for another couple days.

People do suck!
Raven is a handful but she is ours! I make jokes all the time about her and waiting for her owners to show up.. I would never hand her over to anyone. she is ours and part of our crazy family..
Won't be asking her to watch the dogs anytime soon.

Great that you are now able to focus on your trip next year, I have been over to the PTR but not too recently, I'll have to get back over there.

I am really excited for the trip next year!!
Well i can guarantee the links page is up to date if you don't need or want to read the babble? LOL... I would love for you to follow over!!!

I can't believe it is really over.......I'll have to make due with the pre trip report.

HA HA HA HA HA! Thank you i promise to make it worthwhile! LOL

I'm so sorry your trip was cut short. I've really enjoyed reading your report. My family and I were there during part of your trip dates and we stayed at AoA in the Lion King section. Reading some of your stuff was like reliving some of our fun! You have a great family and I hope your next trip surpasses all of your dreams! :mickeyjum

Thank you thankfully it was later in the trip and not in the beginning! i would have lost it. had my mom take them to a borders. Just obnoxious!
YOu were! and you never said hi?!?!? Did we pass each other?!?
Thank you i do hope our next trip is what dreams are made of! Thank you i kinda like my little family too!

Poor Raven. It really is sad that you had to cut your trip short. I hope you can find someone to dog sit that is more responsible. Did you ever hear back from her? I find it heartless for someone to leave the animals like that and not even tell you. It's very nice that your mom could stop by to check on them.
It looks like you enjoyed your last couple of hours though. You sure did get a lot done.

I do too. Nope haven't really seen her around! I guess she knows the guy across the street from us and she had walked over to the fence as the dogs were out i wasn't home but Tom was... Said she was nice and normal?!?

I hope someone will want to do it IF not then i will take her over to a boarding place.. I don't kno who well she will do and think we left her forever there? She needs people. So we shall see.
There is a web site i saw an advertisement for dog sitters. i might look into that too.
we did get a ton done! i was impressed too! ha ha
TBI...Traumatic Brain Injury...don't you watch medical shows, lol!
Thank you thankfully it was later in the trip and not in the beginning! i would have lost it. had my mom take them to a borders. Just obnoxious!
YOu were! and you never said hi?!?!? Did we pass each other?!?
Thank you i do hope our next trip is what dreams are made of! Thank you i kinda like my little family too!

I don't think we crossed paths, at least I didn't notice. But I'm often oblivious because I wouldn't expect to recognize someone at Disney. :rotfl2:I was checking your pictures to see if we were in the background anywhere, though. :wave:
I'm so sorry you had to cut your trip short. Because of a DOG sitter. I mean I know she is a special dog with special needs, but if you can't trust a person to be compassionate with a DOG how can you ever trust them to take care of humans. SOME PEOPLE. Plus she left you high and dry!!! No shame. No responsibility. Just got a shiner and took off. I mean if she had been cool and stayed and dealt with it she would have been a HERO.

I am so sad that someone BEAT Raven. That person has a special place in HEdouble hockey sticks. Like an eternity on Stitch's Great Escape is not bad enough for them.
Your poor BIG baby Raven :( I didn't remember she had something wrong with her. You and Tom are really wonderful to have blessed her with your home!!!

Sorry your dog sitter was a dud!!!! But so glad it didn't happen earlier in your trip!

On to bigger and better Disney trips!!!!

This one was a BLAST, and I'm SO excited we got to meet, so I was a part of it for a minute or two :hug:
TBI...Traumatic Brain Injury...don't you watch medical shows, lol!

Nope I don't! i don't like blood or people's insides.

I don't think we crossed paths, at least I didn't notice. But I'm often oblivious because I wouldn't expect to recognize someone at Disney. :rotfl2:I was checking your pictures to see if we were in the background anywhere, though. :wave:

AW! darn! That would have been fun to have you in the background!

I'm so sorry you had to cut your trip short. Because of a DOG sitter. I mean I know she is a special dog with special needs, but if you can't trust a person to be compassionate with a DOG how can you ever trust them to take care of humans. SOME PEOPLE. Plus she left you high and dry!!! No shame. No responsibility. Just got a shiner and took off. I mean if she had been cool and stayed and dealt with it she would have been a HERO.

Exactly! She is special.. but dumb as a fox too.. I still can't figure her out.
I do hope she never has a person to take care of..

I am so sad that someone BEAT Raven. That person has a special place in HEdouble hockey sticks. Like an eternity on Stitch's Great Escape is not bad enough for them.


Your poor BIG baby Raven :( I didn't remember she had something wrong with her. You and Tom are really wonderful to have blessed her with your home!!!

She is a big baby. Oh there is plenty wrong with her.
She is something let me tell you.

Sorry your dog sitter was a dud!!!! But so glad it didn't happen earlier in your trip!

Me too!

On to bigger and better Disney trips!!!!

Thats RIGHT! this is going to be EPIC!

This one was a BLAST, and I'm SO excited we got to meet, so I was a part of it for a minute or two :hug:

I KNOW!!! It was a lot of FUN to meet you and your mom!!! you guys are so SWEET! Maybe one day if your out this way we can do lunch at Punky's? Connies?
I KNOW!!! It was a lot of FUN to meet you and your mom!!! you guys are so SWEET! Maybe one day if your out this way we can do lunch at Punky's? Connies?

That would be so fun! Love Punky's and Connie's and Freddie's and pretty much all Bridgeport food. We are surrounded by deliciousness!
Such a bummer that you had to cut your trip short... that's the worse! But, definitely awesome that you could salvage one last trip to MK to cap off the adventure. Great report, great dis-meets and a great family you have there .... I really enjoyed reading along popcorn::. Looking forward to the next :wave:
Just popping out of lurkdom to say, holy cow! Not the ending I was expecting! Pretty sad and upsetting and while I know it was eating you guys up you kept it classy and just acknowledged you had to get home to the fur family. I hope you atleast short paid the sitter. I mean, she didn't even call you to talk about it! Just in response to your text did she tell you about the "emergency". That drives me bananas!!

Besides all that though enjoyed your trip report. Your family is such a hoot and I love reading about your adventures! Looking forward to the next one(which yes I am following along on :teeth:)


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