Rise of the Resistance BOARDING GROUPS Superthread Part 1 *No Ride Spoilers Please* *PLEASE READ POSTS 1-4*

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Delurking to ask, where in GCH can you do this? Is it for concierge level only?...
Ask your question here: World of Color Superthread. You'll get great help with any WOC questions.

Also, my wife’s friend gave great advice I haven’t seen in this thread. To make sure you are logged in, run a mock mobile order.
This is a good suggestion for anyone who hasn't purchased MP. The usual suggestion here is to try to get a FP via MP to test log in and that all tickets are scanned in. But without MP, at least testing that you are logged in by trying a mock Mobile Order can help.

Got there with one minute to spare 😁. I do wonder what happens if you're late for the group time...
This is a good question. Can someone who is there today ask CMs about this? Do they have a 15 minute grace period like regular FP?

Hahahahahahaha Columbus Day. The day my husband said “We are never coming back in October again.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Tell your husband that at least he was fortunate to have missed Columbus Day 2018: when Columbus Day and Gay Days coincided AND the MP/FP system and the app crashed for most of the day. And it was hot. And super crowded. We got Starbucks, sat on a bench, and watched the pandemonium. For hours... So Columbus Day 2019 was an improvement!

Yeah I’m not going back ever on Columbus Day! Hahahahaha
This is what DH says, too!
For anyone wanting to continue the hotels/DVC discussion: Please go to Choosing the Right DLR Area Hotel for You. Do not continue to discuss this topic here in this thread.

For those who want to discuss WOC: Please go to the World of Color Superthread. You'll get great help there. Please do not discuss the show in this thread.

For everyone working to keep this super long superthread on track: Thank you!
In our Lyft on our way from our hotel in Irvine (semi-last minute trip and everything near the park was booked last night) to our hotel by the park. We had a late start and then our Lyft driver got on the freeway going the wrong direction. Hopefully we still have time to drop our stuff at our hotel and make it into the park to try for a boarding group!!
We got to harbor security at 7 and my son and i went in the no bag line and got through at 7:07. Lines were all they way back to CA Adventure. They started letting people in early and we were through at 7:25.

We arrived at the same time and got through security at 7:05am. But we didn’t get into the park until 7:35. Sitting outside Holly Jolly bakery now. We chose our line poorly. But we are in! May the force be with you!
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