***1st Week of December Thread ADR Plans, Park Hours, and dealing with Pop Warner***

sappy hour :rotfl:

I think I have a touch of SAD. I bought a light last year and I should start using it. I get kind of mopey when it gets cold. just took a hot shower and feeling a lot less sappy. unfortunately it's already all out there lol

I'm fighting SAD too right now. It's a terrible thing. A couple years ago I replaced all of my light bulbs with daylight color bulbs and that helped soooooo much. That ugly yellow light in the house just wasn't cutting it.

@JamieOak My sister lives just north of Humble in Splendora, so I visit TX usually every year. I love it there...DH and I have even looked at houses. It's just *very* different from New Hampshire so not sure how I'd fit in. LOL

Neat! I've never been to Texas, so this will be new for me. I've met his family when they came to PA for our wedding and one other event. I don't think I could live there though. Too hot in the summer. I like my winters and playing in the snow.

You are brave!! I caved and turned my heat on a couple of weeks ago. Working from home I'm here all day and I *HATE* to be cold. I even have fingerless gloves I wear when I'm typing. DH calls them my homeless gloves. :sad2:

DH yells at me because I'll switch from A/C to heat throughout the days when we are in this transition zone. I say I'm an adult and I make enough money to be comfortable. haha. I also have fingerless compression gloves for when my arthritis flares up seasonally with the weather change...which is basically right now. I get weird looks at work.
DH yells at me because I'll switch from A/C to heat throughout the days when we are in this transition zone. I say I'm an adult and I make enough money to be comfortable. haha. I also have fingerless compression gloves for when my arthritis flares up seasonally with the weather change...which is basically right now. I get weird looks at work.

I tell the same thing to the bf... he is cheap and I am princessy lol
I'm fighting SAD too right now. It's a terrible thing. A couple years ago I replaced all of my light bulbs with daylight color bulbs and that helped soooooo much. That ugly yellow light in the house just wasn't cutting it.

I'm a very strange person, lol. I actually look forward to the shortening days and longer nights. I'm a big fan of fall and winter, seasonally-appropriate weather and conditions and all. Last winter I was actually quite down because it was so unseasonably warm and we really got no snow to speak of. Darn super El Nino year! This winter is looking much more promising though.

Ugh, woke up with a sore throat this morning. Perks of working in a closely packed open cubicle environment, everyone shares their germs! :sad2:

I realized that I think I'm going to have to call DME today. I'm flying home on a different airline than I'm taking to WDW and I'm leaving from a different resort than I'm initially checking into, and I don't think it took when I made the reservation online. I have the luggage tags for flying down, but it doesn't list my return flight on the confirmation letter.
I'm a very strange person, lol. I actually look forward to the shortening days and longer nights. I'm a big fan of fall and winter, seasonally-appropriate weather and conditions and all. Last winter I was actually quite down because it was so unseasonably warm and we really got no snow to speak of. Darn super El Nino year! This winter is looking much more promising though.

Ugh, woke up with a sore throat this morning. Perks of working in a closely packed open cubicle environment, everyone shares their germs! :sad2:

I realized that I think I'm going to have to call DME today. I'm flying home on a different airline than I'm taking to WDW and I'm leaving from a different resort than I'm initially checking into, and I don't think it took when I made the reservation online. I have the luggage tags for flying down, but it doesn't list my return flight on the confirmation letter.

Rainy winters are the worst....give me snow! I do look forward to certain aspects of winter, but the daylight changes do get to me. It's an adjustment period.

I hope you feel better! I also fear that cubicleland will get me sick before the trip, so I bought 6 bottles of airborne to take shortly before our trip and during.
OMG SAME. I also wear my knit hobo gloves at home. Lol

In addition to cold hands my biggest problem in chilly weather is a cold nose! The rest of me could be perfectly warm and my nose will still be freezing . I've seriously contemplated getting a nose warmer (for home use only)! Do a Google image search , they are so silly looking! I could probably find a Disney themed one though :rotfl:
Rainy winters are the worst....give me snow! I do look forward to certain aspects of winter, but the daylight changes do get to me. It's an adjustment period.

I hope you feel better! I also fear that cubicleland will get me sick before the trip, so I bought 6 bottles of airborne to take shortly before our trip and during.

Haha, yeah, rainy winters are a slap in the face! Taunting me with what should be snow. Lol.

Great idea about the airborne, I think I need to stock up
@SilSprBea Cheers to having a paid-for-trip on Friday (with a glass of lemonade! :lmao:) That will be a jump-for-joy moment for sure and we'll all be jumping right along with you! I'm someone with a very long fuse but once it's lit, I'm done. That is where I am with my TA. She either handles it or Disney does. Come Monday, it'll be alright. (Another Buffett reference! haha) SO HAPPY for you that resolve is right around the corner! :woohoo:

@DisneyBelle27 May I just say you have awesome energy? :wave2: This transformation you speak of, I'm familiar. ;) Makes me think of the Christopher Robin quote "You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." Kudos to you for your bravery, strength and knowledge of your worth! I'm so impressed that you're doing a solo trip--it's so healthy and exciting!!
@SilSprBea Cheers to having a paid-for-trip on Friday (with a glass of lemonade! :lmao:) That will be a jump-for-joy moment for sure and we'll all be jumping right along with you! I'm someone with a very long fuse but once it's lit, I'm done. That is where I am with my TA. She either handles it or Disney does. Come Monday, it'll be alright. (Another Buffett reference! haha) SO HAPPY for you that resolve is right around the corner! :woohoo:

@DisneyBelle27 May I just say you have awesome energy? :wave2: This transformation you speak of, I'm familiar. ;) Makes me think of the Christopher Robin quote "You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." Kudos to you for your bravery, strength and knowledge of your worth! I'm so impressed that you're doing a solo trip--it's so healthy and exciting!!

haha, I'm the same way. Very patient and tolerant, but once I reach the end of my fuse I am making things happen and getting things done, lol.

