"Even the Garbage Cans Have Flowers!"-A September 2016 Mother-Daughter TR!- NEW TR LINK 9/13!

Glad you were able to explore AKL and get a feel for it for your upcoming trip!

As much as I love planning, it must have been nice back in the day to be able to be more spontaneous about things!

There really is something so special about Disney during the fall!

Your final hours at MK are off to a good start- can't wait to see what else you do!
So glad you were able to get in some MK time before you had to go!

Yes. 100% yes.

Glad to see someone who shares in my Disney-Obsessiveness :)

Glad you were able to explore AKL and get a feel for it for your upcoming trip!

As much as I love planning, it must have been nice back in the day to be able to be more spontaneous about things!

There really is something so special about Disney during the fall!

Your final hours at MK are off to a good start- can't wait to see what else you do!

Mom and I were so excited to check out AKL; we really couldn't have planned that one any better! It was an awesome last day to an amazing trip :goodvibes
Day 7- Part 3: “How Lucky Am I To Have Something That Makes Saying Goodbye So Hard!”

Well, this is it friends. The last TR update for September 2016 :sad:

I am feeling all of the feels right now. You guys have made writing about my Disney trip so enjoyable, I can’t thank you all enough for the support, kind words, and keen advice you have given me! Minus the Photobucket snafu, writing this TR has been SO much fun! The DIS is a sacred place to me, and I’m so excited to continue fostering the friendships I have made here.

Luckily, the ending of this TR isn’t too terribly sad, because in just 2 weeks, I am going back to Disney World (this time with the whole family in tow) and I will begin a brand spanking new TR when I return! :goodvibes I will stay on this thread until I leave; giving you guys some more details on our 2017 trip and wrapping this baby up with some parting thoughts!

But, for right now, it is September 9, 2016, at 2:15 PM, in line for Haunted Mansion! We had booked a FP for Haunted Mansion in line for Pirates of the Caribbean, and this was our first introduction to the elusive “4th fastpass.” Our world was about to get shook ::yes::

I love the entire queue of Haunted Mansion. It’s so punny and adorable!

After taking one last spin in our doom buggy, we booked a fast pass for Winnie the Pooh starting at 2:30. We decided to mosey around Fantasyland and take some pictures before heading to the ride! I’m pretty sure that this is my most picture-heavy update of the bunch!

The most we saw of It’s a Small World this trip :sad2:

She tried, but no luck!! About 5 minutes after this, a little girl in a princess costume pulled it out :rotfl:

We made our way to Winnie the Pooh and cashed our FPs! Had to get an “action shot!”

In line, we made a FP for Journey of the Little Mermaid for 2:40. We were starting to get addicted!

This is such a beautiful area of Magic Kingdom! The attention to detail is astounding. We even found a hidden Mickey on our way out!!

Mom and I were heading out of Journey of the Little Mermaid when a nice gentleman stopped us and gave us some anytime FPs! We were very appreciative, but sadly, we only had one ride in mind and it wasn’t included in the fastpass options. I wish I could say that we passed on the magic to someone else, but we completely forgot about them and found them in our fanny pack when we returned home :rotfl2: It’s pinned to my Disney bulletin board as we speak!

So, what ride did we have in mind for our last ride of the trip?

Splash Mountain of course! It’s tradition! Side note- I loved this little girl’s pose :cool2:

The queue time was posted at 35 minutes. At this point, it was 3:00, and we had to be back at the GF by 4:30 to catch our DME. We figured that we had plenty of time, so we hopped in line.


Let the longest line of the trip commence. :scared1:

The line was flowing through smoothly until we hit the upstairs part. Then, that’s where we hit a standstill! We weren’t really sure why; but we think that the ride was broken down earlier because there were SO many people going through the FP line. All in all, we ended up waiting an hour for the ride. Mom was freaking out that we were going to miss our DME, I was excited at the possibility that we could spend more time in Disney :thumbsup2 In addition to all of this, the weather was easily the hottest and most humid of the trip, so we were basically boiling in the line!

Luckily, we made it onto Splash in just enough time. Our last ride-through was terrific, as usual. I always find something new every trip on Splash Mountain, and this year, it was the cuteness that is Brer Roadrunner.

Isn’t he adorable? He should get his own merch!

