No character "test" during Tink 5K and 10K.

I've spent the past few weeks really upset that I wasn't going to be running Tink. But right now ... I'm not so sure. I don't know, maybe if I was actually in California right now and had run through two of my favorite Disney parks this morning I'd be a little less annoyed, but as a runDisney fan who is on the outside of this - I'm pretty unhappy. How could they do this? And with no notice! It's so frustrating and while I'm sure I will do another race eventually, right now I'm not as excited about all things runDisney as I usually am.
Disney advertises characters and on course entertainment on the website. Take that away and you are not getting what you paid for. People pay $80+ for the experience not just to run.
Oh, absolutely. That's my point. While I understand what Disney's goal is they're trying to solve a small problem (a small subset of people who with a. can't manage their time or b. refuse to) and replacing it with a big problem.
@Ariel484 wow, that's really far back. Any chance you got pics at the mile markers this year so we could see how much smaller the setup is?
Disney advertises in their race descriptions that there will be characters and on course entertainment. I'd be all over runDisney for this. Come January if this is the new norm I will be complaining for sure.
This is kind of what I thought! I mean I will fully admit that I didn't read through all the disclaimers, but I honestly would be super mad if I showed up in California this weekend and found out once I was there.

I think I would have to think long and hard about it if they did take that away, and that is coming from a person who doesn't stop for characters on course. To me it adds to the experience and the atmosphere of the whole thing, it creates a fun vibe and excitement out on the course even if you don't stop for them. Would I say 100% that I would be done with runDisney? probably not at this time but I would have to really think about it. I love Disney, I run there because I want an excuse for a vacation in my happy place! The reason it bothers me that they are thinking about this is more of the pay more but get less thing and downsizing with no real good (in my eyes) reason for it. We pay a lot for these, part of the appeal is the characters. We all know what pace we have to follow, the freakouts over the poor balloon ladies every race proves that most everyone is aware of the limits, and it is a personal choice to decide to take the chance or not. I think it is just a strange and backwards way to try and help people not get swept, if that even is the actual reason for this. I am very curious on how this will go down, and I hope they decide against going forward with this in future races. I feel bad for those that are being experimented on this weekend and were blindsided by it.

This is how I feel as well. I just wondered if there was something else really special that I didn't know about before or after the race that would make it worth the money. I mean I have paid nearly $100.00 for half marathons in Philadelphia that promised (and delivered) live bands, music, cheer, etc. If I had showed up and none of that was there....I'd be annoyed. To me I think it's super cool to get to run in the park, but I'm really not sure it's worth quite the cost of the race, without the characters being there too.

I for one would be less likely. I still think that the races are a great experience and love running through the parks but I've done races in both WDW and DL and I'll treasure those experiences but they are kind of a been there done that. The characters and on course entertainment add to the atmosphere. I generally don't even stop to get pictures with the characters but I LOVE seeing them out. I think I would really only consider doing runDisney if it was something I was doing with friends or it fit into a vacation and even then it would probably require a price drop.

Agreed completely. I am betting there will be some angry people from this weekend. Definitely don't surprise people with it! And I am with you totally on the not thinking I would stop for characters but I do want to see them. It would be a bit part of the excitement for me. And dressing up of course, but I can do that at any race.
Someone at runDisney must really want to cancel a lot of race weekends because that is the only possible explanation I can think of for such a short-sighted and terrible idea. What did they think was going to happen? Even the supposed people complaining about getting swept were theoretically interested in character pictures (since they were supposedly getting swept because they stopped). Of all fixes they could have implemented to fix the targeted problem this seems like the least likely to achieve any type of positive result.

Ok, I'm done ridiculing the absurdity of their stated purpose. The bigger question becomes, has the runDisney model become so unprofitable that they feel such dramatic cuts have become necessary? This is very troubling to me because this is a such a bad idea that it feels like it must have been a nuclear option unless we are dealing with some incredibly short-sighted and borderline insane decision-makers. Its hurting my brain trying to make sense of this.
Ok, I'm done ridiculing the absurdity of their stated purpose. The bigger question becomes, has the runDisney model become so unprofitable that they feel such dramatic cuts have become necessary? This is very troubling to me because this is a such a bad idea that it feels like it must have been a nuclear option unless we are dealing with some incredibly short-sighted and borderline insane decision-makers. Its hurting my brain trying to make sense of this.

Exactly... I can't seem to come up with a logical, sane reason for the decision and the implementation of it!
What a mess! By all accounts it sounds like a typical RunDisney ham-handed attempt to make a change for the better in the worst way possible. I'll start with the statement that I don't stop for characters during the run and I don't like pictures of me running, or in any situation, really. It's always seemed odd to me that so many people wait so long in lines for characters during a "race" to the extent of being unable to complete said race in many cases. I would also be interested in how many people cheat on PoT and corral placements in an attempt to allow themselves more character picture times. I run RunDisney to run through the parks. Improvements that can be made to keep races flowing on course would be welcome.

That being said, I think improvements could be made without compromising the RunDisney experience. Here's what I think they SHOULD have done:

1. Remove the character photo stops from the race (bear with me for a moment...)
2. Increase the number of "displays" on course with things like the Endor scene from SWDS this year, the "legacy" ride displays from the WDWM, non-photo op characters (characters in the distance or up on trolleys/stage waving), and video boards with movie/cartoon clips and music relevant to the theme to name a few options
3. Set up pre- and post-race character photo op lines at the start/finish lines like SWDS has done both years so that runners can get their character photos in their running gear without impeding the flow of the race or jeopardizing their ability to finish the race

This approach would improve the flow of the race, leading to more finishers and less sweeping (at least due to time lost to character stops), while allowing runners to get the character photo ops with PhotoPass photographers. It would also meet their contractual obligation to provide characters and entertainment on-course. Nowhere does it say you are guaranteed photos with the on course characters in my quick read of the website. It could be a win-win.

