Dis Old Fogies Clubhouse – Six of One, Half Dozen of the Other. Makes No Difference!


....what do you recommend?

I have had lunch and dinner. I have not been there for breakfast. I suppose that I enjoyed the dinner better than lunch. Lunch was mostly sandwiches whereas a dinner there were varied choices.
I have had lunch and dinner. I have not been there for breakfast. I suppose that I enjoyed the dinner better than lunch. Lunch was mostly sandwiches whereas a dinner there were varied choices.
...oh my goodness - I was WAYYYYYY off base! I thought you were asking about a particular dinner item on the menu! :lmao:
...oh my goodness - I was WAYYYYYY off base! I thought you were asking about a particular dinner item on the menu! :lmao:

It's been a year, but I've had the lamb, and the seafood with puff pastry. Both were good. I have no idea what we had at lunch!
....I'm really excited about visiting in October....last visit was F&WF in 2014...
Woo hoo let the weekend begin, it's been a long week. I just remind myself, less than 7 months to go.
We have a lot of work to do this weekend. We are leaving Wednesday to go to Denver for a few days of R&R.
Trips all around! Heading to see my dad in FL in a few weeks. kimmar do you have friends/family in PR or is this a straight-up vaca?

We're on our last week of summer camp and I personally can't wait for Friday..... This (the Boards) is one of the few places I can vent freely, so as the sign says, "Please pardon our dust...." :rotfl: We've had an on-going issue with a total lack of privacy in the house we're in (keeping campers on camp and not in our personal space), and it all seems to be falling on deaf ears. SO frustrating. I've already warned DH that if it's not resolved by next year, I will be spending the summer-camp season in either NH or FL.

Trips all around! Heading to see my dad in FL in a few weeks. kimmar do you have friends/family in PR or is this a straight-up vaca? ....
....welllll, both. My mom lives in Isabela, PR, about 7 minutes from Jobos beach. When you drive down the side of the cliff and it straightens out and is perpendicular to the shore, you get to a fork in the road. If you go right, it leads towards that beach; if you go left, the house my sister rented is down that road apiece....
....oh, and YES, I finally did start packing.....just need to store the toiletries and personal hygiene items [brushes, toothbrush, flat iron, etc.] into our luggage.
I am so woefully behind! I haven't even got the suitcases out yet! But I'm up early and I plan on taking a tub/shower and getting on that ASAP!

Literally in about 24 hours we will be on our way to the airport and not only do I have to pack, but I have at least five eBay items to ship. One of them is massive and took a couple hours to pack up. Making sure it was properly warped in bubble wrap and full of peanuts! :faint:
....oh, that's just the KITCHEN....you don't even WANNA know about the bedroom. [:teeth: ]
:wave2: Nice to see Bret pop in, hope all is going well.

Alison, have fun in Denver.

Kimmar - PR sounds so good right now, enjoy your family beach time.

LegoMom - Enjoy your time with your Dad.


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