A Tipsy Tenth Dining Adventure - Completed 9/28

Ugh that waiter! I’m sure my husband would have ended up angry and saying something as his patience is much shorter for stuff like that these days.

While not described, your meats and cheeses are making me hungry right now.

Those drinks sound good too. I hate people that go to bars to hang out for just water.

Uber was the right way to get back.
So what is one to do when it's raining in Pandora? Hit up Satuli Canteen for some beers and dessert of course.

I have yet to try the green beer!

While we were waiting for the rain to stop we saw a woman change her kids diaper right on the table in the restaurant with no changing pad or anything :scared1: I mean it was bad enough we saw a kid peeing in this park a few days ago, but inside a restaurant this was downright disgusting.
There are just no words...

We ended up on the best safari we have ever taken. There were animals all over the road in the elephant area so we ended up taking another route through the savanna to try and get around it. Instead we found ourselves right in the middle of the action and I don’t think we’ve ever been this close to the animals before.
Did they go off roading?!?! That sounds amazing though. The safari can be pretty routine alot of the time.

He came by and threw some menus down and didn’t say anything. Then when he returned to take our order he literally just said “Decide?” and when we apparently didn’t respond quick enough for him he said “well is someone going to say it.” Disney customer service at its best :earboy2:
Nice! Disney at it's best!

And then got his favorite the Tempting Tigress with Russell's Reserve 10yr Bourbon, St. Elizabeth Allspice Dram, Tamarind Syrup, and Lime Juice
I need to get us here in August!

Gobi Manchurian from Tiffins that is Crispy-fried Cauliflower, Manchurian Sauce, and Green Onion.

Fried crunchy, slightly spicy, tender cauliflower. I’d venture to say even cauliflower haters would love this dish! I have no idea what actually happened in the Manchurian Candidate movie, but this cauliflower candidate was definitely gonna win the race.
Cauliflower has become one of my new favorite veggies.

Jason and I were content to drink our dessert, but Casey ordered the churros.

Theses are definitely the best churros on property. They are sweet and light and go great with the vanilla and chili-strawberry dipping sauces.
Maybe I can bribe the girls with these...

I love it. I see lots of silly videos in our future!
When your actual food only takes up 10% of the plate I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the kitchen may want to rethink the portion size. Seriously, there were about 5 bites of fish here. Jason’s steak cost $5 more than ours and it must have been ten times as much food. Beyond the size, the fish had a nice flavor but was unevenly cooked. The butter-poached onions were a nice touch and I liked the gnocchi, but this $48 plate only had 6 of the little buggars on it! This was not even enough for me, let alone for me to share with Casey, so we asked for more bread to help fill ourselves up.
Oof - that is pretty ridiculous on sizing!

I think the safari ended up being like 45 minutes long due to the animal crossing delays, but it was so worth it.
I'm always happy to go on a longer safari if it means more animal time!
With thankfully nothing in hand we hit Flight of Passage where we got stuck in line with a guy who was obsessed with telling us he’d only waited 45 minute even though the sign had said 90. Well guess what buddy, we only waited 5 :earboy2: And then of course I got stuck next to him on the ride where he insisted on yelling “whhhhooooo whhhhooooo” every 10 seconds.


While we were waiting for the rain to stop we saw a woman change her kids diaper right on the table in the restaurant with no changing pad or anything :scared1: I mean it was bad enough we saw a kid peeing in this park a few days ago, but inside a restaurant this was downright disgusting.

Oh gosh. Ew. Totally not cool. *making mental note to pack wipes for quick service tables and other flat surfaces for our trip next month*

I think the safari ended up being like 45 minutes long due to the animal crossing delays, but it was so worth it.

Wow! Amazing! Worth it, indeed!

He came by and threw some menus down and didn’t say anything. Then when he returned to take our order he literally just said “Decide?” and when we apparently didn’t respond quick enough for him he said “well is someone going to say it.” Disney customer service at its best :earboy2:

Oh my goodness! What a gem. I can't even imagine this at Disney or anywhere.

Jason and I were content to drink our dessert, but Casey ordered the churros.

Casey is a girl after my own heart! They're definitely yummy churros.

