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When you look at the big picture, what's a $5 difference on a 200 point contract? It's not even one (of 36) year's worth of ADs. Buying into DVC is a much more expensive proposition than just the initial outlay.

I'm of the mindset that if you find the perfect contract for you and your family, that hits on exactly what you need, and if it's honestly something you can afford to do, it's not worth nickel and diming or risking ROFR. To me, "fair market" is much lower than where prices are now, but one man's fair market may be another man's lowball. But ultimately, it's wherever one is able to enter into a contract.

I don't imagine that, years into a contract, a lot of buyers look back lamenting, "Oh, I should've offered X dollars less." Because, let's be honest, by then, the amount they've paid to enjoy Dole Whips annually has dwarfed any potential negotiation savings - loving every minute of it notwithstanding.

So true. Here we are congratulating ourselves about how frugal and responsible we are... Prepaying for 24+ years of future vacations! ;) It reminds me of a hybrid car advertisement I once saw that read: performance with conscience. Still burning a lot of gas!

Ultimately for me buying DVC is an emotional decision somewhat tampered by sense. I know prices are artificially inflated right now and there's a good chance I can pick up deals if the economy sours. But balancing that, I managed to not buy 250pt direct at Aulani while sitting there in sunny Oahu nibbling on Mickey shortbread! If that's not the definition of frugality…
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This is funny because it’s what I did last year. It was my BLT contract I bought for $100pp. It was listed for $80pp, but after having multiple contracts taken, I wanted to live on the edge but not fall off the cliff. The broker told me the sellers were international and just wanted it sold ASAP. It was the UY I was looking for, the right number of points, and a few bonus points without having to pay MF’s. I offered $100pp and passed ROFR by the skin of my teeth. My DH was mad I didn’t try at $80pp, but I told him that was a waste of my time because it was so low. I’d already had two taken at $108pp and $105pp. I don’t regret it one bit. If you do get yours through at $85pp, that’ll be amazing! Best of luck!!!

$100 for BLT is an unthinkable deal now. Very well done indeed! I have an accepted offer (waiting for the contract) on a BLT that's a good price in the current market but a lot more than $100!
Congratulations! $91 pp is reasonable. I'm hoping this means the feeding frenzy has been satiated for a while.

You should look at apples to apples. $91 stripped is about $99 if it was not stripped. Know Disney doesn’t necessarily look at it that way but that’s how I compare as a buyer

I look at your $85 as a $93 normal contract
I'm not optimistic, but what am I supposed to do? Beg the seller to allow me to pay more than their asking price?

Actually, I did that just last month. Someone was selling AKL for $105. I was worried it wouldn't pass ROFR, so I kept increasing my offer, until I felt better about it, at $108. The broker said, "Well, I'm sure he'll be glad to get your extra money," but I told him it was just that I REALLY wanted to avoid ROFR.

In the end, it didn't matter. Disney took the ROFR on it last week.
Preacherroe---$85-$26210-300-SSR-Jun-0/17, 144/18, 171/19, 300/20- sent 6/22, taken 7/18

Welp...strike 2. One more strike and I'll have to sit out an inning.

I'm really sorry to hear that they took it. But it wasn't unexpected, certainly. I do wish you better luck next time.

Like a lot of people I'm probably of two minds when it comes to ROFR. On the one hand, I have been ROFRed and didn't like it at all. Plus, it increases what we have to pay to buy more. But, on the other hand, I guarantee that ROFR is helping to maintain the price, and even increase it. Eventually, when we sell, that will theoretically benefit us.

Do you know what happens to most timeshare? You buy it. You use it. And when your needs change and you get tired of paying maintenance fees, you essentially throw it in the garbage. You can try to sell it and people will give you PENNIES ON THE DOLLAR. Literally. Just go out on the market and look. You will be able to buy a week at a great resort, somewhere, for a few hundred dollars, or less. I have had brokers try to GIVE ME weeks. That is what happens when there isn't a company like Disney, supporting the price with ROFR.