Once we got off, we realized that it was already 4:10, so we hoofed it over to the front of the park :sad1: I was sad about the unceremonious way we had to leave Magic Kingdom, but we both realized that maybe it was better that way, because we didn’t have time to be sad. It was like ripping off a band-aid! We stopped at a cart for one last Mickey Bar right at the park exit, and headed towards the boat launch.

We ate our treats in line, and soon after, a boat came by to pick us up!

Please excuse the Splash Mountain hair :flower3: There was a cute family in front of us, made up of a dad, 2 pre-teen age kids and a little girl who was about 6. They had tons of bags full of souvenirs, and when the little girl was leaning over the boat to look in the water, she stumbled and dropped a bag in the water! I was so impressed; the kids started freaking out, but the dad kept his cool, saying “It’s just things, we can always get another one. At least nobody got hurt.” Kudos to you, Disney dad :thumbsup2

The boat ride back was nice and quick; we were back at the GF in less than 10 minutes. That is one thing we will definitely miss about not being in the MK resort area this year!

We made it back to the GF with literally 7 minutes to spare! Some parting pictures:

Don’t let the clouds deceive you, it was about 95 degrees with 100% humidity :crazy2:

We took one last look around in Basin before heading out front. Unfortunately, the Tragical Express was right on time!

I was very proud of this shot!

We got a Disney Cruise Line Bus, so that felt a little better. Mom and I spent the ride to the airport pretending that we were boarding the Disney Fantasy for a weeklong Caribbean cruise :lmao: Speaking of which, nobody in my family has ever been on a cruise!! Disney Cruise Line experts- is it worth it?? I’ve always been so intrigued about trying a Disney Cruise!

Mom and I arrived at the airport shortly after. This sign almost made me cry :sad:

I won’t bore you with the airport stuff. We got through security quickly and had Chipotle for some dinner. I did buy some Goofy’s Candy Company sours for the plane, a Donald pen for Tom, and a keychain for me at the Earport on our way out!

This keychain is literally a lifesaver; I always used to lose/drop my keys before, but this handy little bracelet thing helps me so much! Plus, the kids at my work are mesmerized by it :laughing:

Our flight wasn’t full, so Mom and I got the row to ourselves! One last view of beautiful Orlando.

Luckily, the flight went by very smoothly, and we were back in Milwaukee in no time! On our drive home, we talked about our plans for September 2017. Obsessed much??

We were greeted by my dad and these smiling faces :goodvibes

...And I crashed right into bed, exhausted from another amazing mother-daughter Disney trip.

I’m going to use the same quote from the opening of my TR, because it’s just so poignant.

“We didn’t realize we were making memories, we just knew we were having fun.”


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Luckily, the ending of this TR isn’t too terribly sad, because in just 2 weeks, I am going back to Disney World (this time with the whole family in tow) and I will begin a brand spanking new TR when I return! :goodvibes

YAY! :banana:

I wish I could say that we passed on the magic to someone else, but we completely forgot about them and found them in our fanny pack when we returned home :rotfl2: It’s pinned to my Disney bulletin board as we speak!

Oops! At least they made a nice souvenir!

Mom was freaking out that we were going to miss our DME, I was excited at the possibility that we could spend more time in Disney :thumbsup2

That sounds about right. :laughing:

Unfortunately, the Tragical Express was right on time!


On our drive home, we talked about our plans for September 2017. Obsessed much??

This is literally my mom and me. We've recently been talking about plans for a trip that isn't even a thing yet! :rolleyes1

I have so enjoyed your TR, and I can't wait for the next one! :yay:
What a wonderful last day, glad you got to ride Splash one last time! So sweet the picture of you and your mom.
We leave in 6 days, so excited. I will be joining in your new report when you get back. Have an awesome trip!
Luckily, the ending of this TR isn’t too terribly sad, because in just 2 weeks, I am going back to Disney World (this time with the whole family in tow) and I will begin a brand spanking new TR when I return! :goodvibes

We're just under 3 weeks now :hyper:

Isn’t he adorable? He should get his own merch!

He is!

Luckily, the flight went by very smoothly, and we were back in Milwaukee in no time! On our drive home, we talked about our plans for September 2017. Obsessed much??

