Disney Magic Kingdoms

The frugal deployment of space coupled with deployment of 6 attractions and stated concerns about resources, resolution and user experience suggest to me that the design is out of control. The game requires more resources than their target platforms (smartphones, some tablets, and even laptops) can provide. Limiting the resource loading from attractions by capping footprint space is one way to restrict the resource requirements of the game. The game on my laptop crashes frequently while harvesting quest results. I suspect it is due to unmet resource requirements. Even idle, the game is taking a significant chunk of my available CPU resource. For this reason, Malificent will win and portions of the Kingdom will always be dark.
They never really planned the end to the game. People will grow tired and move on and the game will just simply stop updating, maybe a short end game for those who stuck around 3 years. But that's about it.
While I'm okay that they are only releasing one piece of land at a time, I'm very frustrated at the number of attractions that are on the list to be released. Releasing 6 while only opening up one chunk of land (that would probably only hold 4 MAX)? That makes no sense to me. I have every attraction except Mike and Sully to the rescue, and I have space for one more attraction right now, depending on the size. I've held off getting M&S because I didn't know what kind of update would be coming, and I don't want to waste gems on something that will have to sit in storage. I've already rearranged my kingdom multiple times trying to make sure I have everything out.
At some point, we have to stop caring about what makes sense where and just sit everything in. At this point in the game, I think we are all too far along for things to make sense in the layout.
I'm really confused about this HUGE announcement. I feel like at this point, releasing the date is just part of their previous announcement, I wouldn't consider it huge at this point. Hmmm
Announcements are pointless anyway. Gsmeloft just uses them to buy time. Enough with these dumb previews and move forward with the game play. Absolutely no reason why they couldn't have rolled this out by now. Anniversary? Pashaw.
When does the Beauty & the Beast update start? Also I missed the Frozen and Mulan event so does that mean I cant ever get those characters?
When does the Beauty & the Beast update start? Also I missed the Frozen and Mulan event so does that mean I cant ever get those characters?

They haven't announced when the Beauty and the Beast event starts yet, but it's likely to begin in the next two weeks. We will probably know Wednesday. As for Frozen and Mulan, there hasn't been an opportunity yet to get them, but past event characters have been made available again through special chests that can be bought with gems. It's very possible Mulan and Frozen characters will eventually be available to get that way for a limited time.
Was it just me or did the lady in the live stream seem like she did not know what she was talking about? Lol.

I may sound rude, but I really wish they would stop worrying about the game optimization and just expand the game. I play on my IPhone 7 and have no problems. Your not going to please everyone, so maybe make the game iPhone 6 and up compatable. I play games on my iPhone that's bigger than this, so I don't see the problem. I've spent to much time and money on this game, and I'm starting to get really fired up that their not expanding the game.

She is the community manager for the game, so she runs the game forum and probably is also the one who responds to Facebook posts. So she is the "face" of GameLoft that most see, but she's not a developer, so I think her knowledge of the details of stuff is limited.

If you think about this from a business perspective- more devices supported= more devices spending money/watching ads in the game. So that is why they want to try and support as many low end and older devices as possible.
Couple things:

I put everything in storage and brought it all back out again as crammed as it could possibly be...3 whole spaces open. its ugly, but itll do.

Anyone else having a movie theatre glitch? Ive watched 13 ads in the last 20 minutes or so it just keeps showing the gem background white again for me to keep watching...
Couple things:

I put everything in storage and brought it all back out again as crammed as it could possibly be...3 whole spaces open. its ugly, but itll do.

Anyone else having a movie theatre glitch? Ive watched 13 ads in the last 20 minutes or so it just keeps showing the gem background white again for me to keep watching...

It's actually letting you watch ads? Do you get gems from them? Mine is always white, but only lets me watch 2 ads a day - if I don't happen to guess when my 24 hours is up then the game freezes when I click on it.
Couple things:

I put everything in storage and brought it all back out again as crammed as it could possibly be...3 whole spaces open. its ugly, but itll do.

Anyone else having a movie theatre glitch? Ive watched 13 ads in the last 20 minutes or so it just keeps showing the gem background white again for me to keep watching...
I am...But I'm guessing they will catch it and take away gems earned that weren't supposed to be
Couple things:

I put everything in storage and brought it all back out again as crammed as it could possibly be...3 whole spaces open. its ugly, but itll do.

Anyone else having a movie theatre glitch? Ive watched 13 ads in the last 20 minutes or so it just keeps showing the gem background white again for me to keep watching...
Would love to see your layout. I don't know how I'll get it all to fit
Anyone else having a movie theatre glitch? Ive watched 13 ads in the last 20 minutes or so it just keeps showing the gem background white again for me to keep watching...
Same here. Wondering how long I should keep it up. I figure I'll waste all this time just to find them gone when they figure it out.
I'm afraid they will take away more than the glitch is giving me. I feel like I technically earned them since I'm watching the ads but they have taken away glitched tokens before
Well it's done. It wasn't white anymore and now the gem is just gone, not there at all. I took screen shots right away when it started so I have some what of an idea about how many I had before it started to do that.


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