The ABCs of a New 'Ohana Adventure-G is for: Greetings From Teppan, Good-Byes, and Good News!!! - COMPLETED 1/7

After attractions and sun on our faces,
It’s time for some breakfast at delicious places.
Mmmm, is the egg and cheese platter from Gaston's? that looks like a perfect breakfast!
It’s a Small World of glitter and dolls,
For most of my friends it... less than enthralls.
I avoided IASW for years but not I really like it.
Mansion ghosts dance and spirts we bid,
Now in this chapter, do you see what I did?

Very clever! An ode to our favourite place of happiness!
Two updates behind after a long stressful weekend. It was nice to get lost in your updates this morning, so thank you!

Our family's favorite show and a must-do for us every trip is Carousel of Progress. The first time we went on it, we were just hooked by the retro-ness of the attraction, but it quickly became our favorite. I gained new appreciation for it on one of the MK tours we took a couple years ago when they talked about how this attraction is special at WDW because Walt Disney actually walked on that stage and was present in these scenes. I think about that now every time I'm sitting in that theater.

Love your MAGIC KINGDOM poem! That was a really fun way to recap MK fun, and you captured (as always) some really terrific details around the park that made familiar places feel brand new.
Of the quieter, non-dark, non-thrill rides, perhaps a show-type, but could be a "ride", which do you enjoy most?

Well definitely CoP. That's one of mine and Fran's favorites. I just checked and it's back up and running. I guess they completed the rehab. It was down when we were there last.

Not sure about another, I guess if you could count Mickey's Philharmagic, that's another one we always do.
Listen to ragtime and sample sweet treats.

But not too many...

Leaving today for fantasy, there's a sense of impatience.

Especially with 90-minute waits!

Finding a coaster that fits their own pace.

Man, I can't wait for that Tron coaster...

Need your neck re-adjusted or wrecked?
No problem at all, follow the flags black and white checked.

:crazy2: You know, I was just thinking I needed to breathe in some more diesel fumes.

(We interrupt this horrible attempt at poetry for a PIT STOP!!! It's a different sort of pit stop than found at 'race car' arenas! Sorry, I make a lot of these.)


(Here's (<< that’s a link to an article) a nice history and some facts, if you're interested, but I also took the opportunity to talk to the engineer onboard and learned something more. The AUTHENTIC steam engines, that use the water from the river converting it to steam, are oiled and checked every. single. hour!!)

Wow, I had no idea! That certainly seems like a job that would keep you busy.

Of the quieter, non-dark, non-thrill rides, perhaps a show-type, but could be a "ride", which do you enjoy most? Ideas that come to mind: Country Bears, Hall of Presidents, Liberty Belle, COP, IaSW, even Swiss Family.... Choose one or two and tell us why.

Hmmm...I assume we're just talking about Magic Kingdom?

I would definitely choose Tom Sawyer's Island. I love running around and exploring with the kids. After that...probably the Railroad. That feels like a real connection to Walt. Plus, trains.

( ...and this one reflects some undersea demon that will eat your face off.)

Might be an improvement for me.

For most of my friends it... less than enthralls.


Hit targets just right and your points will just surge!

Especially if you cheat and look it up on Youtube!

Open air seating for bland, average food,
I now understand why it’s so badly reviewed.


Now in this chapter, do you see what I did?

Well, yes! The visual hints helped.
After attractions and sun on our faces,
It’s time for some breakfast at delicious places.

Was that con among roll from Gaston's? It looks much more up my alley than the Kussifari one....

And until Kari pointed it out I had no idea what you did there.

😁 That was a definite let down but no worries....already got my word for February's trip

When is your February trip? I think I owe you an email response....

For all of my joking I rarely use it. Unless I'm at work and then I use it about 14 times and hour. Or more.

That I can understand!

I do think she'd like it. I know she likes Asian and fish AND fine dining. This does have all 3.

She's wanting to scale back a bit on fine dining. Instead she'd like to opt for more casual meals. Then again we're going to be dining at Yachtsman again this trip, but that's with a 50% coupon, so nice!

Now THAT is a great idea!! For you two I think that is a perfect solution.

We will see. We have several nights to play app roulette. Perhaps when I keep mentioning that they have availability she might bite one night.
I am all caught up finally!!

I didn't know you were in Disneyland that weekend in November! DH and I were there too! Looks like you had a lovely trip! Also very jealous you got to eat at Club 33 again!