:rotfl: I think I would've cried in May if I didn't know we were coming back in September. I was definitely already planning that by the plane ride home.
We definitely got our exercise in walking up and down the strip! We got some treats at the Hershey's Store and headed back to Harrah's for a rest. We napped from 6:30-7:30 and just chilled out in the room until I left for the airport at 8:30. It was awesome to just have some quality sister bonding time in Vegas! My flight left at 11:05 PM last night, and I didn't get back until 4:30 this morning!! So, needless to say, today I took a four-hour nap and a long, hot shower!

Loved hearing about Vegas! My high school friend asked me to go along on her 50th Birthday trip next October. There are about 30 of us going. I have never been to Vegas and will be flying alone since everyone else in the group still lives on the East Coast and I have relocated to Tennessee. I know it is a long ways away but I am so excited!
You guys really took advantage of making extra FPs- thats awesome!

I'm glad Splash could be your last ride of the trip, even if the wait was a little too long!

Sounds like a nice end to your Disney trip! I'm sad the report is over but am so looking forward to hearing about your September plans and the eventual TR! :banana:
Sad your TR is over, I've really enjoyed reading it! September is almost here and I can't wait to hear about your next trip! Thanks for sharing all the memories :)
Kudos to the dad on the boat, indeed. What a great attitude to have. Especially on vacation.

Did you really make it out of the park from Splash Mountain, buy Mickey Bars, wait for a boat, ride the boat back to GF in just 13 minutes?! I thought that boat ride was about 10 minutes by itself.

I really enjoyed reading about your trip. I'm sure you'll have a great time with the family next month and that will be another fun trip report.
Thanks for the report! It was fun reading along.
Speaking of which, nobody in my family has ever been on a cruise!!
Same here, never been on a cruise. I have always been curious about a Disney cruise but my wife just doesn't like the idea of being out on the water. Maybe some day she'll change her mind.
Molly I fell so far behind! Just read all about your last day.......

I was fine up until the very end, and then I started crying :sad1: I know I sound like a baby, but ending a Disney trip is always so sad and sentimental for me! Planning Disney trips is such an exciting part of my life, and it feels like such a loss when the vacation comes to an end.
I hear you! The only thing that keeps me from getting hysterical on our "last days" is knowing when I'm coming back. We were there a couple weeks ago and are going back in Nov. but after that, I have no idea. If we haven't figured out something by the time Nov. comes around, I'll be a mess!

One of Mom and I’s biggest worries with AKL is it’s remote location from the parks. Since we were staying there on our next trip, Mom and I decided to time it exactly when the bus left the gates of Magic Kingdom to when it arrived at AKL, so that we’d have a good sense of when we’d have to leave for the parks next year. Well, from start to finish, the bus ride took only 22 minutes! Not too shabby at all :yay:
We've stayed there twice; the first time we didn't feel it was remote AT ALL. The second time we felt it a tiny bit in terms of MK, but I think it really depends on how often you go there, how crowded the buses end up being, and how long you wait for them. Overall it's such a beautiful, relaxing resort, I don't think the distance negates how wonderful it is staying there :goodvibes

but much of our time was spent at Kidani Village. Although both magnificent, these two resorts are polar opposites!
Oh, yes they certainly are! Our first stay was in Jambo and our second one this past May was Kidani. We love Sanaa but otherwise, Jambo is our preference 100%. Between the decor of the lobby, the more bustling atmosphere, the awesome gift shop and the Mara, it suits us much more.

goat cheese and chive scrambled eggs,
Boma is my fave on-property breakfast and I LOVE these eggs!

We looked at this little bar area right upstairs from Boma; I believe it is called the Victoria Falls Lounge!
This lounge is really cool, we had a drink there before Boma dinner in May.

We made it back to the GF with literally 7 minutes to spare!

Speaking of which, nobody in my family has ever been on a cruise!! Disney Cruise Line experts- is it worth it?? I’ve always been so intrigued about trying a Disney Cruise!
We've never cruised either, but every single person I've ever spoken to-friends, co-workers, clients-who cruise DCL say it's the best cruise line ever!

Wonderful TR! I can't remember your Sept. dates but have a magical time, I'll keep an eye out for that TR :)
YAY! :banana:

Oops! At least they made a nice souvenir!

