Theater Banning Men From Two Showings of Wonder Woman

Would a guy even WANT to go see such a film????

Heck yeah. It's going to be a lot of comic book geeks going to watch it.

Hopefully it won't stink like the first appearance of this Wonder Woman in Batman v Superman. My kid fell asleep.

Simply because of the hypocrisy of not being allowed men's only classes, gyms.
I can see for every reason there is to have a women's only group or event the same can apply in reverse, but can you imagine the outcry if there was a men's only screening of superman with women staff being barred from working?
can you imagine the outcry if there was a men's only screening of superman with women staff being barred from working?
We'd see pictures of their starving children, even if the women were offered double the shifts on other nights.
A omic book superhero movie?? Why wouldn't they want to?

A comic book superhero movie.......I puzzled why anybody WOULD want to see it.

Yeah, yeah, I know there are millions of fans; it's not my cup of tea,

I'm curious if guys want to see Wonder Woman just to criticize it, to say it doesn't hold up to "real" (i.e. male) superhero movies.
A comic book superhero movie.......I puzzled why anybody WOULD want to see it.

Yeah, yeah, I know there are millions of fans; it's not my cup of tea,

I'm curious if guys want to see Wonder Woman just to criticize it, to say it doesn't hold up to "real" (i.e. male) superhero movies.

You really don't get why guys would want to see Wonder Woman?

Come on now......
I don't see why it is an issue. It is just a marketing gimmick, and probably an effective one. If I could go see a show of Wonder Woman that was guaranteed to be free of teen boys excited over the skimpy costume, I'd be there in a heartbeat. ;)

I think it's wrong! I couldn't imagine that going over well with many women if they only had men's night. I've banned my kids from this science camp that has one session for only girls and one session for everyone, where's the boys only session?

The poster you quoted said nothing about scores. "Less outspoken" and "participate less" don't affect grades. They do affect career choices.

Yep. There is a very real point to girls-only sessions - to offset the participation gap that shows up in mixed-gender classes. And that can be especially valuable in the middle school years, although as a recent college student I was absolutely floored to see just how much that gap persists into higher ed. Girls might be getting better grades, but they're doing it quietly and that's not an asset.
Woman in suggestive costume with whips, and a binding lasso? All those guys that claimed they read Playboy for the articles would NEVER want to see that.

The original Wonder Woman would lose her super powers if placed into bondage by a man, and that happened quite often. Why would a comic book geek want to see that?

There was some criticism about casting Gal Gadot because she's kind of thin and hardly fits the image.
I said the same thing to my DH last night in regards to some (not all) men/guy's attitude towards female super heroes and/or female comic book fans. For some diehards it's just not okay with them. It's a way for these women to embrace their "geeky" side without that underlying judgement.

Yep. Geek culture can often be misogynistic and sexist. Lots of guys who are barely a 2 but feel it is their right to be openly critical of any woman who isn't a 10, particularly when it comes to cosplay. Lots of guys who say things like "If you don't like the rape jokes, go back to the kitchen where you belong" to gamer girls who dare to speak up. And on a less aggressive level, a fairly widespread assumption that women are "lesser" or not "real" fans. I think for a long time, geekiness itself served as a sort of "men's club" for boys/men who didn't get that male outlet via sports and there's no shortage of guys who would prefer it stay that way.
Yep. Geek culture can often be misogynistic and sexist. Lots of guys who are barely a 2 but feel it is their right to be openly critical of any woman who isn't a 10, particularly when it comes to cosplay. Lots of guys who say things like "If you don't like the rape jokes, go back to the kitchen where you belong" to gamer girls who dare to speak up. And on a less aggressive level, a fairly widespread assumption that women are "lesser" or not "real" fans. I think for a long time, geekiness itself served as a sort of "men's club" for boys/men who didn't get that male outlet via sports and there's no shortage of guys who would prefer it stay that way.