We eventually surmised that the waiter was so ticked off because the table next to us was seated when we got there, still there when we left, and they just seemed to be ordering sparkling water and using this as a place for their kid to run around and play.


But totally not an excuse for the server's behaviour.
First up we did a little shopping at you’ll never guess whose request, but thankfully she was wearing her “gift” of the day that she’d picked out earlier so it was just shopping of the window varietal for us.

I seriously thought this was a mannequin until I saw her name tag :laughing:

While we were waiting for the rain to stop we saw a woman change her kids diaper right on the table in the restaurant with no changing pad or anything :scared1: I mean it was bad enough we saw a kid peeing in this park a few days ago, but inside a restaurant this was downright disgusting.

Gross! I think I would have said something wither to her or to a CM so that they extra disinfect that table after.

We ended up on the best safari we have ever taken. There were animals all over the road in the elephant area so we ended up taking another route through the savanna to try and get around it. Instead we found ourselves right in the middle of the action and I don’t think we’ve ever been this close to the animals before.

How fun! That Rhino is super close to your truck!

This would have been perfect had we not encountered the rudest waiter ever.

What?? Good thing he's not working for tips or anything…errrr..wait a second...

No chance the table next to us could make gems anywhere near as entertaining as this.

Happy 4th of July!!! Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday (even you Canadians and Irish)!
Thanks. Hope you enjoyed the celebrations. I spent the evening trying to get to sleep early as we were up at 3.30am in the 5th for our flight to Portugal. Didn’t really work but it was worth trying lol
I was a bit disappointed that medium was the lowest temperature they will cook a burger (my mantra is the bloodier the better)
God love ya you’d never survive living with my cooking where the choices are medium/well, well done or incinerated (usually happens when I get distracted by things like tipsy trip reports on the dis):rotfl:
Speaking of perfect, D-Luxe fresh-cut fries how do I love thee.
I love thee naked in all your gloriousness. I love thee just the right amount of salt. I love thee perfect boardwalk flavor. I love thee amazing dipping choices
kari’s “ode to fries” or is it a taster of your latest book “50 shades of fries” :rotfl:
And what do you know our entire meal didn’t cost much more than my paltry entrée the night before (still bitter)

Imagine that! You actually got plates with food for less than $50:rotfl:

As for your animal kingdom day food looked great and this cauliflower hater would definitely give that appetiser a go but blimin heck what is it with people! Nasty Waiters and nappy- changing parents (absolute mingers that they are) should be locked up :crazy2::mad:
Grody to the max!

See I was paying attention to my 80s speak education class :rotfl:
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Helloooooooooooooooooooo!!! I am HERE! Finally! And as I have no idea where I left off commenting I just started quoting your latest updates but will say that's too bad about your Cali Grill meal, I know how much you love it. I debated going there on our last night last week but we didn't; after that amazing brunch I kinda want to try dinner again.

This was not only beautiful but had great berry flavor, though she did of course limit Jason and I to one bite each.
Hmm, wondering if they've changed it at all since they first opened? I had it during the Pandora previews and thought it was kind of yucky :rolleyes2
Then when he returned to take our order he literally just said “Decide?” and when we apparently didn’t respond quick enough for him he said “well is someone going to say it.” Disney customer service at its best :earboy2:
Wha??? Clearly he did not know who he was serving!

We also ordered the Tiffins Signature Bread Service with several breads and Tadka, Spiced Coriander Yogurt, and Fig Tapenade sauces, which I apparently didn't get a photo of.
I love this and had it again last week. Definitely not as good as Sanaa's but still hits the spot :thumbsup2
Oh my goodness on your server at Nomad! Yikes!!! And how could he not know who you are?? Glad you didn't let it ruin your evening. It's such a great spot. Ugh on the next table though and WTH on changing a diaper on the table at Satuli???? Sometimes (ok often times) I really wonder what is the matter with people??
Oh my gosh the saga of disgusting bathroom habits continues for us! Yuck!

We are definitely trying Nomad Lounge in August, the cauliflower alone will get Andi in there and churros will top it off!!

I hope we don’t encounter the crabby a** waiter, what a jerk!