That sounds about right. :laughing:


This is literally my mom and me. We've recently been talking about plans for a trip that isn't even a thing yet! :rolleyes1

I have so enjoyed your TR, and I can't wait for the next one! :yay:

Haha, I love keeping the most random Disney things as souvenirs! Thanks so much girl! I'm super pumped :goodvibes

What a wonderful last day, glad you got to ride Splash one last time! So sweet the picture of you and your mom.
We leave in 6 days, so excited. I will be joining in your new report when you get back. Have an awesome trip!

Awww, thanks! HEY you are on your trip right now, I hope you're having a blast!! :cool1:

So sad your TR is over I loved it so much, but so excited for you that you'll be there again soon!!!

Thanks so much girl, I'm super excited as well! :cutie:

We're just under 3 weeks now :hyper:

He is!

:rotfl: I think I would've cried in May if I didn't know we were coming back in September. I was definitely already planning that by the plane ride home.

WE'RE SOOOO CLOSE AHHHH!! I can't wait!! I'll text you when we're down there for sure and hopefully we can do a little meet-up! :tongue:

Loved hearing about Vegas! My high school friend asked me to go along on her 50th Birthday trip next October. There are about 30 of us going. I have never been to Vegas and will be flying alone since everyone else in the group still lives on the East Coast and I have relocated to Tennessee. I know it is a long ways away but I am so excited!

Oh my gosh, that sounds like so much fun!! It's funny, my first time to Vegas was also my first time flying alone, and I went with a group of 20 other girls! I hope you have a great time :) Where are you staying??

You guys really took advantage of making extra FPs- thats awesome!

I'm glad Splash could be your last ride of the trip, even if the wait was a little too long!

Sounds like a nice end to your Disney trip! I'm sad the report is over but am so looking forward to hearing about your September plans and the eventual TR! :banana:

We went a little bit overboard with the FP but it was soooo cool :rotfl2: And thank you so much!! I'm super excited!

Sad your TR is over, I've really enjoyed reading it! September is almost here and I can't wait to hear about your next trip! Thanks for sharing all the memories :)

Thanks so much for reading all the memories :goodvibes I'm super pumped for a new adventure as well!!

Excited to be following along once again Molly!

Thank you thank you thank you!! :)

Kudos to the dad on the boat, indeed. What a great attitude to have. Especially on vacation.

Did you really make it out of the park from Splash Mountain, buy Mickey Bars, wait for a boat, ride the boat back to GF in just 13 minutes?! I thought that boat ride was about 10 minutes by itself.

I really enjoyed reading about your trip. I'm sure you'll have a great time with the family next month and that will be another fun trip report.

I was so impressed! A lot of times, Mom and I see the opposite where a parent goes absolutely ballistic on their kid, so this was a nice change!

Ok.. so looking back on my pictures... I totally fudged the time :rotfl:We were actually eating Mickey Bars at 4:16, and got back to the GF at 4:32! Good eye :thumbsup2

Thanks so much for reading and following along!!

Thanks for the report! It was fun reading along.
Same here, never been on a cruise. I have always been curious about a Disney cruise but my wife just doesn't like the idea of being out on the water. Maybe some day she'll change her mind.

Thanks for reading, Jeff! :goodvibes My Dad is the exact same way with cruises, he says that every time he thinks of cruises he thinks of the Titanic :lmao:

Molly I fell so far behind! Just read all about your last day.......

I hear you! The only thing that keeps me from getting hysterical on our "last days" is knowing when I'm coming back. We were there a couple weeks ago and are going back in Nov. but after that, I have no idea. If we haven't figured out something by the time Nov. comes around, I'll be a mess!

We've stayed there twice; the first time we didn't feel it was remote AT ALL. The second time we felt it a tiny bit in terms of MK, but I think it really depends on how often you go there, how crowded the buses end up being, and how long you wait for them. Overall it's such a beautiful, relaxing resort, I don't think the distance negates how wonderful it is staying there :goodvibes

Oh, yes they certainly are! Our first stay was in Jambo and our second one this past May was Kidani. We love Sanaa but otherwise, Jambo is our preference 100%. Between the decor of the lobby, the more bustling atmosphere, the awesome gift shop and the Mara, it suits us much more.

Boma is my fave on-property breakfast and I LOVE these eggs!

