I think Paul's plan for eviction is Matt, Jason, Kevin, Alex, then Raven (with Josh and Christmas in the final three). So it wouldn't surprise me at all if Matt went home this week.
Paul is nonstop harassing Jason to put up Kevin, he's telling Jason Kevin is "counterfeit" (whatever that means) and a liar and would put up Jason if he wins HOH.
Pauls head will explode if Jason doesn't do what he wants, he's relentless. PLEASE PLEASE Jason do what you want with your HOH!
Paul is nonstop harassing Jason to put up Kevin, he's telling Jason Kevin is "counterfeit" (whatever that means) and a liar and would put up Jason if he wins HOH.
Pauls head will explode if Jason doesn't do what he wants, he's relentless. PLEASE PLEASE Jason do what you want with your HOH!

That makes sense since Kevin is on the boot list afterall.
I didn't want to believe that BB staged last year when it was being discussed here. But OMG, this year I am having difficulties NOT believing it. Truthfully, it makes me sad as BB is my guilty summer pleasure.
I can't help but wonder if production isn't telling Paul and his minions that Cody and Mark.are hated outside the house.
Josh told Christmas that the DR keeps asking him is Paul really with them. Of course Christmas shoots that theory right down, she is absolutely clueless. At least Josh is considering the possibility Paul is playing all sides. I'm really shocked the DR would try to go against Paul but I think they are suffering quite a big backlash over everything that has gone on this season.

Like a previous poster said, Paul is really pressuring Jason to use the veto. I really hope Jason finally stands up to him and does not use it. Kevin would be loyal to Jason, Matt and Raven would not. Getting Kevin out only benefits Paul. I hope Jason realizes that.

I've read all the comments of Paul wanting to fight Cody outside the house, in fact Evel Dick wants to have it on PPV because he thinks Cody will cream Paul and would love to see it lol.
I wonder if it's getting back to BB about how the fans feel about them setting up Paul to win and perhaps the "list". If I were them, I would hate that people are "on to" the show! That hurts ratings.
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Is bB considered a game show? And aren't there laws regarding faking a game show due to that one that did it ages ago? DH said they can do an abbreviated one day version to get HOH, noms, veto and evictions....just run through with some sort of quicky comps (even just a written test) and then take that predetermined order and film a scripted show with it. But they can't just fudge a show and say 'paul wins and X is second and Y is third..?'....not when prizes are involved. But they can run through some stupid written test to get order of evictions and the use that in a scripted show. Maybe????? Anyone know?

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Is bB considered a game show? And aren't there laws regarding faking a game show due to that one that did it ages ago? DH said they can do an abbreviated one day version to get HOH, noms, veto and evictions....just run through with some sort of quicky comps (even just a written test) and then take that predetermined order and film a scripted show with it. But they can't just fudge a show and say 'paul wins and X is second and Y is third..?'....not when prizes are involved. But they can run through some stupid written test to get order of evictions and the use that in a scripted show. Maybe????? Anyone know?
I have to say that this has crossed my mind as well.
They do not call themselves a game show, they are listed as an entertainment show. That's how they get around messing with the results; i.e., supposed results of phone in votes; times of competitions that are not shown fully to audience or to even to the house guests; giving players advantages and others disadvantages, etc.

Edited to add, I do not think the show is pre-determined because that would get out. These people are watched 24/7 there is no way someone doesn't slip up and says "ok Kevin you are next to go" or someone asking "what is the order we go out again?" The reason people are going out in the order of the list is because that is Paul's order and the producers are helping Paul win. The contestants have no idea when they are going out and could change the "script" if they actually grew a brain.
I'm pretty sure the producers ask the players leading questions in the DR, and plant little "what-if" questions in their minds. I don't think the outcomes are predetermined or scripted, but I do think they are manipulated to a certain extent. Like, "So Jason, now that you're HOH, who are you going to target? Oh Matt? Why? Well, what do you think would happen if you evicted, say, Kevin? How would that change the dynamic?" I think they get the HG's to talk through certain scenarios in the DR that they might be missing otherwise. They're not supposed to directly discuss what production said to them, but they can bring up these ideas on their own.


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