Thanks for the review of Raglan! I'll be eating there for the first time this March and I'm excited to try it out! I can't believe the managers comment about TIW. I don't know what it is about that card but I have had more strange interactions using it than you would expect! Which baffles me considering you have to pay to get it and its not exactly cheap lol

Your recounting of F&W snacks is making me super bummed to not have a trip booked for the festival this year. Gonna have to see if I can sneak a weekend in somewhere...

The cinnamon roll in Harambe, where might one find one of these treasures? Do they count as a Disney snack credit 🤣

So Takumi-Tei hasn't really been on my list to try but your review makes me want to go!
When is your February trip? I think I owe you an email response....

I'm so bummed Alison that I am just going to miss you and Fran in are leaving on the 13th and my first day is the 16th....

No rush on that email...another one of those ideas to maybe think about. 😄
Trying to catch up...

I did qualify with WILD. As in not caged or captive.

Would that be spelled spoiled or pampered?

True, they're not in the wild, but they have life so easy. Not having to hunt for food. Not being afraid for their lives if they can actually find a water hole. Not having to worry about migrations frought with perils. Medications to fight off dreadful disease. Poor, poor animals.
Catching up. I left my house today for the first time in a week! Things are slowly getting back to normal after the massive blizzard, but schools are still closed until Monday because it's still not safe to have buses on the narrow streets.

Down by the water the Liberty Belle,
Chugs on the water, take a seat, say farewell.
So sad that I have never gone on the Liberty Belle. Although in my defence, last trip I believe it was closed.
It looks like something I would really enjoy. I would love to explore it a little. I assume you can walk around when it's moving?

Of the quieter, non-dark, non-thrill rides, perhaps a show-type, but could be a "ride", which do you enjoy most? Ideas that come to mind: Country Bears, Hall of Presidents, Liberty Belle, COP, IaSW, even Swiss Family.... Choose one or two and tell us why.
Country Bears. Can never have enough "blood on the saddle".
DW and oldest DD got into a huge fit of laughing at Enchanted Tiki Room. Even they don't know what it was about, but we always talk about that, maybe not so much for the show but it's still a great memory.
My youngest loved Monsters Inc Laugh Floor too. I would go back with her.

I meet up with Merida and red hair galore.
My fave. The only princess I always get a picture with.

It’s time for some breakfast at delicious places.
That fruit and cheese late looks great, a nice break from the usual heavy breakfast. Did you get all this at Gaston's Tavern?
Awesome cinnamon bun. I think you may have told me the one in AK is better through?
The Japanese restaurant looks amazing. I've had plenty of sushi, but no fancy beef. And of course if I ever have a chance to go, I'd want to do the tasting menu, just once. I have done a Japanese tea ceremony before, back in college when I took an Into to Japanese Culture class, but I'm pretty sure it was *not* the 4 hour version. I never did develop a taste for green tea, except for green tea ice cream.

As for favorite non-ride (however it was you limited it), I think Tom Sawyer's Island would be mine. Of course, I still never have gotten around to some of the other choices, so that might change in the future. I also don't think we saw every bit of Tom Sawyer's Island when we were there!

Glad you are starting to feel better, and sending you more healing vibes...
Mansion ghosts dance and spirts we bid,
Now in this chapter, do you see what I did?

Love it!

Also love your HM pics...I think it takes some serious skill to actually pose for these photos and get the timing right!! I don't think I make it to WDW often enough to learn how this works!! Gonna give it a shot this trip though!
Oh, man... sorry to hear that.

I think it's all fixed now after 2 (2!) hour-long chats with IT. Nevertheless, I'm learning PS now and it's really a lot of fun. At first it was super frustrating, but a really good friend showed me the basics and I'll build from there. :goodvibes

Two pretty redheads. :)


Who is the cad that dared assault you, so?

Don't worry, I have a cane and ain't afraid to use it.

Good. I'm wondering where that sammie came from.

Pinocchio's. Hopefully, I can get that update out now.

That's a... diplomatic way of putting it.

Oh shush, you have your earbuds.

7 times in a row...
Seven... times...

I think that qualifies you for sainthood. Just step right up to the front of the line.

Who got the highest score, though?

LOL! I'll never know.

The only thing I'd try there tomato basil soup. Maybe the breadsticks.

I should have. That pizza was... let's be generous- not very good.

Because it's in the movie?
Yeah, I was a dolt. It's been WAY too long since I've seen it. But, Disney+ the rescue.

Of course. In both, actually.

You are pretty smart. :)


And I can't quote the photos, because I'm at work, but did see them on my phone. I absolutely love the photo of the flying pirate ship!

That may be the best photo I've EVER taken on that atttraction. Like ever. That photo has 100% ZERO edits. Kinda in love with it myself.
Of course it's from Germany. It's right in the word "Allemande" is French for German.
But I still don't know what it looks like.