This lounge is really cool, we had a drink there before Boma dinner in May.


We've never cruised either, but every single person I've ever spoken to-friends, co-workers, clients-who cruise DCL say it's the best cruise line ever!

Wonderful TR! I can't remember your Sept. dates but have a magical time, I'll keep an eye out for that TR :)

Hi Ariane! No problem, thanks so much for reading along! I've been reading along with your TR and loving it so far!! :)

Thanks for your honest opinions about AKL! We are sooooo excited to stay here. The only thing that makes me a bit worried is the terrible reviews it has been getting recently about bus service. Hopefully, it will all be worked out by the time we're there. But, the hotel itself is so beautiful and amazing, it's definitely the most unique hotel we will have ever stayed at! :hyper: We are so excited to check out the Victoria Falls Lounge as well!

Hmmm, interesting info about DCL.... Methinks I will have to casually bring this up to my mom when we're in the World.. :scratchin :thumbsup2
Real-Life Update- September 2016 Wrap-Up and Things to Come!!

Hello Disfriends, I'm baaaack! So, the purpose of this update is to do a comprehensive wrap-up of Mom and I’s September 2016 extravaganza, and set the scene for the September 2017 trip! You guys, we leave on WEDNESDAY!!

:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

I seriously don’t know how we are here already. There were days where I thought, “Oh my gosh, Disney is so far away,” but then I also feel like I blinked and we’re here now! I am using this long weekend to prepare (A.K.A, buy food and get my nails done :thumbsup2), and then we all have a day of work on Tuesday before we leave! But, I’m getting ahead of myself here. First, I’m going to talk about September 2016.

So, the highlights of September 2016:

Staying at the Grand Floridian. This is a no-brainer! We absolutely LOVED our time here and I am so grateful that I got a chance to experience this amazing resort.

CM Experiences- We seemed to really hit the CM jackpot on this trip. We had so many little “pixie dust” moments and friendly conversations that just reminded us why we go to Disney so often!

O’hana- This was our favorite new restaurant we tried, and as you will see, we are thinking it will become a family favorite as well!

Shopping and Ambiance at Disney Springs- The avid shoppers in Mom and I were BLOWN AWAY by how beautiful the new Disney Springs is! There is truly something for everyone here, not to mention the grounds are gorgeous and spotless! We could have spent all trip here if we had unlimited $$$ ::yes::

Weather- Besides the wash-out on Day 2, Mom and I had pretty amazing weather! It was hot and sunny, but not too oppressively humid either. We are praying for weather just like this for our upcoming trip (but after seeing the forecast for Irma, we’re preparing for some rain too :rolleyes1 )

And now, the things on our trip we wished were better:

Hollywood Studios- Unfortunately, taking away The Great Movie Ride just adds to our disappointment with this park. We understand that DHS is just in a major transition stage right now, and hopefully, things will all get settled so that it is better than ever in a few years :goodvibes But, for right now, it is just a half-day park for us.

Dining at Disney Springs- Both restaurants we visited at Disney Springs this year were pretty lackluster :sad2: We are hoping to break the streak this year by trying a new place with amazing reviews!

Ride Closures- Three of our favorite rides were closed during our trip this year, which definitely stung (Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, It’s a Small World, and Dinosaur). Unfortunately, that pattern is continuing this year with Splash Mountain being closed during our trip (I actually shed a few tears when I first heard about that) :sad: Why would you close a water ride during some of the hottest months?? Anyway, I digress :laughing:

As you can see, our highlights list is longer than our not-so-good moments, because WE LOVED DISNEY! And trust me, our highlights list is very condensed and simplified; there were so many little moments that I forgot to include simply because they are part of the Disney experience :earboy2:

So, now that my September 2016 is officially wrapped up, on to…


When? September 6-12, 2017


Me, my boyfriend Tom, my sister Haley, her fiancee Ryan, Mom, and Dad!


Disney’s Animal Kingdom Lodge!

How? Flying through Southwest!

Tickets? 6-Day Park-Hoppers for Everyone!

Dining Plan? We all have the Standard Dining Plan! (It came for free with our bounce-back offer :) )

Memory Maker? It has not been bought yet, but we are thinking about purchasing it upon checking in!