As a nerd of all types, I've experienced this first hand, and I again, I think a fun "girls night" around Wonder Woman makes tons of sense. Its not a big deal. As I mentioned, I split my book club to be women's only after too much mansplaining and men trying to hook with group members. After enjoying such a lovely supportive, intellectual group of women, I wouldn't go back to a co-ed book club. There's a time and a place. Having a couple of women's only shows is great. God forbid we encourage women to celebrate themselves.
The original Wonder Woman would lose her super powers if placed into bondage by a man, and that happened quite often. Why would a comic book geek want to see that?

There was some criticism about casting Gal Gadot because she's kind of thin and hardly fits the image.

That weakness has been written out of her character for years. And the original weakness was permitting a man to connect the bracelets. The permitting part was lost in some of the stories that came later. The original origin story was that the Amazons were Greek women who had been bound by the wrists who at one point broke free. They moved to their island where in the absence of males, they grew stronger and longer lived. The unbound cuffs (bracelets of submission) were still worn to remind them that allowing men power over them was what sapped them of their own power. Also if the bracelets were lost or cracked, Wonder Woman would develop an insatiable lust for combat and go into a rage.
As a nerd of all types, I've experienced this first hand, and I again, I think a fun "girls night" around Wonder Woman makes tons of sense. Its not a big deal. As I mentioned, I split my book club to be women's only after too much mansplaining and men trying to hook with group members. After enjoying such a lovely supportive, intellectual group of women, I wouldn't go back to a co-ed book club. There's a time and a place. Having a couple of women's only shows is great. God forbid we encourage women to celebrate themselves.

If it's done as a private group, that's certainly your own prerogative. Still - I think almost any business would be hard pressed to actually enforce such a requirement when it's otherwise open to the public. Exactly what would they do? If they send in security (and will it be men?) or there's a physical blockade, that's going to be a huge PR disaster, especially with so many people having camera phones these days.

I get the sentiment, but it's a no-win situation if they try to enforce a "no men allowed" policy, whether it's getting sued or potentially creating an ugly scene. A lot of businesses have basically got around being sued by insisting that they didn't really enforce policies with no men or where "ladies night" discounts were given to anyone who asked.
If it's done as a private group, that's certainly your own prerogative. Still - I think almost any business would be hard pressed to actually enforce such a requirement when it's otherwise open to the public. Exactly what would they do? If they send in security (and will it be men?) or there's a physical blockade, that's going to be a huge PR disaster, especially with so many people having camera phones these days.

I get the sentiment, but it's a no-win situation if they try to enforce a "no men allowed" policy, whether it's getting sued or potentially creating an ugly scene. A lot of businesses have basically got around being sued by insisting that they didn't really enforce policies with no men or where "ladies night" discounts were given to anyone who asked.

Surely such a minor event wouldn't get to that point. I just see that possibility as hyperbole in the extreme. Of course, if someone presses the issue, I'm confident they could go, but they'd also be a giant butthole IMHO.
Surely such a minor event wouldn't get to that point. I just see that possibility as hyperbole in the extreme. Of course, if someone presses the issue, I'm confident they could go, but they'd also be a giant butthole IMHO.

These days you never really know. Some people show up at certain events that they don't agree with just to make a scene. Even years ago I remember some people going to controversial movies just to make statements knowing that there would be TV news crews that would talk to them.

Apparently a guy (kind of a butthole I agree) says he bought a ticket to one of the "women only" screenings in Brooklyn. Given his reputation he's probably going to go through with it, and I'm sure there's going to someone there to see if it turns into a train wreck.
These days you never really know. Some people show up at certain events that they don't agree with just to make a scene. Even years ago I remember some people going to controversial movies just to make statements knowing that there would be TV news crews that would talk to them.

Apparently a guy (kind of a butthole I agree) says he bought a ticket to one of the "women only" screenings in Brooklyn. Given his reputation he's probably going to go through with it, and I'm sure there's going to someone there to see if it turns into a train wreck.

I get it. Just sucks:( Honestly, the whole thing makes me a bit sad. A good night of non-mean girl commaderie should be encouraged, and that anyone wouldn't want that, just...ugh. This is why we can't have nice things, eh?


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