Marathon Weekend 2017!

Do you think spectators can benefit from the new VIP Shuttle service to se their runners more often?
Just rearranged my entire schedule for marathon weekend. Someone take the MDE app away from me.

The struggle is real. This year's trip is a little more set since it's only four days with a marathon and a toddler to plan for, but in years past, I've completely overhauled a trip multiple times. Usually after reading a new restaurant review on Disney Tourist Blog. TouringPlans is also my best friend and biggest enabler.
First snow of the season in Iowa this morning. I actually like running in the winter. Everything seems calmer and quieter.

So, gang, 5 weeks/35 days to go until the marathon. The 5K is a month from tomorrow!

This week's Sundays are for Disney question is about inspiration. It seems most of us are getting into the longest distances of our training. Some of us are contending with injury and the uncertainty that can come with that. So, what keeps you going on those long runs? What gets you back out the door when you've had a tough run or are feeling a little pain?

During runs, I use a lot of visualization and pep talk. I try to see myself running through Magic Kingdom and running through Epcot, crossing the finish line and seeing my wife and daughter there. I'll also tell myself, out loud and throughout the run, that I feel strong and fast. I think convincing your brain you feel good is half the battle.

As for injuries/pain, I don't know that this counts as "inspiration," but I'm just too darn stubborn not to keep going. If I'm upright and I can move forward, I'm going to get out there and try my best.

Have a good week, all-stars!
This week's Sundays are for Disney question is about inspiration. It seems most of us are getting into the longest distances of our training. Some of us are contending with injury and the uncertainty that can come with that. So, what keeps you going on those long runs? What gets you back out the door when you've had a tough run or are feeling a little pain?

It's not really about inspiration for me. It's more about commitment, regardless of whether the race is Disney or local. I have set a goal (the race) and established a process for achieving that goal (the training plan). The day's run, be it short or long, is the next step in the process and must be completed. It's not really an optional exercise or up for debate.

The plan is not, however, set in stone. It can be modified as long as it's for the good of the goal. I will drop runs if I feel an injury emerging, as running through them to the point of a serious issue puts the goal at risk. It does require that I be able to differentiate between "normal" aches and pains and potential injuries, though.

I guess the TL;DR version is that I'm just so stubborn/dedicated that the mental pain of missing a scheduled run is more compelling than the potential discomfort of the run itself.
This week's Sundays are for Disney question is about inspiration. It seems most of us are getting into the longest distances of our training. Some of us are contending with injury and the uncertainty that can come with that. So, what keeps you going on those long runs? What gets you back out the door when you've had a tough run or are feeling a little pain?

During runs, I use a lot of visualization and pep talk. I try to see myself running through Magic Kingdom and running through Epcot, crossing the finish line and seeing my wife and daughter there. I'll also tell myself, out loud and throughout the run, that I feel strong and fast. I think convincing your brain you feel good is half the battle.
I kind of do the same thing! I always fall apart mentally on that long stretch between Animal Kingdom and WWoS. So once I'm at mile 14 or so I've been visualizing where I'll be in the race, telling myself to get to WWoS. Then my husband waits for me at about mile 18.5, so I just tell myself to get to him. Then it's, get out of WWoS, etc. I wish runDisney put out a training app that tells you where you would be on a given course, and maybe play loop music based on the mile of your run right now. I would use it.
It's not really about inspiration for me. It's more about commitment, regardless of whether the race is Disney or local. I have set a goal (the race) and established a process for achieving that goal (the training plan). The day's run, be it short or long, is the next step in the process and must be completed. It's not really an optional exercise or up for debate.
This is why I love my spreadsheets. I don't get to cross off that day until I've done the run for that day. And I just hate having a day not crossed off on my training spreadsheet. So I get out the door.
This week's Sundays are for Disney question is about inspiration. It seems most of us are getting into the longest distances of our training. Some of us are contending with injury and the uncertainty that can come with that. So, what keeps you going on those long runs? What gets you back out the door when you've had a tough run or are feeling a little pain?

As has already been said, for me, it's not about inspiration. It's about getting to the end goal well trained and injury free, neither of which can happen if I skip workouts and don't follow my training plan.
So, what keeps you going on those long runs? What gets you back out the door when you've had a tough run or are feeling a little pain?

I am super stubborn. I'm also a researcher and fond of gadgets. I have been wearing the sleeping sock for plantar fasciitis which has helped a ton. I have a spreadsheet and it is very satisfying to mark things off. I have been reading about how to get my speed up.

Right now, I'm wondering if the fact that there are tickets for the half is a sign. What I'm not is athletic or all that smart really. My current pace for miles 15+ on my long runs will get me swept and we're only 5 weeks out. If I buy a ticket for the half now, but keep training for the full, is that insurance that I'll be able to run a race or is it giving up? I don't have to re-arrange travel....
This week's Sundays are for Disney question is about inspiration. It seems most of us are getting into the longest distances of our training. Some of us are contending with injury and the uncertainty that can come with that. So, what keeps you going on those long runs? What gets you back out the door when you've had a tough run or are feeling a little pain?