This trip is extra special, because it will be Tom’s FIRST TIME IN DISNEY WORLD!! I am so excited to introduce him to the wonderful world of Disney and get him obsessed like me :thumbsup2. We got our Magic Bands a little while ago, and that's when it really started to set in and feel real!

Try to guess whose is whose!!! :thumbsup2

Of course, we also made all of our ADRS 180 days out and our FPs 60 days out. Here is a general overview of our plans!

Day 1- September 6, 2017

We fly out very early in the morning and we’re due to arrive in Orlando at 9:45 AM!! :woohoo: We’ll take the Magical Express to AKL, then hit the ground running and go straight to Epcot. We enjoy the experience of checking in, so we won’t do online check-in. I’m hoping that we’ll be able to at least see our rooms before heading out, but if we don’t, no worries!


None! We are going to try all of the Food and Wine noms instead popcorn::


Test Track- 2:50- 3:50 PM

Living With The Land- 4:05- 5:05 PM

Journey Into Imagination With Figment- 5:15- 6:15 PM

We are going to stay at Epcot until Illuminations! Then, we will probably just go back to AKL because we’ll be tired from the early morning. But if we catch a second wind, I can see us kids going to Disney Springs or the Boardwalk for a little bit before coming back :)

Day 2- September 7, 2017

Magic Kingdom day! We arrive early and will be here until about 5:30- 6:00 PM, since there’s a MNSSHP this night and we don’t have tickets.


Crystal Palace- 9:20 AM

O’hana- 7:15 PM

FP +

Peter Pan’s Flight- 10:05- 11:05 AM

Seven Dwarves Mine Train- 12:50- 1:50 PM

Space Mountain- 2:00- 3:00 PM

I am so excited to try breakfast at Crystal Palace, because I’ve never eaten there before! Haley and Ryan had dinner there on their trip in February 2016, and they said it was great. I’m also pumped for everyone else to try O’hana, since Mom and I loved it so much last trip. I’m guessing that we’ll leave MK around 5:30ish to make it to the Poly, since I’d like to show everyone the amazingness that is Trader Sam’s before our ADR! Then, we’ll probably stay at the Poly to watch HalloWishes from the beach and head back to AKL after that.

Day 3- September 8, 2017

We’ll probably sleep in this day, since we’ll have an early morning the day before. We can swim/explore AKL for a bit, then we’ll head off to DHS for the afternoon and evening!


Sci-Fi Dine-In Theater- 5:15 PM

Beaches and Cream- 10:00 PM

FP +

Tower of Terror- 2:05- 3:05 PM

Star Tours- 3:15- 4:15

Toy Story Mania- 4:15- 5:15 PM

I’ve never ridden Star Tours before, and Tom is a huge Star Wars fan, so I knew I needed to book this FP. The family will stay at DHS to watch Fantasmic!, then we’ll walk over the Boardwalk after for some Beaches and Cream goodness :love: I’m hoping this is the year that we’ll finally try the Kitchen Sink!

Day 4- September 9, 2017

This day is different for everyone! Dad is going golfing, Mom will probably stay by the pool/shop at Disney Springs, and us kids are going to Universal Studios! The dark side, I know :scared1: Tom’s favorite TV show is the Simpsons, so I knew we’d have to make a trip over here one day! Tom and I are just getting passes to the Studios park, while Haley and Ryan are park-hopping between the two US parks. I’m guessing we’ll stay at Universal until about 4 or 5, then Uber over to Disney Springs to meet my parents!


Chef Art Smith’s Homecomin’- 9:05 PM

FP +


I’m so excited to try Homecomin’!! I have heard nothing but excellent reviews for this place so we are all super pumped. I am hoping that the late ADR doesn’t give us tummy troubles, especially with all of the rich Southern food :crazy2: We’ll probably shop till we drop until Disney Springs closes for the night!

Day 5- September 10, 2017

This is a rest day for all of us! My mom has been tossing around the idea of going to Boma for breakfast this morning and just paying OOP, since we loved it last year! I’m guessing we’ll check out the pool and explore AKL for the day. If we’re feeling like it, some of us may even pop over to a park or Disney Springs for a few hours!