Love your napkin dance!
This was not only beautiful but had great berry flavor, though she did of course limit Jason and I to one bite each.
It sure is beautiful! If there can only be one, I prefer it to taste good, but if it can be both, that's a lovely bonus! :rotfl:

While we were waiting for the rain to stop we saw a woman change her kids diaper right on the table in the restaurant with no changing pad or anything :scared1: I mean it was bad enough we saw a kid peeing in this park a few days ago, but inside a restaurant this was downright disgusting.
I am so horrified! What in the world possesses people?! And the number of times I've heard about indecent bathroom situations on your trip and others recently, I am equal parts confused and appalled. Imagine if it hadn't been cleaned before an unsuspecting diner sauntered up and plopped down!? :scared:

This would have been perfect had we not encountered the rudest waiter ever.
Grrrrr. And boy did he sound like a gem. :headache: Glad you didn't let it spoil your night though!

For those that don’t recall that we’d eaten this earlier in the week and it was unquestionably the best thing we ate on the trip. Fried crunchy, slightly spicy, tender cauliflower.
Worth the bad waiter to have it again :thumbsup2

really who doesn’t need more carbs in their life :confused3
I, personally, can't get enough of 'em!

I get we all have bad days at work, but don’t let those idiots ruin the dining experience of amazing, world-famous patrons like us :earboy2:
Exactly! I mean, just look at you and Casey demonstrating exactly that!

Eeeeeeh! I see you're down to just 4 weeks!!! :hyper::hyper::hyper:
We got one of those crazy blue cheesecakes for free. They put it on our tray, I told them I didn't order it, they said that they had to give it to me since they put it on the tray and I said okay. It was pretty good, too, but I wouldn't have ordered it. Blue food is just wrong unless it is alcoholic. :)

Your appetizers look good. We like to order appetizers as our meal occasionally, too. They are perfect when you are not too hungry but you just want something "real" to eat.
Are you kidding me? For real?
For reals!!! I thought I'd seen everything at Disney and then these wonderful patrons go and surprise me

There are simply no words. This was obviously the best entertainment in Disney at the time...Maybe you could do a repeat performance in a few weeks????
Clearly people would be willing to pay money for this. I'm sure a repeat performance could be arranged!!! Seriously the new loop feature on the iPhone provides us way too much fun.

So sorry you got a rude waiter! It would have certainly been helpful to know what charcuterie and cheeses you were eating, but it seems like it wasn't meant to be with his bad attitude!
It certainly was not meant to be but we did enjoy everything. Even if we had no idea what we were eating.

Ugh that waiter! I’m sure my husband would have ended up angry and saying something as his patience is much shorter for stuff like that these days.
I normally would have, but it was such a nice night we didn't let him bother us too much and just had our own fun.

While not described, your meats and cheeses are making me hungry right now.
Meats and cheeses always make me hungry. One of my more serious vices though thankfully Trader Joes can take care of most of my meat and cheese cravings

I have yet to try the green beer!
I don't remember it being particularly great, but it is green and beer, so there is that!

Did they go off roading?!?! That sounds amazing though. The safari can be pretty routine alot of the time.
A little bit instead of when you normally leave the Savannah area we hung a right and went in front of the pavilion they have for the special tours and cut through there.

I need to get us here in August!
Yes, yes you do! I see several visits in our future

Maybe I can bribe the girls with these...
They have great drinks for kids too. Casey says Nomads is one of her favorite places, so there is hope

I'm always happy to go on a longer safari if it means more animal time!
Me too!!!!!

Oh gosh. Ew. Totally not cool. *making mental note to pack wipes for quick service tables and other flat surfaces for our trip next month*
Good mental note to make. I was totally appalled when I saw that one.

Casey is a girl after my own heart! They're definitely yummy churros.
And of course gluten free!!!


But totally not an excuse for the server's behaviour.
No not at all but we just let it go because the food was good, he did at least bring us drinks when we needed them, and we were in Disney!!!

I seriously thought this was a mannequin until I saw her name tag :laughing:
She'll be thrilled to hear that. She's practicing up for her modeling days

Gross! I think I would have said something wither to her or to a CM so that they extra disinfect that table after.
I should have, but we were so disgusted we just hightailed it right out of here

What?? Good thing he's not working for tips or anything…errrr..wait a second...
You got that right!!!! I'm secretly hoping we run into him again in August so we can see if he was just having a bad day or if he is the worst server ever and we should report him :earboy2:
Thanks. Hope you enjoyed the celebrations. I spent the evening trying to get to sleep early as we were up at 3.30am in the 5th for our flight to Portugal. Didn’t really work but it was worth trying lol
Sounds like your celebrations were much better than ours. Portugal!!! How awesome is that!