Awww, thank you! You know, I know it's important to acknowledge and accept that it's ok and healthy to be sad sometimes, and to have struggles sometimes, and to cry and be upset. I used to bottle everything up, and that very definitely negatively impacted my health and well-being. But at the same time I know I am incredibly lucky to have what I do have, and that it could always be so much worse (my mom's motto, lol). I always try to be happy about all the little things, cause life is just so much happier that way. Like right now, I'm super happy that it's sleeting out, since it's the first sign that this is going to be a real winter this year! :hyper::cold::santa: Told you I'm strange, lol.
Speaking of Ohana, for those of you who have been there, what do you all think about it? For some reason (please don't shoot me), the pictures I see remind me of regular Asian food, not really special except for the bread pudding :confused3 whenever I read reviews, I think it sounds great, but when I see pictures, I'm just not so excited as I once was?!
Lol I will say that I really did miss @Talby since she is our perpetual cheerleader here :cheer2:

@DisneyBelle27 im the same age as you but I grew up in a country with perpetual 80 degree weather! So summer is my season :rotfl: I will say I love the smell of the air once it gets cold. (I'm strange too)

I know it's totally different when you grow up with something, but the thought of year-round summer, yikes! Haha. I'd much rather be too cold than too hot. I can always add more layers, but you get arrested once you've removed too many :rotfl2:
Good morning everybody!!

So last night I went over to my parents' house (as if that's a long distance. They live across the street and two houses down from me. Haha!) and one awesome thing happened and one funny thing happened.

First, I just bought a new-to-me vehicle about 3 months ago, and the car I had been driving was one they handed down to me (but never put in my name because we're not on top of things like that), and they sold the old car this past weekend. Since I drove it for a pretty significant bit of time, I got a cut of the sale! So that covers $300 of the last $400 I was set to pay off next week! Yay!!!!!!! I can put what I was going to use toward that up for even more spending/food money! :woohoo:

Second, I was trying to walk them through my tentative MVMCP party plan for all of us, and my stepmom literally looked at me and just went, "Yeah you can just play tour guide. Just tell us where to go." I hope it stays that easy! Then we all talked about my niece and nephew who will be with us, and how we think my nephew (8) will love it and still see the magic, but I think all of us are going to be ready to knock my niece (12) into next year if she does what we fear she will, which is being little miss "ugh is this it? I thought this was supposed to be something big." kind of thing. So if anybody is at the Dec 6th MVMCP and sees a family of 9 do a dramatic Big Brother eviction, that's us! "I'm sorry, you are evicted from the family. Goodbye!" :P
Speaking of Ohana, for those of you who have been there, what do you all think about it? For some reason (please don't shoot me), the pictures I see remind me of regular Asian food, not really special except for the bread pudding :confused3 whenever I read reviews, I think it sounds great, but when I see pictures, I'm just not so excited as I once was?!
I can see how it would look like that. I will say the food tastes phenomenal, but that's hard to capture in a picture. The flavors are just so good, even the chicken, which of the three meats, I thought that would be my least favorite just because it's chicken and there's only so much you can do with it, but it was delicious. Also the sauce accompaniments are really good too. The pork dumplings were great on their own, but with that weird peanut sauce, oh my gosh SO GOOD. The only thing I was really disappointed with from my already very high expectations was the vegetables. Ours were still a little crunchy in places, as if they hadn't left them in the pan long enough before shooting them out.
I know it's totally different when you grow up with something, but the thought of year-round summer, yikes! Haha. I'd much rather be too cold than too hot. I can always add more layers, but you get arrested once you've removed too many :rotfl2:
That is 100% my philosophy! I'm in northeast Mississippi, so I welcome the cooler weather with WIDE OPEN ARMS! Bring me the scarf weather!
I can see how it would look like that. I will say the food tastes phenomenal, but that's hard to capture in a picture. The flavors are just so good, even the chicken, which of the three meats, I thought that would be my least favorite just because it's chicken and there's only so much you can do with it, but it was delicious. Also the sauce accompaniments are really good too. The pork dumplings were great on their own, but with that weird peanut sauce, oh my gosh SO GOOD. The only thing I was really disappointed with from my already very high expectations was the vegetables. Ours were still a little crunchy in places, as if they hadn't left them in the pan long enough before shooting them out.
Thanks! This makes me feel better! I have it for my last dinner (right now) and am hoping it would leave a good impression on my DH :rotfl: all the more to convince him for a next trip ;)


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