If you want it, PROVE IT, by doing what is necessary to get it!

I have set lofty goals. Lofty goals for the day, for the week, for the month, for the year, for different races, and for my career. I've setup a systematic approach and path to get to each of those goals. I know that to reach those goals it isn't just going to happen. I have to go out and run.

But that brings me to the second point. I LOVE running. So there really isn't any consideration to not go out and run. I chose running as a hobby because I like it. If I didn't like it, I'd choose a different hobby like swimming, biking, tennis, basketball, cross stitching, etc. I love the marathon tempo workouts. I love the speed workouts. I love the easy days. I love the long 18 mile runs. I love them all. There have probably been less than 3 runs in the last two years that I didn't want to do (and even that might be an overestimate). So, it's less of a feeling of "having" to go out and run, and instead it's a feeling of being "lucky" to get to go out and run today.

So you're a member of the Spreadsheets Running Club, too!

@DopeyBadger is our president by acclamation.

LOL! You know me too well! :surfweb:
This week's Sundays are for Disney question is about inspiration. It seems most of us are getting into the longest distances of our training. Some of us are contending with injury and the uncertainty that can come with that. So, what keeps you going on those long runs? What gets you back out the door when you've had a tough run or are feeling a little pain?

My inspiration is the results. And by results, I don't necessarily mean crossing the finish line but more of being healthy enough and maintaining that health to run when, where and why I want to.
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This week's Sundays are for Disney question is about inspiration. It seems most of us are getting into the longest distances of our training. Some of us are contending with injury and the uncertainty that can come with that. So, what keeps you going on those long runs? What gets you back out the door when you've had a tough run or are feeling a little pain?
What keeps me going is making sure I don't look like a fool. I don't want to be swept or even close to last and I know if I am not out there getting the miles in than that is good possibility. That and proving to my dad that I can do it even if he thinks I can't.
What keeps me going is making sure I don't look like a fool. I don't want to be swept or even close to last and I know if I am not out there getting the miles in than that is good possibility. That and proving to my dad that I can do it even if he thinks I can't.

I can definitely relate to some of that. When I started running again I signed up for races just to force myself to train and avoid embarrassment on race day. Now, I run more for a feeling of personal accomplishment. It will be pretty great to say in five weeks that I'm officially a marathoner.
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Just had an awesome 6 miler on the National Mall. That pretty much dispelled any concerns about pace and whether or not I would get to stop for photos during Dopey. Three weeks back and I am all ready almost back to my old race pace. Bring on the challenge.
I need to get to race weekend knowing that I did everything I possibly could to prepare as well as possible. That is what is keeping me going right now.
Same here - it is about getting the hay in the barn. This season I added a new challenge. If Alabama wins, I do my part and make sure that I don't miss a run, and that means completing all of the miles of each run. That actually helped me abut 4 weeks ago. Since I had made this deal with myself, I had to finish a 22 mile run even though I got almost no sleep (because of the Alabama game) and felt miserable. I finished, but had I not had the extra motivation I am not sure that I would have.

You find something to get you through, and you use it.
First snow of the season in Iowa this morning. I actually like running in the winter. Everything seems calmer and quieter.

So, gang, 5 weeks/35 days to go until the marathon. The 5K is a month from tomorrow!

This week's Sundays are for Disney question is about inspiration. It seems most of us are getting into the longest distances of our training. Some of us are contending with injury and the uncertainty that can come with that. So, what keeps you going on those long runs? What gets you back out the door when you've had a tough run or are feeling a little pain?
Disney keeps me going. I know I have a Disney trip coming up and that there are races involved. I treat my runs as part of my countdown. I signed up for this so I'm gonna do it.
First snow of the season in Iowa this morning. I actually like running in the winter. Everything seems calmer and quieter.

So, gang, 5 weeks/35 days to go until the marathon. The 5K is a month from tomorrow!

This week's Sundays are for Disney question is about inspiration. It seems most of us are getting into the longest distances of our training. Some of us are contending with injury and the uncertainty that can come with that. So, what keeps you going on those long runs? What gets you back out the door when you've had a tough run or are feeling a little pain?

During runs, I use a lot of visualization and pep talk. I try to see myself running through Magic Kingdom and running through Epcot, crossing the finish line and seeing my wife and daughter there. I'll also tell myself, out loud and throughout the run, that I feel strong and fast. I think convincing your brain you feel good is half the battle.

As for injuries/pain, I don't know that this counts as "inspiration," but I'm just too darn stubborn not to keep going. If I'm upright and I can move forward, I'm going to get out there and try my best.

Have a good week, all-stars!

What keeps me going is knowing how much better I feel when I am in shape and confident. I love going to Disney and the opportunity to go with my nephew was one of the primary drivers for my first race, but my health has become my everyday driver and the reason I keep coming back for more.
What keeps me going is knowing that if I want to finish in the upright position, then I need to put in the work. I want to enjoy the marathon as much as possible and knowing that I did the right amount of training to get me there will hopefully give me confidence to compete it.


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