God love ya you’d never survive living with my cooking where the choices are medium/well, well done or incinerated (usually happens when I get distracted by things like tipsy trip reports on the dis):rotfl:
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: I think I'd be fine. After medium rare, incinerated is always my next choice.

kari’s “ode to fries” or is it a taster of your latest book “50 shades of fries” :rotfl:
Love it!!! Totally stealing this one

As for your animal kingdom day food looked great and this cauliflower hater would definitely give that appetiser a go but blimin heck what is it with people! Nasty Waiters and nappy- changing parents (absolute mingers that they are) should be locked up :crazy2::mad:
Grody to the max!
Definitely grody! :earboy2: But we enjoyed ourselves nonetheless. Cauliflower lover or hater and even with a horrible waiter, Nomads is definitely one of the best spots on property

We haven't tried the Nomad lounge and I think it might be on my must do! It sounds yummy! Even the cauliflower!
Oh you must try it!!! Its the only place we visit multiple times on each trip. Even the kiddo loves it

LOVE the Mustang Coffee! I love it over the holidays when it’s a bit chilly out!❄❄❄
You can Jason can keep the mustang coffee! I'll drink coffee for caffeine but I'm not actually a fan and the butter in there just sounds weird. But clearly I am in the minority

Helloooooooooooooooooooo!!! I am HERE! Finally! And as I have no idea where I left off commenting I just started quoting your latest updates but will say that's too bad about your Cali Grill meal, I know how much you love it. I debated going there on our last night last week but we didn't; after that amazing brunch I kinda want to try dinner again.
Hi stranger!!!! Hope you all had a great trip!!!!

Hmm, wondering if they've changed it at all since they first opened? I had it during the Pandora previews and thought it was kind of yucky :rolleyes2
I'm thinking maybe they did, because I recall the name even being something different. When you use that much food coloring in something the flavors are secondary anyway :P

I love this and had it again last week. Definitely not as good as Sanaa's but still hits the spot :thumbsup2
Its a good hold over if you can't get to Sanaa. Now if they could start serving bread service here too we'd have a real winner.

Oh my goodness on your server at Nomad! Yikes!!! And how could he not know who you are?? Glad you didn't let it ruin your evening. It's such a great spot. Ugh on the next table though and WTH on changing a diaper on the table at Satuli???? Sometimes (ok often times) I really wonder what is the matter with people??
I'm with ya in the what the heck is the matter with people club. Especially at Disney I find the level of entitlement which then translates to a lack of common sense to be absolutely insane. But clearly not everyone can be as perfect patrons as us :D

Oh my gosh the saga of disgusting bathroom habits continues for us! Yuck!
Why does this keep befalling you and me!!!! Bathroom habits is not something I really should be including in my dining reports but when its so egregious I just can't help but share

We are definitely trying Nomad Lounge in August, the cauliflower alone will get Andi in there and churros will top it off!!
Andi will hopefully love both. Its a great option for vegetarians.

It sure is beautiful! If there can only be one, I prefer it to taste good, but if it can be both, that's a lovely bonus! :rotfl:
I'm with ya in the taste department but will totally take both when you can get it

I am so horrified! What in the world possesses people?! And the number of times I've heard about indecent bathroom situations on your trip and others recently, I am equal parts confused and appalled. Imagine if it hadn't been cleaned before an unsuspecting diner sauntered up and plopped down!? :scared:
Ugh, now I totally regret not saying something. I was so appalled by what we were seeing we just ran on out of there. But things certainly seem to be trending way downhill in the bathroom department. Finger crossed neither of us encounters anything such as this in August

Worth the bad waiter to have it again :thumbsup2
Yep!!!! I'll take my bad waiter with a side of cauliflower any day

Eeeeeeh! I see you're down to just 4 weeks!!! :hyper::hyper::hyper:
Yep just got back from a week at the beach last night and we leave 4 weeks from yesterday. Cause its normal to have less than a month between vacations, right? :earboy2:

When are you headed down?