Hmm, both partners are... wait, there's a better way...

Try that.

This makes me want to hit up the local square dancing group and dance a bit.

Was the ground wet? I know the Headless Horseman can't ride if it's wet.

No, totally dry. We only had 2 VERY short bits of rain the entire trip (because I brought my VIP Weather Card).

It's on my list! :)


Almost positive it will be.

Since SM is out now, I need a replacment thrill.

No shi…. um... er… No kidding!

Good save cuz, Disney produces very little of that. ;)
Yum! Rice Krispy Treats and Candy Corn…two of my favorites…and two things I should never eat!

I love rice krispy, not so much candy corns, but it sure made for some really cute treats. I think my kids finished it in about 3 minutes. LOL!

Mike's favorite girl :rotfl:

I remembered that!!! :laughing:

Just ONE friend, @pkondz , and what does he know?? He doesn't even like coconut! :P

Very clever :thumbsup2

And my favorite attraction for a little break is the Wedway People Mover :worship:

I love it too! So relaxing and a nice feet-up break.
Mmmm, is the egg and cheese platter from Gaston's? that looks like a perfect breakfast!

It is, and it was reallly nice, but only really big enough for one person. I'll say more in the next update.

I avoided IASW for years but not I really like it.

I think it's one of those attractions for 2 groups of people: 1) the really little kids who like the glitter and dolls and repetitive song and 2) the older (NOT saying I'm old! but I am) and older adults who want to go back to their childhoods for a short bit and either re-live Disney memories or just want to hear the message that everyone can in fact get along if they try.

Very clever! An ode to our favourite place of happiness!

:D Gotta love MK!
wo updates behind after a long stressful weekend. It was nice to get lost in your updates this morning, so thank you!

I hope things have really smoothed out, Jackie!! :( :hug: I really enjoyed putting those last couple of updates together; it was fun but took some thought. Poetry is hard!! LOL!

Our family's favorite show and a must-do for us every trip is Carousel of Progress. The first time we went on it, we were just hooked by the retro-ness of the attraction, but it quickly became our favorite. I gained new appreciation for it on one of the MK tours we took a couple years ago when they talked about how this attraction is special at WDW because Walt Disney actually walked on that stage and was present in these scenes. I think about that now every time I'm sitting in that theater.

I try to get on it every trip too. Not only because I do truly enjoy it, but it never has a line so it's always there to fill some time. I adore that Walt worked on it and it just oozes his vision for his parks. It's almost like you can see him giving direction to the sets. Love that!

Love your MAGIC KINGDOM poem! That was a really fun way to recap MK fun, and you captured (as always) some really terrific details around the park that made familiar places feel brand new.

Thanks, Jackie! It was fun to put together! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and it brought some fresh things to life. :)
Well definitely CoP. That's one of mine and Fran's favorites. I just checked and it's back up and running. I guess they completed the rehab. It was down when we were there last.
I think COP is coming out to be a leader in favorites. I can't wait to see the refurb!!

Not sure about another, I guess if you could count Mickey's Philharmagic, that's another one we always do.

I do count that one and we love it too. ALL of us try to go on it every trip!
Hey Guys! Today is "catch up on finances" day. It's a tough slog. My reward is catching up here, so soon... Meanwhile there's a few folks I haven't seen in a while. Everyone okay?? Say hello if you're around. :)
I'm around


As previously mentioned, it's been a busy few weeks, so trying to play catch up (not to be confused with ketchup)
Especially with 90-minute waits!

RD for the WIN!

Man, I can't wait for that Tron coaster...

Me neither! Wish they'd hurry up!

:crazy2: You know, I was just thinking I needed to breathe in some more diesel fumes.

Need to kill a few more brain cells?

Wow, I had no idea! That certainly seems like a job that would keep you busy.

I guess. Makes me kinda want to take the train tour even more. I don't know a lot about engines and mechanical stuff, but I'd be interested to know about the maintenance on those big daddies as well.

Hmmm...I assume we're just talking about Magic Kingdom?


I would definitely choose Tom Sawyer's Island. I love running around and exploring with the kids. After that...probably the Railroad. That feels like a real connection to Walt. Plus, trains.

I went over there in 2018 and it was a blast! I'd forgotten how much there is to see there.

Yes, the train. For SURE! Especially after seeing the exhibit at the Family Museum.

Especially if you cheat and look it up on Youtube!

I got my highest score ever last trip with no cheats. I don't ride it enough to care about Pro level but it would be fun just once.

Well, yes! The visual hints helped.



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