***1st Week of December Thread ADR Plans, Park Hours, and dealing with Pop Warner***

Funny moment of the day:

(Backstory: I just got promoted to Office Supervisor about 3 weeks ago at my medical billing office. While our doctors are our bosses, they don't handle vacations or PTO, that's all done through human resources.)

Dr D. comes by my desk and says, "Just wanted to let you know our next corporation meeting is Dec 6th."

I awkwardly but firmly reply, "Umm I will be at Disney World."

He looks a little dumbfounded then laughs, "Well I guess you won't be there then!"

I laugh, "No sir!" :rotfl:
ROL - Rivers of Light. Every time I see the acronym I think it's a typo for ROTFL at first, lol.

Unless you were being sarcastic since we've been waiting so long that we've forgotten what it even is anymore, lol.
I just scored a 12:15 LTT lunch. Plane lands at 10:00am. Dinner at 6:45. just switched around my FP+ so first FP+ is 1:55-2:55 and put space mountain at the end so we're not rushing to there and getting right on a roller coaster after eating. 6.5 hours between meals. Will probably do apps and ooey gooey toffee cake. I know people are upset about the loss of their favorites on the menu but I can still find liek 5 things I want to order. Found a review showing the chowder and it looks good actually... that + the corn fritters might be really nice. Or even the pasta if I am hungry.

mama REALLY doesn't like those QS meals. I get the twitches thinking about it. Would rather relax in colonial splendor with ooey gooey toffee cake.
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ROL - Rivers of Light. Every time I see the acronym I think it's a typo for ROTFL at first, lol.

Unless you were being sarcastic since we've been waiting so long that we've forgotten what it even is anymore, lol.
...You bettcha!! I'm a diehard RoL fan!!!! (At least, I'm betting I'll be ?! :))
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Just wanted to pop in real quick and say hi. I have to go back to page 547 and catch up. Work has been so busy this week I swear it must be a full moon coming. I recently took a new position hoping it would be more relaxed and it totally is not. I've been trying to read the posts while I'm stuck in traffic on the way home - so bad I know.
Thank you @LisaF for responding so quick the other day about my Fastpass and ticket questions. All of a sudden I didn't feel like I did it right.
I'm on the same boat with being done with planning. I'm over it at this point and it is what it is. I know no matter what the trip will be awesome. It is our first big family trip with the baby. I can't wait to see him light up when he meets Mickey.
I've been picking up little things here and there. I found some battery operated mini lights for the stroller and a cute Mickey vest at Target for the baby.
I'm hoping things slow down so I can finalize our itinerary and make sure I have all paperwork printed out. And start packing !
I'm hoping after DS goes to bed tonight I can read the last few pages on the board... that's if I don't fall asleep myself.
I'm sorry! I am kind of wondering if I should try to score a lunch there and hope people cancel out on my first day. QS would be easier and less time but I LOVE liberty tree and would either do a chowder and corn fritters or a crab dip and ooey gooey toffee cake. If I am more hungry the pasta is what I would have wanted. So the menu still appeals to me. Even the salad sounds good though reviews on it have been dismal lately. I know lots are disappointed though.

We plan to still keep our lunch ADR at LTT on 12/5.
We plan to still keep our lunch ADR at LTT on 12/5.
I do understand why people are upset about the menu change. But for me personally, turkey and post roast are the last things I would order on any menu. I LOVE turkey, don't get me wrong, but I like to make it at home the way I like it lol. Same with pot roast. The only thing I might have ordered was the BLT sandwich but pretty much everything that would have been a contender for me is still on the menu. Vastly prefer salmon to chicken so that change on the salad doesn't bother me. and dying to try the ooey gooey toffee cake. So this is a huge score for me. I can't believe how my added day on is coming together!
Oh nice! I love zootopia . Wasn't planning on meeting any characters during the party but if I have time , I might meet them
Yeah, I can see how LTT would be appealing living in TX. LOL
The AYCTE doesn't appeal to me either...especially right after Thanksgiving. I'm really torn now because I've never had CHH and I know DH would like it, but LTT sounds so freaking good! Also, I'm already going to have QS credits left over. Does anyone know if I can convert those into a TS credit or a snack credit?? Hopefully we'll use most of them but I think I'll have one or two left over.
AYCTE???? Need help for that one?


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