I know a lot of people say, "Disney doesn't need to do this. They don't make that much money on ROFR. Why wouldn't they focus on selling their unsold inventory, exclusively?" Well, the reason they don't focus exclusively on their own inventory is that they want to sell that inventory for $182 per point (Copper Creek). They couldn't sell it for that price if people could go out and buy Copper Creek at 100 shares for $100 bucks, like happens with other timeshares. So, by establishing a floor, with ROFR, Disney is really just helping themselves. It is hard, and sometimes some of us need to 'take one for the team,' but in the end it is necessary.
kmc8826---$138-$23727-160-BLT-Oct-0/16, 0/17, 160/18, 160/19- sent 6/28, passed 7/18

Really excited since we just bought direct with October UY the week submitted this contract. BLT October is really rare so I had started to freak myself out a little bit that it would be taken. Staying at BLT is why we started this whole DVC journey in the first place! Not the best deal ever but as @Bing Showei and @TexasChick123 were talking about above it is a contract that really works perfectly for us!
JoeD07---$143-$15579-100-BLT-Aug-0/17, 200/18, 100/19- sent 7/18

After considering buying for a few years, we finally felt comfortable enough to make an offer. Our offer was accepted and just sent into ROFR today. Hopeful they keep ignoring BLT and we are able to land our first DVC contract. Thanks for building a great community here. You all have been very informative.
silva1086---$90-$16046-160-SSR-Jun-0/17, 160/18, 160/19, 160/20- sent 7/11

Fingers crossed!!

I am feeling very pessimistic about this because it is only $90 per point. Question for you DVC veterans out there. We want to go to SSR for 8 nights in early February 2019 for 8 nights. How late will I be able to book DVC? I'm assuming my offer quoted will be taken by ROFR and I will have to find a new listing and go through the process all over again. Let's say I dont close until Oct or Nov, will I still be able to book 8 nights at SSR in February or will there be no availability left? Thanks!
I am feeling very pessimistic about this because it is only $90 per point. Question for you DVC veterans out there. We want to go to SSR for 8 nights in early February 2019 for 8 nights. How late will I be able to book DVC? I'm assuming my offer quoted will be taken by ROFR and I will have to find a new listing and go through the process all over again. Let's say I dont close until Oct or Nov, will I still be able to book 8 nights at SSR in February or will there be no availability left? Thanks!
You will have a chance but may have to split rooms. Nothing is ever a guarantee but sometimes you have to be creative. I just wanted a 4 night at AKL and wanted value to save points (value rooms usually are gone at 11mo window which is my home resort but I didn't have airfare so I didn't do it then) Here now at 7 mo window and I have been lucky that every day I am able to snag 1 value studio. Now I only have to move once to do a split stay to a regular studio for 1 night unless I get lucky and get that one as well. I always say just keep trying each day and don't give up.
You will have a chance but may have to split rooms. Nothing is ever a guarantee but sometimes you have to be creative. I just wanted a 4 night at AKL and wanted value to save points (value rooms usually are gone at 11mo window which is my home resort but I didn't have airfare so I didn't do it then) Here now at 7 mo window and I have been lucky that every day I am able to snag 1 value studio. Now I only have to move once to do a split stay to a regular studio for 1 night unless I get lucky and get that one as well. I always say just keep trying each day and don't give up.
Forgot to add good luck with your contract and I will send pixie dust your way.
I am feeling very pessimistic about this because it is only $90 per point. Question for you DVC veterans out there. We want to go to SSR for 8 nights in early February 2019 for 8 nights. How late will I be able to book DVC? I'm assuming my offer quoted will be taken by ROFR and I will have to find a new listing and go through the process all over again. Let's say I dont close until Oct or Nov, will I still be able to book 8 nights at SSR in February or will there be no availability left? Thanks!

Depends what room you need studio standard view etc. I imagine you should be able to get it though - if not studio maybe 1 BR
I am feeling very pessimistic about this because it is only $90 per point. Question for you DVC veterans out there. We want to go to SSR for 8 nights in early February 2019 for 8 nights. How late will I be able to book DVC? I'm assuming my offer quoted will be taken by ROFR and I will have to find a new listing and go through the process all over again. Let's say I dont close until Oct or Nov, will I still be able to book 8 nights at SSR in February or will there be no availability left? Thanks!
I have found this site very accurate and helpful:

Good luck!
I should have added we need a 2BR. Are those easier or harder to book on short notice? We would be open to OKW if SSR is fully booked
I should have added we need a 2BR. Are those easier or harder to book on short notice? We would be open to OKW if SSR is fully booked

I think you should be fine especially if it’s any 8 days in February but I wouldn’t quote me. Also not aware of holiday/school calendar then
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