We got one of those crazy blue cheesecakes for free. They put it on our tray, I told them I didn't order it, they said that they had to give it to me since they put it on the tray and I said okay. It was pretty good, too, but I wouldn't have ordered it. Blue food is just wrong unless it is alcoholic. :)
Oh I so would have preferred that we didn't pay for this, but it was good. Strangely I am not a fan of a blue drink, but do love blue food (I may or may not have an obsession with blue gummy sharks) so I was a thrilled with this.

Your appetizers look good. We like to order appetizers as our meal occasionally, too. They are perfect when you are not too hungry but you just want something "real" to eat.
Before Casey was born this is pretty much all Jason and I ever did. I'd much rather try lots of different things than just order one thing. Casey doesn't always have a tolerance for it though so we gotta take it when we can
Your safari sounds amazing!!! Yuck, though, on the table diaper changing! WTH is wrong with people. That is beyond disgusting on so many levels. The server at the Nomad Lounge needs to go back and refresh his Disney traditions course! How rude! I don't care how annoying the other table was for him. To treat you like that is so unacceptable. It would have killed me to leave him a tip. Your FOP partner seems like he could have rivaled my Grand Floridian Tea Mark! :rotfl:
But things certainly seem to be trending way downhill in the bathroom department. Finger crossed neither of us encounters anything such as this in August
They do indeed! Fingers tightly crossed!

Yep!!!! I'll take my bad waiter with a side of cauliflower any day
You and me both!

Yep just got back from a week at the beach last night and we leave 4 weeks from yesterday. Cause its normal to have less than a month between vacations, right? :earboy2:
Completely normal :laughing: What beach were you at? And how much did Casey love it? (or did you and Jason leave her home... ;):laughing:)

When are you headed down?
Late August 17! I can hardly wait. When do you head home?
Your Nomad review made me rethink our plans. I ended up booking Tiffins with the plan of stopping at Nomad's first. AK is my favorite park so this will get us there as we had originally planned to focus on EP with F&W.
That diaper thing, shockingly unsanitary. It would be difficult not to say something, but I always fear that someone will try to fight me these days.

Your server at Nomad just furthers my belief that they have serious staffing issues there.
Your safari sounds amazing!!! Yuck, though, on the table diaper changing! WTH is wrong with people. That is beyond disgusting on so many levels. The server at the Nomad Lounge needs to go back and refresh his Disney traditions course! How rude! I don't care how annoying the other table was for him. To treat you like that is so unacceptable. It would have killed me to leave him a tip. Your FOP partner seems like he could have rivaled my Grand Floridian Tea Mark! :rotfl:
Maybe my Flat of Passage partner was Grand Floridian Tea Mark!!! I hadn't even thought of that. Wouldn't that be a coinikydink!

Completely normal :laughing: What beach were you at? And how much did Casey love it? (or did you and Jason leave her home... ;):laughing:)
We were at Nags Head in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Casey did love it!!! As an only child this was a family vacation with my extended family so she had a week of fun, sun, and sand with her cousins and loved every minute of it. We even sprinkled in a little bit of history at the Wright Brothers Memorial.




Late August 17! I can hardly wait. When do you head home?
We leave the morning of the 19th to head to Savannah for a few days. When you get a chance let me know your plans for the 18th. We'll be in MK with Ariella and Caroline and would love to see you!!!

Your Nomad review made me rethink our plans. I ended up booking Tiffins with the plan of stopping at Nomad's first. AK is my favorite park so this will get us there as we had originally planned to focus on EP with F&W.
Nomads really is great. I'd definitely be sure to stop in for a drink before you head to Tiffins.

That diaper thing, shockingly unsanitary. It would be difficult not to say something, but I always fear that someone will try to fight me these days.

Your server at Nomad just furthers my belief that they have serious staffing issues there.
I know, right? I so should have said something to at least a CM. Don't know what I was or wasn't thinking. I'll just blame the beer :drinking1

Nomads is definitely not what it used to be. Though I think its just that the crowds have increased and they did nothing to increase the staffing. I remember the good old days when we were just about the only people in there and had 3-4 servers to boot.


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