Granted, it would only be a win-win if RunDisney is being honest about their reason for the experiment. If this is really a cost-cutting experiment in disguise, this wouldn't work for them, so it's really down to what their true intentions are...
Someone at runDisney must really want to cancel a lot of race weekends because that is the only possible explanation I can think of for such a short-sighted and terrible idea. What did they think was going to happen? Even the supposed people complaining about getting swept were theoretically interested in character pictures (since they were supposedly getting swept because they stopped). Of all fixes they could have implemented to fix the targeted problem this seems like the least likely to achieve any type of positive result.

Ok, I'm done ridiculing the absurdity of their stated purpose. The bigger question becomes, has the runDisney model become so unprofitable that they feel such dramatic cuts have become necessary? This is very troubling to me because this is a such a bad idea that it feels like it must have been a nuclear option unless we are dealing with some incredibly short-sighted and borderline insane decision-makers. Its hurting my brain trying to make sense of this.
I think runDisney has become so profitable that they want to milk as much as they possibly can.
@Ariel484 wow, that's really far back. Any chance you got pics at the mile markers this year so we could see how much smaller the setup is?
Here's some pics. They had teepees and stuff last year...just more props last time. And clocks...I thought it was weird there were no clocks this year.
What a mess! By all accounts it sounds like a typical RunDisney ham-handed attempt to make a change for the better in the worst way possible. I'll start with the statement that I don't stop for characters during the run and I don't like pictures of me running, or in any situation, really. It's always seemed odd to me that so many people wait so long in lines for characters during a "race" to the extent of being unable to complete said race in many cases. I would also be interested in how many people cheat on PoT and corral placements in an attempt to allow themselves more character picture times. I run RunDisney to run through the parks. Improvements that can be made to keep races flowing on course would be welcome.

That being said, I think improvements could be made without compromising the RunDisney experience. Here's what I think they SHOULD have done:

1. Remove the character photo stops from the race (bear with me for a moment...)
2. Increase the number of "displays" on course with things like the Endor scene from SWDS this year, the "legacy" ride displays from the WDWM, non-photo op characters (characters in the distance or up on trolleys/stage waving), and video boards with movie/cartoon clips and music relevant to the theme to name a few options
3. Set up pre- and post-race character photo op lines at the start/finish lines like SWDS has done both years so that runners can get their character photos in their running gear without impeding the flow of the race or jeopardizing their ability to finish the race

This approach would improve the flow of the race, leading to more finishers and less sweeping (at least due to time lost to character stops), while allowing runners to get the character photo ops with PhotoPass photographers. It would also meet their contractual obligation to provide characters and entertainment on-course. Nowhere does it say you are guaranteed photos with the on course characters in my quick read of the website. It could be a win-win.

Granted, it would only be a win-win if RunDisney is being honest about their reason for the experiment. If this is really a cost-cutting experiment in disguise, this wouldn't work for them, so it's really down to what their true intentions are...
I get your point and I'm not opposed but I would greatly miss character stops. I don't stop for all of them but I do stop for some and they are great during the non park portions. With that said I loved that ride vehicle stop during the marathon.
Maybe they are tired of having to clean the costumes after all the sweaty runners touch them. :)

Even the supposed people complaining about getting swept were theoretically interested in character pictures (since they were supposedly getting swept because they stopped).

So true! What a stupid way to accomplish this.

It's always seemed odd to me that so many people wait so long in lines for characters during a "race" to the extent of being unable to complete said race in many cases.

I don't think it's that many. There aren't THAT many who are swept to begin with.

3. Set up pre- and post-race character photo op lines at the start/finish lines like SWDS has done both years so that runners can get their character photos in their running gear without impeding the flow of the race or jeopardizing their ability to finish the race

Before means you have to get there earlier, and someone who is going to get swept by not paying attention while in a character line won't start because they are in a character line. :)

And after is hard on some, even those who are fully trained. When your calves are thinking of exploding and you reek it's hard to think "must have a pic with Hook!" :)

I thought it was weird there were no clocks this year.

Especially since they are trying to keep people from being swept. Lol.
I can see why it's controversial. When I have tried to explain what you get for runDisney races in comparison to the cost I always mention the experience because I can do a race and get a t-shirt and a medal for $40-$50 at home. I'm there because I want the experience and the characters are a huge part of that.

You mentioned this, and it got me thinking, what's the cost of The Liberty Bell Challenge at The Philadelphia Marathon vs Goofy? They're both the same in terms of distance and days of the week (Saturday Half, Sunday Full). I checked the cost, before taxes and fees:

Entry fees: Liberty Bell $200, Goofy $365.
Transportation: Liberty Bell: 1/4 gallon of gas and 4 subway tokens, $9, Goofy requires a couple round trip tickets, transportation to the airport, it's more than $9
Lodging: Liberty Bell: I can stay at home, Goofy: some hotel somewhere, more money!
Food: Liberty Bell: I have a supermarket and a full kitchen. Goofy: unless I'm staying off-site or stay at a resort with a kitchen, it's a bunch of eating out.
Entertainment: Liberty Bell: Cable, Goofy: Theme park tickets

I could keep piling on this list. The point is, it costs a lot to run Disney so give me what you promise! Even if I don't stop for pictures, just the fact that they're cheering everyone on is enough to keep me motivated.

I thought about that too. Darkside was a big improvement this year, then you have this crap.

What was the improvement at Darkside?
The bigger question becomes, has the runDisney model become so unprofitable that they feel such dramatic cuts have become necessary?

runDisney races are some of the most expensive road races in the entire country, if not the entire world! 20000 people per race, how are they NOT making money?


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