Narcoossee’s- 8:20 PM

FP +


We’ll head over to the GF at about 7ish for our ADR! My dad is especially excited for this place; he loves signature dining and this was one of his requests for the trip. I’m excited to dress up and visit Mom and I’s home last trip :) We’ll watch HalloWishes from the restaurant. After we eat, some of us may go back to AKL, but if anyone’s up for it I would like to do a little monorail crawl to look at the Poly and CR!

Day 6- September 11, 2017

Last full day! What I’m guessing will happen is that we’ll spend a few hours at Epcot (or another park/Disney Springs) in the morning, then head over to Magic Kingdom around 1ish.


Be Our Guest- 2:15 PM

FP +

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad- 3:20- 4:20 PM

Seven Dwarves Mine Train- 4:30- 5:30 PM

Space Mountain- 5:30- 6:30 PM

Be Our Guest is a favorite of Mom and I, so we’re doing lunch here again this trip! It’s such a good value for the dining plan especially. We’ll probably just do QS for dinner. Then, we’ll stay at MK late so that we can FINALLY see Happily Ever After! I am so so so excited for this. I was really sad when they got rid of Wishes, but I instantly felt better once I saw HEA online. I can’t wait to watch it in person with all of my favorite people :lovestruc

Day 7- September 12, 2017

Departure day, wah :sad: We will probably be up and at 'em early to check out and give our bags to bell services. Then, we’ll be off to Animal Kingdom!



FP +

Kilimanjaro Safaris- 10:05- 11:05 AM

Dinosaur- 11:25- 12:25 PM

Flight of Passage 12:30- 1:30 PM

All of us (especially Ryan) are super intrigued to check out Pandora. All of the posts about it on social media look sooo cool! We’ll enjoy our last few hours in Disney soaking up the ambiance, then head back to the hotel around 3:15 to catch our DME at 4 PM. :sad1:

And there you have it my friends! I tried to make our plans as flexible as possible; since this trip consists of 6 adults, we all have very strong and differing opinions about Disney. Luckily, we all sat down before the trip and wrote down our must-dos, and I managed to incorporate a bit of everyone’s favorites into the trip plan! Another nice thing is that we all sort of have a “buddy” in our significant others, so we can split up if we don’t always want to do the same thing as everyone else.

I can’t even explain how excited I am to take this trip. Although Disney is my happy place, it is truly my happy place when it is shared with people I love. We have never been on a vacation all 6 of us before, and the memories we will make are priceless :goodvibes

Before I go, a PSA...

If you are in Disney during this time and happen to see us wandering around, PLEASE say hello!!! The DISboards is truly a special place for me, and I love meeting people with the same love of Disney! I will be on the lookout for other DISfriends as well, so don’t be alarmed if you see some blonde girl with a Mickey Mouse fanny pack walk up to you and say hi :rotfl: If you’ll be in the World the same time as me, comment down below in my TR and I will be sure to keep my eyes open!

Thanks for reading everyone! Ta-Ta for Now!


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When? September 6-12, 2017
Have an amazing time! Two days to go, how exciting. Really enjoyed your last TR so look forward to reading about this trip, I hope your boyfriend becomes addicted and totally loves it too. He's got a great guide so how could he not?! My Mum and I are on countdown to our trip too, 25 days to go for us! Will definitely do a TR after, very excited!
HI Molly found your great TR last nt but the Disboards went down for the nt before I could say

You and your mom are so cute.
So sorry to here about not getting into the CP.
Now on to finish binge reading your TR.
Ok I have to stop here and quote because I'm an old Vegas lover. I almost feel strange posting this about a yr later but what the hey. i agre w/ you re:Rio plus I lost too much $ in their casino. Craps is my game but don't play it much anymore since it's almost impossible to find $5 table anymore.

QUOTE="Mollydolly334, post: 56670445, member: 563937"]Skrillex was DJ-ing,[/QUOTE]
OMG I would have loved this. Many ppl find it strange that a women in her 50's likes EDM so much but I do and I have no shame. What can I say i'm very young at heart.

I figured out that one more night would have been perfect!
You think that but take my word for 4 nt's in Vegas will kill you and your budget.

I think I've narrowed my top choices down to Paris, Caesar's Palace, the Cosmopolitan and the Venetian!
UHM Paris no but I see you in the Cosmo.

LOL your Boyfriend being a Cowboy fan, so is my dh.


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